On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 237

Intercontinental missiles carrying nuclear bombs?

These nine short words reveal too many shocking signals.

Eisenhower, Marshall, Stilwell and others are collectively blind, as if they don’t want to see anything.

“Major Roth, you are responsible for what you said.……”

Roth said with a firm look in his eyes:”I want to know, what kind of conventional weapon can make a mushroom cloud soar to a height of 10,000 meters? At the same time, it can also destroy all the buildings on Oahu Island and trigger a huge tsunami and earthquake.……”

Oahu has an area of 1,574 square kilometers, which is the size of a county in the Rabbit State. It is 71 kilometers long, 8 kilometers wide, and has a coastline of 227 miles.

It is impossible to destroy it with a conventional bomb.

“Fuck!” Eisenhower was very reluctant to accept this fact:”Damn, so the rabbits have mastered the technology of combining two bombs?”

Stilwell sighed:”As for the Pearl Island incident, the rabbits not only mastered the technology of combining two bombs, but the accuracy error of their intercontinental missiles does not exceed 800 meters. Moreover, judging from the destructive power caused to Oahu, the nuclear bomb launched by the rabbits is at least 100 times more powerful than the fat man!”

“I think… this is the biggest threat to our homeland……”

One hundred times more powerful than”Fat Man”, this is something no one dares to imagine.

Now, who dares to question that the rabbit does not have nuclear bombs?

The number and quality of his nuclear bombs are not as good as those of the Eagle Sauce?

The world was shocked by the war!

At this moment, the Eagle Sauce officials seemed to see an insurmountable mountain.

This mountain prevented the Eagle Sauce from dominating the world.

Marshall:”With a long range, high accuracy, and the ability to carry nuclear warheads… The rabbit’s new missile is invincible.”

Eisenhower:”The rabbit’s intercontinental missiles are enough to deter the homeland? Never allow it… In the two hundred years since the founding of the United States, it has never been under such a great threat.……”

Stilwell:”President 05, our Parrot nuclear submarine has been stillborn. Next, how can we fight back?”

“Perhaps our intercontinental missiles……”Army Commander Ridgway, who had been silent, spoke up.

“The SM-65 Atlas missile we are developing has an estimated range of 14,000 kilometers and is currently being tested… Once successful, we can also deter the Rabbit homeland”

SM-The 65 Cosmic God uses kerosene and liquid oxygen to propel the missile to a maximum range of 14,000 kilometers, which is much higher than the 8,000 kilometers of the Russian R-7 rocket.

The strike accuracy is within a target radius of 2 kilometers, which can basically cover the downtown area.

However, the liquid fuel loading method determines that the missile’s launch time is almost calculated in hours, and its nuclear counterattack capability in the event of a surprise attack is low.

Even the final version of the”Cosmic God”-F”It takes at least ten minutes for a missile to be refueled and ignited for launch. The Russian nuclear bomb was almost ready to be refueled and launched when it was almost over the White House.

Of course, for the Eagle Sauce in this matter, the SM-65 Space God is better than nothing.

Eisenhower:”SM-65 When will the God of the Universe succeed?”

“Within half a year!” Li Qi vowed in WeChat:”SM-SM- 65 will be the clarion call for our counterattack!”

According to the course of history, SM-65 was first launched in 1957, deployed in 1959, and retired in 1965.

There is no way, all this is”the rabbit’s fault”.

In fact, in 1946, both the Air Force and the Army formulated ballistic missile development plans, but due to different views on the prospects of missiles from all walks of life and the wavering government policies, the research and development of ballistic missiles was ultimately affected.

According to the division of labor at the time, the Army was mainly responsible for short-range and medium-range missiles, while the Air Force was responsible for the development of intercontinental missiles.

Therefore, as early as April 19, 1946, In 1951, the Eagle Sauce formulated the MX-774 plan, which aimed to study the capabilities of rocket weapons and work towards the ultimate goal of intercontinental ballistic missiles, but did not achieve much success.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce government judged that the existing technology was too weak, and chose to give priority to increasing the payload in terms of range and payload, so the first medium-range nuclear missile Redstone was born.

However, when the Eagle Sauce learned in 1951 that the bears and rabbits had made rapid progress in intercontinental missile technology, it hurriedly established its own intercontinental missile project.

