On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 155

Today is a happy day for the Eagle Sauce.

Just now, the Eagle Sauce’s first medium-range missile, the SM-75 Thor missile, was successfully developed ahead of schedule and completed the test launch under the efforts of scientific personnel.

The missile is 19.8 meters long, 2.24 in diameter, with a maximum range of 1,200 kilometers, a takeoff weight of 49.9 tons, and a warhead model of?W 35 or W

49? Warhead weight? 1800 kg, hit accuracy? 4000-8000 meters, launched from underground silos.

Perhaps because of the rush, the SM-75 has certain defects: for example, the range can be longer, and the accuracy can be higher, etc.

SM—The 75″Thor” missile is a liquid-fueled single-warhead medium-range ballistic missile developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company of the United States. It is the first generation of strategic missiles of the United States.

The total development and equipment cost is 1.5 billion US dollars, and the missile unit price is 750,000 US dollars. A total of 75 missiles will be equipped.

According to the suggestion of the United States Army, five missile squadrons will be formed, each with 15 missiles, each placed in a launch silo

SM-The success of the 75 Thor missile.

This means that the Eagle Sauce’s next missile will usher in a large-scale explosion.

Starting from the end of the 1950s, the missile development of the navy, army and air force will show explosive growth.

The missiles launched by the Eagle Sauce include but are not limited to the”Thor” medium-range missile、?”Hercules ICBM、?”Hercules”、?”militia”、?”Minuteman ICBM, and an experimental two-stage booster missile codenamed”ASM-135″?

“Thor medium-range missile and Hercules intercontinental missile: These missiles marked the development and deployment of the first generation of strategic ballistic missiles by the United States from the end of World War II to the late 1950s.?

“Hercules”、?”militia”、?”Minuteman ICBM: From the late 1950s to the 1960s, the Eagle Sauce developed and deployed the second generation of strategic ballistic missiles. The experimental two-stage booster missile was codenamed”ASM-135″:?This is a missile launched from an F-15 fighter.

Missile research has almost exploded.

However, the greatest contribution of the SM-75″Thor” missile to the Eagle Sauce is that it is used as the first stage (core stage) of the launch vehicle, with solid boosters bundled at the bottom and different upper stages connected in series at the top. More than 20 models have been developed to form a relatively complete”Thor-Delta” launch vehicle series.

It is mainly used to launch military satellites and early space probes, and has also launched some scientific and application satellites of NASA. These rockets are all launched from the Eagle Sauce Western Test Range.

The series includes”Thor-Able”、”Thor-Able”、”Thor-Agena A, Thor-Agena B, etc.

In a way, the role of SM-75″Thor” is comparable to”Pershing”.

Pershing tank, Pershing guide… The weapons named after Pershing are a recognition of the efforts of General Pershing, a six-star general of the Eagle Sauce.

The commander-in-chief who led 2 million Eagle Sauce troops to Europe was General Pershing.

Pershing not only led troops, but also was a tactical master. During World War I, all countries actually began to invest in the new air force, but in the development of air force applications, other countries were not as unique as Pershing.

Pershing directly changed the administrative structure of the U.S. military air force at that time, greatly improving its administrative efficiency, and attracting many talents for the new air force, which greatly promoted the construction of this new force. In

1944, in order to commend Pershing for his outstanding contribution to the Eagle Sauce Army, Pershing was awarded the extremely special rank of six-star general of the Army, making him the second six-star general after Washington.

The role of the SM-75″Thor” missile is similar to that of”Pershing”.

Its appearance will affect the direction of development in the next few decades.

At this time, the entire White House was jubilant. The

Eagle finally had its own missiles, and Truman, Stilwell, Marshall and others seemed to be full of confidence.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that we finally have our own missiles with a range of 1,200 kilometers. That’s great.……”

“Aren’t the rabbits very arrogant? Their missiles have a range of only 600 kilometers, far less than ours!”

“Congratulations, President!”

“President, I suggest that we start mass production immediately and deploy them on Island B to directly deter the rabbits!”

“Yeah, I agree……”

Truman straightened his back, looking somewhat smug:”Okay, I’ll do as you say. In addition, we will fully develop cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles. Since we are lagging behind in land-based missiles, other missiles must be surpassed in all aspects.……”

With the capital of the Eagle Sauce, it is not impossible to achieve comprehensive transcendence.

Since the Eagle Sauce belongs to the capitalist society, they basically develop any weapon through company bidding.

And in order to make money, companies (most of which are run by Jews) often prolong the research and development time.

