One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch10- Gamble

Okay, this is absolutely wild! So, I have this "Author Only" tier on Patreon where I schedule my chapters, and I left the purchase option open. And guess what? Someone actually bought it! I’m still wrapping my head around this—crazy, right? Himiki, you have my eternal gratitude. I can't even begin to express how much your support means to me (and I’m not talking about the money; that’s for everyone to see).

And on top of that, Darth Vader, another top-tier supporter, has joined the ranks. (Just to clarify, when I said top-tier before, I meant everything except the "Author Only" tier). All in all, I’m beyond happy, and I want to share this joy with you guys! Here’s another extra chapter—let’s go! 🎉

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As they sat side by side, Coby took a bite of his apple, savoring its sweetness. "I saw you on that ship a few days back, you know. You were robbing everyone blind," he said, his voice teasing yet observant.

Nami's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you a pirate? Part of Alvida's crew?" Her tone turned a notch colder, her eyes sharper, betraying her distrust for pirates.

Coby shook his head, a genuine smile softening his features. "Well, I am a pirate now, but not part of Alvida's crew," he clarified. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let me tell you, not all pirates are bad. Well, most are, but there are some that are not bad at all."

Nami snorted in disbelief, her expression one of skepticism. She had her reasons to hate pirates - reasons deeply rooted in her past. To her, pirates were synonymous with cruelty and greed. "What do you take me for?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Coby chuckled softly, sensing her guarded nature. "I don't take you for anything other than what you are - beautiful and a skilled thief," he said. "But I think you should meet my captain. I'm sure he'll change your mind about pirates."

Nami raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued despite her reservations. "And who is this captain of yours?" she asked, her tone now more inquisitive than hostile.

Coby's smile widened. "Monkey D. Luffy. He's going to be the King of the Pirates," he said with a conviction that was almost infectious.

Nami couldn't help but laugh, the idea sounding absurd to her. "The King of the Pirates? That's quite a bold claim. Well no matter, I hate pirates. I only like money and tangerines."

Coby grinned at Nami's reaction, his eyes playful yet filled with an unmistakable hint of admiration. "Hmm, I like tangerines too," he said, his tone light but with a suggestive undertone that made Nami's cheeks flush a soft pink.

"Bastard," she muttered under her breath, her embarrassment masked by a feigned scowl. Coby's presence, his unique abilities, and his association with a pirate captain who dared to dream of becoming the King of the Pirates intrigued her. Even if it was just a little bit.

Then, an idea sparked in Nami's sharp mind. "I may consider joining you guys, but you have to help me rob Buggy," she proposed, her gaze locking with Coby's, challenging yet expectant.

Coby's smile broadened, "Deal. But wait for my Captain to arrive first." 

As Nami nodded in agreement, a sudden explosion rocked the island. A cannon blast tore through the air, leaving a searing line from one end of the island to the other, as if a beam of heat had carved its path. The shockwave sent them tumbling, and they quickly regained their footing, their eyes scanning the source of the attack.

In the distance, the menacing figure of Buggy the Clown stood atop a hill, his sinister laugh echoing across the town. His crew, a motley assortment of ruffians and misfits, flanked him, their weapons ready and their intentions clear.

As Coby turned towards the source of the sudden explosion, Nami, with a swift and almost uncanny agility, produced a rope from seemingly nowhere. In one fluid motion, she tried to bind Coby with it, but in an instant, she found herself unexpectedly pressed against Coby's chest. His presence was unexpectedly comforting, yet her instincts screamed caution.

Leaning over her neck, his hot breath brushing her ears, Coby whispered, "That is not cool, you know." His voice was low, a playful reprimand laced with a hint of seriousness.

Nami wriggled, trying to free herself from Coby's firm grip, but he held her in place, his strength surprising her. "You want to hand me over to Buggy? Are you really callous enough to watch me get killed?" Coby's question, though whispered, carried a weight that made Nami pause.

Scowling, Nami snapped back, "Let me go, and I will show you." There was a fire in her eyes, a determination that Coby found both intriguing and admirable.

Coby, sensing her resolve and perhaps a bit of her plan, released her. Stretching out his arms, he presented his wrists and then his ankles for her to bind. "Tie me and hand me over," he challenged, his tone tinged with a hint of mischief.

Nami approached cautiously, her movements calculated and precise. She wrapped the rope around his wrists and ankles, securing them tightly. Then, with a surprising display of strength, she hoisted him onto her shoulder and began to carry him towards Buggy's base.

