On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 201

The rabbits bombarded the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier with cluster bombs?

Raymond was completely stunned!

This is the Middle East… This is the territory of the dog owners!

When will it be the turn of the rabbits to run wild?

Raymond:”James, did you see clearly? It was the rabbits who used missiles to attack us?”

James looked aggrieved:”I didn’t see it… But there is no country in the world that can use cluster bombs and missiles so accurately!”

“Admiral Raymond, have you forgotten that our two Forrestal-class aircraft carriers were sunk by the Rabbit’s missiles?”

“In the Guam incident, the Saitama Prefecture 406th Unit was attacked by the Rabbit using cluster bombs……”

No one is more familiar with the rabbit’s missiles and cluster bombs than the Eagle Sauce.

Admiral Redmond:”But why did the rabbit come to the Middle East??? Or have the rabbits already sent troops to the Middle East?”

Do the rabbits have that strength?

The dragon soared and rushed out of Asia?

Seeing that Redmond didn’t believe it, James directly lifted the gauze on his ear and said:”General, I have lost an ear, please believe me… Only the damn rabbits will add graphite powder to cluster bombs……”

“Our communication equipment and radar equipment all failed… If it weren’t for the sextant, we would have been floating in the Indian Ocean… Woohoo……”

Recalling what happened in the past few days, James couldn’t help but burst into tears. He lost an ear and floated on the sea for a week, exposed to the sun and rain. It was so sad! So aggrieved!

After all, he was also a major general in the Eagle Sauce. How could he fall to this point?

He almost wandered the earth… It was too miserable.

Raymond looked at the old general who was invincible on the battlefield, shed sad tears, and had to report what happened in the Middle East to the White House.


Eagle sauce, White House.

After Eisenhower took office, he has been doing his best to resolve the dispute on the peninsula.

At the same time, Eisenhower strongly advocated Eagle sauce’s global aggression and expansion policy, claiming that”the free world cannot be in a paralyzed state of tension indefinitely” and must adopt a”new and active foreign policy.”

And put it into action.

On the 3rd, President Eisenhower personally met with representatives of 15 countries that participated in the”United Nations Army” to jointly plan and negotiate the implementation of a blockade policy on the Rabbit mainland, including bombing the mainland of the Eastern power and using atomic bombs.

The purpose is to make the Rabbit sign the”Armistice Agreement” as soon as possible.

However, this Lee Seung-man obstructed and secretly sabotaged it, which made Eisenhower furious.

However, the United Nations Army headed by Eagle Sauce is basically safe on the peninsula.

The two sides reached an agreement that as long as the two sides do not attack, the Rabbit will only deal with the Korean country.

However, Eagle Sauce was very dissatisfied with some of the conditions in the peace agreement proposed by the Rabbit.

For example, the Eagle Sauce should compensate the Rabbits for the damage caused by the bombing of Northeast China by 10 million US dollars, and unconditionally release prisoners of war, etc.

Eisenhower:”Fuck, the Rabbits are so abominable that they dare to ask us for 10 million US dollars in war reparations?”

How is this different from signing a humiliating treaty?

“Fuck, after we withdraw from the peninsula, we must teach the rabbit a lesson.……”

Logically speaking, the Chaoxian War was an absolute victory for the Rabbits. However, that was a war in another country, and the Rabbits participated in the role equivalent to that of foreign mercenaries. As for payment, theoretically, Chaoxian should pay our service fee.

No matter how much compensation is required, it is impossible to ask the Eagle Sauce.

Although, the Rabbits completely curbed the Eagle Sauce’s military intentions with force, which was a complete victory.

But for the North and South Korea, there is no win or lose at all. The war started from the 38th parallel and eventually returned to the 38th parallel, from zero to zero, so who should compensate whom?

It was only through the war that Chaoxian won complete independence, but the Korean country also became completely independent.

Therefore, on the issue of compensation, the Eagle Sauce has always been unwilling to make concessions.

However, the Eagle Sauce should not forget that he sent fighter jets to bomb the Northeast, which means that it has caused damage to the Rabbits. Now that the Rabbits have won, they will naturally ask him for compensation.

