One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch6- Anything Less…

Whoa, just whoa! Two more top-tier supporters? Orlando and Copinza, you guys are next-level awesome! And Qewin, my very first Patron, upgrading to max? I'm blushing so hard right now, it's like I'm in an anime with steam coming out of my ears. 😳

Seriously, I can't even begin to express how much your support means to me. You guys are the real MVPs! And as a big thank you, here's an extra chapter just for you all! 🎉


Their conversation was cut short as Helemeppo approached, his entourage of marines in tow. His stride was arrogant, his smirk smug, clearly enjoying the power he wielded.

Luffy, standing near Coby, squared his shoulders, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a simmering anger. "That guy's a real jerk," he muttered, his voice low but filled with disdain.

Walking leisurely, as if he owned the island, Helemeppo smirked arrogantly. "We will have a public execution in three days. We will make an example of him. I can't wait to see him beg for mercy," he gloated, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

Luffy, his fists clenched, confronted Helemeppo. "But you promised to let him go," he said, his voice firm yet tinged with anger.

Helemeppo laughed mockingly. "Where did you hear that? That promise was a joke. Only a fool would believe such a thing," he sneered, his contempt for Zoro apparent.

Luffy's patience snapped. Without another word, he lunged at Helemeppo, his fist connecting squarely with his jaw. Helemeppo staggered, unprepared for the sudden assault, as Luffy continued his barrage of punches. Each blow was delivered with a force that spoke of Luffy's growing fury.

Coby, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. He drew his sword, turning his attention to the Marines who rushed forward to defend Helemeppo. "Here comes my SP," he thought, his lips curling into a sneer.

With a swift movement, Coby engaged the Marines. He was careful to use non-lethal force, aware that they were merely following orders, however misguided they might be. His sword danced in his hands, a blur of steel as he parried and struck, each move calculated and precise.

Blood spattered the ground as Coby's blade met flesh. It was a violent dance he came to embrace, a symphony of chaos and skill he learned to play. He was no longer the meek cabin boy; he was a warrior, a force to be reckoned with. And it felt really good!

Luffy, meanwhile, had Helemeppo pinned to the ground, his fist raised for another strike. "You are pissing me off," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. Helemeppo's face was a mess, bloodied and bruised, a stark contrast to his earlier smugness.

Rika, watching from a distance, covered her mouth in shock. The violence was unlike anything she had witnessed before. Yet, there was a sense of justice in it, a righting of wrongs that had been long overdue. And it was delivered by a pirate, against marines!

Coby, amidst the melee, was quick on his feet, and quicker on his hands. A skill he mastered in his past life. Ahem, which he wouldn't need in this. The Marines, unprepared for such ferocity, fell one by one, their numbers dwindling rapidly.

The ground was littered with bodies, some groaning in pain, others unconscious. Coby stood among them, his chest heaving with exertion, his sword dripping with blood. He looked around, his eyes searching for any further threats. Found none, he relaxed.

As Coby stood amidst the fallen Marines, the Skill Weaver interface chimed in his mind, a welcome distraction from the chaos. [Combat success! 150 SP awarded. Current SP balance: 558.] the system announced, its message echoing in his thoughts. He nodded to himself, satisfied with the progress. This was exactly what he needed to grow stronger in this world.

Luffy, having dealt with Helemeppo, turned his attention to the Marine base. With a swift motion, he kicked the beaten Helemeppo towards the imposing structure, sending him flying in a wide arc. The thug's body tumbled across the ground, coming to a stop at the entrance of the base. Luffy's actions were a clear message to anyone who dared to cross them.

With a determined look, Luffy adjusted his straw hat, casting a shadow over his eyes. "Let's go!" he said, his voice firm and unwavering. His simple words, direct and to the point, carried the weight of his resolve.

Coby, wiping the blood from his blade with a graceful flick, grinned in response. "Aye, aye, Captain," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. This was the kind of adventure he had always dreamed of, a chance to make a real difference in this world.

Together, they advanced towards the Marine base, their footsteps echoing on the cobblestone streets. The base loomed ahead, its walls imposing and unyielding. But to Coby and Luffy, it was just another obstacle to overcome.

As they approached, the Marines guarding the base readied their weapons, their faces set in grim determination. They had heard the commotion, the sounds of battle, and were prepared to defend their stronghold at all costs.

Coby, his sword at the ready, took a deep breath. This was going to be a tough fight, but he was ready. He had trained for this, and with Luffy by his side, he felt unstoppable.

Luffy, ever the straightforward fighter, charged forward, his rubber limbs stretching and snapping with incredible force. His attacks were a blur, a flurry of punches and kicks that sent the Marines flying.

Coby followed suit, his sword moving with precision and grace. He ducked and weaved through the Marine's attacks, his blade finding its mark with each strike. Blood sprayed across the ground, a grim reminder of the battle's intensity.

The Marines fought bravely, but they were no match for Luffy's raw power and Coby's skill. One by one, they fell, overwhelmed by the duo's relentless assault.

As they breached the entrance of the base, Coby's heart raced with adrenaline. This was it, the heart of the enemy's territory. Inside, they would face Captain Morgan, the tyrannical ruler of Shells Town.

They made their way to Zoro's side, where Luffy began to fumble with the ropes binding him. Zoro, his expression a mix of irritation and confusion, protested. "What are you doing? Oi, stop it! I told you I need to persist for a month, then I am free."

