On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 182

As an experienced captain, Brick connected everything that had just happened.

Tsunami… Guam was gone.

Not even a hair was left (mainly because the tsunami blew it away at some point)!

Brook realized something was wrong:”The navigation must be right, Guam must be here.”…~…”

“Quick, the submarine sinks……”

However, the next scene shocked Brooke.

Guam had sunk to the bottom of the water, and the military bases on the island had been bombed, destroyed, and in ruins.


“Fuck…what on earth happened in Guam?”

“Report, there are warships approaching… They are warships from the Philippines and China.……”

On the sea level.

The warships of the Philippines and China followed the tsunami waves to the waters of Guam.

“What’s going on?”

“Isn’t there an island here?”

“I remember correctly, it should be Guam, which belongs to the Eagle Sauce… How come it disappeared?”

For a moment, the chicken and the Philippines were all confused.

“It won’t be sunk, will it?”


Just when Chicken Foot Basin and the Philippines were confused, the Balau-class submarine surfaced.

And Brooke sent out a signal of deportation.

The news of Guam’s sinking must not be known to the outside world, otherwise, this old face will be lost.

However, the appearance of the Balau-class submarine here confirmed a piece of news for Chicken Foot Basin and the Philippines.

Guam must have been sunk.

So, after the Philippines and Chicken Foot Basin learned of the news, they immediately reported it.

Chicken Foot Basin.

In order to avenge the defeat, Chicken Foot Basin reported that Guam was used by the rabbit. The Dongfeng missile sank it.

As for the Philippines, seeing the increasingly powerful Rabbit, the Philippines, as a former leader, trembled and felt unbalanced, so they began to make things difficult for the Rabbit. They used the strength of the Eagle Sauce to contain the Rabbit.

The best way was to announce the news of the Rabbit’s bombing of Guam, so that the Eagle Sauce would be embarrassed.

In the end, the Eagle Sauce had no choice but to face the Rabbit face to face.

In the end, the ones who benefited were the Chicken and the Philippines.

Therefore, in later generations, the things that the Eagle Sauce suffered at the hands of the Rabbit were basically reported by the Chicken and the Philippines.


Soon, the bald man got the news.

“What? The rabbit launched a Dongfeng missile and bombed Guam… and sank it?”

When this was said, everyone in the room was shocked!

“Damn… Guam is no less than 2,700 kilometers away from us. Is the range of the Rabbit’s Dongfeng missile so far?”

“Mr. Chairman, judging from the current situation, the range of Rabbit’s missiles is at least 3,700 kilometers!”

“No, I think at least 4000 km……”


Range of 4,000 kilometers?

Precision bombing?

A Dongfeng missile sank Guam

“It is said that it can also be invisible? Currently, no air defense system in the world can intercept it!”

Fast speed, strong penetration ability!

This is simply invincible!

The bald man touched his head and suddenly felt that the back of his head was a little bald.

Mao Renfeng:”Commissioner, there is another news. According to reliable sources, the rabbit and the dog owner have reached some kind of agreement… It seems that the rabbit has set its sights on the Middle East.……”

“John Bull formed a joint army to attack the Middle East… Next, there will be a major earthquake in the Middle East!”


The bald man took a breath of cold air:”It seems that the rabbit does not want to recover us, but does not care about us at all!”

They have already begun to lay out the Middle East!

Looking at the whole world.

Dominating the world?

“Eagle sauce, oh Eagle sauce, your opponent is not the bear… one day in the future, the one competing with you will be the rabbit……”

The bald man had a look of seeing through.

He couldn’t understand it. The Peninsula War forced out the strongest rabbits. It took the rabbits only three years to go from copying missile technology and fighter jet technology to leading the world!

This speed… is incredible!

“”Jiang Chen… can he really control the entire time structure?”

The bald man looked into the distance. At this moment, he felt a little regretful: he should have tried his best to kill him.

Now… it’s too late.


At the United Nations Conference.

