On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 148

“All departments are ready to inject fuel……”

Following Jiang Chen’s order, everyone started to work, and the four corners of the truck were fixed with hydraulic rods.

Because when the missile is launched, the launcher must be able to withstand the weight of the missile and the huge impact force during the launch.

Then, the missile slowly rose.

Before launching, the guidance system will start and prepare to receive instructions from the control center or other command systems.

Once the missile is ready, the control center or other command system will issue a launch command, which will trigger the release mechanism of the launcher to make the missile leave the launcher.

“Missile loading, calibration, feeding and pre-launch checks have been completed……”

“Fuel injection completed!”

“Can launch……”

“Tower, missiles can be launched……”

Jiang Chen:”Okay, launch.……”Press the launch button.

The ignition system starts, whoosh! Zizizizi…

The ignition system transmits current to the missile’s ignition device, ignites the missile’s fuel, and ignites the missile’s engine.

Boom, boom, boom…

The missile leaves the launch pad, and the engine immediately ignites and provides thrust.

When its thrust exceeds the missile’s gravity, the missile takes off from the launch pad and performs a vertical ascent.

Boom, boom, boom…

Missile No. 2 takes off.

The missile continues to rise for about 10 seconds, at which time it is about 200 meters above the ground and its speed is about 40 meters per second.

Its speed will reach Mach 1, or 24 miles per hour.

Then, the missile will fly along a predetermined trajectory through the thrust of the engine and the control of the guidance system.

As time goes by, the missile’s flight speed, flight altitude and flight distance gradually increase, while the ballistic inclination (the angle between the missile’s flight speed vector and the horizon) gradually decreases. Boom, boom, boom… buzz, buzz… whoosh…

Soon, when the missile’s flight altitude reaches more than 15,000 meters, the missile will perform a second roll acceleration in the air.

The missile’s speed Vk is about 7000 meters per second, the height of point K from the ground is about 200 kilometers, and the horizontal distance from the launch point O is about 700 kilometers.

Then the missile’s speed gets faster and faster, reaching a speed of Mach 3 at an altitude of 9144. When it reaches an altitude of 30,000 meters, the missile will separate once, and this time the shell used to protect the warhead will be separated.

Shortly after this separation, the missile will separate again, and this time the missile’s own engine will be separated, and the separation will be carried out after ignition.


Boom boom boom…

When the missile reaches an altitude of more than 96,000 meters, the fairing will separate from the entire missile.

Immediately, the missile begins to enter the ascending arc section of the free segment, the flight altitude continues to increase, and the flight speed decreases until it reaches the highest point of the trajectory, which is about 1,000 kilometers in altitude. At this time, the flight speed is the minimum value of the free segment.

From the highest point of the trajectory, the trajectory begins to decline and the flight speed begins to increase.

When the missile reaches the reentry point E, the flight speed must reach more than 7000 meters per second.

Whoosh whoosh… whoosh whoosh whoosh…

After entering the atmosphere, the missile is affected by air resistance, and its flight speed begins to decrease, flying towards the target.

The entire launch process to hitting the target only requires five steps.

Step 1, the Dongfeng ballistic missile enters the launch site, and after everything is ready, the missile takes off.

Step 2: After the No. 2 missile takes off, adjust the missile’s attitude and fly towards the target.

Step 3: Enter the atmosphere.

Step 4: The missile head cone separates.

Step 5: The second-stage engine separates.

Step 6: The missile adjusts its attitude and the first-stage engine ignites. Step

7: After the attitude adjustment is completed, the No. 2 missile relies on the first-stage engine to fly.

Step 8: The first-stage engine works at full load.

Step 9: Enter the detection range of the air defense ship in the target area. Step

10: Adjust the missile’s flight attitude. Step 11

: The warhead separates from the first-stage engine. Step 12:

The warhead begins to dive.

Step 13: The warhead enters the atmosphere, and it can be seen that the head changes color and the temperature is extremely high. Step

14: Break through the layers of defense network and hit the target.

Whoosh whoosh…

After more than ten minutes, missile No. 2 has reached the target area!

Then it began to glide.


Okinawa Island!

Since World War II, the Okinawa base has been the”cornerstone of the Pacific” and the”strategic hub of Asia” for the Eagle Sauce.”?

The Eagle Sauce Plan will build three lines of defense with Okinawa Island as the center, referred to as the three-line island chain.