Therefore, every new weapon costs more than one billion US dollars or even more to test. (The rabbits spend less money)

To put it bluntly, they regard scientific research as a tool to make money, so naturally the energy invested is limited. On the other hand, every time the rabbit develops a weapon or breaks through a technical barrier, it is through the achievement of science and technology, and the concentration of scientific and technological talents across the country.

So, for example, in the development of nuclear bombs, the rabbits only spent more than two years, while the Eagle Sauce took seven years.

Simply put, one is a wage earner (Eagle Sauce), working from nine to five every day, and the other is an entrepreneurial boss (Rabbit), working day and night to study and work.

The results are naturally different.

Of course, in terms of strength, we have to admit the strength of the Eagle Sauce, but the results presented are polarized.

“Come on, cheers!”Stilwell, Marshall and others were drinking champagne with great pleasure.

Soon, the festive atmosphere was broken.

Diplomat Austin walked in quickly, and a closer look revealed beads of sweat on his forehead.

“President, President, this is bad, the rabbit admitted it, the rabbit admitted it!”

There was a thunderclap!

Everyone looked at each other and stared at Austin curiously.

“Why are you so impatient? As a diplomat, Austin needs to keep calm. Otherwise, how can he win the battle with so many people?……”Truman reminded with a smile.

Oscar said excitedly:”President, just now, the rabbit announced the parameters of the Dongfeng 2 missile. The range is 1,500 kilometers and the accuracy is 600 meters. In addition, they admitted that the bombing of Okinawa Island was accidental. According to the plan, it was tested in the direction of Iwo Jima in the Pacific, but due to the large error, it fell on Okinawa Island.……”

At this moment, everyone was stunned, their smiles stopped abruptly, and the raised glasses were frozen in mid-air…

The whole office seemed to have pressed the pause button. They were all frozen.

The rabbit’s Dongfeng 2 missile has a range of 1,500 kilometers, an accuracy of 600 meters, and is launched from a vehicle. In addition, it can carry a nuclear warhead. The

Eagle Sauce’s SM-75″Thor” missile has a range of 1,200 kilometers, an accuracy of 4,000 to 8,000 meters, and is launched from an underground silo.

There is really no harm without comparison.

The Eagle Sauce officials who were just complacent seemed to have been slapped in the face, and their faces were burning.

I thought I was very awesome, but I didn’t expect that the rabbit was even more awesome.

The technical and scientific research results that you are complacent about are simply not worth mentioning in front of the rabbit.

This sense of pressure from chasing made Truman breathless.

No matter how hard you chase, you can’t catch up!

Annoyance, self-blame, helplessness, anger, shock, unwillingness… A variety of emotions enveloped everyone’s faces. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Truman blamed himself: he should not have let Jiang Chen go… one wrong step leads to another.

Now, Guo Lao and Qian Lao have returned to China…

Could it be that, as Kimble said, the Eagle Sauce is about to face its darkest moment?

“Fuck, the rabbit’s Dongfeng 2 missile is actually more advanced than our missile?”

“Can it even carry nuclear missiles?”[]

“It’s simply too terrible!”

Everyone didn’t believe it, but they had to admit the oppression brought by the Rabbit Dongfeng No. 2 missile.

At this time, Stilwell quickly discovered a problem:”Hey, that’s not right, the range is 1,500 kilometers, and the error is 2,000 kilometers?”

Okinawa Island is almost 2,000 kilometers away from Iwo Jima.

Marshall:”Yes, is what Rabbit said true? With a range of 1,500 kilometers, can the missile be dropped on Okinawa Island?”

“I don’t believe you if you say he didn’t mean it!!”

“This is a serious provocation from the rabbit.”

Truman’s face turned green with anger:”Fuck, this is obviously a warning from the rabbit to us… They admit the Okinawa incident but don’t want to pay compensation. This error is a warning!”

Who knows how many thousands of kilometers the next error of the rabbit’s Dongfeng 2 missile will be?

“It’s so frustrating!”

“This is the biggest shame since the establishment of the Eagle Sauce!”

Facing the strength of the Rabbit, the only way at the moment is to deploy the SM75 missile to Island B and launch a missile counterattack against the Rabbit!

The range is 1,200 kilometers, centered on Island B, and the radiation range is too wide.

Even if the error is large, it can deter the Rabbit’s homeland.

Not only can it be deployed on Island B, but it can also be deployed in the place where the chicken and the rabbit are.

Directly deter the capital.

This is how the Eagle Sauce cracked it.

