On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 218

At this time.

The Yokosuka Fleet Base Command, the”right-hand man” of the Seventh Fleet.

Located on the shore of Tokyo Bay, it is the Eagle Sauce’s most important naval base facility in the Western Pacific.

At present, the base is shared with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, and in order to cultivate the Japanese, the Eagle Sauce has also provided a lot of training and assistance to its Maritime Self-Defense Force.

At the same time, the base is also the location of the Eagle Sauce Navy’s Seventh Fleet Command.

The Seventh Fleet uses this as its home port and cruises in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Currently, the port has an aircraft carrier”Forrestal” and an escort fleet of 8 other ships.

In addition to docking facilities, the entire Yokosuka also has first-class ship repair facilities and strategically important fuel and ammunition depots.

At this time, the Eagle Sauce Command.

Joseph.J.Clark was looking at the situation reported by the intelligence department:”Have all the rabbit soldiers evacuated the peninsula before August 5th?? Have all our people been withdrawn?”

“Report, General Clark, all have been withdrawn.”

As the commander of the United Nations forces before the Peninsula Campaign, Clark knew the inside information of the nuclear bombing of the Eastern powers.

Although his reputation in the Eagle Sauce Army was not very good, he was called the model of an incompetent general of the Eagle Sauce, and what”idiot general””、”He was given a lot of titles such as”Incompetent General”.

His most incompetent battle was the Battle of Cassino. The casualties of the Fifth Army commanded by Clark accounted for 90% of the Allied casualties in the entire battle, so that he was called a”murderer” by the officers and soldiers below.

Immediately afterwards, the”Battle of Shangganling” lasted for 43 days. The enemy and us repeatedly fought for positions 59 times, and our army repelled more than 900 enemy charges.

Van Fleet’s continuous brutal”Van Fleet ammunition” offensive did not help the continuous death of the Eagle Sauce. More than 40 people died on both sides. The”United Nations Army” lost more than 30,000 people, with a casualty rate of more than 40%, becoming a veritable meat grinder, which was called by the Associated Press”The Verdun of the Chaoxian battlefield”.

The Eagle Sauce believes that the Battle of Iwo Jima, which had the highest casualty rate in the Pacific War, was only 32%.

However, because Clark had a very good personal relationship with Secretary of State George Catlett Marshall.

Therefore, after World War II, using Marshall’s relationship, Clark has been on a successful career path, and has served as commander of the 6th Army Group, commander of the Eagle Sauce ground forces and other positions.

Perhaps General Marshall thought it was necessary to gild this guy with a bad reputation. Anyway, there was no war to fight, so he transitioned to the positions of commander of the Far East and commander-in-chief of the”United Nations Forces” and then went back to continue his climb.

According to the plan, Clark will return to the country at the end of this month to take over Marshall’s Secretary of State.

“Report, something bad has happened, Durant, Walker, Wright, and Cook cannot be contacted…something big has happened!”

“Report, General Curry sent an urgent telegram……”

Clark opened the telegram and was stunned:”What… Winter Wind missile?”

The next second.

Beep beep beep… beep beep… the command room was filled with sirens.

Then, an officer ran in in a panic and said,”General, it’s bad. There are missiles.……”

“???”Clark:”Where did the missile come from… Asshole, explain it clearly.……”

“A lot of missiles are coming towards us… the speed is too fast… too fast… our air defense missiles can’t intercept them at all!”

The speed is too fast to intercept them at all!

Clark:”Where are our latest Nike 1 air defense missiles?”

“It has been launched, but it can’t be stopped at all!”

The power of the Nike 1 air defense missile is mainly reflected in its ability to effectively intercept high-altitude, high-speed strategic reconnaissance aircraft and bombers.

Especially when fighting high-altitude and high-speed targets, it shows its unique advantages.

Compared with anti-aircraft guns, the Nike 1 air defense missile has a longer range and a higher hit rate; compared with interceptors, it has a faster reaction speed, greater power, and is less restricted by target speed and altitude.

These characteristics enable the Nike 1 air defense missile to form a tight air defense firepower network at high, medium and low altitudes and at long, medium and short ranges, effectively protecting ground targets from air threats. It is undeniable that the Nike 1 air defense missile has a huge advantage when facing aircraft.

But this time it is facing the 10 Mach Winter Wind missile, which is not at the same level at all.

Clark:”We have more than 60 Nike 1 air defense missiles, can’t stop a Winter Wind missile from the Eastern power?”

“General, not one, but 60……”

“What, sixty? ?”

Clark was stunned.

Thinking of Durant, Walker, Wright, and Cook, who couldn’t be contacted one by one, his heart tightened:”Not good, hurry, get into the air-raid shelter quickly.……”

“Durant, Walker, Wright, Cook, and others are in trouble on the eighth floor!!”

As soon as the voice fell!

Whoosh… whoosh whoosh… bang bang bang… boom boom boom…

60 winter wind missiles whizzed in and smashed densely into the Yokosuka Fleet Base.

Rumble… boom… boom… boom…

The huge shock wave whizzed past, instantly tearing the calm night sky, and the strong air waves vibrated the surrounding air.

The falling shells raised a cloud of dust, completely covering the small temple in a vague dust fog, destroying the structure of the ancient building, making it instantly riddled with holes. The huge explosion echoed in the night sky, as if tens of millions of tons of TNT were detonated at the same time, and the strong shock wave could be felt even a few kilometers away.

In an instant, the house shook, and the doors and windows crackled, as if nature was roaring angrily.

The entire Yokosuka Fleet Base was reduced to ashes in a moment.

One of the missiles landed right at the headquarters.

