One Pice: A Game Blue System.

Chapter 24: CH-24:)

With those parting words the lieutenant leapt into the air, spring boarded off a nearby stack of crates and joined the silhouettes on the upper level.

Had we been in another universe the acrobatic feat may have had me impressed.

"Jorgen! You traitor!" Mori snarls, his voice affronted and still somewhat disbelieving. "You would betray the Marines for this low-life? For murdering scum? How much are they paying you!"

"Pay him? Nonsense!" The Don speaks up again before taking a long drag on his cigar. "I didn't pay him a thing. He's family. My sister's boy."

"Always happy to help uncle." Jorgen added in, a smirk firmly plastered on his face.

"That does remind me nephew...I have something for you." The Don snapped his fingers towards one of his cronies and the man hurried over with a small chest in his hand. "A congratulations gift on your promotion. Perhaps with this you'll get boosted to Lt. Commander." Masserida chuckled darkly. "A few years down the line you may even make 'Captain' and be placed in charge of a base. Then the family business can really expand."

Jorgen accepted the small chest and popped its lid open, revealing an oversized tangerine decorated with black swirls. "Incredible." The man breathed out. "When you said Wulfric found one I admit I was skeptical." The lieutenant closed the box and tucked it protectively under his arm. "Thank you uncle. You are far too generous."

Their brief conversation ends and all eyes are back on me and the Chief.

"Alright bounty hunter. You've been a rather irritating thorn in my side. Vacotti, the first of my subordinates you captured was an important middleman for some of our suppliers. Without him many of my business relationships have suddenly become...strained." The Don spoke somewhat frustratedly. "Then there was Hayward, Buchanan, and Blackjack. Each one had their own value to me. Despite all of that though, I think you'll find I can be a very forgiving man. Turn over all the money you've received for capturing my men -plus 50%- and I'll guarantee you leave today with your life."

"Does it look like I'm carrying that kind of cash on me?" I ask with a deadpan gesture to my outfit. As my question echoes through the building my eye catches Mori very subtly turning to the left. There's a stack of crates and metal drums not too far away and it'll be the only cover to run for when -not if- the bullets start flying.

Masserida strokes his chin thoughtfully. "If you don't have it on you then you'll show us where you've stashed it. Afterwards, provided you leave this country, you're free to go."

For a moment silence reigns and I have to resist the urge to laugh. " don't actually expect me to believe you right?"

The Don smirks and offers a small unrepentant chuckle. "Eh. Worth a shot." Masserida raises his hand and every gun toting flunky takes aim at Mori and I.

"MOVE!" I bellow, giving Mori a push towards the crates. "Light 'em up boys!" Masserida gleefully orders, bringing his hand down like the executioners blade.

Bullet Time Skill Active!

-Time is being slowed for you by 3%.

Despite whatever this [Skill] might be named I couldn't actually see any difference. At only a 3% reduction everything still looked to be moving normally. The crack of gunshots filled the air and I knew that despite my speed I was nowhere near lucky enough to dodge them all. I could only hope my VIT and [Physical Endurance] were up to task.

-30 HP!


-151 HP!

-31 HP!

-142 HP! -148 HP!

-30 HP!

HP Regen Skill Active!

-Current speed: 0.2% max health per minute.

Mori and I reached the stack of crates and immediately dived for cover. The cracking gunfire became mixed with the sound of wood splintering and I knew hiding behind the oversized boxes was only a temporary solution.

My whole body feels like it's been encased in fire. I have seven damage notifications so it's pretty easy to piece together how many times I got hit. Based on the damage numbers I have to assume that four of them only grazed me but at the same time it means three of them didn't.

I take a moment to look at Mori and see that he has gotten off way luckier than I did. As best I can tell he miraculously only managed to get nicked twice and neither wound looks bad all things considered.

The fact that I'm still thinking somewhat clearly is kind of freaking me out. When Thomas Poliver shot me all I could focus on was the burning feeling in my side but now the grazes are pretty tolerable. It's only the three larger wounds that have my attention.

'Even with all the extra health I have, gunshots should be more debilitating' I think as I pull medical wrappings from my [Inventory]. Subtlety be damned, if Mori sees I'll deal with it later. 'Either having more VIT has affected my ability to deal with pain or choosing the [Resilience] [Perk] did a little more for my durability than just doubling a number.'

Then again, maybe I'm just going into shock and my brain's deadening some of the pain. Wait, Is that how shock works? Shit I don't know. I'm not a doctor. I don't even really understand what 'shock' is...fuck...well nothing we can do about it right now.

The symphony of gunfire gets even louder as Mori starts firing back with his own pistol and I jump a little at the sound.

'Right. Worry later. Gunfight now.' I quickly finish tying off the white bandages over the bullet hole in my leg and fish my own two pistols out.

The [Game] provides a small pop-up as I wield them and a grimace spreads over my face.

Firearms Lv. (2/10) -Your ability to accurately use pistols, rifles, and portable cannons. Current Accuracy: 21.25%. Accuracy % is equal to [Firearms Level x5 + ¼ INT]


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