One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch60- To (Not) Alabasta

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With everyone finally accounted for, the Going Merry set sail, leaving Little Garden behind. The crew gathered on deck as the island faded from view, their spirits high.

The Straw Hats were onboard the Going Merry, their gazes fixed on the massive Island Eater fish blocking their path. Its enormous maw yawned open, ready to swallow their ship whole. The beast was a force of nature, and the crew knew that escaping it would require more than just speed.

Coby stood on the deck, his eyes narrowed as he watched the monstrous fish approach. He had a hunch about what was coming next—a move he'd seen once before in the anime an was expecting to see up close. In his mind was he was ready to give the command, anticipating the moment he would scan the ability.

Just then, two towering figures emerged from the jungle, their powerful strides shaking the earth beneath them. Brogy and Dorry, the two ancient giants, stepped forward, their massive weapons slung over their shoulders. The Straw Hats turned to face them, awe and gratitude in their eyes.

Brogy, his blonde bear flowing wildly in the wind, looked down at the tiny ship and its crew with a proud, almost fatherly gaze. "You lot... you’ve got the spirit of warriors. You’ve fought with honor, courage, and a fire in your hearts. It's something we giants respect deeply."

Dorry, his blue aura crackling like lightning around him, nodded in agreement. "Aye, you've shown true strength—not just of muscle, but of will. The courage to stand against the impossible... that’s the mark of true warriors."

Luffy grinned, tipping his straw hat in respect, while Zoro gave a confident nod. Nami and Usopp exchanged glances, their relief mingling with admiration for these colossal beings. Coby, standing near the helm, chuckled, waiting for the moment.

"We'll help you get through this," Brogy declared, gripping his massive axe. His aura, a deep crimson, began to swirl around him, spiraling upward like a flame about to burst.

Dorry raised his sword, his blue aura matching Brogy's in intensity. "This is our parting gift to you, little warriors. A gift of our fighting spirit."

The two giants, side by side, readied their weapons. Their auras, red and blue, spiraled together into a swirling vortex of energy, creating a formidable force that seemed to shake the very air around them. The power of their combined spirits was thick, an ancient strength that transcended time and space.

"Hakoku!" they roared in unison, their voices booming like thunder across the sea.

With a mighty swing, Brogy and Dorry unleashed their attack. The red and blue energies twisted and intertwined, forming a massive, spiraling beam that shot toward the Island Eater with terrifying speed. The energy cleaved through the air, a streak of power that pierced the fish's enormous body cleanly.

The Island Eater let out a deafening roar as the attack tore through its flesh, its massive form pierced through as the energy carried forward, leaving a clear path through its remains. Blood and water sprayed into the air, but the path was open—the Going Merry could sail through unharmed.

Coby's eyes widened as he watched the display of raw power. "This is it... now!" he thought to himself, called in his mind. As the energy spiraled and twisted before him, he initiated his Skill Scan.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Hakoku'... Analysis in progress...]

The power of the giants' attack awed him, and the system began to analyze the swirling energies of Brogy's red and Dorry's blue auras. The might of their combined strike, the culmination of centuries of battle experience, was being dissected and processed.

As the Going Merry sailed through the remains of the Island Eater, Luffy cheered, Usopp shouted in triumph, and the rest of the crew celebrated their narrow escape. The giants stood at the shore, watching the little ship pass through the obstacle they had cleared.

Brogy and Dorry raised their weapons in a final salute just before they shattered. "Go forth, little warriors! May your journey be filled with more battles and more victories!" Brogy called out, his voice filled with pride.

Dorry nodded, his deep voice rumbling like the earth itself. "And remember, no matter how small, a warrior’s spirit is what makes them mighty!"

The Going Merry sailed on, the island fading into the distance, but the impact of the giants' words and actions remained.

[Skill Scan complete. 'Hakoku'—the combined energy of Brogy and Dorry's ancient warrior spirits, creating an energy attack that can travel far distances. This skill has been successfully analyzed. However, due to the immense power required, it comes with prerequisites: immense physical strength and mastery of Haki. Power of the attack may vary based on the Host's power. Estimated cost for acquisition: 120,000 SP. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the acquisition.]


As the ship sailed into the open sea, the crew settled into their usual routine. Luffy was already pestering Sanji for food, while Usopp busied himsef with minor repairs. Zoro found a spot to nap, his usual preference after a long day, and Nami kept an eye on the Log Pose, making sure they were on course.

Coby leaned against the railing, watching the horizon. With Little Garden behind them, the crew's focus shifted to the challenges that lay ahead in Alabasta. The tension of the unknown was there, but there was also excitement.

Nami joined him at the railing, her expression thoughtful. "We’re really getting into it now, aren’t we?"

Coby nodded. "Yeah, it’s only going to get tougher from here."

Nami smiled slightly. "Good thing we’ve got you around then."

Coby chuckled, keeping his eyes on the sea. "And you too."

Coby could tell that Nami was as worked up as he was. They hadn’t found a chance for a quickie on Little Garden, and the ship wasn’t exactly the best place for privacy. But the look she gave him as she glanced toward the girls’ room made her intentions clear.

She turned to Vivi, casually saying, "Can you check the route, please?" Vivi nodded, heading towards the helm. (R-18 Warning from this point onward but not full chapter. Short burst. I will mark where chapter continues if you want to skip.)

Nami grabbed Coby by the wrist and dragged him quickly towards the girls’ room. They slipped inside without a word, the door clicking shut behind them.

The moment they were alone, Nami pressed Coby against the door, her hands already roaming over his chest. She kissed him hard, her breath coming in short bursts. Coby responded eagerly, sliding his hands under her shirt, feeling the warmth of her skin against his palms.

