On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 168

Imperial Palace.

The Emperor was anxiously waiting for news. Hundreds of kilometers were bombed, and the aftershocks filled the people of Dongjing with fear.

Fear… shock…

At the same time, many people recalled the scene of the Eagle Sauce Dongjing bombing.

In the three bombings in 1945, Dongjing suffered a devastating blow, causing 14 deaths, more than 50% of the houses in the city were burned down, and more than 1 million Dongjing citizens were homeless.

Among them, the air raid on March 9, 1945 was particularly tragic. More than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped, causing 41 square kilometers of the center of Dongjing to be burned into ruins, and nearly 100,000 Dongjing people had nowhere to escape.

In the bombing, Dongjing people were often not burned or blown to death, but suffocated to death due to lack of oxygen.

Even if they could find a safe place to hide, because the surrounding buildings were burning, the flames sucked out the oxygen in the air, and it was difficult to avoid death wherever they escaped.

In addition, the bombing also caused serious social problems. For example, the census data on November 1, 1945 showed that 93,000 households in Dongjing lived in temporary shacks and wooden huts, accounting for 15% of Dongjing’s population.%?

In Osaka, about 370,000 households lost their homes due to air raids and forced evacuations, accounting for 40% of the total number of houses.%?

After the war, civilians who had nowhere else to go built straw huts in the city and barely survived in the wind and rain.

It can be said that the impact of the winter bombing on the Japanese people was an all-round”973″,?Not only did it cause a large number of casualties and damage to houses, it also caused serious social problems, and put many civilians in extreme difficulties.

Now, they have finally walked out of the ruins, and, relying on the Peninsula War, they have restored the economy and resumed construction.

Suddenly… a”planet” with a diameter of 100 kilometers fell from the sky and caused a huge explosion!

This made the chicken coop explode immediately.

Everyone was panicked.

“Baka, is this really a planet? ?”

“Are you stupid? That was just a scam to fool the people, but you really took it seriously?”

“This must be the fault of the Eagle Sauce 406th Unit……”

“Baga……”The Prime Minister, the Ministers, and the Emperor were all furious.

“I knew that the rabbit is not that honest and can’t be fooled by a few words… He will definitely take revenge!”

“Baka, rabbit, rabbit, the Eagles are using biological weapons, why don’t you just blow him up? Why are you blowing me up?……”

The ministers of Jiaobenji complained one by one, wanting to cry but not having tears, and having no place to vent their anger, their faces turned green with anger.

“No, do rabbits really have such striking ability? ?”

“Could it be that this was not done by the rabbit? Was it done by someone else?”

“I can’t think of anyone else except the rabbit.……”

After all, the rabbits and the eagles have been at odds recently, and at the same time, a germ war has broken out. The rabbits are not the ones who will suffer.

Given the nature of the rabbits, they will definitely take revenge.

“Have you forgotten that they have missiles?”

“Missiles can’t reach it, it’s thousands of kilometers away from the rabbits.……”

“Could it be that the rabbit’s missiles can achieve precise strikes thousands of kilometers away? ?”


Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard this.

The chicken coop was blown up!

If the rabbit’s missiles can really hit so far, then does the chicken have a chance to turn over?

Just when everyone was uneasy, Ichiro Ishii, the captain of the Self-Defense Force Air Force, walked in quickly.

“Your Majesty, it’s over, it’s over. A fighter plane just reported that the entire 100-kilometer area in the central district of Saitama Prefecture has been reduced to ruins. Houses, facilities, aircraft carriers, warships… There is no survivor within 100 kilometers. Preliminary statistics show that the casualties are less than 50,000!”

“Among them were the Eagle Sauce’s 406th Unit, Admiral Baldwin and Shiro Matsui… The streets were covered in pulp, and some soldiers and civilians had 18 shrapnel all over their bodies.……”

“The entire central area was covered with dense traces of shrapnel… I couldn’t imagine what kind of weapons of mass destruction the rabbits used. Such intensive bombings would make me develop cryptophobia!!”

“Moreover, even the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier was shot into a sieve… It’s terrible”

“Currently, the central area of Saitama Prefecture has been blocked to prevent the news from leaking.”


” Everyone gasped.

