On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 159

The White House.

Marshall is reporting to Truman about the deployment of missiles around the Rabbit

“Yeah, not bad……”Truman looked at the plan and nodded with satisfaction:”Good, once the SM75 missiles are produced, they will be deployed immediately according to the schedule!”

“Then let the rabbit know how powerful we are.……”

“”Okay, President!” Marshall said with a proud smile:”The Marshall Plan that was implemented before should also realize its value!”

“Indeed, it’s time for those guys in the EU to give some interest!”

Now the Eagle Sauce needs to fully produce the SM75 missiles, and the technology, resources, etc. required all require the support of the EU.

In a sense, the Eagle Sauce and the EU have formed a community of interests because of the Marshall Plan.

The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Program, is a plan by the Eagle Sauce to provide economic assistance to Western European countries after World War II.

The main purpose of the plan is to help Western European countries rebuild the economic and social infrastructure destroyed by the war by providing a large amount of financial, technical, equipment and other assistance.

It also aims to build a”containment barrier” against the Russian bear by strengthening the strength of the allies.

“,?To curb the expansion and influence of the bear.

The implementation of the Marshall Plan not only promoted the rapid recovery and development of Western Europe economically, but also had a profound impact on the Cold War pattern politically. In

July 1947, the Marshall Plan was officially launched, and in the following four fiscal years, Western European countries received a total of 13.15 billion US dollars in various forms of assistance from the United States, including finance, technology, and equipment, through participating in the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, of which 90% were grants and 10% were loans.

In addition, the implementation of the Marshall Plan also accelerated the process of European integration and promoted economic cooperation and integrated development among Western European countries.

Now, the European Union will naturally not sit idly by when the Eagle Sauce needs it.

At this time, Truman’s idea was simple: to produce more SM75 missiles in the shortest possible time.

He wanted to give the rabbit a fatal blow and start hooliganism.

At this time, Stilwell walked in quickly and reported:”President, it’s not good. Something happened at the Keelung military base.……”

? ? ? ?


Truman and Marshall stood up excitedly:”What happened?”

Stilwell:”Not long ago, the rabbits sent out warships, sank three of our warships, and chased my aircraft carriers.……”

Just a few words made Truman and Marshall gasp.

“What’s going on?”

“President, we have all been deceived. The rabbit’s warship is bigger than our aircraft carrier, and they have installed anti-ship missiles on the warship… Three anti-ship missiles destroyed our destroyer… One against three, not at all inferior”

“From what we know so far, the rabbit’s warships are very advanced. Their radar and fire control systems work together to automatically lock on to our fighters and bombers. Their close-in defense guns have a firing rate of up to 7,000 rounds per minute, so our fighters and bombers can’t get close at all.……”

“In general, the rabbit’s warships are not fishing boats. Their technology and weapons completely overwhelm our aircraft carriers… They have mastered advanced ship technology.……”


The rabbit has mastered ship technology? And the shipbuilding technology is more advanced than ours?

This news is undoubtedly the most shocking to Truman.

As a symbol of military power, the construction and development of aircraft carrier warships not only reflects a country’s industrial strength and scientific and technological level, but also reflects the country’s comprehensive strength.

If a country can independently complete the design and construction of aircraft carriers above 50,000 tons, and has complete independent property rights, it means that the country’s comprehensive national strength has reached the level of a great power.

Now the rabbit has built a 20,000-ton warship right from the start, which has great significance.

This is because the construction of aircraft carriers covers almost all industrial categories in the country, including machinery industry, shipbuilding industry, electronics industry, information industry, weapons and equipment manufacturing industry, and even aviation industry. It is a comprehensive test of a country’s industrial strength.

Therefore, the development of aircraft carriers is very important for a country, especially for developing countries.、、、The country is an important driving force for the upgrading of the industrial system.

Obviously, Rabbit has mastered this”driving force”.