Nami fumbled with his belt, pulling it free before her fingers found the button on his pants. She was quick, wasting no time as she tugged his pants down. Coby's hands slid down her back, grabbing her hips and lifting her onto him. Nami wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing herself closer.

They stumbled back onto the bed, Coby lowering her down onto the mattress. He quickly stripped her out of her shorts, her hands yanking his shirt off in return. Their movements were rushed, each moment filled with urgency.

Nami bit her lip, trying to stifle a moan as Coby pushed into her. He leaned down, kissing her neck as he started to move. She gripped his shoulders tightly, her nails digging into his skin as she matched his rhythm.

The room was small, and the bed creaked under their movements, but they didn’t care. Coby could feel Nami’s breath hot against his ear as she gasped quietly. He buried his face in her hair, his own breathing growing heavier.

They moved together, the sound of their bodies filling the room. It wasn’t long before they reached their peak. Nami's legs tightened around him, her body arching as she came. Coby followed a moment later, his grip on her hips tightening as he finished inside her.

They lay there for a moment, catching their breath, the heat between them slowly cooling. Nami finally relaxed her grip on him, her legs sliding down as she pulled him closer, both still entwined.

Coby brushed a strand of hair out of her face, his lips brushing against her forehead. She looked up at him, a small smile on her lips.

(End of R-18)

"We should get back," she whispered, her voice breathless.

Coby nodded, reluctantly pulling away and getting dressed. Nami did the same, quickly straightening out her clothes and fixing her hair.

They exchanged a glance, a shared smile passing between them. Coby leaned down, giving her one last kiss before they quietly slipped out of the room, back to the ship’s deck.

During the deed, Coby checked Nami's skin carefully, ensuring she had no bug bites. He'd been cautious on the island, not wanting Nami to contract any life-threatening disease from an insect. He would find another way to get Chopper—Nami didn’t need to get sick for it.

Once they finished and returned to the deck, Coby noticed something strange. Vivi was flushed, her face redder than normal. At first, he thought it might be embarrassment—maybe she’d heard them in the room—but then he realized there was more to it. Her temperature was too high for just blushing.

Coby approached her, his expression serious. "Vivi, are you feeling alright?"

She turned to him, her face still flushed. "I’m fine," she said quickly, though her voice was weak.

Coby pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. "You’re burning up," he said, frowning. "You’ve got a fever."

Vivi tried to wave him off. "It’s nothing. I just... I feel a little tired, that’s all."

Coby shook his head, not buying it. "You need to rest. This isn’t just exhaustion. We can’t afford to take any risks right now." He glanced at Nami, who also looked concerned.

Luffy, overhearing the conversation, walked over. "What’s wrong with Vivi?"

"She’s running a fever," Coby explained. "Could be something she picked up on Little Garden."

Nami nodded. "We should get her inside. The last thing we need is her condition getting worse."

Without waiting for an argument, Coby gently lifted Vivi into his arms. She tried to protest, but her strength was fading. "Coby, I’m fine," she murmured, but he ignored her, carrying her to the girls’ room and laying her down on one of the beds.

"She’s got a fever. We need to keep an eye on her." Nami said as she pulled a blanket over the princess.

Coby shook his head. "You can’t put a blanket on her, Nami. She’s got a fever."

Vivi, lying on the bed, turned her head slightly. She could still smell the faint scent of what had just happened between Coby and Nami, making her blush even deeper. She looked away, embarrassed.

Coby knelt beside her, his tone practical. "Nami, go get some cold water and a clean cloth. And grab some vinegar too."

Nami nodded and quickly left the room, her footsteps echoing down the hall.

Coby turned back to Vivi, his hands hovering just above her. "I’m going to remove your shirt, okay? It’ll help cool you down."

Vivi turned onto her side, avoiding his gaze. "I can do it myself."

Coby nodded and stepped back, giving her space. He watched as she shakily pulled off her shirt, her skin flushed from the fever. She lay back down, left with bra only, her arm over her raising and falling chest, her breathing shallow.

Nami returned moments later, a bowl of water and a cloth in hand. She also had a small bottle of vinegar. "Here," she said, handing them to Coby.

Coby dipped the cloth into the cold water, wrung it out, and handed it to Nami. She was about to place it on Vivi's forehead when he stopped her.

"No, Nami. The head isn’t the best spot for cooling her down. That’s why I gave it to you. Put it under her armpits or between her legs," Coby instructed. He glanced at Vivi. "You’re our navigator, so you can’t watch her all day. Vivi, I’ll take over when needed. This is purely medical, so don’t be embarrassed, alright?"

Vivi nodded weakly, understanding the situation. Nami hesitated for a moment, then followed Coby’s advice, placing the cloth under Vivi’s arms. She gently patted her on the shoulder. "Just hang in there, Vivi."

Coby prepared another cloth with vinegar, rubbing it on her neck and arms to help lower her fever. His movements were careful, his focus entirely on ensuring she would be okay. After a few minutes, he leaned back and observed her breathing.

Nami stood up, wiping her hands on her shorts. "I'll head back up and check the course. Call me if anything changes."

Coby nodded, watching as Nami left the room. He stayed by Vivi’s side, keeping her cool and making sure she was comfortable.

After a while, Vivi’s breathing seemed to stabilize, and her fever slowly began to subside. She looked at Coby, her eyes heavy with fatigue. "Thank you... for taking care of me," she whispered.

Coby nodded, keeping his tone calm and practical. "It’s no trouble. Just rest up, Vivi. We need you healthy."


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