One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch56- Woah, Beautiful!

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As Coby, Usopp and Sanji boarded the Going Merry, Vivi and Carue were already on deck with Nami, Zoro, and Luffy. The ship was ready to set sail.

“Let’s go,” Coby said simply, moving towards the ship’s helm as the crew took their positions. The Going Merry began to drift away from Whiskey Peak, leaving behind the chaos and heading straight into the unpredictable Grand Line once more.

Vivi stood beside the others, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She had no words, but the determination in her stance was clear. Luffy, standing at the bow, stared ahead, his eyes locked on the remnants of the previous explosion.

As the Going Merry left the inlet, the crew suddenly heard a calm voice from behind. “Be careful not to hit the ship on the rocks. And oh, congratulations on your escape.”

The crew turned in shock. “Who’s that?” Luffy asked, bewildered.

They spotted a mysterious woman casually sitting on the rails of the upper deck, her hat casting a shadow over her face. She looked out at the sea, seemingly unbothered by their surprise. “What a nice ship,” she added.

Before the crew could react, Coby, standing calmly next to the woman, spoke up. “Woah, you’re even more beautiful than your pictures, Nico Robin.”

Nico Robin’s expression flickered with a moment of surprise before she quickly masked it with a smile. “Oh? You know who I am,” she said, tilting her head slightly as she regarded Coby with newfound interest.

Zoro’s hand instinctively went to his sword, ready to act if needed. Nami stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. “Who are you, and what do you want?”

Robin didn’t answer immediately, her gaze shifting from Coby to the rest of the crew. “I’m not here to fight,” she said, her tone relaxed. “In fact, I’m here to offer a gift.”

Luffy, still confused, tilted his head. “A gift?”

Zoro, and the others stared at her, still trying to process what was happening. "Coby, who is she?" Luffy asked, his tone curious.

Coby kept his eyes on Robin, lazily leaning against the rail. "This is Nico Robin, Miss All Sunday of Baroque Works."

Vivi nodded, "She is Crocodile's partner in Baroque Works. I followed her to learn Mr. 0's identity."

Nico chuckled, "More like I let you tail me."

Luffy grinned, "Then you must be a good person."

Vivi quickly shook her head. "She’s the leading officer of the agents."

Luffy’s expression turned serious. "Then she is a bad person."

Robin smiled, unbothered. She reached into her coat and pulled out an Eternal Pose, tossing it casually to Vivi. "This is an Eternal Pose that leads to Alabasta. It’ll save you some time."

Nami eyed the Eternal Pose with suspicion. "And why would you just give this to us?"

Robin’s smile widened slightly. "Consider it a gesture of goodwill. After all, we might see each other again soon. You won't be forced to go the uninhabited vacant island your log points, and will evade lots of trouble."

Luffy grabbed the Eternal Pose from Vivi’s hand, examining it with a frown. "Only I decide my course. No one else!" He smashed the Eternal Pose in his fist, shattering it.

Nami groaned, slapping her forehead. "Idiot! That would’ve saved us a lot of time!"

Coby shook his head. "It doesn’t work like that, Nami. It's not an adventure if you’re following someone else’s path."

Robin chuckled softly, watching the exchange. She turned to leave, her calm demeanor unshaken by Luffy’s actions. "Well then, good luck. Little Garden awaits."

With that, she stepped off the side of the ship, landing gracefully on a giant turtle-like monster waiting below. The crew watched as she sailed away, disappearing into the mist.

Nami sighed, rubbing her temples. "This Grand Line is going to be the death of me."

Zoro leaned against the mast, his eyes on the horizon. "We’ll manage."

Coby nodded in agreement, stepping up beside Luffy. "Let’s get going. We’ve got a country to save."

Luffy grinned wide, his energy renewed. "Yeah! To Alabasta!"

Coby chuckled, "Not really. There will be around two stops before Alabasta. And as Robin said, the next stop is Little Garden."

