On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 249

Jiang Chen was very excited. Rabbit finally had his own hydrogen bomb… This was not easy.

In order to develop his own hydrogen bomb.

Jiang Chen continuously transported many materials, components, various electronic instruments, and multi-purpose equipment with special requirements to the hydrogen bomb production plant to ensure the needs of hydrogen bomb development.

As a nuclear fusion weapon, the hydrogen bomb requires a mixture of deuterium and tritium as raw materials.

Tritium almost does not exist naturally, so Yu Min and others must find a way to synthesize tritium.

In order to synthesize tritium, Yu Min’s research team built a special reactor, and the reactor can only produce a very small amount of tritium at a time.

This is one of the reasons why hydrogen bombs take so long.

After collecting enough deuterium and tritium mixtures, the research team also needs to find a way to make the atoms of the fuel fuse and combine.

In order to produce nuclear fusion between atomic nuclei, there must be an ultra-high temperature environment to ensure that the atomic nuclei can fuse together during the collision.

In order to meet this requirement, Jiang Chen used an atomic bomb to detonate the hydrogen bomb, that is, to install a nuclear bomb inside the hydrogen bomb.

Soon, under the guidance of Comrade Yu Min, Jiang Chen saw a hydrogen bomb in an iron barrel that looked like a”fat man”.

Yu Min said proudly:”Professor Jiang, do you see it? It is our apple tree.……”

“Well, that’s great!” Jiang Chen:”We finally have our own hydrogen bomb!”

“By the way, have you checked all the work?”

“The inspection has been completed, and the test explosion can be carried out!!”

“Okay, Siruo, arrange for Sixth Master to come over immediately and drop and detonate it in Lop Nur!”

The hydrogen bomb at this time is similar to the first nuclear bomb and needs to be dropped and detonated in the air.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it immediately!”

Soon, under Qiu Siyan’s arrangement, a 3.31 million equivalent hydrogen bomb was hung on the Yun-5.

Yu Min and others showed burning eyes: After so much effort, the harvest season has finally arrived.

The scientific research team was very excited and excited.

Then, under the leadership of Jiang Chen 873, Yu Min and other teams took the Yun-5 to Lop Nur.

Yu Min led the theoretical department working group to the nuclear test site, and could solve any problems that might arise in the test at any time.

About an hour later.

The Yun-5 landed smoothly at the airport, and the Lop Nur experimental base had already been prepared.

“Chief Designer, we have received an order from the Commander-in-Chief. All conditions for the test explosion have been prepared and all organisms in the target area have been cleared.……”

Liu Qiang, the head of the ninth operation team, and 305 other people have arrived at the nuclear test site in batches.

Preparations before the test explosion include energy output, explosion radius, radiation concentration, etc. after the test explosion, and assessment of the potential harm of the test explosion to the surrounding environment and personnel.

At the same time, in accordance with the instructions put forward by Mr. Hu,”serious, thoughtful, reliable, and foolproof.”

The ninth operation team has formulated various measures such as”ensuring sound, ensuring measurement, ensuring transportation, and ensuring safety.”

Looking at the expectant expressions of the crowd, Jiang Chen looked at Yu Min on the side:”Are you confident that your research will succeed?”

“One hundred percent success!” Yu Min said with a firm look in his eyes.

Before the hydrogen bomb was developed, the experimental department of Factory 221 formulated a detonation simulation experiment plan.

In addition, hundreds of explosion simulation tests and repeated research and analysis were carried out, and finally the structural plan of the”primary” system was solved, thus successfully solving the three major technical problems of explosion number test, processing and manufacturing, and nuclear test diagnosis.

For example, on November 12 last year, Factory 221 successfully carried out a full-scale detonation neutron test, and the test results were very ideal. Under the condition of ensuring quality, Factory 221 stepped up the production of”primary” and”secondary” components and assemblies, and produced the hydrogen bomb nuclear device in mid-December, ready for shipment.

Tower explosion method for the”629″ hydrogen bomb principle test At the end of November 1966, Factory 221 formed the ninth operation team and went to the nuclear test base (i.e. Malan base) to carry out the”629″ hydrogen bomb principle test task.

On December 25, the hydrogen bomb device for the formal test was airlifted to the nuclear test site. After unpacking and inspection by the personnel of the Ninth Institute, the accuracy and quality of each component and assembly were good.

This test adopted the tower explosion method, using the backup iron tower of the first atomic bomb test to place the hydrogen bomb device on the top of the iron tower.

On the afternoon of December 26, the hydrogen bomb device for the formal test was hoisted to the blasting chamber at the top of the iron tower, which was 102 meters high. The technicians of the Ninth Operation Team began to connect the detonator to the hydrogen bomb device in the blasting chamber at the top of the iron tower.

Then, the technicians completed each process and carefully conducted the appearance and local inspection again.

Afterwards, all personnel left the iron tower.

At 12:00 on December 28, the hydrogen bomb device exploded on schedule. At an observation point 23 kilometers west of the explosion center, Yu Min saw a brighter flash at the moment of the hydrogen bomb device explosion through his goggles.

After the flash, Yu Min immediately took off his goggles and saw the hemispherical fireball expanding and rising.

A few seconds later, the fireball turned into a brown smoke cloud and rose together with the dust column on the ground, and began to form a mushroom cloud-shaped smoke cloud, and there was a huge explosion like spring thunder.

