One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 - Take the Test

Having just synthesized the cold medicine, Jiang Hao felt significantly more at ease this time.


“Ding… Congratulations, host, synthesis failed. You have obtained some medicinal dregs, 0.1 skill point, and 0.1 experience point!”

Despite the failed synthesis, Jiang Hao wasn't disheartened. He discarded the dregs and picked up two more ingredients.

Soon after, a smile crept onto Jiang Hao's face.

He had succeeded!

The note, though, was quite systematic. Jiang Hao couldn't help but feel speechless as he read it.

Super Painkillers: With these, even the Ten Great Tortures would be a breeze!


He decided to ignore the note and proceeded to extract the super painkillers, then synthesized the remaining three parts.

After one setback, Jiang Hao ended up with three super painkillers in total.


The morning's first class was Yuan Datou's math lesson.

“Ring ring ring…”

The bell signaled the start of class, and Yuan Hong entered the classroom.

“Good morning, teacher!”

“Good morning, students. Please be seated.”

“Could everyone please take out the test from the day before yesterday? We're going to review that test today.”

Yuan Hong's voice was raspy today, and he looked quite unwell.

He then explained why.

“Last night, I was grading papers until very late. I woke up with a cold this morning, so my voice might not carry well. Please keep quiet so the students in the back can hear.”

“And remember, the college entrance exams are coming up. Take care of yourselves. Don't end up with a cold like me!”

Yuan Hong offered this advice with a light-hearted tone.

Touched by Yuan Hong's concern, Jiang Hao thought of the super cold medicine he had just created.

Should he offer one to his teacher?

He hesitated for a moment but then made up his mind.

Yuan Hong had always been kind to him, never giving up on him despite his poor grades.

Moreover, a teacher as dedicated as Yuan Hong deserved his help.

Jiang Hao retrieved a super cold medicine from the System Space and placed it into an empty medicine bottle.

Then, he raised his hand.

Yuan Hong, at the podium, quickly noticed Jiang Hao's raised hand, which took him by surprise.

Why was Jiang Hao awake today, and why did he raise his hand?

I couldn't help but admire Jiang Hao, a prodigy of sorts. He managed to sleep through classes daily and still come out on top during exams—a feat not just anyone could achieve.

“Jiang Hao, what's going on?”

Yuan Hong's inquiry drew everyone's attention to Jiang Hao, who had his hand raised in the back.

Ignoring the puzzled stares from the crowd, Jiang Hao stood up and approached Yuan Hong at the podium, medicine bottle in hand, and began to explain.

“Teacher Yuan, this is the cold medicine my mom got for me last time I was sick. It works wonders. You should give it a try!”

Yuan Hong was genuinely moved by the gesture, but he knew better than to take medicine without caution.

He smiled appreciatively and declined with grace.

“Thanks, Jiang Hao, but no need. My body's a bit unique; cold medicine hardly works on me. I usually need an IV at the hospital. I'll head over after class.”

Yuan Hong wasn't making it up; his constitution was indeed somewhat weak, just as he described.

Yet, in just a few strides, Jiang Hao was already by Yuan Hong's side, offering the medicine bottle.

“Teacher, please try it. This medicine is really effective. The last time I had a cold, one pill did the trick!”

Yuan Hong was hesitant as he looked at the bottle Jiang Hao extended to him, but ultimately, he accepted it.

Jiang Hao's concern was heartfelt, and Yuan Hong couldn't simply disregard his kindness.

As for Jiang Hao's claim that one pill would do the job, Yuan Hong didn't quite buy it, but he appreciated the thought all the same.

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