“Report, an urgent telegram from General Redmond……”

Eisenhower opened the phone and looked at it, his expression changed immediately:”Fuck, it’s the rabbit again?”

Stilwell:”President, what happened?”

“The Eastern power launched advanced missiles in the Middle East, destroying ten of our carrier-based aircraft and an aircraft carrier formation… The dog big family also seized three of our warships and captured more than 3,000 soldiers.……”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Advanced missiles?

Hitting an aircraft carrier formation?

And it was a rabbit?

Everyone was confused and shocked!

A great Western power, the most powerful country in the world, was actually bullied by a dog?

How could they tolerate this?

“President, this matter is very serious. The rabbit and dog owners must have done something shameful!”

“That’s right, damn it…this big Eastern country has extended its hand to the Middle East? ?”

“Could it be that he wants to compete with us for the Middle East oil?”

“We must teach him a lesson.”

Eisenhower was furious. According to the plan, after the Eagle Sauce withdrew from the Peninsula, it would focus on solving the problems in the Middle East and Western Europe.

Unexpectedly, the Rabbit jumped out to make trouble at this time?

This was too unexpected.

Eisenhower’s brain was working quickly: What advanced weapons did the Rabbit use? One shot made the entire aircraft carrier formation lose its combat effectiveness?

Moreover, when did the Eastern power deploy its defenses in the Middle East?

The most important thing is, how did he transport the weapons to the Middle East? The distance between the two places is four or five thousand kilometers.

And… How many such missiles does the Eastern power have in the Middle East? It is unknown.

Deep thinking is terrifying.

A Peninsula War made the Eagle Sauce lose its dominance in Western Europe and the Middle East.

Western Europe is now disrupted by the bear, triggering the Berlin crisis and expanding westward. However, Eisenhower is not worried, because the bear is now in chaos.

On the contrary, the Middle East is now dominated by the Eastern power…

It seems that the Eagle Sauce picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons. The key is that the sesame seeds (peninsula) were not picked up (did not get any benefits)!


Eisenhower roared.

Now, the issue of the peninsula has not been resolved, and the Middle East must not go to war. Moreover, who knows how many anti-ship missiles the rabbit has deployed in the dog big household? If these are not figured out, rashly entering the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf will undoubtedly be sending heads to the dog big household.

Eisenhower maintained the necessary calmness and said,”It seems that the rabbit is living too peacefully.……”

Stilwell:”President, are we going to implement Plan A?”

“Go ahead and do it. If you want the big dog to surrender, you must let the rabbits become chaotic first!”

“OK, I’ll arrange someone to go there right away.……”

“No, you go to Island B yourself.……”Eisenhower said confidently:”Remember, the bald man is the main battlefield in the whole plan.……”

Stilwell:”I understand.……”

Immediately, Stilwell took a special plane to Island B!

……(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The time came to March 4, 1953.


At this time, a shocking event happened to the Mao Bear: Stalin died suddenly.

Stalin had just attended a banquet and was very tired, so he was going to have a good rest and sleep.

So in order not to be disturbed when he was sleeping, Stalin specifically warned the guards outside the room and asked that no one should disturb him when he was sleeping.

There was no movement in Stalin’s room until the next morning.

Finally, on March 5, 1953, he died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage due to overwork and left the world forever.

A generation of giants fell just like that.

As the remodeler of the Mao Bear, under the severe test of World War II and the Cold War, it was not something that ordinary people could easily control.

With his firm leadership, Stalin left a deep imprint. Although praise and criticism were intertwined, he inevitably became a controversial giant.

This has brought about huge changes to the whole world and the whole wool.

First, there was a”power vacuum” in the Mao Bear.

Second, after Stalin’s death, the Russians launched a large-scale”de-Stalinization” movement.

These changes not only caused controversy within the party, but also caused chaos and dissatisfaction in society.

It can be said that the Russians are now in chaos.