In addition, as a joint combat platform integrating land, sea and air, the aircraft carrier formation is a combat cluster, which reflects the country’s height in military technology and strategic layout.

Owning an aircraft carrier means that a country can demonstrate its military and political influence in a wider range of fields, safeguard national interests and regional stability.

Building warships and aircraft carriers is indeed one of the important criteria for measuring whether a country is strong. It not only reflects a country’s industrial and technological strength, but also reflects its strategic influence and national defense capabilities in international affairs.

Moreover, ship technology is related to the shipping industry, which is a bridge and link for international trade.

More than 90% of the global commodity trade cargo volume is completed by sea. Mahan, a Western sea power scholar, pointed out:”The rise and fall of all countries is determined by whether they control the ocean.””?

In modern times, there is a saying that goes,”Whoever is in charge of maritime trade is in charge of the world’s wealth.”

Mr. Sun also believes that”the world situation changes, and the rise and fall of national power often depends on the sea rather than on land. The country with superior maritime power often has superior national power.”……”

In fact, after the 15th century, countries with the most advanced shipbuilding and navigation technology had the right to speak in the world. The discovery of the New World formed the globalization of the world market and trade in a real sense. The economic expansion brought about by the hegemony of maritime trade led to the formation and transformation of several major maritime powers in the world.

Spain, the Netherlands, and John Bull successively became major maritime powers in the world.

After World War II, Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken successively became new maritime powers and the new world hegemons by virtue of their status as the”world factory” of manufacturing.

At this moment, they could not imagine why the rabbit could change so much in such a short period of time.

Truman:”Why do rabbits master such advanced technology??” Marshall

:”Yes, the rabbit has completed the hundreds of years of our country’s journey in just a few years?”

Waters:”President, do you still remember Jiang Chen??”

“Jiang Chen? Isn’t he a missile expert? What does shipbuilding have to do with Jiang Chen?”

Waters:”According to the information from the University of California, I learned that Jiang Chen had studied at Berkeley in 1945, and he also went to the University of Glasgow at John Bull to study on behalf of the University of California, and obtained an honorary seat for the doctor of ship technology that year.” The

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley is one of the top majors in the United States, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in shipbuilding and ocean engineering.

The early and mid-20th century ushered in the golden age of research in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Since then, Berkeley has become one of the most important centers of academic research in the world.

At that time, Robert Oppenheimer, a professor of physics at Berkeley and the father of the atomic bomb, established the”Oppenheimer Center for Theoretical Physics” in Berkeley, which attracted a large number of top theoretical physicists and researchers, forming the”Berkeley School of Physics.”

In 1942, Oppenheimer was appointed as the chief scientist of the Manhattan Project, the atomic bomb development program of the United States, and led the various scientific departments of the Manhattan Project. Many Berkeley physicists also made outstanding contributions to the Manhattan Project, including Edward Teller, the later”father of the hydrogen bomb.”

Therefore, Jiang Chen’s further studies at Berkeley was a huge loss for the United States.

All the technology was learned.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen also went to the University of Glasgow on behalf of Berkeley to study and obtain a doctorate.

The University of Glasgow was the first institution in John Bull to establish a civil engineering department and a shipbuilding department.

The Department of Shipbuilding at the University of Glasgow enjoys a high academic reputation in John Bull and around the world.

It is the second oldest in Scottish history. The oldest and fourth oldest public comprehensive research university in the UK, its shipbuilding and civil engineering departments are the top disciplines of John Bull and are highly recognized. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The school has a superior academic reputation in engineering, especially in the shipbuilding department, and its research and teaching levels are highly praised both at home and abroad.

In addition, the School of Engineering of the University of Glasgow covers aerospace, civil engineering (aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electronic engineering, electromechanical engineering), electronics and electrical appliances, machinery and shipbuilding and other disciplines, showing the school’s comprehensive strength in the field of engineering.

Truman and others could not imagine what kind of weirdo Jiang Chen was who got an honorary doctorate in less than a year.