"Watch me," she whispered, her voice a blend of defiance and confidence.

As they approached Buggy's base, the chaotic energy of the pirates filled the air. Buggy's laughter, maniacal and piercing, echoed around them, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

Coby, slung over Nami's shoulder, his body limp and defeated. However, his eyes were sharp and observant, taking in every detail of their surroundings and the crew they were about to face.

Buggy, perched atop a makeshift throne, was a sight to behold. His garish makeup and extravagant attire made him look more like a circus performer than a feared pirate. Around him, his crew moved with a mix of fear and reverence, their loyalty to their captain unquestionable.

As Nami approached, the pirates' attention turned towards her. Whispers and murmurs spread through the crowd, their curiosity piqued by the sight of the orange-haired girl carrying a bound man.

Buggy's eyes narrowed as he spotted them. "What have we here?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "A little gift?"

Nami, unfazed by Buggy's intimidating presence, dropped Coby at his feet. "A prisoner for you, Captain Buggy," she declared, her voice steady and clear.

Buggy leaned forward, inspecting Coby with a curious gaze. "And who might this be? He doesn't look like much," he taunted, his voice echoing with mockery.

Nami's snort was one of cool disdain, a sound that seemed to echo with mockery and deceit. "He was my boss," she declared, gesturing towards Coby with a flick of her head, "but he's too much of an idiot. I stole from you on his orders, Captain Buggy, but I regret it. So here he is." She delivered her lie with a confidence that was almost convincing. "In return, please allow me to join your crew."

Buggy's laughter, loud and boisterous, filled the air, a sound that was both menacing and triumphant. "I like you," he said, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and cunning. "I think I will allow you to join my crew." He then shouted for all to hear, "A new crew member, and I got my Grand Line map back. This calls for a celebration!"

The other pirates echoed his excitement with a unified shout, "HOOO!" The atmosphere turned festive, the air thick with the smell of alcohol and the sound of raucous laughter.

Nami joined the festivities, her plan clear in her mind. She drank with the pirates, her resistance to alcohol a weapon in her arsenal. As she watched them grow increasingly drunk, her eyes sparkled with cunning. This was her chance to steal Buggy's treasure while they were distracted.

Meanwhile, Coby sat in a cage, bound by ropes, his eyes observing everything with a calm, calculated gaze. Nami walked over to him, crouching down in front of the cage with a triumphant smirk. "How are you doing, boss?" she asked, her voice dripping with false concern.

Coby only grinned back, his confidence unshaken despite his current predicament. "Nerved?" he teased, sensing her underlying anxiety.

"If my plan works, I might consider giving you the key. You're not a bad person," Nami said, her tone softening slightly.

Coby chuckled, choosing not to respond. His mind was already working on a plan, a way out of this situation that didn't rely on Nami's success or failure.

At that moment, Buggy approached, his presence commanding and dangerous. "You chose the wrong pirate to rob, little thief," he said, his voice cold and menacing.

Coby's grin didn't falter. "Oh really," he replied, his tone light and mocking. "And what have you decided for my fate?"

Buggy's expression darkened, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Prepare the Buggy Bomb," he ordered, his voice carrying an air of finality.

The crew sprang into action, aiming the formidable weapon towards a set of houses. As Buggy fired the bomb, a beam of heat tore down a straight path, its power and destruction evident. The bomb was a testament to Buggy's prowess and ruthlessness, a weapon of chaos and fear.

Coby watched the unfolding chaos with an eerie calmness, his expression unflinching even as the power of Buggy's bomb became frighteningly apparent. From the corner of her eye, Nami observed Coby's unwavering confidence, a stark contrast to the terror that gripped her heart. Would Buggy really use such a destructive weapon against Coby?

As Nami grappled with her fear, she tried to convince herself that Coby was just another pirate, and all pirates were bad. But deep down, something stirred within her, an unsettling feeling she couldn't quite place. Her heart raced with an unexplainable anxiety.

"Now it is your turn, little girl," Buggy sneered as he approached Nami, his smile twisted and malevolent. "Prove your loyalty to me, by blowing your former boss to mincemeat with this Buggy Ball." His words sent a shiver down Nami's spine.

The crew members, following Buggy's command, aimed the formidable weapon at Coby, who remained seated, his smile not faltering for even a second. "Show me you are ruthless enough to help me take over the world," Buggy added with a sadistic glee.

Nami looked at Coby, her face a mask of horror. She felt a cold sweat break out across her forehead. "You want me to kill him?" Her voice was shaky, laced with disbelief and fear.


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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