As a result, the SM-65 Cosmic God was successfully developed ahead of schedule.

“Well, I am looking forward to what kind of surprises the SM-65 Space God intercontinental missile can bring us!” Eisenhower:”Warn the rabbits immediately that they must be held responsible for the Pearl Harbor incident, otherwise, they will become the next chicken in the basin!”

“Okay, I’ll go right away!” Austin responded and walked away quickly.

At the same time, in order to prevent local residents from panicking, the Eagle Sauce authorities blocked the news from all aspects and the world.

Otherwise, the Eagle Sauce locals would definitely explode.


At the same time, the launch of the intercontinental missile by Rabbit attracted great attention internationally, and many countries were paying attention to how this live broadcast would unfold.

“Was the Rabbit intercontinental missile launch successful?”

“I don’t know, the news is blocked… Now, there is no communication signal in the whole of Hawaii, we have no way to find out the news!”

“What’s wrong with the rabbit? I only hear thunder but no raindrops fall.”

“I guess the Eagle Sauce blocked the news, something big must have happened!!”

“There are only two situations at present. First, the rabbit’s intercontinental missile launch was successful, but if the rabbit wants to transport the things back, it must pass the blockade of the eagle sauce. The eagle sauce does not want the rabbit to know whether it is successful or not, so this is a confrontation!”

“The second scenario is that the rabbit successfully launches an intercontinental missile, causing the Eagle Sauce to suffer, so the news is blocked.……”

“Let’s…let’s let the bullets fly for a while!”


Island B is about 1219.1 kilometers away from the Hawaiian Islands.

Baldhead is studying a counterattack plan, how to take advantage of this critical period of honeymoon with Eagle Sauce to complete the”homecoming mission””

“Chen Cheng, come and see my plan……”The bald man handed the plan to Chen Cheng with a proud look on his face:”How about this counterattack plan?”

Chen Cheng took a look at it, and his heart trembled slightly, but he did not dare to show any disrespect on his face. He could only nod and said:”Commissioner, your plan is good!”

But he thought in his heart:”You are a master of micro-manipulation, your tactics are not good, but you worry a lot. No matter how good the plan is, it will be useless.……”


?During the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, the bald man often intervened too specifically and meticulously when commanding the war, and often directly commanded the specific operations of the front-line troops, resulting in the restriction of the autonomous decision-making power of the front-line commanders.

This micro-manipulation behavior is not only reflected in telephone command, but also includes direct airdrop instructions to the front line, and even specific details such as the angle adjustment of the gun.

Or, he often directly called the army commander, the division commander, and even the soldiers at the front position to instruct them on how to attack and defend.

In addition, the bald man also commanded by phone, secret telegram, hand order, etc., and he was involved in every detail. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These behaviors severely restricted the autonomous decision-making power of the front-line commanders, resulting in the lack of flexibility and adaptability of the front-line troops in battle.

Of course, the bald man’s micro-manipulation behavior is related to his personality traits, upbringing and military literacy.

He has a high opinion of himself and believes that the generals under his command are of low quality and incompetent, so he is not at ease to authorize them.

This attitude of distrust and worry made him have to personally intervene in every detail when commanding the war.

In addition, the division of the internal organizational structure of the Guo Party Army also exacerbated this kind of micromanipulation. It can be said that the bald man brought his own death upon himself. The far-reaching impact, the extreme desire for power and the lack of trust in his subordinates further exacerbated the contradictions and divisions within the Guo Party.

The bald man was full of confidence:”I believe that with this plan, the day when we return home is just around the corner!”

Just when the bald man was laughing happily, Mao Renfeng walked in quickly and said in a panic:”Chairman, it’s bad, something big has happened!”

“What’s the big deal? It’s just the Rabbit’s fourth anniversary, and they launched an intercontinental missile. What’s the big deal!”

In the bald man’s view, everyone is a brother, and no matter how powerful the Rabbit’s nuclear bombs, missiles and other weapons are, they can’t be used on him. As for conventional weapons, the bald man has the support of the Eagle Sauce, and his back is straightened a lot.

Mao Renfeng:”But, the Eastern superpower launched an intercontinental missile and bombed Pearl Harbor!”

