One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch12- Are You A Bad Guy?

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The lock clicked open, and Coby stepped out of the cage, his limbs reattaching themselves with a surreal ease. He stretched, feeling the freedom of movement once again. "Time to join the fight," he said, with determination in his voice but in his heart, all he chanted was, 'Time to earn some SP!'

Nami nodded, her expression serious. "Be careful," she warned, her concern genuine despite their short acquaintance.

Coby, armed with his new abilities, joined the battle. His floating limbs, a bizarre sight to behold, were a tactical advantage. He sent his arms flying towards the pirates, delivering punches from unexpected angles. His unique fighting style caught the pirates off guard, giving him an edge in the melee. But they had seen Buggy use his abilites long enough to adjust this bizarre ability turning against them.

Luffy, in the midst of his battle with Buggy, was a whirlwind of rubber and fury. His attacks were relentless, each one more inventive than the last. Buggy, despite his own abilities, was slowly being overwhelmed by Luffy's sheer force and determination.

As the fight raged on, Nami kept a watchful eye on Coby. She was impressed by his abilities, but she knew that in a battle like this, anything could happen. She stayed close to the cage, ready to step in if needed.

Zoro, his swords a blur of steel, finally landed a decisive blow on Cabaji. The acrobat staggered back, his face a mask of pain and disbelief. Zoro didn't wait for him to recover. With a swift movement, he knocked Cabaji out, ending their duel.

With Cabaji down, Zoro turned his attention to Mohji and Richie. The lion, its eyes filled with rage, leaped towards Zoro with a ferocious roar. Zoro, his expression calm, met the lion's charge with a powerful slash of his swords.

Richie, unable to withstand Zoro's attack, fell to the ground, defeated. Mohji, seeing his companion down, lost his will to fight. He dropped his weapon, surrendering to Zoro.

Luffy, witnessing Zoro's victory, turned back to his own fight with renewed vigor. "Gomu Gomu no Gatling!" he shouted, his arms spinning like a flurry of rubber bullets. Buggy, unable to dodge the rapid-fire attack, was hit repeatedly, his body parts scattering in all directions.

But it wasn't enough to defeat Buggy just yet. Coby, having dealt with the other pirates, turned his attention to the ongoing battle. "I think I'll help Luffy out," he mused, eyeing Luffy's precious straw hat with a protective gaze. "Don't want that hat to get pierced." With a grin, Coby took the rope Nami had used to bind him. His hand detached from his wrist, carrying the rope towards Buggy.

As Buggy attempted to reform his scattered body, he sensed something amiss. Looking down, a look of horror spread across his face as he realized only his hands, feet, and head remained; the rest of his body was missing. He twisted around, only to see Coby standing triumphantly on his body parts, now bound together by the rope. "Do it, Luffy," Coby called out, his voice laced with confidence.

Luffy, recognizing his cue, grinned widely. He pulled his arms back, his muscles tensing in preparation. "Gum Gum Bazooka!" he roared. His arms shot forward, the force of the attack propelling Buggy towards the horizon at an astonishing speed.

"Well, that was easy," Coby chuckled, watching Buggy's rapid departure. But his moment of triumph was short-lived as Nami stormed up to him, her fist raised to punch his head. Quick as ever, Coby caught her fist, pulling her close. "Hey, that's dangerous," he whispered, a playful warning in his tone.

Nami blushed, caught off guard by his sudden closeness. "Idiot," she muttered, her annoyance clear yet tinged with a hint of embarrassment.

Luffy and Zoro joined them, both delivering their own brand of reprimand. Zoro hit Coby on the head with the flat of his sword, while Luffy slapped him on the back, both of them exclaiming, "Fool." Their actions were half-teasing, half-scolding, a sign of their growing camaraderie. Coby risked his life to simp after Nami. But he had a way out from the beginning. He wouldn't foolishly threw his life away like that.

Nami, still in Coby's hold, looked at Luffy and Zoro with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. She didn't know them yet, and her trust was hard-earned. "So, these are your crewmates?" she asked Coby, her voice laced with skepticism.

Coby nodded, releasing Nami and stepping back. "Yeah, that's Luffy, our captain, and that's Zoro, our swordsman. They're good guys, you'll see."

Luffy, ever the enthusiastic one, stepped forward, offering his hand to Nami. "I'm Luffy! And I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!" His introduction was simple yet delivered with an unwavering conviction.

Zoro, in contrast, simply nodded in acknowledgment, his demeanor cool and composed. "Zoro. Nice to meet you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of respect.

Nami, her gaze shifting between the three, couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. These were not ordinary pirates; they were different, something she hadn't expected. "Nami," she introduced herself, her tone still cautious but less hostile.

