One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

In Lake Town, the group who returned to the hotel all went back to their rooms to rest.

Jin Keduo and Pross went back to deal with their assets on Reker Island.

During the two years on Riker Island, Pross and Jin Kedo still had some gains.

After all, the strength of the two of them is there, and there are still many ways to earn Pele.

In two years, Jin Keduo and Pross saved a total of 7000 million Baileys.

The 7000 million Baileys of the two were naturally confiscated by Li Wenjin, and they were given a set of intermediate equipment, which made them laugh from ear to ear.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Kladivic and Merkjess got a set of mid-level equipment without spending any money at all. If they knew, they would definitely be very depressed.

As for Walter, he has no money at all, he is a guy who eats and drinks for nothing with Li Wenjin, and takes it for granted that he eats for himself.

Walter's intermediate suit was temporarily lent to him by Li Wenjin, but Walter didn't seem to want to return Bailey, which made Li Wenjin very speechless about Walter's personality.

Walter's character is that since he got the item, he will soon forget about paying Bailey. Unless the item has not been received, he may still think about spending Bailey to buy it.

When drawing the mid-level lottery, Li Wenjin also drew the "shaved" and "iron blocks" of the Navy's sixth style. Li Wenjin gave them directly to Merkjess for use, and Merkjess was so happy that he hugged Li Wenjin's legs.

Merkjess is naturally excited that he can learn skills without hard training.

The reason for giving "shaved" and "iron block" to Merkjess is because Merkjess is the weakest among the seven. Well, his knowledge and arrogance can only be used to find people.


After a day's rest, at [-] o'clock the next morning, Li Wenjin brought seven people to the outside of Lake Town, asked Jin Kedo to transform into a pterosaur, and took them to Sky Island.

This time Li Wenjin didn't have to fly hard, he felt very good.

If he had thought of this method earlier, he would have found a younger brother to come and take him to fly.

It's just that Li Wenjin was just thinking about it in his heart, because there are less than [-] capable people of the flying department in the Ten Star Work Club.

Among them are some ability users such as crows and magpies, who cannot lead people to fly at all.

Moreover, all the flying-type ability users of the Ten Stars Work Club are busy people of the Ten Star Work Club.

They have to be responsible every day, delivering letters, people, and goods. They don't have time at all, so they come to serve as Li Wenjin's flying mounts.

On the way to Ski Island, Li Wenjin talked to Kladivic and Murkjess and told them to train hard on Ski Island for half a month.

Kladivic is now able to accept the existence of Laurel and Yuelan. Although he is a little sad about Li Wenjin's departure, Kladivic can bear it for half a month.

Merkjess was very indifferent to Li Wenjin's departure, because he was always alone when he was training on Riker Island.

Moreover, Murkjess has a lively personality and yearns for the world outside the sea. He has already forgotten the matter of parting from his parents just now, and only wants to go to Ski Island to see it well.

As for the other five members, they obediently obeyed Li Wenjin's orders and agreed to stay in Skid Island for training without any other complaints.

It was only half a month apart, and the time was not very long, and they didn't care about it. It was a little time to be separated from Li Wenjin.

The flying speed of the pterosaur fruit was three times slower than that of the flame bird, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon by the time it arrived at Ski Island.

After finding a suitable mountaintop to land on, Li Wenjin said to the seven of them: "You can set up camp here. When I come back, I will come here to find you. You should train here for half a month. I hope you guys can improve when I come back."

Kladivic: "I will try, brother".

Merkjess: "Master, don't worry, I'm very strong"

Jin Keduo and Pross: "Please rest assured, the boss."

Yuegui and Yuelan: "Boss, come back early."

Walter: "The boss walks slowly and doesn't see you off".

After bidding farewell to the seven people, Li Wenjin transformed into a flame bird and flew away from the top of the mountain.

Li Wenjin, who parted from the seven, did not immediately visit Sky Island. He flew low in the air and visited the entire island.

On the entire island, there are only some huge ancient beasts, and none of the pirate ships have seen one, which makes Li Wenjin very relieved.

As long as there are no other pirates, the seven of them will not have any accidents. Although the animals on the island are powerful, it is impossible to kill the seven of them. Now Li Wenjin can leave without hesitation and go to Sheng'a Island.

After visiting the entire Skeleton Island, without finding any dangerous places, the flame bird flew high into the sky with a flick of its wings, and flew towards St. A Island at a very high speed.


Saint A Island.

The area is twice the size of Riker Island.

It is a very prosperous spring island.

The population of the entire island is about 300 million.

The prosperity of St. A Island is due to the fact that the world government has built St. A Island into a cargo transfer station and an island that produces various foods.

Almost all the factories on the island provide food for the world government, and most of the 300 million people are workers in food factories, or businessmen who come to the island to do business.

I heard that even the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling covets the food of St. A Island, and wants to occupy St. A Island.

It's a pity that the distance between Sheng'a Island and the Navy Headquarters is very close. Although Charlotte Lingling is strong, she has no way to show off her might in front of the Navy Headquarters.

Li Wenjin went to St. A's Island this time to rob Bailey.

The food factories on St. A’ Island are all run by nobles from the world government. If Li Wenjin doesn’t snatch them up, he won’t feel comfortable.

Moreover, Li Wenjin also heard that the workers of St. A Island were exploited very badly by the nobles of the world government. They worked twelve hours a day, but the Bailey they earned could only feed themselves, and they couldn’t even support their families. .

Although some workers protested, how could the nobles of the world government let their own interests be harmed? The nobles beheaded those protesting workers just for a random crime.

It's just that the nobles also understand that if the exploitation is too severe, no workers will be willing to work in St. A Island, so the nobles set a wage that just meets a person's living wage.

The aristocrats let the workers not starve to death, and earn Baileys, so they can only work in factories non-stop to create wealth for the aristocrats.

In this One Piece world, there are many ordinary residents who can't survive, and Sheng'a Island at least mixes their own food and clothing, which makes Sheng'a Island never lack ordinary workers.

(End of this chapter)

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