One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 183 5 Disciples 4

Chapter 183 Five Hundred Disciples 4
Li Wenjin and Lasha chatted in the office until noon, and invited Lasha to have lunch with him. After that, Li Wenjin put Lasha back and trained with the new disciples.

The five hundred disciples were training, and Li Wenjin followed Kress, watching the five hundred disciples train.

Li Wenjin did not meet the five hundred disciples right away, because he had to watch the training of the five hundred disciples, select the disciples who trained the hardest, and distribute the devil fruits to them.

The five hundred young male and female disciples were all selected from all over the world. They had a certain degree of resilience. When they were training, they were all fairly well-behaved. At least there was no sign of laziness and slipperyness. This made Li Wenjin very satisfied.

Among the [-] disciples, apart from those who trained in a regular manner, there are also some disciples who obviously yearn for strength. When they train again, they are more attentive and harder than others.

For such talents, Li Wenjin will ask Kress to write down their names first, and prepare to distribute Devil Fruits to them after the training is over, so that they can quickly increase their strength.

Li Wenjin can imagine that when these disciples eat the devil fruit, their strength will enter a state of rapid growth. In at most half a year, they can learn domineering, and when the time comes with a set of intermediate equipment, they are at least ten-star work clubs , a member of the five-star rank.

The training of the five hundred disciples lasted until six o'clock in the afternoon. After Kleiss asked the coach to gather the five hundred disciples, Li Wenjin appeared in front of the five hundred disciples.

The origin of Li Wenjin made the five hundred disciples a little surprised. Some disciples who knew Li Wenjin had already started whispering about Li Wenjin's identity to those disciples who did not know Li Wenjin's identity.

There was a coach next to the [-] disciples. They didn't make any noise, but spoke in low voices. They looked at Li Wenjin curiously, until Klein walked up to the [-] disciples and said, "Everyone, please be quiet. Let me introduce, this is the boss of our ten-star work agency, and the only object of your allegiance."

As soon as Klesse finished speaking, the five hundred disciples immediately became lively. Those disciples who yearned for great strength all looked at Li Wenjin enthusiastically. After all, Li Wenjin, as a king, is a symbol of strength.

The commotion of the five hundred disciples made Kress yell, "Be quiet, now the boss wants to talk to you, listen carefully to me."

The five hundred disciples calmed down under Claes' roar, and Li Wenjin walked slowly in front of the five hundred disciples, and calmly said to the five hundred disciples, "What is my identity? I believe you all have It’s clear, I won’t make any more introductions, what I want to talk about now is your affairs.”

"You are willing to come here and accept hard training, which means that you are all eager to stand out and want to have greater strength than others."

"And I have been watching your training in the afternoon, and none of your training is sneaky, which means that you are all eager for strength, which makes me very satisfied."

Speaking of this, Li Wenjin suddenly raised his voice and shouted loudly: "I will ask you now, do you want to be stronger... Do you want to be stronger...".

"If you want to become stronger, just shout out to me and say you want to."

After Li Wenjin finished speaking, some young disciples eager for strength began to shout excitedly: "Yes, we must become stronger."

Li Wenjin continued to shout: "Do you want to be stronger...".


"Do you want to be stronger..."


"Do you want to be stronger..."



Li Wenjin yelled "Do you want to be stronger" ten times in a row, turning the situation where only half of the disciples said yes to five hundred disciples yelling the word "yes" together.

The enthusiastic atmosphere of the five hundred disciples made their voices resound throughout the valley, while Cress and the two coaches looked at Li Wenjin adoringly.

The two coaches and Cress, in fact, they all know that not all of the five hundred disciples came here because of their desire for strength. Most of them are willing to come here because the benefits of the Ten Star Work Club are very good.

But after Li Wenjin's encouragement just now, the training of these five hundred disciples will become more serious in the future, because they have begun to have the desire to become stronger, and those who have the desire will train hard.

Li Wenjin was satisfied, looking at the enthusiastic atmosphere of the five hundred disciples, the encouragement he had just done, but he had learned from the masters of deception, and now the encouragement has been completed, and now is the time to take out the benefits and motivate them even more.

"Everyone be quiet, I'm going to start talking about other things now."

The five hundred disciples were all looking at Li Wenjin adoringly now. Li Wenjin told them to be quiet, and they were obedient. They stopped making noise and waited for Li Wenjin to speak.

Li Wenjin and other five hundred disciples all fell silent, and he said with a serious expression: "I have watched your training this afternoon from beginning to end, and I have selected 35 disciples who train the hardest, and I will give them a share." Rewards, now we ask Minister Kress to give rewards to 35 disciples, and all the disciples whose names I have read come to me."

"The first one from now on is Baker Lane"

Baker Lane, when he heard Li Wenjin call his name, he immediately walked out of the team excitedly and came to Li Wenjin.

At this time, Kress just came to Li Wenjin with 35 devil fruits. Under the scorching gaze of five hundred disciples, Li Wenjin took out a devil fruit and handed it to Baker Lane, saying: "Congratulations, Lan Well, I hope you can work harder in the future."

Baker Lane was already trembling with excitement. He bowed directly to Li Wenjin before taking the Devil Fruit and replied, "Boss, please rest assured. I, Baker Lane, will definitely train hard and be loyal to the boss forever."

Li Wenjin was very satisfied with Baker Lane's attitude, and he was a good leader, so Li Wenjin patted him on the shoulder and said: "Work hard in the future, I am very optimistic about you, now you go back first, there are 34 people behind you Disciple, come here to get the reward."

Baker Lane nodded vigorously, took the devil fruit and ate it, then went back to the team of five hundred disciples without changing his face.

Watching Baker Lane leave, Li Wenjin took the lead in applauding Baker Lane to express his congratulations to Baker Lane. When the five hundred disciples saw Li Wenjin applauding, they also applauded together, giving Baker Lane a sense of vanity a feeling of.

Seeing what Li Wenjin did just now, Kress couldn't help but sigh, from now on, these five hundred disciples will definitely be Li Wenjin's loyal support, and will become a powerful fighting force of the Ten Star Work Club.

(End of this chapter)

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