One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 198 Chapter Yin Island 3

Chapter 198 Echo Island 3
When he came to Kiklas, next to the dilapidated cabin, Li Wenjin didn't dare to knock on the other's door.

Because the cabin was so dilapidated and many places were already decayed, Li Wenjin was afraid that if he slapped him, he would knock down the whole cabin.

"Boss, is there really a big person living in this place? This is too...".

When Yue Gui saw such a dilapidated house, she couldn't help complaining.

"Maybe people like this. Don't ask too many questions, so as not to anger the other party. We are here to talk to the other party."

Li Wenjin didn't care too much about the housing issue. After all, it's normal for experts to have a strange temper and some rough looks, so he directly warned Yue Gui not to talk nonsense.

After warning Yuegui, Li Wenjin didn't knock on the door, and called directly into the dilapidated cabin: "Mr. Kiklas, here are the inscriptions in gold. I'm here to visit Mr. Kiklas."

There was someone inside the dilapidated cabin, but Li Wenjin waited for two minutes, but the other party did not answer, which made the grumpy Yue Gui, who was about to break the door of the dilapidated cabin, rush directly into the cabin.

Li Wenjin stopped the impulsive Yuegui and said, "Yuegui, what are you doing? Why did you forget what I just said so quickly?"

Yuegui was stopped, and she muttered in displeasure: "Boss, this guy is so arrogant. He didn't even open the door for us even though he was in the room, and he wouldn't even answer us. It's really..." .

"Okay... okay... don't say too much, just wait slowly...".

Although Li Wenjin was also very upset, but the other party was a master, if he could be invited to join the Ten Star Work Club, Li Wenjin could still bear it.

If the opponent who opens the door is a piece of trash, Li Wenjin will definitely explode and directly smash the opponent's head. If a soldier dares to be so arrogant, he is courting death.

Now Li Wenjin is waiting to see whether Kiklas is a master or not. There are two kinds of results. When the time comes, there will be two different consequences.

Waiting for 10 minutes at the door of the dilapidated cabin, the waiting laurel wanted to leave the cabin and go play in the gold mine in the valley, the dilapidated cabin finally opened the door of the room.

The person who appeared at the door of the room was a 50-year-old man, but his body was not old. From the tense muscles of his arms, he knew that it was a strong body left by training all the year round.

The old man's height was about [-] meters, [-] centimeters taller than Li Wenjin's. He was indeed a bit like an old beggar on the street, with the same unkempt appearance, beard and sloppy chicken coop hair, which made people have a bad impression of him.

It's just that from the expression on the old man's face, Li Wenjin can see that the other party has a trace of calmness from the laziness. This shows that the laziness and rough appearance are just a cover for the other party. The old man is definitely a smart person and a calm person.

"What do you want from me? I don't know young people like you." When the old man spoke, he was still very lazy.

Li Wenjin smiled and replied: "You are Mr. Kiklar, I heard your name, so I just came to pay a visit."

It has been seen that Kiklas is a real master. When Li Wenjin speaks, he becomes much more polite.

Kiklas leaned directly against the dilapidated door of the room, and said weakly: "The visit is over now, you can leave, I will continue to rest, please don't disturb me."

Li Wenjin frowned. This Kiklas seemed to be ungrateful, and he was unwilling to say a word. Li Wenjin wanted to teach Kiklas a lesson.

Li Wenjin's idea of ​​teaching Kiklas a lesson, of course, was not implemented, but Yue Gui, who was behind Li Wenjin, had already jumped up and completed his idea for Li Wenjin.

"You bastard, you dare to talk to us like that, boss, just let me see how strong the master you said is..." After Yuegui finished speaking angrily, she punched Kiklas directly. Hit the face.

Li Wenjin didn't try to stop Yuegui's attack. He also wanted to know how strong Kyklas was. Now that Kyklas didn't want to say more, Li Wenjin used Yuegui's hand to see how strong Kyklas was. to what extent.

With Laurel's punch, Kiklas just turned his head away, and Laurel punched nothing.

Yuegui withdrew her fist, was stunned for a moment, and then directly punched Kiklas with both hands continuously on the head.

Giklas, facing Yuegui's consecutive punches, still swung his head casually, and had already avoided all of Yuegui's attacks.

Li Wenjin could see very clearly that Kyklas had already avoided Yuegui's fist before Yuegui punched him. In addition, Kyklas hadn't moved his footsteps until now. Li Wenjin had to admit that the other party was at least a domineering and knowledgeable person. This made Li Wenjin excited.

Yuegui threw more than 30 punches in a row without even touching Kiklas's body. This caused Yuegui's anger to explode. She was no longer satisfied with teaching the opponent a lesson and was ready to defeat him directly, so Yuegui started to use both punches and kicks.

Laurel's massive attack made Kyklas frowned. When he saw Laurel's violent kick and was about to kick the dilapidated cabin, Kyklas finally moved, grabbed Laurel's foot, and directly threw The laurel flew out.

Laurel was thrown by Kyklas, and flew five meters away from the cabin, somersaulted in the air and landed on the ground. Laurel, who was standing on the ground, entered a stealth state with a serious face, and rushed towards Kyklas again.

"Laurel, stop, don't do anything to Mr. Kiklas."

Li Wenjin saw that Yuegui was starting to disappear, so he stopped Yuegui's actions.

Now that Kyklas is a master, it has been fully confirmed, so there is no need for Laurel to continue testing.

After hearing Li Wenjin's order, Yuegui stopped hiding and walked slowly back to Li Wenjin's side.

Yuegui now also understands that she is definitely not Kiklas's opponent, so her anger has been put away, and she calmly stands behind Li Wenjin without speaking.

"Mr. Kiklas, your strength should not be underestimated. It's a pity to stay in such a small place. Are you interested in leaving with us? Our Ten Star Work Club needs a master like Mr. Kiklas."

Li Wenjin was very satisfied with Kyklas's strength, and he directly invited Kyklas to join the Ten Star Work Club.

Based on the strength of Kyklas, even if he can't help in the battle, he is a very right coach to train new disciples, and he is a very good coach, so that the disciples of the Ten Stars Work Club can grow rapidly, so the Ten Star Work Club needs Kiklas.

Kyklas, who was violently attacked by Laurel, no longer looked lazy, but became serious, and his eyes became very clear. He said very calmly: "I don't care who you are, I just hope Don't bother me, or I won't be polite to you."

What Kiklas said made Li Wenjin understand that there was no way to talk to Kiklaas well without the approval of Kikras, so Li Wenjin's eyes gradually became sharper.

"In this case, let me see the real strength of Mr. Kiklas."

Kiklas looked at Li Wenjin with a serious expression. He knew that if he didn't have a serious fight with Li Wenjin today, Li Wenjin would not leave.

Kiklas was silent for a while, stared at Li Wenjin for a while and said, "Since you want to see him, let's find a place where there are no people."

Li Wenjin said calmly: "Please Mr. Kiklas to lead the way."

Kiklas didn't talk nonsense, he walked out of the dilapidated cabin and took the lead in the opposite direction of the valley, passing an empty flat land in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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