On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 234

The nuclear explosion equivalent of the cute girl”Miss Qiu” is 3 million tons, and its explosive power is almost 150 times greater than that of”Little Boy”

“”Little Boy” has only 20,000 tons of TNT equivalent.

On the morning of August 9, 1945, the Eagle Sauce carried out the second atomic bomb attack on the Foot Basin Chicken. The code name of this attack was”Special Bombing Mission No. 16″, which was carried out by a commando team composed of 5 B-29 bombers.

The commando dropped the atomic bomb”Fat Man” on Nagasaki.

The bombing caused more than 100,000 people out of the 230,000 people in Nagasaki to be killed, injured or missing on the same day, and 60% of the city’s buildings were destroyed.

It is conceivable how huge the destructive power and explosive power of”Miss Qiu” are.

With a roar, the 3-meter-thick seawater within a diameter of 20 kilometers from the explosion point boiled, and people 3 kilometers away had their eyes burned or even blinded.

People 15 kilometers away suffered third-degree burns. On Oahu Island, 25 kilometers away, all brick and wood houses were severely damaged, and doors, windows and roofs were blown away by the storm.

At this time,

Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, was 13 kilometers away.

The name of Honolulu comes from Hawaiian, meaning”Shielded Bay”. The city extends on the coastal plain. Because sandalwood was abundant in the local area and shipped in large quantities to rabbits in the early days, it was called Honolulu by the Chinese.

Honolulu covers an area of 177.2 square kilometers and has a population of 245,000, accounting for about 70% of the population of Hawaii. The total area is 1,544 square kilometers.

The huge shock wave swept in like a 16-level typhoon.

The wind speed at the center of a 16-level super typhoon can reach 51-56 meters per second, which is equivalent to a car running at a speed of about 200 kilometers per hour, which can cause devastating damage.

It can cut off or uproot large trees, and brick and wood houses may be destroyed.

A force 16 gale can overturn a train and throw a 20-ton gasoline tank 80 meters into the air.

And it was a high-temperature typhoon.

In the blink of an eye, the people of Honolulu were quickly engulfed, and panicked people fled everywhere.

“Fuck, two suns? ? 163”

“What on earth happened?”

“Oh, my eyes can’t see……”


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the United States suffered varying degrees of burns. For a moment, the hospital was crowded with people, and the streets were full of burned people.

The hair was gone, the clothes were gone, the whole body was bloody… I couldn’t tell the nose and eyes apart…

They were swept away, blown into the sky… They were thrown into the sea…

They fell to the ground in pain, wailing… groaning…

The sound of ghosts and wolves howling spread throughout the city of Honolulu.

The only thing that was fortunate was the soldiers of the United States who were hiding under the underground concrete and steel bunkers.

The distance was too far, and the shock wave weakened immediately. It could destroy wooden houses, but it did not cause much damage to the bunkers.

The typhoon blew away in a gust of wind, and the soldiers slowly crawled out of the bunkers.

Looking at the horrific scene in front of them, the soldiers of the United States were stunned.

They stood there, dumbfounded.

There were corpses everywhere, bloody, and charred corpses crawling on the ground… The heartbreaking screams constantly stimulated the nerves of the soldiers.

There were ruined houses everywhere, steel bars everywhere, and many people were impaled on them.

All kinds of garbage, daily necessities, and transportation were all curled up together.

The soldiers wanted to save them, but found that they had no idea where to start.

“Fuck, what on earth just happened?”

“Fire Tornado…Two Suns……”

“Fuck, nuclear explosion… This is a nuclear explosion……”

The soldiers quickly covered their noses and fled quickly.

Nuclear explosions will release radioactive substances, which will cause great harm to the body once absorbed.

However, it was too late for the soldiers at this moment.

They had already been irradiated by radioactive substances, and had symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin burns, redness, swelling, and pain, which may lead to death in severe cases.