“In other words, Jiang Chen has a very high level of shipbuilding technology, but his achievements in aerodynamics are so high that we have overlooked his shipbuilding technology.”

“This time, the Rabbit Jiaolong warship must have been built by Jiang Chen… It seems that this Jiang Chen is too scary.”

After listening to Waters’ report, Truman, Marshall, Stilwell and others were terrified.

They didn’t expect that Jiang Chen was not only a military expert, but also a world leader in ship technology.

Truman:”Jiang Chen actually used anti-ship missile technology on the warship, and once again led us!!!”

“Is Jiang Chen going to challenge the whole world alone?”

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen’s current military technology is several levels ahead of the whole world.

Truman even said that he is fighting against the entire American scientific community alone.

It is no exaggeration.

Waters:”President, don’t forget that the Rabbits don’t just have Jiang Chen, they also have Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai.……”

“According to the current investigation, the talents of the two of them are no worse than Jiang Chen… When the three of them join forces, they are simply invincible!”

Dry has the highest level of security pass in Eagle Sauce and can come and go freely.���The Pentagon Building is a colonel of Eagle Sauce, a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a salary of two thousand dollars. At that time, Eagle Sauce’s luxury car was about one thousand dollars, which was equivalent to buying two BMWs with a month’s salary.

He is one of the five founders of the”Rocket Club” of California Institute of Technology. This club is the predecessor of the famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JP150L) under NASA. The Eagle Sauce Moon Landing Plan originated from this laboratory. When the Eagle Sauce President holds a national defense strategy meeting, he is qualified to attend.

In other words, the strategic deployment of the Eagle Sauce for the next twenty or even fifty years is clear to Qian Lao.

After he returns to China, he can design our country’s military strategy in a targeted manner. For example, he suggested not to make airplanes, but rockets first.

You know, Eagle Sauce’s archery originated from Hans Cat’s von Braun (the chief designer of rockets and the chief engineer of the Eagle Sauce Moon Landing Plan).

And von Braun was brought back from Hans Cat by Qian Lao and his teacher von Karman at the end of World War II through the flames of war.

In addition to bringing back von Braun, he also brought back all the rocket technology teams and information of Hans Cat.

Gan Lao is one of the people who knows Hans the Cat’s rocket technology best.

And in the world, another kind of arrow technology was developed by the Russian Korolev.

So, you know why our rockets are so awesome, we have channels to learn about both technologies.

It is because of this that we can become a rocket power like the Russians and the Eagles.

The Eagles have von Braun, the Russians have Korolev, and the rabbits have Gan Lao.

This is what makes Gan Lao awesome.

And Guo Lao is a super awesome man who possesses missile, nuclear bomb, and satellite technology. He is both an aerodynamicist and an expert in explosion mechanics.

Back then, the Eagles studied compressible fluid mechanics at the California Institute of Technology, and Guo Lao and Gan Lao became disciples of the world’s master of gas mechanics, von Karman.

At that time, although airplanes had been widely used, there was a bottleneck problem that was difficult to solve, that is, the inability to break through the”sound barrier problem”, which led to the flight of airplanes.���The speed is relatively low.

Although California has gathered many top talents, there are still few challengers to this topic, but Guo Lao confidently tackled this difficult problem.

Von Karman supported Guo Yonghuai very much and assigned him an assistant, who later became famous all over the world.

The two of them worked at full speed…

Finally, after unremitting efforts, the two brothers jointly proposed the concept of”upper critical Mach number”, successfully breaking through the sound barrier problem that has plagued the aviation industry for many years, and caused a sensation.

Now, Jiang Chen, Guo Lao, and Qian Lao have joined forces to challenge the whole world.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

At this time, Truman knew the seriousness of the matter. After a brief thought, he issued a secret order:”Since conventional wars cannot be won, use biological warfare.……”

At the same time, the Jiaolong returned and handed over the photos it did not take to the commander-in-chief.……[]

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