What kind of weapon can cover hundreds of kilometers?

The emperor’s scalp was numb, his expression was stunned, and he slumped on the stool.

The most critical thing is that from the time the rabbit launched the missile to the explosion, the whole country didn’t know.

The air defense radar… There was no sign!

The early warning radar… There was no reaction at all…

The rabbit’s missile seemed to jump out of thin air!

Where did this thing come from?

Foot Basin Chicken and other senior officials were all confused and had no idea.

This is why Foot Basin Chicken blocked Saitama Prefecture and released the reason for the planetary fall to cover up the incompetence of the government.

Foot Basin Chicken’s air defense system and radar cannot detect the No. 3 missile at all.

The first is because the missile is fast.

The second is because the surface of the missile is coated with a layer of wave-absorbing oil.

Foot Basin Chicken’s air defense radar doesn’t work at all.

Not to mention the”stealth” missiles, think about it back then, when the Eagle Sauce bombed Foot Basin Chicken, Foot Basin Chicken Didn’t China fail to defend against the B25 and B29 bombers of the Eagle Sauce?

To put it bluntly, China’s air defense radars are not good enough.

Moreover, China does not have a complete early warning system, especially in radar technology, which is behind European countries. Although it has it, the performance and quantity cannot be compared with European countries. Therefore, as an island country, it is impossible to build a strong radar early warning network like John Bull.

It is impossible to coordinate the forces of various air forces.

Due to the backwardness of electronic equipment, China’s early warning method mainly adopts a combination of sea surface patrol boats, radar stations and lookouts to detect the enemy as early as possible and report.

However, the coverage range of China’s radar is very small, and more often it has to rely on optical equipment for visual search.

With such equipment, you still want to intercept Dongfeng missiles?

It’s just a pipe dream.

After a while, the emperor said:”Quick, send a telegram to Truman… We have been attacked, let them send troops to reinforce.”……”

“OK, I’ll go now.……”

“No, wait, report the situation in a more tragic way, and give as much detail as possible… Finally, let the Eagle Sauce help us kill the rabbit!”

“We can’t let our more than 500,000 soldiers and civilians sacrifice in vain!”

Now is the best opportunity for the foot basin chicken.

As long as the rabbit and the eagle sauce go to war, the foot basin chicken can reap the benefits, the most direct is to improve economic development!

Secondly, if the eagle sauce kills the rabbit, then the foot basin chicken will be the most powerful existence in East Asia.

It has to be said that the foot basin chicken’s calculations were heard clearly in Beijing.


White House

?Truman was immersed in the joy of victory. He was so happy about the casualties caused to the rabbits by the use of biological weapons!

The most important thing was that he could disgust the rabbits.

Can’t use nuclear bombs?

Well… I will use biological weapons and see what you can do to me!! (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Truman’s face was filled with a smug smile.

Since the use of biological warfare, the war situation has changed dramatically. Starting from

January 28, 1952, the Eagle Sauce continued to spread a large number of various poisonous insects with bacteria in the front positions and rear of the rabbit soldiers and the Chaoxian People’s Army.

Soon, the Eagle Sauce expanded the scope of biological warfare to the northeast and coastal areas of the rabbit. On

January 29, flies and fleas were spread in Yichuan. On

February 11, 13, 15, 16, and 17, a large number of poisonous insects, such as white sand flies, ants, fleas, flies, crickets, mosquitoes, spiders, lice, etc., were spread in many places in Chaoxian.

From February 17 to 25, the Eagle Sauce dispatched aircraft 8 times to drop bacterial bombs in Yichuan, Hanpuli, Suchuan, Jiuhuali, Yuanshan, Shibianli and other places in Chaoxian, spreading large numbers of insects carrying bacteria. On February 29, Eagle Sauce aircraft in 14 batches of 148 sorties invaded many places in Rabbit and spread poisonous insects in Fushun. On March

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Eagle Sauce aircraft flew into Rabbit airspace many times in succession, spreading insects carrying bacteria. On

March 6 and 7, Eagle Sauce aircraft invaded the airspace over Qingdao for two consecutive days, spreading large numbers of insects carrying poisonous bacteria, such as flies, spiders, grasshoppers, bumblebees, ants, mosquitoes, fleas, etc……..