“What?” The bald man was so frightened that he dropped the cup on the ground:”Is the news accurate?”

“There is no direct news, but it is 70% certain that the President of the United States held a meeting overnight last night, and the Pentagon was brightly lit all night… In addition, all communication signals on the entire Hawaiian island were blocked.……”

“It is worth noting that the United States also blocked hundreds of kilometers around the entire Hawaiian Island, and all ships were prohibited from entering or leaving!”[]

“Even so, the pilots of the Foot Basin Chicken also discovered the clues: they saw the fireball and mushroom cloud from 300 kilometers away.……”

“From the above, we can judge that the intercontinental missile of the Eastern power must have hit an island in Hawaii.……”

“Moreover, in order for the mushroom cloud to be visible from a distance of 300 kilometers, the intercontinental missile launched by the Eastern power must be carrying a nuclear bomb.……”


When the bald man learned that the intercontinental missile could carry nuclear bombs, he took a breath of cold air. He was shocked and felt a sense of urgency.

“It seems that the counterattack plan… must be implemented as soon as possible… we can’t let the rabbits continue to become stronger……”



When the emperor and the top leaders of Japan fell into silence when they learned that the Eastern power used intercontinental missiles to blow up Pearl Harbor, this advanced way of fighting completely overturned Japan’s cognition. Just by moving your fingers at home, you can destroy a target 8,600 kilometers away.

This… is simply too terrible.

Back then, Japan also attacked Pearl Harbor, but the Japanese Navy prepared for that attack for a full year.

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Navy took a series of diplomatic confusion, tactical deception, and covert approach measures. These preparations lasted for about 11 months. 543

In order to achieve the suddenness and concealment of the attack and ensure the success rate of the attack, the Japanese army formed an assault fleet.

Since August, the Japanese army has successively adopted a combination of high-profile landing exercises and secret surprise attack exercises to implement tactical deception in order to conceal its attack preparations and combat intentions.

The assault fleet successively adopted map operations, sand table simulations, and simulation exercises, selected similar terrains and similar targets to carry out targeted technical and tactical training and attack rehearsals, and accelerated the development of shallow-water torpedoes day and night.

Make full use of a variety of reconnaissance tools such as air, ground, sea, and underwater, and use technical reconnaissance, disguised reconnaissance, and spy reconnaissance to find out the characteristics and laws of the Eagle Sauce’s combat deployment in Pearl Harbor and the activities of the Pacific Fleet.

More importantly, after carefully studying meteorological data, the Japanese army found the movement law of the Siberian high pressure over the North Pacific and decided to take advantage of the North Pacific route in winter when there are fewer merchant ships, bad weather, and high winds and waves.

However, there was a favorable time window of about a week of good weather, and the North Pacific route with doubled the voyage was chosen to ensure the concealment of the sneak attack route.

In order to cover up the military adventure of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese army adopted a combination of radio silence and radio feints, and a combination of propaganda reports under the guise of a name and the stealth approach of the assault fleet to ensure that its fleet quietly approached Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese army used a series of deceptive and deceptive mazes, and even launched private negotiations, special envoy talks, government talks and other scams in the name of”peace talks”.

This caused the Eagle Sauce to misjudge the Japanese army’s combat intentions and firmly believed that the main force of the Chicken Foot Basin Navy was still not far away from its homeland.

In the end, it successfully attacked Pearl Harbor.

Many people say that the Eagle Sauce deliberately let the Chicken Foot Basin attack so that they could join World War II to reap the fruits of war, but no matter what, the Chicken Foot Basin prepared for a successful attack for 11 months.

On the other hand, the rabbit…it only took two days from the announcement to the sneak attack.

There is no harm without comparison.

If it is a sneak attack, the target can be destroyed in a few hours.

Intercontinental missiles are such a powerful weapon that makes people think about it carefully and are daunting. The

Chicken Foot Basin is too envious, but because it is a defeated country, it is not allowed to develop strategic weapons.

Don’t even think about nuclear submarines, missiles, and hydrogen bombs.

You can only sigh at the strength of the rabbit.


It is no exaggeration to say that the rabbit once again shocked the world with an absolute crushing blow.

The whole world was shocked.

The Dongfeng No. 5 missile taught the world to be polite.……


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