One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch8- Coby the Copy Ninja

Big thanks to my new Patron, Musty Avocado! 🥑 Your support is awesome, and I really appreciate it.


With Coby, Luffy, and Zoro on a small boat in the open sea, the air was thick with the salt of adventure and the unspoken promises of the vast ocean ahead.

Luffy, still bewildered by Coby's surprising display of the Gum-Gum Pistol technique, turned to him with eyes wide as dinner plates, as he remembered. "Right, Coby, how did you use my Gum Gum Pistol?" His voice was a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

Coby, his heart still racing from the exhilaration of battle, chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, the truth is, I am a Shinobi."

At the mention of the word 'Shinobi,' both Luffy and Zoro's eyes literally shone with a childlike wonder, their mouths agape in amazement. "Shinobi?" they echoed in unison.

Luffy, his imagination already running wild, leaned in closer. "Can you make clones?" The excitement in his voice was palpable.

Zoro, not to be left behind, chimed in with his own curious inquiry. "Can you walk on water?"

Luffy, his questions tumbling out faster than he could think, added, "Can you breathe fire? Or disappear in a puff of smoke? Or summon giant frogs?"

Coby laughed out loud, his amusement echoing over the waves. "Not yet, but in the future, I can." His assurance was not just a whimsical promise but a hint at the untapped potential he felt surging within him, thanks to his new world's mysterious abilities.

Luffy's eyes shone like a pair of suns, his face lit up with sheer amazement. Coby, feeling a surge of confidence, added with a grin, "My name is, Coby the Copy Ninja." He chuckled to himself, finding the moniker catchy and quite fitting for his newfound identity.

Luffy's amazement was palpable as he absorbed Coby's new identity of 'Coby the Copy Ninja,' but Zoro, ever the skeptic, raised an eyebrow, his voice tinged with a hint of doubt. "So, all you can do is... copying?" His question, though simple, carried a weight of skepticism.

Coby, not one to back down from a challenge, looked at him with a playful disdain. In a swift, fluid motion, reminiscent of the Gum-Gum Pistol, he stretched his arm around the boat and landed a punch on the back of Zoro's head. "Is this enough?" he snorted, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Zoro, caught off guard, rubbed the back of his head, more annoyed than hurt. "Was just asking. No need to punch me," he grumbled, his pride slightly bruised.

Luffy, on the other hand, burst into a fit of laughter, holding his sides as he rocked back and forth. "Brilliant!" he exclaimed between chortles, thoroughly entertained by Coby's display of skill and humor.

As the laughter died down, Coby leaned back, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. The night air was cool against his skin, and the stars above shone brightly, reflecting off the calm sea. He felt a sense of freedom and excitement, a stark contrast to the life he had led before meeting Luffy, although it was short a few months, being a cabin boy was hellish.

The boat sailed on, the rhythmic sound of the waves lapping against its sides providing a serene backdrop to their conversation. Coby, feeling more at ease, began to share more about his abilities, careful not to reveal too much about his knowledge from Earth.

"I've been training," Coby explained, his voice tinged with pride. "I've been observing, learning, and yes, copying skills from those around me. But it's not just about imitation. It's about adapting and making those skills my own."

Luffy, still visibly excited, nodded enthusiastically. "So, what else can you do? Any cool ninja tricks?"

Coby grinned, sensing Luffy's genuine interest. "Well, I can't breathe fire or summon frogs just yet, but I've learned a few things that might come in handy." He paused, considering how much to reveal. "For instance, I've been working on my stealth and agility. And I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for when we get into tight spots."

Zoro, now recovered from his surprise, looked at Coby with a newfound respect. "That could be useful," he admitted, his tone grudgingly admiring. "Especially if we're going up against stronger opponents."

The conversation shifted to their future plans, with Luffy leading the charge with his dreams of finding the One Piece and becoming the Pirate King. Coby listened, he knew the world of One Piece like the back of his hand, and with his unique abilities, he could be a valuable asset to the crew.

As they talked, Coby's thoughts wandered to his past life on Earth. He remembered the countless hours he spent watching One Piece, dreaming of adventures in a world far from reality. Now, here he was, living his dream. 

The night grew deeper, and the conversation waned as the trio settled in for the night. Coby lay back—as much as three men could on a small bot—looking up at the stars, feeling a deep sense of connection to this world and its endless possibilities.

"So, where are we headed?" Zoro asked, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness, a yawn escaping him. His sense of direction was notoriously poor, a fact he’d never openly admit, and Luffy, well, navigating was not exactly his forte either.

Coby, holding a compass, glanced at it to confirm their route. "Organ Islands, Orange Town," he announced with an air of certainty. The compass needle steadily pointed the way, a silent guide in the vast ocean.

Zoro hummed, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Why there?" He remembered whispers and rumors about a strong pirate residing in that area. His curiosity was piqued, yet he didn’t press further, trusting in the journey.

Coby, playing his cards close to his chest, replied with a casual shrug. "To restock," he said simply. His voice carried a tone of nonchalance, but his mind was abuzz with plans and possibilities. Orange Town was not just a random choice; it was a calculated decision, a step towards a larger goal.

Zoro, though curious, didn’t question further. He had no reason to suspect Coby’s intentions. To Zoro, it was just another stop on their unpredictable journey. He leaned back, closing his eyes to rest, his budding trust in his companions unwavering.

Coby, however, was thinking several steps ahead. His objective was clear – he needed to find Nami. Meeting her was crucial, not only for the sake of forming a strong crew but also for his personal ambition. Coby, influenced by his past life as Kai and his knowledge of the One Piece world, harbored dreams beyond the ordinary. He envisioned creating a life filled with adventure and, quite frankly, a harem of beauties. This was his chance to live out a fantasy that had once been confined to the realms of anime and manga.

The night air was cool and refreshing, the sea calm and inviting. Coby took a deep breath, feeling the salt on his lips and the wind in his hair. He looked at Luffy and Zoro, both now dozing, their chests rising and falling in the peaceful rhythm of sleep. He felt excitement growing within him, as he admitted his dreams openly.

Coby’s mind wandered to Nami. He knew her story, her struggles, and her strengths. In her, he saw not just a navigator but a spirited individual with dreams and ambitions. Her skills would be invaluable to their crew, and her presence, he believed, would be invaluable to him.

He chuckled softly to himself, thinking about how his life had taken such an unexpected turn. From a university student on Earth to a burgeoning pirate in the world of One Piece with dreams of a harem with greatest wifu of One Piece World...


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