Generally, there are five types of harm caused by nuclear explosions to humans.

First, high-pressure killing and destruction-shock waves (accounting for 50%).

During a nuclear explosion, huge energy is released in less than a second.

The high-temperature and high-pressure gas generated by the explosion expands strongly around.

This hurricane-like pressure wave propagates through media such as air, water and soil.

It can reach 2 kilometers in 5 seconds, destroying everything it can push (mainly buildings).

A large number of people died directly from high-pressure squeezing and indirectly from the collapse of houses.

As the distance increases, the shock wave will gradually weaken.

Second, high-temperature killing and destruction – light radiation (accounting for 35%). The fireball during a nuclear explosion can glow for several seconds, causing the surrounding air temperature to reach hundreds of thousands of degrees. The light radiation emitted by the fireball includes X-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays and visible light.

Such high-temperature radiation will burn, melt, and kill most objects, and even cause hypoxia in the surrounding area. If people do not die, they will also burn their skin, destroy their eyesight, and burn their respiratory tract.

The third is special killing and destruction – penetrating radiation (accounting for 5%), which is composed of alpha, beta, gamma and neutron streams.

They produce ionization effects on cells inside the human body.

The non-thermal effect (a type of radiation) makes DNA electrostatic, destroys the normal function of cells, and can produce toxic substances (carcinogenic), causing people to suffer from acute radiation sickness and die in a short period of time, or have a great impact on the next generation.

For example, most of the 14 people who died in the Hiroshima atomic bomb died gradually from radiation sickness after the nuclear explosion.

The fourth is long-term harm – radioactive contamination (accounting for 10%). The first three harmful effects will disappear within one minute of the nuclear explosion, but the radioactive substances released by the nuclear explosion will diffuse in the earth, water sources and air. Some decay very quickly (a few seconds), and some decay very slowly (tens of thousands of years), but most of them will decay quickly. After cleaning, it will decay faster.

However, if the radioactive substances are eaten or inhaled into the body, the harm is extremely great.

Fifth, it is the destruction of communications – electromagnetic pulses (which also have certain hazards to humans).

Electromagnetic pulses are like powerful thunder and lightning, and the electric field strength can reach hundreds of thousands of volts, which will interrupt communications, cause various controls to fail, confuse electronic computer data, disrupt normal radio wave propagation, etc.

Its propagation and destruction distance reaches hundreds or thousands of kilometers, which is much greater than the first four destruction distances.


At this time, after the explosion of the cute girl”Miss Qiu”, the nuclear explosion shock wave spread thousands of kilometers to the surrounding area.

It eventually induced a 5-5.25 magnitude earthquake, causing the glass of many houses in the Hawaiian Islands to be shattered.

Boom boom boom… buzz buzz buzz…

The earthquake wavelength spread to the islands around Oahu, including Kauai, Niihau, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe and Hawaii Island (also known as the Big Island).)?

The sky roared like a giant drum, and the ground was like a thousand horses galloping.

Under the shock of the earthquake, the earth shook violently, as if its foundation was trembling, buildings collapsed, roads broke, and people fled in panic.

Mud and rock flow rolled… mountains collapsed… houses collapsed… rivers backflowed… everything turned to ruins…

In the post-earthquake area, countless hopes were buried in the ruins, sadness filled the air, and every piece of rubble seemed to tell of the former prosperity.

Known as the”Crossroads of the Pacific””,?The famous Pearl Harbor, which is a cross-Pacific shipping trade, suffered varying degrees of damage at this moment.

At the same time, the explosion of”Miss Qiu” suddenly set off a 60-meter-high wave in the sea 2,500 meters away from the center of the explosion. 1.5 kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

Underwater landslides, volcanic eruptions, nuclear bomb explosions, meteorite impacts, etc. may all cause tsunamis.

The tsunami mercilessly beat the coastline, coming in waves, like a wave of death, the ultimate destroyer of the earth, which can destroy everything in an instant.