For the rabbits, the biggest impact is the series of changes in their policies after Khrushchev came to power, which led to the gradual breakdown of the relationship between the two sides.

After Stalin’s death, Khrushchev used his tough tactics to get rid of Beria and Malenkov, thus achieving a smooth transfer of power and ascending the presidency.

Khrushchev’s power change was not a natural outcome, but through his cooperation with Zhukov, he took control of the supreme leadership of the Russians.

He knew that he could not bear the huge responsibility left by Stalin, so he chose to completely liquidate the personality cult and establish his personal prestige.

Of course, there are many reasons why Khrushchev targeted the rabbits and the reasons for the breakdown of the relationship.

For example, Khrushchev proposed the adjustment of the Russians’ foreign policy during the talks, including peaceful coexistence with countries with different social systems, and re-evaluating”imperialism is the root cause of war.” ?

These differences led to discord in political ideas between the two sides. ?

Secondly, starting in 1968, the Russians began to increase their troops around Xinjiang, deploying 25 divisions and 1,200 aircraft on standby. ?

At the same time, the Russians reached an agreement with Mongolia to provide military assistance to Mongolia’s southern border defense, which was seen as a military action against the great power in the East. ?

This move exacerbated tensions between the two sides and eventually led to armed conflict. ?

Coupled with various armed conflicts, this conflict directly led to a further deterioration in relations between the two sides. ?

However, after the breakdown of relations between the two sides,?Eagle Sauce���When the opportunity came, in a very short period of time, the relationship between China and the United States began to warm up.

In general, after Khrushchev came to power, he pointed fingers at the Eastern power and forced it to follow the pace of the Russian bear in ideology, social form, military, and multilateral sanctions.

These undoubtedly touched the bottom line of the sovereignty of the Eastern power.



The commander-in-chief was looking at the intelligence sent back from the Middle East, and he was delighted:”Haha, I didn’t expect our anti-ship missiles to perform so well.……”

“With one move, he destroyed an aircraft carrier formation of the Mei Army and shot down ten carrier-based aircraft of the Eagle Sauce!”

“That’s… Commander-in-Chief, this is Jiang Chen’s latest shore-based missile designed to target the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier fleet. It was successfully tested today.……”

“Give the data to Jiang Chen immediately!”

“OK!” The Chief of General Staff was very curious:”Commander-in-Chief, you said, Comrade Jiang Chen has been collecting combat parameters and weapon parameters recently. What does he want this data for?”

“That’s unknown… This kid doesn’t know what he is doing until the very last moment… We just have to wait and see, who knows, this kid might give us a big surprise!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Hu, his face turned pale, walked in quickly, and said,”Commander-in-chief, it’s bad, Stalin died unexpectedly!”

“What?” The commander-in-chief stood up in surprise and said,”Say it again.”……”

“At nine o’clock this morning, Comrade Stalin died of a cerebral hemorrhage due to overwork… Now, the president who took over the Russian bear is called Khrushchev.……”


The commander-in-chief sat down, the intelligence in his hand slipped to the ground, his face full of sorrow, and he murmured,”Comrade Stalin, rest in peace.”……”


101 Arsenal.

Gan Lao excitedly walked up to Jiang Chen and announced the good news… The artificial satellite has made a breakthrough.

…… ps: Let me talk about the next update and plot.

12,000 (three photos) will be updated daily, 3 monthly tickets plus one update, 5 automatic subscriptions plus one update, 1 reward (regardless of size) plus two updates, 2,000 flowers plus one update, 100 evaluation tickets plus one update!

The next plot arrangement: Externally: layout of the Middle East, occupying the Suez Canal, forming the Warsaw Pact, establishing an oil currency system, etc….

To the surrounding areas: deal with the Indians and Filipino maids, nuclear bombing the chickens in the basin, and recovering the lost territories such as Sakhalin Island (but we have to fall out with the Russian bear.

At present, I haven’t thought about it yet.

Many people don’t like to watch it, so I’ll see how everyone comments and arrange it.

) Finally, you can leave comments on what plot you want to see, and I will watch it…

arrange it as appropriate!


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