On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 179

Rabbit Volunteer Army Headquarters.

Commander-in-Chief:”What? Withdraw from the peninsula within three days, otherwise, you will bear the consequences yourself?”

Suddenly, the entire operations department was shocked.

“Damn it… The Eagles are so damn arrogant, if you don’t know, you would think they won the battle!”

“What the hell do they want?……”

“Commander, the bastard Eagle Sauce is not going to use nuclear weapons on us, is he?”Commander-in-chief:”The Eagle Sauce is now at its wit’s end. Apart from a nuclear bomb that it dares not use, it can’t do anything else!”

Chief of Staff:”Yes, our weapons have completely surpassed the Eagle Sauce. The Type 59 tank crushes the M26 Pershing tank, and the J6 fighter is not at all inferior in a one-on-one fight!”

“What makes us even more proud is that the Dongfeng series of missiles bombed the Eagle Sauce military base on Okinawa Island, and the Eagle Sauce didn’t even dare to fart!”

“In recent years, our military industry has experienced a great boom, with the replacement of shotguns with cannons and a complete turnaround.……”

“Hey, Lao Deng, what you said is outdated. Our Qiye fighter jets can be invisible. The Keelung incident on B Island directly made the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier transparent on the spot. Qiye came to the front of the aircraft carrier and didn’t even notice it. It’s so domineering.”

“Also, our missiles can also be stealth. When we bombed Saitama Prefecture, the entire air defense system did not detect it. It was not until after a huge explosion that the people of Japan realized it!”

“It is worthy of being our country’s national treasure… It’s awesome!”

Commander-in-Chief:”So, the Eagles can’t do anything to us, and they always bring up nuclear bombs… If they dared to use it, the Eagles would have used it long ago.……”

“Commander, should we retreat then?”

“Why withdraw? The Battle of Shangganling made our army famous, and the Eagle Sauce has begun to go downhill!”

The victory of the Battle of Shangganling has far-reaching significance and directly affected the direction and outcome of the entire war.

It was a key node in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The victory of this battle not only stopped the enemy’s attack, but also forced the”United Nations Army” to admit defeat, thus ending their offensive in Shangganling.

This battle also verified the effectiveness of the 20th Army’s defense based on tunnels, and provided valuable experience for future defensive operations.

At the same time, the victory of the Battle of Shangganling made the”United Nations Army” no longer use large-scale offensive plans in subsequent battles, stabilized the front line, and created conditions for subsequent peace talks. In addition

, the popularity of this battle has greatly increased, and it has become a symbol of the bravery and wisdom of our army.

Overall, the victory of the Battle of Shangganling not only dealt a heavy blow to the enemy at the tactical and strategic levels, but also laid the foundation for the final outcome of the Chaoxian War and demonstrated the tenacious will and combat capability of our army.

Commander-in-Chief:”We should take advantage of this time to continue the offensive……”

“However, the Americans are now requesting negotiations…Will it give us something to blame if we attack at this time?”

“As long as the Eagle Sauce does not sign the armistice agreement and compensate for the losses caused by the bombing of the three northeastern provinces, the war will not stop… Besides, we are also trying to gain more bargaining chips for the negotiations.……”

At the command, our army launched a sparrow-style attack on the Eagle Sauce position in company and platoon units.


After the Battle of Shangganling, the Eagle Sauce finally realized that they could not fight this battle at all.

In a word: it was a thankless task.

The losses went up, but the strategic goal was not achieved.

Ridgway was beaten back to his hometown, and General Clark took over as the commander-in-chief of the United Nations.

Of course, there is another important reason why Ridgway withdrew: it was political influence.

Because Ridgway succeeded Eisenhower as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe.

After that, Ridgway served as the Chief of Staff of the Eagle Sauce Army.

In fact, when the Battle of Shangganling was in full swing, a major event also happened in the Eagle Sauce country, that is, Eisenhower ran for the Eagle Sauce President.

In the previous campaign, Eisenhower had always used”End the Chaoxian War” as his slogan and won a very high support rate from the people.

In order to fulfill his promise, Eisenhower went to the front line of the Chaoxian front in person for inspection shortly after he was announced as the next Eagle Sauce President.

In early December 1952, Eisenhower arrived in Chaoxian, not long after the Battle of Shangganling ended, and the Eagle Sauce was in a state of disgrace.

Looking at the low morale on the front line, thinking about the huge resources invested by the Eagle Sauce in this war and his campaign promises, Eisenhower was determined to end this protracted war.

