On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 204

The world’s first nuclear submarine was launched to deter the Eagle Sauce


Chicken in a basin.

At this time, the emperor was very angry, and the reason was very simple: the conditions proposed by the rabbit were too”bullying”.

Admit the crimes committed in the invasion of China, and publicly admit the mistakes.

There is no problem with this. After all, the emperor had already issued an apology letter during the Tokyo Trial.

However, what the emperor could not accept was: Hand over the war criminals who invaded China?

Wouldn’t that be handing himself over?

This is absolutely unacceptable and absolutely impossible.

“Baka, the rabbit really asked for too much… He started dyeing after giving us some color?”

The emperor was furious:”I don’t believe that the rabbit dares to bomb us with Dongfeng missiles.……”

At this moment, the angry emperor even wanted to restart the”One Hundred Million Suicide Plan”, but later he thought about it and let it go.

After all, the status of the emperor at this time had been surpassed by Emperor MacArthur.

In a way, MacArthur played an irreplaceable role in the hearts of the people of Jiaobenji.

Since Jiaobenji was defeated in World War II, it had to bear not only its losses in the war, but also the reparations after the defeat.

The entire country of Jiaobenji was on the verge of paralysis, tens of thousands of people were on the streets, and people’s lives were in dire straits.

At this time, MacArthur took over the”mess” of Jiaobenji and began to save Jiaobenji, which was on the verge of ruin.

The first step was that MacArthur wanted to solve the food problem of Jiaobenji. Eagle sauce provided Jiaobenji with one-third of the amount of food needed at that time. It can be said that without this batch of food from Eagle sauce, Jiaobenji might have a large-scale famine.

Secondly, MacArthur also passed a new law, the”MacArthur Draft”, which protected the interests of Jiaobenji citizens and prevented the resurgence of militarism.

At the same time, militarism was suppressed by force.

A total of 400 strategic bombers B-29 flew over the foot basin chicken, and there were a full 1,500 carrier-based aircraft surrounding the formation. There were also hundreds of US warships in the entire sea area, which fully occupied people’s vision.

MacArthur’s move was to tell the foot basin chicken that the Eagle Sauce defeated the foot basin chicken by strength. Now let the foot basin chicken see its powerful armaments, which is also a deterrent to the foot basin chicken, and it should consider the consequences of disobedience.

This move of force deterrence made some foot basin chickens who still wanted to struggle give up completely. Conquest from the spiritual level is the real conquest.

Then, MacArthur solved the foot basin chicken people’s monarch worship.

The raging fighting spirit of the foot basin chickens on the battlefield of World War II came from their worship of the monarch.

Those warriors regarded the emperor as their god, and the foot basin chickens were loyal to the emperor, or they were confused, such as: committing suicide by disembowelment.

In order to break the image of the emperor as a god in the hearts of the foot basin chicken people, MacArthur formulated a series of plans.

For example, MacArthur asked the Japanese emperor to issue a declaration, the”Human Declaration”. The second half of the edict denied the emperor’s status as a”modern god in the human world” and declared that the emperor was also an ordinary person with only human nature.

In a sense, it weakened the long-standing loyalty to the emperor in the minds of Japanese people.

These measures taken by MacArthur gradually turned Japan into a”normal and civilized” country.

He eliminated the blind faith of the Japanese people in the emperor and abolished Shintoism, which was a spiritual liberation for Japan. He carried out land reform, and the state purchased land and sold it to tenant farmers, which greatly liberated the productivity of rural areas.

After a series of combined punches, MacArthur unknowingly became a”god” in the minds of the Japanese people, and his status surpassed that of the Japanese emperor. On

April 16, 1951, MacArthur was dismissed and left. However, from his official residence to the airport, the streets in Tokyo were full of ordinary Japanese people who came to see MacArthur off.

The streets were crowded with people, and the number of these people even exceeded one million.

These chickens cried and shouted, sincerely hoping that MacArthur would not leave. MacArthur, who had been a soldier all his life, could not help but be moved by this scene.

Therefore, the emperor no longer had the appeal he had before.

Yoshida Shigenori:”Emperor, perhaps, we can use the strength of the eagle sauce to compete with the rabbit…`…”

“Yes, the rabbit’s missiles are powerful, but with the support of the Eagle Sauce, I believe the rabbit will think twice before doing anything.”

Soon, the Eagle Sauce supported the foot basin chicken to expand the Self-Defense Forces according to its own needs.

In order to cope with the”uncertain” factors in the Asia-Pacific region.