Regarding the issue of the peninsula and whether the rabbit should withdraw its troops, Austin and the rabbit’s agent, the bear, had a verbal battle with the crowd.

(The reason why the rabbit cannot appear at the United Nations Conference is that the seat is in the Fruit Party. Under the control of the Eagle Sauce, the United Nations does not recognize the current rabbit).

Both sides hold their own opinions and are unwilling to back down.

In fact, in August 1952, the rabbit delegation went to Moscow to hold talks with Stalin. In addition to solving the rabbit’s economic development plan and the Chaoxian war, extending the bear’s garrison in the Port Arthur base was also one of the topics discussed.

Therefore, the bear knows what the rabbit wants (mainly that he does not want the war to stop and strives for a favorable position for the Port Arthur base for himself). No matter what the Eagle Sauce says, the bear representative opposes it.

On the other hand, the Eagle Sauce is on the side.

At this time, the Eagle Sauce is changing its election, and Truman’s chances of re-election are slim. The new president is likely to be Eisenhower.

In fact, there is no meaning or progress in negotiations at this time.

Because Truman does not want to manage the negotiations at this time (or is incapable), and Eisenhower cannot manage them.

At this time, Eisenhower was giving a national speech:”Once I am elected president, I will personally go to Chaoxian and end this war.”

This speech touched the hearts of most American Americans. Most American Americans hoped that this general who had commanded a million troops to land in Normandy could pull American Americans out of the quagmire of Chaoxian.

In order to achieve this goal, Eisenhower personally went to the peninsula for inspection.

In addition, he returned on an American cruiser, stopped at Wake Island on the way, and held a military meeting with senior commanders of the Chaoxian battlefield to discuss the situation of the Chaoxian war.

At this military meeting, Eisenhower’s designated Secretary of State Dulles attended the meeting. He was the Dulles who was widely accused by socialist countries for looking north with a telescope shortly before the outbreak of the war.

And this Wake Island is the Wake Island where MacArthur met with Truman two years ago and promised to end the battle before Thanksgiving.

Now, the new president is still here to discuss the old problem of the previous team, how to end the Chaoxian War. (To read the extremely exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At the meeting, Ai, who was a military man, asked the Eagle Sauce Joint Chiefs of Staff to immediately study the following combat plans:

First, comprehensively bomb the Rabbit homeland and the rear bases of the soldiers, that is, the Northeast region.

Second, organize the bald army to go to Korea to participate in the war; third, use atomic bombs within a tactical range (for the war situation on the peninsula).

Subsequently, the Eagle Sauce Joint Chiefs of Staff conducted a detailed study of the above three items in accordance with the instructions of the President, and formulated corresponding combat plans.

In particular, the use of atomic bombs has been discussed in great detail.

For example, the killing effect of using it in mountainous areas on ground and tunnel troops.

In order to verify this effect, the Eagle Sauce also conducted a special nuclear test in the western part of its homeland.

The Eagle Sauce organized an entire brigade of ground troops to stand by in different bunkers 11 kilometers away from the atomic bomb explosion to conduct live inspections of various radiation and killing data after the atomic bomb explosion.

“In fact, everyone knows that there is no simple way to quickly and effectively end the Chaoxian War, but by visiting the scene and understanding it firsthand, I have at least been prepared for the arduous task we face.”

In fact, Eisenhower, who was born in the military, wanted to stop the peninsula by bringing the war to Island B.

He was preparing to contain the development of socialist countries throughout Asia.

In addition, the Gallic colonial army was already in danger under the attack of the Viet Cong at this time, and Eisenhower was determined to defend Vietnam and Chaoxian at the same time.

It can be said that the Gallic chicken was not only in crisis in Vietnam, but also in Algeria.

John Bull’s colonial rule in the Pyramid Country could not continue to be maintained. The Pyramid Country purchased a large number of weapons from the rabbit and prepared to rebel against John Bull.

In addition, John Bull was also in the presidential election. According to the advancement of history: Churchill will come to power again in the 1953 election.

During World War II, Churchill and Roosevelt were considered Eisenhower’s superiors, so what Churchill said was still very important to Eisenhower.