At the same time.

In order to get re-election, Truman faced a military stalemate with the Eagle Sauce, and then a stalemate in negotiations.

Now that both cards in the hands of the Eagle Sauce were pressed, Truman thought of the United Nations.

The United Nations at this time was not much different from the League of Nations led by Britain and France.

Because, at the beginning of the Chaoxian War, the United Nations ruled that the North Chaoxian was an aggressor, and the purpose of the establishment of the United Nations Army was to prevent the invasion of the North Chaoxian. Objectively speaking, this still has a certain rationality.

But when the United Nations Army crossed the 38th parallel, the United Nations ruled that the United Nations Army’s actions were for the unification of Chaoxian.

Isn’t this nonsense.

Others crossing the line is aggression, and you crossing the line is justice?

Therefore, when the rabbit army joined the war, the United Nations determined that the rabbit’s behavior was aggression. When the rabbit fought to the 38th line, the United Nations proposed a ceasefire between the two sides.

When the Eagle Sauce could not explain the scandals of Geoje Island prisoners of war, the re-arming of the foot basin chicken, the use of biological weapons, etc., the United Nations General Assembly avoided discussing the Far East issue.

In short, the relationship between the United Nations and the Eagle Sauce in the early days was like this.

So, under Truman’s control, at the end of 1952, the seventh United Nations General Assembly opened, and the war with corpses everywhere had been going on for 2 and a half years.

At this UN General Assembly, the Eagle Sauce and 21 other countries including Britain and France put forward a proposal, requiring China and North Korea to accept the principle of voluntary repatriation of prisoners of war.

Five days later, the Mao Bear also put forward a proposal, the content of which was to achieve a ceasefire first and then discuss the issue of prisoners of war.

The issue of prisoners of war should be separated separately, and a committee composed of directly interested parties should be established to discuss and reach a feasible plan.

Objectively speaking, the Mao Bear’s proposal was more in line with the actual situation at the time, but the Eagle Sauce side just refused to let go, and still had an attitude of dying together.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the peace-loving White Elephant (hardness) jumped out again.

The White Elephant’s proposal was that four neutral countries would form a Chaoxian War Prisoner of War Arbitration Commission to adjudicate the disputed issues between the two sides.

When encountering unsolvable problems, the committee would introduce a country as an arbitrator, and the arbitrator would make the ruling. After the two sides ceased fire for 90 days, they began to exchange some prisoners of war. After another 30 days, the prisoners of war who were still”disputed” were handed over to the United Nations for adoption.

Eagle sauce agreed to the White Elephant proposal, and China and North Korea stated that they agreed to the Mao Bear plan. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) On

December 3, 1952, the United Nations General Assembly passed the White Elephant proposal with 53 votes in favor and 5 votes against.

It should be pointed out that China and North Korea did not have a representative in the United Nations, so they did not participate in the vote (the rabbit’s seat in the United Nations is still in the hands of the Fruit Party).

If the rabbit was there, he would definitely overturn the table domineeringly.

The Mao Bear voted in favor of the White Elephant proposal.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Russian bear has played this trick. Stalin’s original plan was to drag it out, using the rabbit’s troops + the bear’s obsolete weapons + the first-line territory to wear down the Eagle Sauce.

But when the White Elephant proposal appeared, Stalin found that the proposal was even more muddled than his own, and it was impossible for the two sides to reach an agreement within this framework, so he decisively chose to support the White Elephant.

However, the rabbit at this time is no longer the rabbit before joining the war, and the whole world is very clear about this.

This country now has 3 million quasi-first-class army troops in the world at that time, and has an army force second only to the Russian bear in combat effectiveness in the world.

If it is thrown back to World War II, it can beat the chicken army out of shit, and three more Kwantung armies are not enough for them to beat.

This country’s fist is big enough, so big that without this country’s nod, any resolution of the United Nations is a piece of waste paper.

Moreover, at this time in the Chaoxian battlefield, the Rabbit Army suppressed 8 field armies in the western section of the confrontation line between the two sides, and the Chaoxian People’s Army suppressed 3 corps in the eastern section. In the northern depth area behind the front line, there are 10 field armies of Rabbit soldiers.

The above totals 958,000 people.

In the United Nations positions south of the front line, the Eagle Sauce suppressed 4 fully staffed army divisions and 1 marine division, and the South Chaoxian suppressed 4 army infantry divisions.