As for the Okinawa Island incident, the Eagle Sauce can only be dumb and eat durian.

Once it gets serious with the Rabbit, the fact that it has privately used nuclear weapons will be exposed.

This will cause a crisis of confidence in the Allies

“That’s it.……”Truman issued the highest order.

The production of SM75 missiles was accelerated…

At the same time, the Eagle Sauce secretly began to build launch bases in several places, such as Akao Island, Kyushu Island, and Nagasaki Prefecture on Kyushu Island.

The launch method of SM75 missiles is underground silos, which require tower-built launch bases.

Everything is carried out in secret.……


101 Arsenal.

Jiang Chen looked at the SM75 missile released by the Eagle Sauce with a look of disdain.

He now had to get the”.7 Seventh Master” out as soon as possible to carry forward the generation gap of fighter jets.

“The J6 Farmer fighter is at most half a generation ahead.

However, the Seventh Master fighter has more than 20,000 parts and components, and more than 200 new processes, technologies and materials.

It can be said to be the most complex aviation system engineering, which is a test for the rabbit’s industrial base.

“”Seventh Master” is mainly used for national air defense and to seize air superiority on the battlefield front line. It can also perform ground attack missions. It is a typical second-generation fighter.

The technical characteristics are outstanding high altitude and high speed characteristics, light weight and flexibility, low cost, high efficiency and simple use and maintenance.

At present, all countries in the world are in the first generation of combat. Rabbit has a second-generation aircraft, which is absolutely overwhelming.

Next, Jiang Chen began to develop”Seventh Master”, and the first thing to do was to solve the problems of aerodynamic layout and speed.

In order to allow”Seventh Master” to reach a flight speed of more than twice the speed of sound, Jiang Chen designed a nose air intake form with a central adjustable shock cone. The oblique shock wave generated by this shock cone compresses and slows down the oncoming airflow.

At the same time, through the forward and backward movement of the cone The airflow interception area at the air inlet is changed by movement to achieve the best match between the air intake velocity, flow rate and the engine air intake demand, ensuring that the engine can work stably under various flight conditions.

In addition, in terms of the wing, Jiang Chen continued to increase the sweep angle of the swept wing and designed a new 57-degree swept-angle delta wing wing selection scheme.

After research and testing, it was found that the performance of the delta wing scheme was excellent, especially in terms of high-altitude and high-speed performance, which greatly exceeded the tactical and technical indicators expected by the military.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen finally determined the design of”Seventh Master”, which is still a single-engine fighter, with an overall layout of triangular wings, swept tail, slender fuselage, and nose air intake. The use of delta wings can make the”Seventh Master” The”Ye” aircraft was able to reach a flight speed of more than M2.0 without much engine thrust, and its ceiling exceeded 20,000 meters.

In order to prevent the accumulation of the surface layer attached to the wing tip and cause stall, a small wing blade was installed on the upper surface of the left and right wings near the outer side to block it and slow down the separation of the wing tip airflow.

At the same time, the fuselage is an all-metal semi-monocoque composite structure with a circular cross-section.

The fuselage bulkheads, long girders and skin materials are mainly made of hard aluminum, while a few reinforcement frames that bear larger loads are made of chromium-manganese-silicon alloy steel.

In terms of power, Jiang Chen will use the new generation Kunlun 3 turbojet engine.

This is an axial-flow twin-rotor turbojet engine with an afterburner, which consists of a twin-rotor axial-flow compressor The engine consists of four major parts: annular combustion chamber, twin-rotor gas turbine, afterburner and adjustable tail nozzle.

In addition, there are major systems such as fuel system, starting system, cooling system, anti-icing system, and transmission devices that drive the engine and aircraft accessories.

The engine is 4.6 meters long, with a maximum diameter of 0.9 meters, a total weight of 1151 kilograms, a maximum thrust of 3900 kilograms, an afterburner thrust of 5750 kilograms, a thrust-to-weight ratio of 5, a maximum fuel consumption rate of 0.97 kilograms/kilogram thrust.hour, and an afterburner fuel consumption rate of 2.3 kilograms/kilogram thrust/hour.


Jiang Chen quickly drew out the design drawings of the”Seventh Master” fighter.

At this time, Yang Siruo walked in and reported:”Jiang Chen, the Eagle Strike anti-ship missile and the Z-8 helicopter have been produced.……”

“When will it be delivered to the Navy?”

Jiaolong 1 can finally be equipped with Eagle Strike anti-ship missiles, and its appearance must be a nightmare for the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier.……


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