On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 253

Establish the Third Reich?

Stir up the Middle East.

Commander:”Jiang Chen, I don’t understand what you mean?”

Jiang Chen:”John Bull, Gallic Chicken, Eagle Sauce and others gathered in the Middle East because they wanted to use oil to dominate the world’s economy and sanction us.………”

Knowing the key to asking the question, the next step will be easy

“The only way to break the deadlock is to create civil unrest in Europe, so that they will lose their composure and be forced to withdraw.”

“How can we make Europe chaotic? With NATO there to calm it down, it’s hard to make chaos!”

Jiang Chen:”It’s very simple. Who is the most suppressed in Europe? Hans Cat!”

The defeated Hans Cat not only has to face huge reparations, but also has to be divided up. His life is miserable now.

Just give them a little hope, and it will be easy to start a revolution.

Commander-in-chief:”It’s hard for Hans Cat to produce another person like Little Mustache. It’s hard to turn over.”

Jiang Chen:”Little Mustache is not dead yet. Give him some benefits, let him rise with Hans Cat, stir up Europe, and make Gaul Rooster and John Bull and other countries withdraw their troops from the Middle East!” Use

Germany to control Europe.

Let Hans Cat, the European shit-troublemaker, go crazy. Can they still care about the Middle East?

“Jiang Chen, didn’t Little Mustache commit suicide?”

?On April 30, 1945, Mustache shot himself in the basement of the presidential palace.

The Soviet army found the bodies of Mustache and his mistress Eva Braun in the garden. After autopsy and forensic examination, their identities were confirmed.?

“However, it was not the case. The body that the Russian bear found was burnt, and he firmly believed that Little Moustache had committed suicide. He also listed a series of various evidences… Let me ask, why was the Russian bear so convinced and so eager to prove that Little Moustache was dead?”

“Isn’t this just trying to cover up something?”

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu were instantly horrified when they heard this.

The little mustache is not dead?

This man who swept across Europe in World War II is not dead?

No one can accept such news.

“If he wasn’t dead, where would he have gone?”

?”It is very likely that the little mustache has escaped to Argentina. We just need to find him and leave the rest to him!”

Hu Gong:”Will we be nurturing a tiger to cause trouble?”

“Don’t worry about that, we only need a troublemaker, not a strong man.”

As long as Europe is in chaos, the rabbit can pick up the leaks.

Jiang Chen continued:”Of course, chaos in Europe will not completely solve the energy problem in the Middle East. It also needs a complete oil industry chain.”

“But we don’t have oil fields, so it’s hard to develop an industrial chain……”

“Who said there is no oil field? I discovered an oil field in Heilongjiang Province, right in Daqing!”

“According to my estimation and exploration, the geological reserves of Daqing Oilfield are about 6.7 billion tons, which can completely fill the gap in our oil resource industry and lay a solid energy foundation for the development and construction of industry.”

“What, 6.7 billion tons?”

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu were both shocked.

“Jiang Chen, you are kidding me, we actually have such a huge amount of oil?”

“Commander in Chief, when have you ever seen me joking?”

“Oh my goodness, I didn’t expect that we are the rich ones…hahaha……”

“Tell me, why didn’t the Japanese find it back then!”

The biggest purpose of the Japanese invasion of China was to plunder the land resources and wealth of the rabbits through war, so as soon as they occupied the Northeast, they hurriedly organized a professional survey team to look for the lifeline energy to maintain the war machine and industry: oil.

As a result, after ten years of unremitting exploration and unremitting efforts, the Japanese did not find any trace of oil fields and had to return home in disappointment.

During World War II, for the”militants” in the fascist camp: Hans Cat and the Japanese, the oil crisis was a very troubling problem for them.

For them, no matter how advanced the war machine is, it will be useless without oil. , reduced to a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Compared with Hans Cat, as an isolated island country with a small land area, Chicken Foot Basin’s resource scarcity is even more serious. The already scarce oil resources have reached the severe level of not producing a drop of oil, and Chicken Foot Basin is heavily dependent on oil imports.

One is Eagle Sauce. Eagle Sauce is the main channel for Chicken Foot Basin’s oil imports. Eighty percent of Chicken Foot Basin’s oil is imported from Eagle Sauce.

The second is imported from the East Indies, which was a colony of the Netherlands at the time, but the import volume was relatively small, accounting for only about 10.

As for Sakhalin Island, which has been contested with Russia for a long time, it has become Chicken Foot Basin’s backup. With the option, although some oil can be imported from there, the import volume is also precarious due to the low oil production on the island. (To read the novel”Bao Shuang”, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In general, Jiaobenji relies heavily on the Eagle Sauce for oil resources. It can almost be said that it is choked by the Eagle Sauce.

Back then, the Japanese almost discovered the Daqing Oilfield.

To be precise, they were only 300 meters away. If the Jiaobenji people had drilled a few more wells or drilled a few hundred meters forward, Jiaobenji might have been able to dig up the Daqing Oilfield. Perhaps it was the help of God that prevented Jiaobenji from snatching this precious land.

Of course, before that Before, the Eagle Sauce also conducted exploration and investigation on the oil resources of the Rabbit, but found nothing.

Also, before the discovery of the Daqing Oilfield, the whole world believed in the”marine oil generation theory”, which holds that oil is mainly produced in marine sedimentary rocks and is formed by organisms deposited in lakes and seas.

Even the oil in the Middle East, which is rich in oil, and the oil known at the time were all found in marine sedimentary rocks.

Therefore, the mainstream view at the time was that only marine strata or related freshwater strata had the possibility of producing oil layers.

This also allowed the Daqing Oilfield to be unexpectedly protected.

“Haha, Daqing Oilfield is really a gift from God to us……”The commander-in-chief seemed very excited.

Currently, the rabbits are in great need of oil.

Jiang Chen’s good news is undoubtedly a timely help.

Mr. Hu:”So, don’t we need to send more troops to the Middle East?”

“No!” Jiang Chen interrupted immediately,”Not only do we need to increase our troops, but we need to increase them on a large scale, and fight the Eagle Sauce to the death… Ling”

As soon as these words came out, the commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

That expression seemed to say: Jiang Chen, are you okay? Are you afraid that the world will not be in chaos? []

At the same time, Mr. Qian overcame the difficulties of MIRV and hypersonic missile technology.

…… ps: Flowers increased by 400, and one more update will be added tonight!!!!


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