The crew nodded, still processing Robin's visit as the Going Merry cut through the waves. Soon, they left the misty shores of Whiskey Peak behind and ventured into the vast sea once more.

Days passed, the tension easing as Vivi began to open up to the crew. She found their antics and camaraderie surprising—nothing like the pirates she had imagined. Despite everything, there was something about them that made her feel safe.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple, Coby approached Vivi on the deck. She was leaning against the railing, watching the sea with a thoughtful expression.

"Enjoying the view?" Coby asked casually, leaning next to her.

Vivi glanced at him and smiled. "It’s peaceful. Hard to believe everything that’s happening."

"Yeah," Coby replied, his eyes on the horizon. "But we’ll make sure you get back to Alabasta safely."

Vivi looked at him, her expression softening. "You’ve already done so much. I don’t know how I can repay you."

Coby shrugged. "No need. We’re doing what’s right. Besides, you’re good company."

Vivi chuckled lightly. "You’re different from the others."

Coby grinned. "Is that a compliment?"

"Maybe," Vivi teased, her smile growing. "You’re confident but not arrogant. It’s... refreshing."

Coby smirked. "I’ll take that as a win."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the sound of the waves filling the air. Then, Coby broke the silence. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. We’ve got a long journey ahead, after all."

Vivi nodded, appreciating the offer. "Thank you, Coby."

The days passed in a similar rhythm. Coby often found himself talking with Vivi, making her laugh and easing her worries. The crew noticed the growing connection, but no one commented on it—except for Nami, who often shot Coby a jealous beams whenever she caught him chatting with Vivi. Nami acted a lot closer to Coby in these days. Normally she was shy near the crew, and even their love making stopped after their first time in Cocoyasi.

Then, one afternoon, the Log Pose pointed them toward their next destination. The weather grew warmer, and the seas began to calm. As the ship sailed closer, a dense fog enveloped them, hiding the island from view.

Coby stood at the bow, his eyes scanning the thick mist. "We’re getting close."

Luffy, hanging off the side of the ship, squinted into the fog. "What’s this place called again?"

Coby shrugged. "Little Garden, although it doesn't look little at all. The Grand Line is full of surprises."

Soon, the Going Merry broke through the fog, revealing a massive island covered in thick, ancient jungle. The towering trees and strange rock formations gave the place a untamed feel.

The crew gathered on deck, their eyes wide as they took in the sight before them. "This place looks wild," Zoro muttered, his hand resting on his swords.

Luffy grinned. "It’s gonna be fun!"

Nami sighed, already sensing the trouble ahead. "Just don’t do anything reckless, Luffy."

Coby stepped off the ship onto the wild shore, glancing around. "Let’s explore."

Zoro and Sanji, ever competitive, argued over who would hunt the bigger prey. With a final glare at each other, they headed off in separate directions, determined to outdo one another. Meanwhile, Usopp and Carue trembled at the idea of setting foot on the island, Robin’s ominous words still echoing in their heads. Luffy, on the other hand, couldn't contain his excitement and dragged Usopp along with him into the dense jungle.

This left Coby on the shore with Nami, Vivi, and Carue. Nami, practically glued to Coby's side, clearly saw this as an opportunity for some alone time. She cast a sharp glance at Vivi and asked, "Why don't you go with Luffy?"

Vivi crossed her arms, meeting Nami's glare with a smirk. "I enjoy talking to Coby. Why, do you own him?"

Nami bristled, her temper flaring. "I don't own him, but we made love. So can you leave us alone?"

Vivi’s cheeks flushed at Nami's blunt words, and she looked away, suddenly bashful. "O-oh, I didn’t know. Sorry."

Coby chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Now, now. Be nice, Nami. Vivi is our guest."

Nami huffed but didn't argue further. She shot Vivi a sidelong glance before tightening her grip on Coby's arm, making it clear she wasn’t backing down. Vivi, still blushing, gave them some space but remained close enough to continue the conversation.


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