In the deep area behind it, the United Nations Army and the South Chaoxian Army still have 617,000 armed forces.

The above totals 86.4 people.

The armies of both sides are in the millions, which is a standard world war-level configuration.

But both sides know that it is very difficult to nibble a square kilometer of land from the opponent.��

Although it is difficult, it is even more difficult for the Eagle Sauce people.

Because most of the Eagle Sauce’s military supplies have to be transported from the mainland.

For example, during the Battle of Shangganling, some people in the Eagle Sauce Congress, which has always been lavish in military spending, have begun to question Van Fleet’s blank shots.

Many Eagle Sauce congressmen expressed dissatisfaction with Van Fleet’s use of ammunition that exceeded the Eagle Sauce regulations by several times and the disproportionate results he achieved.

By this time, the Eagle Sauce’s huge economic advantage after World War II has been beaten down to a less obvious level, and the U.S. Navy has retired a large number of various types of warships built during World War II. In this battle, the Eagle Sauce suffered heavy losses, but still refused to lower its proud head in the face of negotiations.

“Bear, tell the rabbits that if they don’t withdraw from the peninsula within three days, they will bear the consequences.……”Austin left the UN conference room with a stern remark, slamming the door and leaving.

Only the confused Russian bear and the participating countries were left.

However, just as the UN was holding a meeting, a huge explosion occurred in Guam.



Located at the southern end of the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, at 1326 north latitude and 14443 east longitude, it covers an area of 549 square kilometers and has a population of 158,000, with the Chamorro people accounting for the majority.

The terrain is high in the south and low in the north. Lightning Mountain in the southwest is the highest peak, and the base of the mountain is deep in the deepest trench. The land is 407 meters above sea level. It is 48 kilometers long from north to south, 6 to 13 kilometers wide, and covers an area of 549 square kilometers. It is

5,863 kilometers east of Honolulu. It is a liaison station between the Eagle Sauce, the Foot Basin Chicken, and the Philippines. It controls the key point of sea and air transportation in the Western Pacific and has an important strategic position.

At this time, there are 2 military bases in Guam.

Guam Naval Base: Located in the middle of the west coast of Guam, it is one of the largest naval bases of the Eagle Sauce Navy in the Western Pacific.

The base is not only the Eagle Sauce’s forward command post in the Pacific, but also undertakes important functions of logistics, ship maintenance and supply, and berthing and maintenance base.

Anderson Air Force Base: Located between Cape Patty and Cape Aqiang on the northern edge of Guam, it covers an area of about 82 square kilometers and is one of the most important strategic frontier bases of the United States in the Western Pacific.

The base is not only the command center of the United States Strategic Air Force in the Western Pacific, but also serves as an important forward base. It has large-scale and well-equipped facilities and a nuclear weapons depot to provide nuclear weapons for strategic bombers in the Pacific region.

Currently, 15 nuclear weapons are stored here.

The base was formerly known as the Northern Airport, the Northern Army Aviation Base, the Northern Air Force Base, the North Guam Air Force Base, etc. It was named Anderson Air Force Base on December 7, 1949.

The base was opened in 1945 and is the most important forward base for US strategic bombers in the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, it is also the main transit station for the United States to dispatch strategic bombers to the Middle East. It is under the jurisdiction of the US Air Force Department.[]

Currently, the base is the headquarters of the 13th Air Force Command of the US Air Force, and is a force projection center and training center in the Pacific region. The United States still uses it as the main forward base for strategic bombers in the Asia-Pacific region and an important logistics support base for the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions, as well as an ammunition and aviation fuel storage station.

At present, the United States has built Guam into the second largest aviation fuel storage depot of the US Air Force (with a capacity of 216 million liters).

At this time.

Anderson Strategic Air Force Base Command Center.

Commander Anthony was looking at the battle report in his hand:”The peninsula lost again??”

“It’s a waste of 25,000 of our soldiers.……”

Chief of Staff Tony asked,”General, the B29 bombers are already in place. When will the Destroyer Plan be implemented? I’ve seen nuclear missiles already in service!””

“Worried! Our army is negotiating with the rabbits. If the rabbits do not withdraw from the peninsula within three days, the capital will become the next Tokyo.……”

At the same time, the No. 3 Dongfeng missile had already arrived over Guam and was descending at a speed of Mach 5.

Boom boom boom…

3 seconds later, a huge mushroom cloud rose over Guam.……

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