On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 165

After the end of World War II in 1945, in order to obtain the”scientific research results” of the foot basin chicken, the Eagle Sauce sent a scientific investigation team to Japan. Through repeated investigations of the 731 bacterial warfare unit, it hoped to obtain technical information on the details of the bacterial warfare of the foot basin chicken. At the same time, the bear coveted the technical details of the bacterial warfare of the foot basin chicken.

The Eagle Sauce persuaded the bald government to stop pursuing the war crimes of the foot basin chicken against China’s bacterial warfare, and extradited the war criminals of the 731 unit from the magic city back to the foot basin chicken.

Therefore, the 731 bacterial unit successfully escaped the trial of the rabbit people and returned to the foot basin chicken.

In order to make the 731 unit hand over the information on bacterial warfare technology, the Eagle Sauce threatened them that if they did not hand over the information, they would be handed over to the bear.

And handing over the information would be exempted from war punishment, so in the end, the 731 unit handed over all the information on bacterial warfare technology under the intimidation of the Eagle Sauce.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce established the”406th Medical Research Institute of the Eagle Sauce Army Medical Headquarters in Japan” in the foot basin chicken, and hired the original 731 unit to resume mouse production.

Referred to as the 406 unit.

All the detailed weapons that appeared on the peninsula were from the 406th Troop of the Foot Basin Chicken.

The garrison of this troop covers an area of about 200,000 square meters, and has the Bacteriology Department, Chemistry Department, Entomology Department, Medical Animal Department, Virology Department, Hematology Department, Radiological Department, etc.

This department maintains intelligence exchange, personnel exchanges, research results sharing, etc. with the Eagle Sauce Base: Camp Detrick, a biological and chemical warfare base.

“More than a hundred staff members were employed in Jiaobaji, and they had close ties with various medical groups and medical universities in Jiaobaji.

The Jiaobaji plague gods personally operated to create bacteria and viruses for the Eagle Sauce Plague God.

In addition, living organisms that carry bacteria and viruses are not something that ordinary living organisms can do. Such living organisms are special species that have been specially bred and cultivated.

Jiaobaji is the best at this craft.

In order to obtain such special living organisms, the Jiaobaji plague gods, with the support of Eagle Sauce, cultivated and bred such organisms in Jiaobaji. For example, the most commonly used mice were specially bred according to the”secret recipe” of the earlier 731 unit. In

February 1950, the 406th Unit of Eagle Sauce hired former members of the 731 Unit to form a”Comprehensive Research Institute for Experimental Animals” in Saitama Prefecture, Jiaobaji.”、”Guinea Pig Breeding Cooperative” and other organizations, breeding special bacteria and virus mice, specifically for the Eagle Sauce No. 406?

“During the most prosperous period, an average of 150,000 mice, 20,000 to 30,000 guinea pigs, and 4,000 to 5,000 gills were sent to the J2C406 unit through the Comprehensive Research Institute for Experimental Animals every month.”

After five battles, China and North Korea confronted the Eagle Sauce on the 38th parallel, and the Eagle Sauce put what it learned from the Foot Basin Chicken to use.

It should be said that the Eagle Sauce is a good student. He learned all the Japanese army’s bacterial and viral warfare capabilities and used them in a standard way.

Moreover, the Foot Basin Chicken is also a good teacher. He teaches everything he knows.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce’s bacterial and viral offensive against Chaoxian and Northeast China can be identified as”master-master school” at a glance.

This matter soon attracted the attention of the capital.

The commander-in-chief was furious when he learned about it:”The Eagle Sauce actually used anti-human weapons, which is despicable!”

“At present, many of our soldiers have died from the plague, and the virus is still spreading.……”

“According to statistics, the insects used in the hawk sauce include 18 species, including houseflies, houseflies, blackflies, greenflies, dung flies, stoneflies, chironomids, Culex pipiens pallens, Korean leopard-footed mosquitoes, winter flies, human fleas, specimen insects, diamondback locusts, migratory locusts, oil gourds, black springtails, wolf spiders, etc.”

“The types of viruses they can spread far exceed those of Chicken Foot Basin 731: encephalitis, anthrax, typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus, hemorrhagic septicemia, plague, cholera, dysentery, malaria, yellow fever, etc.”

“During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders used airplanes to drop bacteria at night in the 1941 bacterial warfare against Changde… So, we know a lot about these viruses.……”

“At present, this is one of the most frequently used methods of bacterial warfare by the Eagle Sauce in the Chaoxian War.”