Luffy, undeterred and with his usual straightforwardness, replied, "Hele, or whatever that bowlhead's name is, wants to execute you. He never wanted to set you free."

The revelation seemed to shock Zoro, his sharp eyes narrowing. "Are you kidding?" he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Coby, stepping forward with his sword in hand, cut the ropes binding Zoro. "Nope. The Captain kicked his ass, so we are the public enemy now. Are you coming or not?" 

Zoro, now free from his binds, stood up, his face serious and contemplative. "I have my own path. My own dream. A promise. I don't care what people think of me, but I won't die before I accomplish that dream."

Luffy, always direct and to the point, asked, "So I heard you use a sword, where are they?"

Zoro scoffed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "That idiot took them. My treasure."

Luffy, touching the rim of his straw hat, a symbol of his own cherished dream, mused aloud, "Treasure, huh?" He then made a proposition, "Fine, let's take them and you join my crew."

Zoro looked bewildered by Luffy's persistence. "I just said, I wouldn't."

Luffy, in his characteristic manner, stuck his tongue out. "I don't care. I decided you will."

The trio made their way towards the heart of the Marine base, their steps echoing through the empty corridors. The air was thick with tension, the aftermath of their earlier battle still lingering.

The base was oddly empty. Coby knew they were at the roof, raising Morgan's statue, but Zoro and Luffy found it odd. They soon found Zoro's swords, and Coby told them, "There's a voice on the roof, let's check it out." The duo nodded, and they made their way.

As they arrived, they saw marines laboring to erect a giant statue of Axe-Hand Morgan. It was an ugly brass statue of vanity. Coby looked at the scene, a little regretful Luffy didn't destroy the statue like in the anime due to his involvement, but he thought it was all the same.

Morgan, perched atop a platform, his eyes seething with anger, surveyed the area. The Marines, their hands occupied with the statue, were unable to join the fight. Coby turned to Luffy, "Captain, you handle the big guy, I will deal with the rest." He then glanced at Zoro, "Are you coming?"

Zoro stood at the corner, his expression unreadable. "I am not a pirate. I have no intention to become a wanted man; it's troublesome," he stated flatly.

Coby slapped his forehead. Had he altered the events too much? An idea sparked in his mind. Drawing his sword, he rushed toward the marines holding the ropes. Their hands were full, thus they couldn't fight, but if he let them free, they would surely attack Zoro as well.

He had no intention to attack the men directly; instead, Coby cut the ropes they were holding, making the ugly statue of Morgan crash down with a deafening boom. The Marines looked on in horror as the brass monstrosity tumbled, their moment of shock providing Coby the window he needed.

Morgan, atop his platform, turned his wrathful gaze towards Coby, his face contorted in rage. Coby, undeterred, grinned back defiantly. His plan wasn't about brute force; it was about strategy, and he needed these Marines to focus their attention on Zoro.

Utilizing the basic stealth skills he had acquired from one of Alvida's crew members, Coby dodged the chaos, weaving through the panicked Marines with an agility that belied his former meekness. His movements were a blur, leaving only Luffy and Zoro exposed on the rooftop.

Morgan's bellowing voice cut through the pandemonium. "Attack! Kill them all!" he ordered, his command sending the Marines into action. Guns were drawn, and in unison, they aimed at Zoro, who now found himself in the line of fire, trying in vain to clarify his non-piratical intentions.

But it was too late for words. The air was filled with the sound of gunfire, but before the bullets could find their mark, Luffy stepped forward, his arms spread wide. His rubber body absorbed the impact of the bullets, rendering their attack futile.

Zoro, initially stunned by Luffy's bold move, quickly regained his composure. His eyes narrowed, a determined glint reflecting his resolve. Morgan, seizing the moment, lunged at Luffy from behind, his axe-hand raised high, aiming for a lethal blow.

Zoro, his pride as a swordsman compelling him to act, launched into motion. "Dammit," he muttered, his voice a mix of irritation and resignation. His blades moved with lethal precision, slicing through the air towards Morgan.

Blood sprayed, a stark red against the backdrop of the blue sky. Morgan's face twisted in shock and pain as he staggered backward, his body succumbing to the lethal blow.

Zoro stood tall, his swords dripping with blood, his expression stoic. "In the end, I don't care what people think of me. Pirate, Pirate Hunter, titles are meaningless. I became a pirate hunter to earn money anyway," he declared, his voice carrying a weight that silenced the rooftop.

Zoro stood firm, his blades still dripping with the blood of Captain Morgan. The intensity in his eyes was unmistakable as he turned to face Luffy. "I am a pirate now. I give you my word. I have fought against the Navy, and I am a criminal now. But I have a dream to fulfill. I will become the world's greatest Swordsman. All I have left is my destiny. My name may be infamous, but I am going to shake the world. If you make me abandon my dream for any reason, I will kill you."

Luffy, unaffected by the gravity of Zoro's declaration, grinned widely. "World's greatest Swordsman, huh? Your Captain will become the King of Pirates. Anything lower than that would be embarrassing." His voice was filled with confidence, a testament to his simple yet unwavering resolve.

Zoro, despite the situation, couldn't help but crack a small grin. "Your ambitions are big," he acknowledged, a hint of respect in his tone.


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