Even the Eagle Sauce is behind the scenes to provide armaments and weapons assistance, so that the foot basin chicken’s militarism will revive.

A long-planned”nuclear” war may break out at any time.


Meanwhile, after the rabbit soldiers defeated the Koreans in the Battle of Jincheng, the two sides finally came to the negotiation table. On

July 13, 1953, the rabbit���The three combat groups of the 20th Corps and the 24th Corps of the 9th Corps suddenly launched an attack at the same time on the 25-kilometer front battlefield.

More than 1,100 artillery pieces of our army launched a fierce bombardment on the enemy positions south of Jincheng. This was the largest number of artillery pieces used and the largest amount of ammunition consumed by our army since entering North Korea.

The fierce artillery fire destroyed most of the enemy’s fortifications and made the enemy unable to raise their heads.

After the artillery preparation was completed, the infantry quickly launched an attack and broke through the front positions of the enemy’s 4th Division in just one hour.

Subsequently, the assault groups launched multiple fierce attacks one after another and quickly attacked to the south.

From May 13 to June 16, 1953, our army launched two offensives in succession, which dealt a heavy blow to the enemy and killed more than 45,000 enemies.

Between the 690.1 high ground and the Byeonam-dong on the east and west banks of the North Han River, a large gap of 12 kilometers wide and 3 to 6 kilometers deep was opened in the defense line of the”United Nations Army”, which made the enemy’s salient south of Jincheng more exposed, which was extremely unfavorable to the enemy and accelerated the progress of the armistice negotiations.

By mid-June, the staff of both sides finally revised the military demarcation line.

The armistice agreement was about to be signed.

On July 27, 1953, the warring parties held the Chaosun Armistice Agreement at Panmunjom on the border between North Korea and South Korea.

In order to prepare for the signing ceremony, the workers of China and North Korea worked overtime to build a Chaosun-style hall on the site where the Eagle Sauce military conference tent was built before the day before the signing.

The layout of the hall is in the shape of a”品” character, long from east to west and protruding on the north.

There is a door at both ends of the hall for the entry and exit of the delegations of both sides.

In order to arrive at this world-renowned moment, the enemy and us had a marathon-style verbal battle, and this negotiation meeting was held 575 times.

Before each negotiation, the Chinese and North Korean representatives and the US representatives entered the tent from the north and south of the venue respectively.

When the representatives of the two sides met, there was no expression on their faces, let alone the etiquette of handshakes and greetings. It was up to each party to decide whether to speak or not.

During the negotiation process, the two sides sometimes exchanged sharp words and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Sometimes the venue was unusually quiet and no one spoke.

At the same time, the order of speaking depended on the timing and needs.

When the Chinese and North Korean representatives needed to speak first, they arrived at the venue early and spoke before the other party sat down, catching the other party off guard.

When the negotiations entered a stalemate, both sides had”nothing to say”.

Once, members of the delegations of both sides refused to speak and sat quietly. After a stalemate of 132 minutes, the US side lost its patience and spoke first.

The shortest negotiation ended in 25 seconds.

Even the Eagle Sauce General Huo Zhi proposed”using the method of tossing a coin” to decide who would go first to break the deadlock.

The armistice negotiations only discussed the armistice, not political issues.

Normally, there are two main issues: one is how to divide the military demarcation line? The other is how to repatriate prisoners of war?

But the tough rabbit raised a third question: the Eagle must pay 30 million US dollars in compensation, otherwise, the rabbit will never make concessions.

This is for the benefit of the people in Northeast China.

This is exactly what the Eagle cannot accept.

Therefore, there is not only a”fight of wits” but also a”fight of spirit” at the negotiation table. This time, Li Kenong was behind the scenes, and he calmly directed the”Panmunjom Armistice Negotiations.”

At the same time, it was also the first major diplomatic event that the Rabbit Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in after its establishment.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a negotiation working group headed by Deputy Minister Li Guoqiang and Minister of the Intelligence Department of the Military Commission Li Kenong.

According to the agreement between the Chinese and North Korean parties, the front line of the armistice negotiations was presided over by Li Kenong and assisted by Li Guoqiang, but the two did not show up to the outside world.

For confidentiality reasons, the delegation was code-named”Working Team”, Li Kenong was code-named”Captain Li”, and Li Guoqiang was code-named”Instructor Li”.

It can be said that the intensity of the Panmunjom negotiations was no less than the desperate fight on the battlefield. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Each party is trying its best to suppress the other.