As the group gathered their bearings, they surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The town was in disarray, the damage from Buggy's bomb evident in the scorched buildings and debris-strewn streets.

Coby, sensing Nami's discomfort amidst the chaos, spoke up. "Let's kick the pirates out of the island and leave."

Nami nodded, her eyes scanning the town. "Agreed. But first, I need to retrieve something."

Coby raised an eyebrow, curious. "Retrieve what?"

Nami smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Buggy's treasure. That's what I was here for in the first place."

Luffy's eyes lit up at the mention of treasure. "Treasure? Let's go get it then!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

Coby's thoughts drifted momentarily as he remembered a key moment from Luffy's journey – the encounter with the loyal dog guarding its master's pet shop. That event had been crucial in showcasing Luffy's sense of justice and had significantly impacted Nami's perception of pirates. He realized that by altering the course of events, they might miss this critical moment. "Well, doesn't matter," he mused to himself, confident in Luffy's inherent ability to display his pure-hearted nature. "She will see how genuine Luffy is."

Turning to Luffy and Nami, Coby suggested a plan. "You two head to the treasure," he said, gesturing towards the location where Buggy's loot was likely hidden. "Zoro and I will go to fetch the villagers."

Nami looked at Coby, a hint of suspicion in her eyes. She was still gauging the intentions of these unusual pirates. "Are you sure you can handle it?" she asked, her tone cautious.

Coby nodded confidently, his eyes meeting hers. "Trust us. We'll make sure everyone is safe." His assurance, coupled with a reassuring smile, seemed to ease some of Nami's concerns.

Luffy, already excited at the prospect of finding treasure, didn't need any further convincing. "Let's go, Nami!" he exclaimed, his usual carefree demeanor shining through. He began heading towards the treasure's location, his steps light and eager.

Nami, after a moment's hesitation, followed Luffy. She cast one last glance at Coby and Zoro, her gaze lingering for a second longer on Coby. There was something about him that intrigued her, a sense of mystery that she couldn't quite place. As if there was no secret under his gaze that she could hide.

Coby watched them go, a thoughtful expression on his face. He then turned to Zoro. "Let's round up the villagers and help them rebuild," he said, his voice carrying a sense of mischief.

Zoro, ever the stoic warrior, simply nodded in agreement. The two of them set off towards the village, their strides purposeful.

As Coby and Zoro made their way towards the outskirts of Orange Town, where the villagers had taken refuge, Zoro suddenly turned serious. "Thank you," he said, his voice carrying a depth of gratitude.

Coby, slightly taken aback by the sudden acknowledgment, tilted his head and smiled. "Don't worry about it," he replied, waving his hand dismissively. 

Zoro nodded, but his expression remained solemn. He felt a debt towards Coby, a sense of honor that required acknowledgment, if not repayment. Coby, sensing Zoro's discomfort with owing someone, simply chuckled and continued walking, leading the way into the wilderness surrounding the town.

As they approached the hiding place of the villagers, men armed with various tools like rakes and pickaxes emerged, their faces etched with suspicion and anger. "Are you pirates?" one of them demanded, his voice shaking with fear and anger.

Coby glanced at Zoro and grinned mischievously. Zoro, sensing something was amiss, braced himself. "Indeed we are," Coby declared with an exaggerated swagger.

Zoro's eyes twitched in irritation as he looked at the villagers, their expressions growing more hostile. "You bastards! Taking over our town wasn't enough, you want to chase us here too?" a villager shouted, his voice resonating with the collective anger of the group.

The villagers, fueled by fear and anger, began to chase Coby and Zoro. Coby, laughing madly, dashed away with Zoro hot on his heels. "Why are you doing this?" Zoro grumbled, his annoyance evident in his voice.

Coby just shrugged, his laughter echoing through the trees as they sprinted away. "Just making things interesting," he called back, his tone light and teasing.

They soon reached the edge of the town, where Luffy and Nami were returning, laden with treasure. Seeing the angry mob, Luffy and Nami's expressions shifted from triumph to surprise, and they too began to run towards the shore where their boat awaited.

As the four of them raced towards the boats, the villagers close behind, Nami's eyes darted between her new companions. She was still trying to figure them out, their motives and intentions unclear to her. The sight of Coby and Zoro being chased by an angry mob, only to join them in a hurried escape, added to her confusion.

"Why are they chasing you?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Coby, still grinning, glanced back at the villagers and then at Nami. "Misunderstanding," he replied nonchalantly. "They think we're the bad guys."

Nami raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. "And are you?" she inquired, her tone probing.

Coby simply smirked and shrugged. 


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