In 0.01 seconds, Clark and other senior officers of the Eagle Sauce were all vaporized, and no one survived.

Clark did not feel what death was? What was pain?

For him… it was too easy! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As the last commander of the United Nations forces, Clark should have died on the peninsula. Without him, the Battle of Shangganling would not have broken out. He was lucky to live a few more days.

As for his dream of becoming the Secretary of State?

Go and tell the King of Hell!


Whoosh… buzz… boom… boom…

After 60 missiles roared past, the smoke of war filled the air, turning the originally blue sky gray and gloomy.

The sound of gunfire and bomb explosions continued to echo in the ears, making people feel terrified and uneasy.

Throughout the Yokosuka Fleet Base, dilapidated buildings and scattered tiles came into view, and the devastation was everywhere, as if it was the end of the world.

The roaring explosions were like the roar of a giant beast, shaking the city of Dongjing.

Flames shot up to the sky, and the blazing flames rolled in the night sky, as if they were going to swallow up the whole world.

However, the power of 60 missiles was still too small.

However, it was enough to turn the Yokosuka Fleet Base upside down, and the docked warships and aircraft carriers all sank to the bottom, and the naval base was completely turned into a pile of concrete and iron shells.

Seawater poured back, warships and aircraft carriers sank to the bottom…

It was a mess everywhere.……


At this time.

The nuclear weapons depot of the Yokosuka Fleet Base, 40 nuclear bombs are stored here.

According to the original plan, these 40 nuclear bombs will be suspended by carrier-based aircraft for the second nuclear bombing.

The first wave of attack was the Yokota Air Base attack, destroying the Dongfeng missile launch base and air defense missile system of the Eastern Power.

Immediately afterwards, the aircraft carrier dispatched by the Yokosuka Fleet Base launched carrier-based A-3 attack aircraft to carry out precision bombing of the inland cities of the Eastern Power.

A-Before the A-3 attack aircraft entered service on the U.S. Navy’s Polaris missile nuclear submarine, it was the main force of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear strike capability. As the largest combat aircraft on an aircraft carrier, the A-3 attack aircraft can drop nuclear bombs and occupies an important position among naval carrier-based aircraft.

The aircraft successfully completed its test flight in October 1952, and the production model rolled off the assembly line 11 months later and began to serve.

It can hang a free-fall nuclear bomb.

Therefore, 40 nuclear bombs were stored in the nuclear weapons depot of the Yokosuka Fleet Base, and all of them were free-fall nuclear bombs.

The detonation mechanism of this nuclear bomb involves not only high-speed descent and boost, but also the work of the ramjet engine, and ultimately precise detonation over the target.

In other words, this detonation method requires extremely high precision and control to ensure that the nuclear warhead can accurately hit the target and trigger a nuclear explosion.

In addition, the detonation of a nuclear bomb also involves complex physical and chemical processes, including the formation of high-temperature and high-pressure plasma, the generation of shock waves, etc. These processes work together to enable a nuclear explosion to release huge energy in a very short time.

In other words, as long as the falling speed of the nuclear bomb reaches a certain temperature and the shock wave is large enough, it can trigger the uranium 235 reaction inside the nuclear bomb and induce nuclear fission.

Therefore, when 60 Dongfeng missiles collectively exploded to form a high-temperature and high-pressure shock wave that swept the entire nuclear bomb arsenal, the free-falling nuclear bomb directly fissioned.

Boom… Boom… Boom…

It released an incredible amount of energy, which was incredible.

In just 39 nanoseconds, it released 2.1 times 10 to the power of 17920 joules of energy, equivalent to 58 million tons of TNT equivalent.

A huge mushroom cloud began to rise in the smoke.

The mushroom cloud produced by the explosion was up to 24 meters high and about 20 kilometers wide, which was more than 4 kilometers higher than the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest.

Due to its huge power, the diameter of the fireball produced by the explosion reached 2.6 kilometers, and the shock wave and thermal radiation could even cause damage to exposed human bodies 120 kilometers away from the explosion point.

People within 31 kilometers were burned by the hot wind and suffered third-degree burns. People 33 kilometers away were burned by the flash of the explosion, causing severe pain in the eyes, and even blindness in severe cases.

People a thousand kilometers away could even see the dazzling light from the explosion.

The strong shock wave destroyed all the buildings in the area around the Yokosuka base, shattered the glass of the houses, and almost”razed them to the ground.”

The power of this explosion was equivalent to 0.4% of the energy of the sun, and it even changed the earth’s crust, causing the entire small island continental plate to move 3 mm to the south.


At this time, the B29 bomber that was about to flee had just escaped the mushroom cloud of Yokota Air Force Base.

The American pilot was once again stunned by the scene in front of him.

“The clouds below the plane and in the distance were illuminated by a powerful flash. A sea of light spread under the plane door, and even the thick clouds began to become transparent.”

At that moment, the Eagle Sauce plane appeared between two layers of clouds. In the gap below, a huge bright orange fireball was also emerging. It was as powerful as Jupiter.

It slowly and silently continued to climb upwards…….After breaking through the thick clouds, it continued to grow, as if it was going to suck the entire earth into it.

“Fuck, what’s wrong with Dongjing today?……”

“Mushroom clouds everywhere?”

“Who did this?……”

However, what was even more terrifying was yet to come…

At this moment, a fire tornado swept from south to north, heading towards Dongjing.……

…… ps: Today is the beginning of August. If you have monthly tickets, please give them to me. If you get 20 monthly tickets today, I will update 10 chapters and 40,000 words tomorrow. I will keep my promise!!


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