one day you'll love me

Chapter 51 I'm Responsible

Chapter 51 I'm Responsible

Looking at the paparazzi who rushed over after hearing the wind, Xia Yuxun didn't have time to think about it, so she rushed forward and snatched their cameras without saying a word, threw them on the ground and smashed them to pieces.

"Ah! You savage woman! How dare you smash my camera..."

All of a sudden, those paparazzi all glared and yelled into a ball.

Xia Yuxun naturally knows that these reporters are not easy to mess with, and any piece of news can ruin your reputation, but now, how can she care about these things.

After smashing the camera, Xia Yuxun grabbed Qin Feili's collar, "Go and tell the security guards to seal off the company's gate, and no more reporters are allowed in. I'll drive out all of those here!"

"Luo Wei is not allowed to call the security guard, the reporter is also called by her, in case she is offended..."

Xia Yuxun lowered her voice, "Can't you be a little more adaptable? That woman is all focused on the CEO now, so she has no time to take care of this! Hurry up!"

"But, Xiao Xia, those reporters can't offend them..." Qin Feili still had some scruples.

"Can I be responsible for everything alone? I smashed the camera, and I threw the person out! If you don't drive them away, I'll beat you up! The current situation is that I threatened you to drive them out. Yet?"

Qin Feili was almost deaf from her yelling, so he had no choice but to do as she said.

Xia Yuxun looked at the reporters who were tinkering with their mobile phones without their cameras, and rushed forward, grabbed their mobile phones and threw them out of the window.

"I warn you, no more pictures!"

"Who are you? It's too much! How can you smash our equipment! We are journalists and have the right to present the truth to the ignorant masses!"

"Fart! Even public figures are human beings, and the right to privacy is also protected by law. If you continue to entangle, you will be sued!"

Xia Yuxun's domineering aura caused a group of reporters to look at each other in blank dismay, and most of them began to retreat. At this moment, the security guards rushed over, and the reporters were finally invited out one after another.

As she said, Luo Wei is currently focused on Leng Sichen, and doesn't even notice what's going on outside.

After solving this problem, Xia Yuxun began to cautiously approach the office.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Get the hell out of here! Si Chen is mine, no one is allowed to take him away, no one is allowed..."

Seeing that her foot was about to step in, Luo Wei suddenly screamed excitedly, and accidentally pierced the fruit knife against Leng Sichen's throat for a few points, and blood oozed out immediately...

"Don't get excited, don't get excited... I just want to close the door for you. He belongs to you and you alone. How can you let others see it casually, right..." Xia Yuxun put on a harmless expression as much as possible, While talking, he walked over and closed the door whose lock had been smashed.

Leng Sichen's eyes told her that the most important thing she should do now is to close the door. She obviously noticed that the moment the door was closed, Leng Sichen's gloomy face looked much better in the gap.

After being watched by so many people like monkeys for so long, with that guy's personality, he was definitely going to explode with anger at the moment.

"Xiao Xia, what should we do now? Let's call the police!" Annie said in a panic.

"No! Absolutely don't call the police!" Xia Yuxun flatly denied.

"Xia Yuxun, what kind of onion are you! Don't ask the police to take responsibility for what happened?" Someone in the crowd began to shout.

"Anyway, you don't need to be responsible, you are a fart! Anyone who dares to call the police can try it!"

If the police are called, the incident will become a big mess. Now that the Internet is so developed, if the incident breaks out, it will be difficult to cover it up.

Xia Yuxun let out a lion's roar, and no one dared to speak anymore. Everyone knew that although Xiao Xia was usually very talkative, she was definitely not a character to be provoked, and she was rarely someone who could speak up in front of the president.

At the same time, everyone recalled how many bombings and assassinations this petite girl had prevented.

Leng's has too many powerful enemies in the mall, and the underworld has also provoked many enemies. Everyone knows how dangerous it is to work in a large-scale multinational company like Leng's that is laundered by the underworld, so Leng's requirements for bodyguards are particularly strict.

It is absolutely impossible for Xia Yuxun to sit in this seat without two brushes.

Her looks and gender make it easy for people to overlook her lethality, but it is precisely this that is also her greatest advantage, like a sheathed knife beside Leng Sichen.

"Xiao Xia, what should we do now? If something happens to the president, we can't afford it!" Annie asked timidly.

"Annie, you are here to guard this door, and no one is allowed to enter. Give me 15 minutes, and I will take care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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