The invasion of North Korea by the United States kept it a secret throughout the implementation. They falsely called the germ bombs”non-explosive bombs” for their combatants who carried out this mission. They usually dropped the germ bombs from airplanes or fired them directly from artillery at night, on cloudy days, or during bombing raids. Sometimes they mixed germ bombs with bombs to make it difficult for the North Korean and Chinese military and civilians to find them.

They targeted the main transportation routes, water sources, and military and civilian concentration areas on the North Korean and Chinese sides. They used various creatures, such as flies, fleas, spiders, mice, rabbits, birds, and other animals, as well as food, leaves, cotton, leaflets, and other sundries as media.

Soon, in areas where insects were reported,���Cholera and other virulent infectious diseases that had long been extinct in Chaoxian appeared, and some Chaoxian people and rabbit soldiers were infected to varying degrees.

For example, in the days when the 67th and 68th armies began to launch bacteriological warfare in the invasion of Korea, some people suffered from diseases related to bacteriological warfare. From

February 20 to March 9, 13 residents in the northern part of Chaoxian were infected with cholera by bacteria, of which 9 died and 1 died.

In a village of 600 people in Anzhou County, South Pyongan Province, Chaoxian, 50 people were infected with plague by bacteria from February 25 to March 11, of which 36 died.

In March, 16 rabbit soldiers died of plague, 44 of them suffered from encephalitis and meningitis, and 43 of them suffered from other acute diseases, of which 36 died. At the end of

February and the beginning of March 1952, the Eagle Sauce had expanded the scope of bacteriological warfare to the northern part of the rabbit.

According to incomplete statistics, within just two months, the Eagle Sauce dropped 804 bacterial bombs in the northern part of Chaoxian and the northern part of the Rabbit, causing 384 Rabbit soldiers to be infected, of which 258 were cured.

This effect is simply too good for the Eagle Sauce.[]

Stilwell:”President, this time we have successfully fooled the rabbit!”

Marshall:”President, I have asked someone to deal with the International Health Security Council. The rabbit’s application for trial has fallen on deaf ears, and we can continue to use biological weapons!”

Truman nodded with satisfaction:”Immediately tell Admiral Baldwin and Shiro Matsui to increase their efforts. It won’t be long before we can rest easy!”

Once the rabbit is fully infected with bacteria, the Eagle Sauce will be able to deal with it without any action.

Or while they are busy with prevention, the Eagle Sauce will launch a major counterattack.

However, just when the Eagle Sauces were very happy, Waters hurried in.

“President, President, it’s bad… Unit 406 was destroyed… Admiral Baldwin and Specialist Shiro Matsui were killed on the spot.……”

“The entire central district of Saitama Prefecture, with a radius of 100 kilometers centered on the 4062.0 unit, was completely riddled with bullets, presumably caused by cluster bombs.”

Cluster munitions were already used for military purposes during World War II: a group of munitions dropped from an aircraft or fired by artillery, with 80 to 600 bullets in one cluster munition.

The bullets can be dispersed to cover an area of more than 30,000 square meters, allowing for widespread large-scale strikes.

“Jiaobenji just called: Report: 150 cluster bombs exploded in the air, each with 5,000 steel needles inside, equivalent to 750,000 steel needles covering the densely packed Iraqi assembly area like raindrops”

“More than 1,000 people were smashed to pieces by steel needles in the 2-minute raid, and even more people were injured and disabled. A large number of lightly armored or unprotected vehicles were completely destroyed. The entire assembly area became a wailing Shura field, and the entire regiment was basically wiped out.……”

“This happened within the entire 100 kilometers… The entire Saitama Prefecture has become a living hell… It’s horrible to see, the streets are all covered in pulp……”

The series of news shocked Truman and others who were smiling just now.

“Fuck… needless to say,���It must be the rabbit again?”

“Judging from the current situation, it was indeed the Rabbit who did it!”Waters:”However, according to the intelligence provided by the Foot Basin Chicken, what is giving us a headache is that the Rabbit’s missiles can be invisible.……”

When this was said, everyone in the room was shocked.……

…… ps: 166 is out, if you like it you can go back and have a look!!


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