Yu Min judged from the scene of the nuclear explosion smoke cloud, and he had some bottom line in his heart.

Soon, the test sampling team reported the rapid data to the command center, and the experts listened to the rapid data together.

When Yu Min heard the two key rapid data, at this time, it can be concluded that the hydrogen bomb principle we have mastered is correct and Jiang Chen’s design plan is feasible. At this point, the key scientific and technological problems in the development of hydrogen bombs have been solved.

The power of this explosion was 122,000 tons?TN T equivalent, indicating that the rabbit has mastered the hydrogen bomb design technology.

It is the second milestone in the history of rabbit nuclear weapons development.

This hydrogen bomb principle test achieved the expected purpose and achieved a breakthrough in hydrogen bomb technology.

The next step should be to adopt the design principle, structure and existing bomb body and other components of the prototype hydrogen bomb of this nuclear test, and preliminarily determine that this time a hydrogen bomb air-drop explosion test with a TNT equivalent of one million tons will be carried by an aircraft.

Today, it is finally here.

For today, all relevant parties have arranged various tasks in this way: theoretical calculation, product design, and production and processing are linked together.

The processing of materials and components of hydrogen bombs is special, and all processes are required to be”limit state”.

Fortunately, Qinghai 2 (aiag) 21 Factory has a team of workers with strong technical strength. They are responsible for the production and processing links. Any shape of design drawings can be processed into”products” in their hands.

Jiang Chen:”I believe you……”

Soon, the hydrogen bomb used for the formal nuclear test arrived at the assembly plant of the nuclear test base Malan Airport.

Immediately, Yu Min pointed and said,”The ninth operation team… start!!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“”Okay!” Liu Qiang unpacked and checked, all parts were good.

The formal assembly of the hydrogen bomb began on the 10th.

Before the formal assembly, Liu Qiang mobilized everyone.

After the mobilization, all the assembly personnel were enthusiastic and worked overtime. After each assembly process, they strictly and carefully carried out quality inspections.

Finally, the assembly of the hydrogen bomb for the formal nuclear test was completed on time and with quality assurance.

At the same time, Jiang Chen listened to the final report on the test preparation work of the entire field area.

“All instruments and equipment at the test site completed the final joint test at 14:00 and are now on standby.”

“The parachute was installed and connected to the tail of the missile body before 19:00. The personnel of each participating unit and the troops in the field arrived at a safe area and stood by.”

“The preparations for the hydrogen bomb air burst test are progressing smoothly. The aircraft, parachute, bomb and site preparations have all been completed.

Jiang Chen stood up and said,”Okay, the”zero hour” for the official test is scheduled to be 8:00 on the 17th.”

“Meeting adjourned!”

It was seven o’clock in the morning on the 17th of 1954. The command post was located on the tower of Baiyungang, 55 kilometers west of the explosion center. Everyone was very nervous.


Especially for Yu Min and others, the previous tests were all of hundreds of thousands of equivalents, and now this hydrogen bomb is at the level of three million.

The explosive power can be imagined.

“I’ve been preparing for this moment for so long.……”

Then, everyone picked up their goggles and got ready!

At this time, a”Sixth Master” carrying a hydrogen bomb was ready at the airport.

“The”Sixth Master” bomber had a wingspan of more than 30 meters, spitting out long red flames and roaring.

Boom boom boom… buzz buzz buzz……

“The”Sixth Master” moved from the runway, accelerated, and took off, soaring straight up.

Xu Kejiang piloted the No. 726″Sixth Master” carrying the hydrogen bomb and took off towards the school test site.

1000 meters! 2000 meters!

3000 meters!

“8000 meters, only 2000 meters left to the target altitude……”

Flight altitude 10,000 meters, flight speed 800 kilometers per hour

“Command, Command, we have arrived at the target area, please give us instructions!!”

“Okay, please get ready!”

When the clock pointed to 8:19:50, Jiang Chen picked up the radio and shouted,”Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!”……”


Xu Kejiang pressed the release button.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh… the hydrogen bomb slowly landed.

Then, the trigger inside the hydrogen bomb was activated, and the nuclear bomb detonated, forming a high temperature that triggered a deuterium-tritium reaction.


With a loud bang.

A big fireball appeared in the sky, hanging high in the blue sky. The rolling fireball turned into a large cloud of smoke, which quickly expanded and rose, covering half of the sky with the gorgeous colors of the morning glow.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Then a shock wave came from the endless Gobi Desert, and the thunderous roar shook the earth and the sky.

A strong light spread around.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen, Yu Min and others were wearing goggles… Otherwise, the dazzling light would really hurt their eyes.

????”Success! Success!”

Yu Min’s comrades in the Theoretical Department cheered first, tears welling up in their eyes, and they were so excited that they hugged each other and cried with joy.

The calculation results of the arrival time of the shock wave, the height of the smoke cloud, and the minimum danger time of the fireball showed that the hydrogen bomb had reached the predetermined power index.

“”Haha… Success!”

Everyone cheered.

However, at this time Qiu Siyan walked in quickly and said,”Jiang Chen, it’s bad, something big has happened!”

…… ps: Dear friends, where are the flowers and monthly tickets? The data is not moving!


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