One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 192 The Kingdom of Kiel 7

Chapter 192 The Kingdom of Kiel 7
Yuegui and Yuelan finished appeasing all the women in the palace hall, let them go back if they were willing to go back, and stayed in the palace if they didn't want to go back, doing odd jobs to support themselves.

It took two hours for Yuegui and Yuelan to finish arranging them. Most of the women chose to go back. Only less than 100 felt ashamed to go back and wanted to stay in the palace to do business.

Li Wenjin doesn't care about women who don't go back, as long as they arrange to be maids in the palace.

What Li Wenjin is worried about now is about the Kingdom of Kiel and who is the king.

For two hours, Li Wenjin didn't even think about who came to manage the Kingdom of Kiel. If this matter was not resolved, Li Wenjin couldn't feel at ease and left the Kingdom of Kiel to go to Echo Island.

In the end, Li Wenjin still sighed helplessly, planning to finish the occupation of the Kiel Kingdom first, and wait for the king's affairs to be discussed later.

The palace of the Kingdom of Kiel had a total of more than 1000 soldiers, and Li Wenjin and the others defeated more than 600 soldiers. The rest either fled or surrendered, and soon the entire palace was occupied by Li Wenjin.

During the process of occupying the palace, Jie Lie and Jason had made great efforts, and they had almost calmed down the soldiers who escaped. Otherwise, the palace would be empty, so Li Wenjin promoted them and continued to be the leaders of the palace.

As for Jason's surrender, the reason was the same as that of Jie Lie, that is, he was seduced by Li Wenjin's equipment. After all, Jason, like Jie Lie, was hired and had no loyalty to the Kingdom of Kiel.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the entire palace had stabilized. Li Wenjin called Yuegui and Yuelan to his resting room, planning to discuss with them and let them deal with the treasures of the Kingdom of Kiel.

When Yuegui and Yuelan came to Li Wenjin's room, they were still a little embarrassed. The two of them have made a fool of themselves today, and Yuegui even shot Li Wenjin, which is a great shame.

The two sisters were a little embarrassed, and Li Wenjin didn't mention the day's affairs. Now that the matter has passed, Li Wenjin didn't want to laugh at them. The most important thing is that they already understood the importance of strength. After the women in the Kingdom of Kiel were arranged by them, they I have been working hard to practice armed domineering.

Yue Gui and Yue Lan who entered the room did not speak, Li Wenjin said first: "I called you here to arrange a task for you... The task is to find a place to exchange gold in the palace and sell the gold and silver treasures in the palace. ".

"I want to sit in the palace, I can't leave for the time being, this matter is up to you to do."

When Yue Gui and Yue Lan heard that there was a task, they immediately calmed down. When Li Wenjin finished the task, the two sisters immediately nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, boss, we will get rid of all the treasures before noon tomorrow."

Li Wenjin nodded in satisfaction: "Then I will leave this matter to you, and I will wait for your good news."

The two sisters left the room, and Li Wenjin sat in the room, continuing to think about who would be the king of the Kingdom of Kiel in the local area. He kept thinking that in the early morning, Li Wenjin finally set a goal, and the target he gave was Rasha from Alabasta. .

Li Wenjin chose her for certain reasons:
First: Rasha has an innocent background, is still young, and Li Wenjin has a very clear temper and personality. Such a girl is very easy to fool Li Wenjin. At the same time, Rasha is also easy to develop a good impression of Li Wenjin, so she will not easily betray Li Wenjin. .

Second: Lasha is different from the female warriors in the Island of Female Warriors. She is alone in the Ten Stars Work Club and has no other forces. In this way, Rasha must rely on the power of the Ten Star Work Club to control the base. In this way, Lasha must rely on Li Wenjin tightly, so that when Rasha grows stronger in the future, he will not betray the Ten Stars Work Club casually.

Li Wenjin once considered that the female warriors should be the kings of the Kingdom of Kiel, but in the end he still didn't let them do it, because in their hearts, Li Wenjin couldn't guess whether the Ten Stars Work Club was important to them or the island of female warriors was important to them. They are important.

If the island of female warriors is more important to them, then there may be dangers in the future of the Kiel Kingdom. After all, Li Wenjin is not sure whether there will be an ambitious woman among the female warriors.

Third: Rasha is still young, and she is still strong in shaping. Let her be the queen. Her learning ability will allow her to enter the role of queen as soon as possible, so as to avoid wasting too much time.

As for how to learn how to be a queen, Li Wenjin will directly send over the etiquette staff who taught Nuo Qigao to be a queen, and let them continue to teach Lasha to be a queen.

After thinking things over clearly, Li Wenjin felt relieved, and went straight back to bed to lie down and rest.

It was already early in the morning, and Li Wenjin thought that there might still be a lot of things to deal with in the Kingdom of Kiel tomorrow, so he decided to take a rest as soon as possible.

Li Wenjin's guess was correct. On the second day, King Kiel's palace welcomed a bunch of small officials who wanted to meet him. They all learned from the girls who returned home that the king of the Kiel Kingdom had changed. , so I came here to inquire about Li Wenjin's character.

As for resistance, they didn't have that kind of thought. Li Wenjin was a ruthless character for three people to destroy a country, and they didn't dare to provoke him easily.

They came here this time just to know what will happen to the Kingdom of Kiel in the future, and whether their official positions will be lost. As for who the king of the Kingdom of Kiel is, they are too lazy to care about it.

Li Wenjin hates government affairs the most. Now that those officials came, Li Wenjin didn't even meet them. He just asked Jie Lie and Jason to inform them that everything in the Kingdom of Kiel was as usual, just don't want to catch beautiful women.

Li Wenjin, who has read the 5000-year history of China, can't understand what those officials are thinking.

When every new emperor comes to power, the courtiers below will worry about whether their black hat is still there. Li Wenjin believes that it is no exception in the world of One Piece, so he brings news to those officials that their official positions will not be changed, and they will naturally disperse of.

Li Wenjin's guess was naturally very correct. Those officials stayed in the royal city for two days, and after Li Wenjin didn't give any orders, they went back to their own territory and continued to work for the Kingdom of Kiel.

As for the officials who remained in the royal city, they were either really timid, or they wanted to speculate and show their faces in front of the new king, so that they might be able to get promoted and make a fortune.

It's a pity that it's useless for them to try to please Li Wenjin, because Li Wenjin doesn't see them at all. Li Wenjin, a guy who hates government affairs, has already decided that he will not handle any government affairs until the officials sent by Robin arrive. meet.

(End of this chapter)

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