The fighting on the battlefield is cruel and fierce, and the contest at the negotiation table is sharp and complicated.

On the two fronts of politics and military, Li Kenong and Commander-in-Chief Peng, one civil and one military, are talking and fighting. The first is patient in talking and the second is firm in fighting.

The second is tit-for-tat in talking and the third is fighting for every inch of land.

They talked and fought again, fought and talked again, talked for two years, and fought for two years.

Today, the negotiation meeting was held as usual.

General Huo Zhi and Li Kenong and others sat opposite each other. At the beginning, the two sides continued the cold war and no one spoke.

Li Guoqiang and Li Kenong even brought melon seeds, and they crossed their legs while cracking the seeds. They were extremely domineering, arrogant, and looked down on everyone.

Huo Zhi couldn’t help it and angrily scolded:”You rabbits are too disrespectful. I will announce your negotiation attitude to the world.……”

“Respect? These two words sound tainted when spoken by you Chinese people… When you ignored our warnings and bombed the Northeast, did you ever think about showing respect?”

Li Kenong said domineeringly:”We still say the same thing, we must pay compensation, otherwise we can only stay like this!”

This is the courage and confidence given by nuclear bombs and missiles.

Weak countries have no diplomacy?

Not true.

The sleeping dragon of the Eastern power has awakened… and is showing his mighty dominance to the whole world.

Huo Zhi watched the rabbit representatives negotiate more and more, and he was completely confused.

The rabbit’s armaments in recent years are indeed very powerful. Stealth fighters, bombers, warships, nuclear bombs, and missiles are all at the world’s leading level.

But it is not enough to make the rabbit reach the point of lawlessness! []

Could it be that the rabbit has a hidden killer?

Thinking of this, Huo Zhi felt a little uneasy in his heart, and then he said,”Since there is no sincerity, let’s end it!”

After that, Huo Zhi’s team left the venue in a hurry.

Outside the meeting room, Huo Zhi immediately ordered:”Tell the president about the situation here, and let the CIA investigate the situation of the rabbit.……”

What exactly supports the rabbit to maintain a tough attitude?


Lushun Shipyard

“909 Hydropower Research Institute” base.

This is a submarine nuclear power research and design base and a nuclear submarine land simulation reactor. Jiang Chen has gathered the country’s top nuclear experts and scientific researchers.

The base covers an area of more than ten square kilometers. A 120-meter-high chimney that does not emit smoke rises straight into the sky. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with tall and dense forests, and the outside view is strictly blocked.

At the foot of the mountain, the Qingyi River rolls by, and the five or six-meter-deep river water is clear to the bottom.

In a bungalow, Jiang (Qian Dehao) Chen and Huang Yuhua and other technicians gave lectures to 29 people in a small conference room, teaching dozens of subjects such as nuclear physics, thermal hydraulics, advanced mathematics, chemistry, electronics, radiation protection, etc., and then practical operations and simulation exercises after class.

Nuclear submarine technology is complicated. It takes three months of theoretical study before you can start learning various links such as installation, debugging, and operation.

For example, when participating in the test drill, the doser once did not rest for three days and three nights, staring at and measuring the changes in radioactivity and pressure of the reactor.

Once the reactor is under control The channel was broken, and the water overflowed with more force than a bullet, which could penetrate a 5 cm thick steel plate.

After their hard work and hard work, they finally built a nuclear submarine.

So, dozens of small cars carrying nuclear submarines drove along the rails from the large factory building of Huludao Shipyard to the slipway, and then transported them to a large pontoon in the dock. Finally, the pontoon was filled with water and sank. The dock filled with water steadily lifted the nuclear submarine.

A huge cluster of red flowers was tied to the bow of the boat, and eight red flags were lined up on the bow horizontal rudder, symbolizing”August 1″.

The dock was surrounded by excited scientific researchers and shipbuilders, cheering.

Huang Yuhua burst into tears when he saw his”work” slowly diving into the water. He spent a lot of effort.

Everyone was staring at the submarine to see the world’s best.

This will be the rabbit… No, this is the historical moment when the world’s first nuclear submarine is launched!!

It will definitely shock the world!

However, such a top-secret thing was actually known by the CIA in the Eagle Sauce……

…… ps: 12,000 updates per day (three pictures), 3 monthly tickets plus one update, 5 automatic subscriptions plus one update, 1 reward (no matter how big or small) plus two updates, 2,000 flowers plus one update, 100 evaluation tickets plus one update!


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