The Japanese military used aircraft to drop bacteria and viruses in the following ways: directly scattering fleas, using aircraft to drop insect bacterial bombs, using parachutes to drop infected rats, using aircraft to drop bacterial bombs mixed with conventional bombing, etc., which were all used by the Eagle Sauce in the Peninsula War.

“How abominable!”The commander-in-chief angrily punched the table and said,”For the sake of victory, the Eagle Sauce will do anything.……”

This completely overturned the commander-in-chief’s cognition.

The Chief of General Staff:”Commander-in-chief, this is the current situation of the bacterial unit’s investigation, take a look!”

Then, the commander-in-chief opened the investigation report and started reading. On

March 20, 1952, Eagle Sauce aircraft dropped a large number of leaves, soybean stalks and bean pods in more than a dozen places in the northeast and northern Chaoxian. After inspection, these plants were found to carry purple spot bacteria, plant anthrax, smut bacteria and other microorganisms that cause serious diseases in crops and fruit trees… On

March 28, Eagle Sauce aircraft also dropped anthrax, causing acute deaths of livestock such as horses, cattle, and pigs in the areas that were dropped and contaminated…

The Chaoxian Plague Incident: American aircraft repeatedly spread fleas infected with plague bacteria on the front and rear of Chaoxian. Among them, the fleas dropped in Anzhou on February 18, 1952 caused”50 people out of the 600 people in that village to become ill, and 36 of them died.””……

Chaoxian Cholera Incident: On the night of May 16, 1952, American planes dropped cholera-infected clams in Datong, Chaoxian. The next day, villagers Li Yingzi and Zhao Wanfu picked them up and ate them, and both died on the 18th…

Gannan Incident: On the night of April 4, 1952, American planes dropped 717 voles infected with plague in a 5×15 km area in Gannan County, Heilongjiang Province.

Liaodong Anthrax Incident: In early 1952, American planes repeatedly dropped specimens of anthrax bacteria, insects, flies and feathers in various places in Dongbei and Liaoxi. From late March to mid-April, respiratory anthrax and hemorrhagic anthrax meningitis broke out, causing acute illness and death of residents in Siping, Anshan, Andong and other places.

Commander-in-Chief Qinggen suddenly jumped up:”Is there any conclusive evidence?”

The Chief of Staff:”The Eagle Sauce pilot who dropped bacterial bombs and containers was shot down and captured by us. He confessed the Eagle Sauce crimes and also confessed the dirty cooperation between Japan and the United States in bacterial and virus warfare.……”

Mr. Hu:”Now, I finally understand why the Eagle Sauce asked the Baldy to stop pursuing Unit 731… It turns out that they were all wearing the same pants!”

“The most urgent thing now is to investigate the plague as soon as possible to prevent the spread of bacteria.……”

Chief of the General Staff:”By the way, after Jiang Chen learned about the details of the war with Eagle Sauce, he immediately organized Northeast Pharmaceutical to develop a vaccine… I hope to vaccinate the people of Northeast China as soon as possible!!”

“Jiang Chen is always one step ahead……”The commander-in-chief said with a look of relief:”I didn’t expect that he is also a medical expert!!”

“Yes, Commander-in-Chief, do you still remember the mass production of penicillin? It was completed under the leadership of Jiang Chen!”

“Hmm! The father of medicine!”General Commander: Jiang Chen deserves it.……”

“Immediately order the Northeast Border Defense Force to organize medical personnel to fight against bacteria and vaccinate. This is a war without gunpowder smoke.”


Upon learning of the strategic intentions of the Eagle Sauce, technical forces were immediately organized from all over the country to mobilize resources to respond to this silent war.

Medical and technological forces were organized to enter Chaoxian to dissect, analyze and inquire about the pathological causes.

At the same time, the Rabbit’s troops carried out disinfection, isolation and other anti-bacterial warfare measures throughout the army. Under the leadership of the General Defense Committee, from the Corps to the Division and the Military Commission, each organization carried out layer-by-layer prevention and control to carry out a large-scale epidemic prevention campaign throughout the army.

In addition to the Rabbit troops, large-scale epidemic prevention work was also carried out throughout the country.

The concept of eliminating the”four pests” was put forward, and the people of the whole country took action to actively carry out actions to eliminate the”four pests”, such as clearing garbage, dredging ditches, filling depressions, improving drinking water, and rationally handling feces. Large-scale epidemic prevention and health campaigns.

At the same time, drinking hot water was further promoted.