Moreover, as soon as Churchill came to power, he made it clear that John Bull did not agree to escalate the Chaoxian war and cause a new large-scale war in the Far East.

At the same time, he said that John Bull would not and could not continue to give Eagle Sauce enough support in the Far East.

Asking for flowers 0 []

Of course, that is all later.

In a sense, the Chaoxian War is a model, a model for the independence of colonies and semi-colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Before that, progressive people in these backward areas generally believed that the white elephant model was the best reference for independence, that is, to beg and request the tolerance of the colonial power, but this would inevitably lead to many additional conditions.

But���After the war, everyone found that the colonial masters were not as terrible as imagined. Even the leaders of these colonial masters could be defeated, not to mention Britain and France, which were dragged down by World War II?

Therefore, since the 1950s, colonies around the world have set off a climax of independence movements, and most of them use armed independence as the main means and negotiate agreements as auxiliary means.

At the NATO summit held at the end of 1952, nine member states including Britain and France unanimously called on the Eagle Sauce to recognize the crisis brought to the European situation by the growing nuclear power and huge superiority of ground forces of the bear and rabbit, and end the meaningless war of attrition in the tide as soon as possible.

In the Eagle Sauce country, the Democratic Party, which had just stepped down, also fiercely criticized Eisenhower’s expansion war plan.

After carefully thinking about the situation, Eisenhower agreed to the suggestions of his allies (of course, the specific implementation was not officially implemented until he took office in January 1943).

Based on the above circumstances, the United Nations conference held at the end of 1952 seemed to be taking off his pants and farting.

Therefore, at the negotiation on December 19, 1952, the rabbit delegation made the following suggestions to the bear: If the eagle sauce negotiators are asked to resume the negotiations in the name of the commander of the Chinese and North Korean sides, it may cause the other party to mistakenly think that we are anxious and have unrealistic fantasies. It is better to be quiet than to move.

We can temporarily not take measures, just drag and wait for the opponent to come to the door, so as to gain the initiative in the negotiations.

This is the attitude of the rabbit.

However, the cunning bear has portrayed the rabbit as a proud identity at the United Nations.

I won the war, why should I surrender?

At this time.

At the United Nations meeting.

The bear representatives, the foot basin chicken representatives, the Philippine maid representatives, the John Bull representatives, the Gallic chicken representatives, and the eagle sauce representative Austin and other 16 countries conducted the last round of negotiations.

This time, the content of the negotiations was prisoners, as well as the 38th parallel and the withdrawal of garrisons.

To put it bluntly, it was a summary of the three meetings.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that such negotiations have no practical significance at all.

So the negotiations need to be hastily ended.

John Bull is running for president, and so is the Eagle Sauce. It is a turbulent time. Who cares about the affairs of the peninsula?

Besides, no one wants to sign a surrender agreement as soon as he becomes president, which would tarnish his political achievements.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations stood up and said:”……Since no one is willing to back down, I suggest that the issue of the Peninsula War ends here… We will discuss it later.……”

Austin stood up arrogantly, pointed at the bear’s nose and shouted angrily:”Tell the rabbit that if you don’t withdraw from the peninsula within three days, you will bear the consequences.……”

As soon as the voice fell.

The door of the United Nations was pushed open, and the representatives of the Foot Basin Chicken, the Philippines, and the Eagle Sauce walked in quickly.

Then, all of them came to the head of the delegation and whispered something.

The next second, the expressions of Austin and others couldn’t help but become serious.

“What?” Austin was furious after hearing this, and pointed at the representative of the bear:”Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!”

The representative of the Philippines changed his face:”What, the rabbit used Dongfeng missiles to sink Guam?”

The representative of the chicken:”From what I know, this is true!”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the scene!

Shocked… unbelievable… angry… fearful… uneasy… everyone had different expressions.

Austin:”Fuck… Rabbit, don’t go too far… Humph……”Then he slammed the door and walked out.

The UN meeting was in uproar

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