On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 251

Rabbit announced that the hydrogen bomb had been successfully developed.

This news shocked the world and once again made the international front page headlines

“What? Rabbits developed a hydrogen bomb? This is too fast!”

“The rabbit’s military technology is becoming more and more advanced!”

“As the world develops, you must watch Rabbit!”

“It is undeniable that rabbits are leading the development of science and technology around the world”

“Rabbits are slowly taking over the world……”

Some people were amazed, some were frightened, some were envious, some were jealous… and more were just upset.

Eagle sauce, John Bull and others could not understand why the rabbit suddenly rose. In 1945, World War II ended, and the rabbits began to fight each other.

In 1949, the rabbit was finally established… but it also rose…

In July 1954, the rabbit reached the top of the world and became a world power that made the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union tremble.

In ten years, the rabbit has undergone earth-shaking changes, which made the whole world tremble.

What does the rabbit rely on?

Is it talent? Is it national cohesion? Is it faith? Or is it the power of the country?

In any case, the rabbit has become a behemoth at this time, and it is an oriental power that small Western European countries are afraid of.

Of course, John Bull, who are used to eating dividends, will naturally not let the rabbit become the global hegemon.

At the same time, they also found a problem: that is, the rabbit’s industrial chain is relatively weak, especially after the withdrawal of the bear.

This shortcoming has been significantly magnified.

Once the war breaks out, the test will be on the country’s industrial chain, how to operate for a long time and provide all the needs for the war.

Obviously, the rabbit’s industrial chain cannot support long-term high-end weapons production, or in other words, the output is low.

For example, the rabbit can concentrate the country’s strength to produce nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, and intercontinental missiles, but if a war breaks out and a large number of nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, and intercontinental missiles are needed, the rabbit will not be able to continue to output.

On the other hand, the Eagle Sauce has a huge advantage in this regard, and its productivity position in the world is unshakable.

For example, this time when Alaska deployed the SM-65 intercontinental missile, the Eagle Sauce deployed 100 at a time.

There is no way, the Eagle Sauce’s production capacity is too terrible.

This is also the Eagle Sauce’s greatest confidence.

“Rabbit, I will definitely kill you this time.……”

It was also the source of Eisenhower’s arrogance.


At this time, John Bull had successfully developed a nuclear bomb with the support of the Gallic Rooster and became the fourth nuclear power.

When the Russian Bear announced on August 14, 1953 that it had a hydrogen bomb, John Bull felt very uneasy and anxious.

So Churchill prepared to develop the hydrogen bomb with all his strength.

Of course, according to the course of history, John Bull successfully conducted the first hydrogen bomb test in 1957.

“We must build our own hydrogen bomb before the rabbits do and become the third country in the world to master the hydrogen bomb.……”

However, just when Churchill was ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work, a copy of The Times poured cold water on everyone.

《The Times is one of John Bull’s most influential newspapers. It is a comprehensive international newspaper founded in 1785. It has long enjoyed a high reputation and wide influence. The newspaper focuses on the quality and depth of news reports, and also pays attention to the dynamics of domestic and foreign political, economic, and social fields.

Therefore, when The Times reported that the rabbit officially announced the mastery of the hydrogen bomb, Churchill immediately convened an emergency meeting of”Cobra”.

The Cobra Emergency Planning Committee is the abbreviation of”Cabinet Office Situation Bulletin A”. It is composed of John Bull’s cabinet members and military and police intelligence heads. It has supreme powers such as suspending Parliament and is specifically responsible for handling particularly important matters related to national security.

Obviously, John Bull felt that the rabbit’s mastery of the hydrogen bomb posed an absolute threat to him.

In particular, he also had a colony of the rabbit: Hong Kong.

Therefore, Churchill convened an emergency meeting of”Cobra” to discuss how to deal with the deterrence brought by the rabbit next.


When Khrushchev learned that the rabbits had mastered hydrogen bomb technology, there was an uproar

“Who would have thought that after the rabbit escaped from our control, it could still be so strong?” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“So scary!”

“It seems that it is much better than I expected!”

I thought that the bear’s domineering withdrawal from the rabbit’s aid would cause the rabbit’s economy to fall apart and go into decline… Unexpectedly, the rabbit developed the most powerful hydrogen bomb in the world. It was completely beyond Khrushchev’s expectations.

At this moment, Khrushchev and others finally understood that the rabbit was already strong enough to escape the control of any snobbish.

The strong rise of the rabbit has become inevitable.

No one can stop it.

At this moment, Khrushchev could only spend his time with sighs, and then accelerated the aid and support to the white elephant.


The commander-in – chief was looking at the intelligence and news handed over by Li Kenong, and his brows were furrowed.

“John Bull and Gallic Rooster and other countries are constantly sending troops to the Middle East. The situation is not optimistic!”

Hu Gong:”Not only them, but the Eagle Sauce is also sending troops from the Asia-Pacific region. It seems that they are determined to win this time………”

“Abandoning the Asia-Pacific region and gathering in the Middle East, does the United States want to contain us from the perspective of oil and energy?”

“Commander-in-chief, it is not impossible… At present, our country has one foot into the ranks of industrialized countries, and oil is the blood of industry. Without it, most of our factories will have to reduce production and stop working!”[]

Previously, the relationship with Russia was good, and a large amount of oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, etc. could be transported from Russia.

Now, the two have a falling out. If the Middle East falls out again, the rabbit will fall into an oil crisis.

Moreover, at present, the proven reserves of oil in the rabbit country are very small, and the backward technology cannot meet the domestic demand at all. In

1949, the annual output of crude oil in the country was only 120,000 tons. Based on the discovery of the first oil field, Karamay Oilfield, and the completion of the first natural oil base, Yumen Oilfield, oil exploration and development made a historic breakthrough.

It was not until 1963 when the national oil production reached 6.48 million tons that it was announced:”The oil needed by our country can now be basically self-sufficient.”

But it did not achieve self-sufficiency.

By 1978, the national crude oil production reached 1.04 tons, becoming the world’s eighth largest oil producer. The following”Second Five-Year Plan” key construction projects, Jilin Calcium Carbide Plant, Dye Plant, Fertilizer Plant, Lanzhou Refinery, and Chemical Plant were successively completed and put into production.

Subsequently, oil refineries in Fushun, Daqing, Jinxi and other places successively conquered five process technologies such as fluid catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming, and the”five golden flowers” blossomed one after another, achieving the goal of”three years to pass the test and five years to establish a foothold in China” two years ahead of schedule, and oil refining process technology achieved a major leap.

The rabbit can barely achieve self-sufficiency.

The commander-in-chief frowned:”If 4.6 is stuck in our oil neck by the Eagle Sauce, we will be very uncomfortable!”

Li Kenong:”Commander-in-chief, I have to report two more serious problems to you!”

“First, according to the investigation of the Mao Bear Agent, the Eagle Sauce has deployed intercontinental missiles in Alaska. It is initially estimated that its strike range will reach the Magic City.……”

“Second, the Russian bear has stepped up its aid to White Elephants, initially targeting 102 projects, which is no less than its aid to us.……”

As soon as these words came out, the commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu showed serious expressions.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also arrived at the Beijing Airport and was rushing towards Zhong Nanhai.

…… ps: The data is not moving, 10 monthly tickets plus one update, 200 evaluation tickets plus one update, 2000 flowers plus one update, 1 reward plus 2 updates, 10 automatic subscriptions plus one update (now 8, can be accumulated), the data has arrived, continue to burst update, do what you say!!


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