Almost no one survived where the waves passed.

At the same time, the tsunami brought tons of rocks and ships upstream along the rivers entering the sea, and the low-lying areas were swallowed up.

It attacked the surrounding cities and villages rapidly, swallowing people and buildings in an instant, and swept away the collapsed buildings.

In a short time, a large number of people and animals died. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The bodies that had just been exposed to high temperatures and radiation were swept away at this moment with the backflow of seawater.

The dying soldiers and civilians, with bloodshot, swollen, and burned all over their bodies, longed for water the most.

However, when the seawater hit them, it was undoubtedly worse.

The salty seawater poured mercilessly on their wounds. The soldiers and civilians fainted and were awakened by the waves, and then fainted again.

After being tortured eighteen times, they drowned in the sea!


At this time, the Alaska early warning radar and communication system were interrupted for 20 hours.

The energy released by a nuclear explosion has an impact on signal transmission and communication facilities and has a destructive effect.

When radio waves pass through the ionized zone formed by a nuclear explosion, the transmission signal will be weakened or even cause communication interruption; the nuclear radiation, light radiation, shock waves and electromagnetic pulses generated by a nuclear explosion can destroy communication devices and facilities within a certain range.���

The large amount of radiation, radiation, neutron flow, particles and fission fragments produced by the nuclear explosion can directly or indirectly induce the ionization of the device.

For a time, Alaska’s early warning radar and communication systems were all paralyzed.

“Fuck, why is there no signal!”

“Is there something wrong with the equipment?”

“Impossible, the radar signal is gone too.……”[]

“It’s really weird!”

“Oh no, something must have gone wrong. Quick, check the equipment and report to the White House.……”

All of a sudden, the soldiers started to get busy.


“The wrath of the emperor will leave millions of corpses and blood for hundreds of miles.”

When this cute girl”Miss Qiu” exploded, there was really blood for thousands of miles. On Johnston Island, 600 kilometers away from the center of the nuclear explosion, one could still feel the tyranny of”Miss Qiu”. The

Johnston Atoll is mainly composed of Johnston Island, Thaad Island, and two small artificial islands, North Island and East Island.

The land area is 2.8 square kilometers, the coastline is about 10 kilometers, the terrain on the island is flat, the highest point on land is 5 meters above sea level, and there are no fresh water resources.

In 1934, it was placed under the jurisdiction of the Eagle Sauce Navy, and a naval base was built on the main island.

In 1941, Johnston Atoll was declared a U.S. Navy defense zone and a naval aviation station was established.

From the 1950s to the 1960s, it was a nuclear weapons test area and an aircraft refueling station.

A heat wave hit.

The Eagle Sauce soldiers at the station were stunned.

“Fake, what’s going on?”

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just some sea breeze… This damn Pacific Ocean is full of unknowns……”

Apparently, they didn’t take it seriously.


The power of this explosion reached 0.3 of the sun.%,””Miss Qiu” is undoubtedly a short-lived but great little”star”.

The huge explosion was like God in space hitting the Novaya Zemlya with a giant hammer. The huge power quickly spread to the surroundings as the giant hammer hit the ground. The huge energy turned into a giant hand, easily pushing the Hawaiian plate to move a full 5 mm.

What a devastating energy.

Moreover, at the center of the explosion,”Miss Qiu” set off a mushroom cloud as high as 24 miles. You should know that Mount Everest, the highest peak on earth, is only 8,848 meters.

Even 100 kilometers away, the mushroom cloud can be seen clearly.

At this time, a US transport plane flying to Pearl Harbor happened to see this scene and immediately reported the news to the White House.

This explosion made the whole world quiet!

…… ps: If you have monthly tickets, please give them to me. 10 automatic subscriptions will add one more chapter (9 now, can be accumulated). When the data arrives, I will continue to update tomorrow. I keep my promise!!


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