By April 10, 1952, 4.85 million plague vaccinations had been completed in the Northeast, and 5.8 million vaccines had been delivered to Chaoxian, fully guaranteeing the needs of the Rabbit soldiers and the people of Chaoxian. The angry commander-in-chief:”Notify immediately and announce the crimes of the Eagle Sauce!”……”

Soon, the rabbit announced to the world the crime of the Eagle Sauce in carrying out germ warfare. After more than two months of field investigation, the International Scientific Committee composed of the World Peace Council published the”Report on the Investigation of the Facts of Germ Warfare on the Peninsula and Annexes” written in four languages and announced it to the international community, confirming the anti-human germ warfare carried out by the Eagle Sauce in the Peninsula War.

This time, the rabbit not only won the victory in the germ warfare, but also exposed the ugly face of the frenzied American imperialism.

With the recognition of the World Peace Council, the rabbit can be considered to be relieved.

However, the commander-in-chief had an ominous premonition:”The World Peace Council is backed by the United Nations, they are all wearing the same pants… No, we can’t pin our hopes on the World Peace Council!”

“We have to take action ourselves!”

Hu Gong:”.Command, what do you mean?””

“Investigate immediately where the United States produces its biological weapons?”

“OK, I’ll go now.……”

Soon, Li Kenong received an order, and the personnel lurking inside the Communist Party immediately used the relationship between the Security Bureau and the CIA to insinuate information.

Finally, they got the news from an American official.

The results of the investigation were quickly reported to the commander-in-chief.

“Commander in Chief, I found it.……”Li Kenong reported:”At present, according to our investigation, the bacteria weapons of the Eagle Sauce come from two directions. The first is Fort Detrick, the Eagle Sauce base camp, and the second is the Saitama County 406th Unit of the Foot Basin Chicken. The bacteria weapons of the peninsula all come from this Saitama County.……”

Commander-in-Chief:”Where are they exactly located?”

“Saitama Prefecture is an inland prefecture located in the central part of the Kanto region. It is part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, one of the three major metropolitan areas in Japan. It belongs to the Kanto region in Japan. It is bordered by Chiba Prefecture to the east, Nagano Prefecture to the west, Tokyo to the south, Ibaraki Prefecture and Tochigi Prefecture to the north. It is the most important industrial area in northern Tokyo.”

“Fort Detrick is located in Frederick, Maryland, an hour from the U.S. Army Medical Command in Washington, D.C. The exact location is unknown.……”

The commander-in-chief kept his eyes on Saitama County:”Well, call Jiang Chen immediately to ask if our No. 2 missile can reach Saitama County.……”

Mr. Hu:”Commander-in-chief, do you mean to bomb Saitama County of Jiaobenji?”

“Yes, root out the problem.……”

Everyone was filled with enthusiasm when they heard this.

Hu Gong:”Harbin is about 1,670 kilometers away from Tokyo. I wonder if our Dongfeng missiles can reach it.……”

“I believe Jiang Chen will find a way!!”

……(To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

101 Arsenal.

Jiang Chen is developing a new type of bomb… These days, he (Zhao Hao) is either on the way to research or on the way to research.

Yang Siruo:”Jiang Chen, what are you doing?”

“Cluster bomb!”

Cluster bomb is a weapon that combines multiple small bombs into one large bomb, also known as a cluster bomb.

In a bomb body of the same size as a normal bomb, there are several to hundreds of sub-bombs, each of which is about the size of a tennis ball.

These sub-munitions will explode when or after they touch the ground.

However, these sub-munitions may not detonate normally and become duds, posing a long-term threat to civilians near the scattered locations. They are usually dropped from aircraft and decomposed in the air, causing regional casualties by scattering sub-bombs over a wide area of the ground.

The characteristics of their quantity are used to increase the coverage area and the killing range, and can be used to attack clustered targets such as clustered tanks, armored fighting vehicles, troop assembly areas, or large-area targets such as airport runways, with a strong destructive capability.

Yang Siruo looked at the drawings and said,”Isn’t this just putting hundreds of ammunition into a larger bomb body?”

“almost……”Jiang Chen asked back:”By the way, isn’t Mr. Qian tinkering with a new type of missile? How is it going?!”

“Except for the warhead, everything else has been completed.……”Yang Siruo:”Hey, these are some parameters made by Gan Lao… take a look……”

Jiang Chen glanced at it and was immediately stunned:”What, isn’t this the Dongfeng-3 missile?”

Just as Jiang Chen was stunned, the red phone on the desk rang:”Hello, this is Jiang Chen……”

“Jiang Chen, hello, I am the commander-in-chief. After discussion with the Military Commission, it has been decided to use missiles to carry out precision bombing of Saitama Prefecture, the foot basin chicken.……”


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