The first line is the bases from Jiaobenji, Nanchaoxian to Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean; the second line is the bases from Guam to Australia and New Zealand, and the third line is centered on Hawaii, extending to Midway Island, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

The forefront of the three-line island chain is the military base group in Okinawa, which faces the East Asian continent and backs the vast Western Pacific Ocean. It can support land operations and support maritime operations. The strategic location is very important.

Okinawa Island is only”a stone’s throw away” from Rabbit, only more than 600 kilometers from B North, more than 800 kilometers from Fuzhou, and more than 400 kilometers from Diaoyu Island.

It can be seen that Okinawa Island is in an important position, and the Eagle Sauce even calls it an”unsinkable aircraft carrier.”

Focus on building.

At present, all projects are under construction.

According to the plan of the Eagle Sauce: Okinawa will build 41 bases, accounting for about 20% of the total area of Okinawa Island. There will be four major arms and more than 20,000 soldiers stationed in the navy, army, air force and marines. It is a rare base with complete arms among the Eagle Sauce overseas bases.

These include the 10th Regional Combat Support Brigade of the US Army, the 72nd and 76th Task Forces of the US Navy, the 18th Fighter Wing of the US Air Force, and the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force of the Marine Corps.

The air force base currently under construction, on the main island of Okinawa, which is less than 2,000 square kilometers, the Eagle Sauce will set up ten air force bases including Kadena, Naha, and Futenma.

At present, the completed air force base is: Kadena Base, which is the largest air force base with rapid response combat capabilities outside the mainland of the Eagle Sauce, covering an area of nearly 20 square kilometers.

The base is mainly stationed with the 18th Air Wing of the 5th Air Force, a veteran of the US Air Force, which can deploy up to nearly 100 military aircraft of various types. The Eagle Sauce fighter jets stationed in Kadena can fly to the Rabbit Continent in less than 40 minutes at the fastest.

At the same time, Kadena Air Base has strengthened the Eagle Sauce’s ability to respond quickly around the world. With the help of aerial refueling aircraft at Kadena Air Base, B-52 bombers taking off from Guam can fly continuously for 17 hours to the Middle East.

Kadena Air Base is also an important base for Eagle Sauce’s overseas reconnaissance aircraft units. It is stationed with the 390th Intelligence Squadron, the 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron, the 18th Wing Intelligence Unit and the 353rd Special Operations Brigade of the Air Force. It is an important base for Eagle Sauce to obtain intelligence from other countries (rabbits).

In addition, Okinawa is stationed with an ace unit for Eagle Sauce’s landing operations-the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force of the Marine Corps, with a total strength of 18,000.

The radiation range of the entire Okinawa Island and the Marine Corps’ combat radiation range far exceed the foot basin chicken and surrounding areas, and can reach as far as the east coast of Africa.

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce stationed in Okinawa also has a strong logistical supply. In addition to the reserves on the main island of Okinawa, the Yokohama fuel depot with a storage capacity of 5.7 million barrels and the Sasebo fuel depot with a storage capacity of 5.2 million barrels can quickly replenish the fuel for the Okinawa base, which is enough for the Seventh Fleet to sail continuously for more than half a year.

In this battle on the Chaoxian Peninsula, the Eagle Sauce Base on Okinawa Island played a very important role. It continuously transported gasoline, weapons, ammunition and other military supplies to Busan.

Its strategic purpose is self-evident. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kadena Base, Okinawa Island, military port.

At this time, an aircraft carrier was slowly approaching the port.

The Hornet aircraft carrier is 251.

3 meters long, 25.

36 meters wide, 7.

9 meters deep, with a full load displacement of 26,932 tons, a flight deck length of 228.

6 meters, a width of 34.

7 meters, and a speed of 34.

It carries 75-79 F4F carrier-based aircraft and SBN bombers.

There are 4 single-barreled 5-inch/38 dual-purpose guns at the bow and stern, for a total of 8, placed on the port and starboard flight decks respectively; there are 2 each in front of the island and aft, for a total of 4 quadruple-mounted 1.

1-inch/75 anti-aircraft guns; there are 32 single-mounted 20mm/70 anti-aircraft guns in various parts of the hull, and auxiliary fire control radars are installed.

The FD fire control radar can detect the landing point of 5-inch shells within 12,000 yards, bombers within 40,000 yards, battleships within 30,000 yards, destroyers within 20,000 yards, and surfaced submarines within 12,000 yards, with an accuracy of 40 yards and a resolution of 400 yards.

0 and SC shipborne radar.

It can detect battleships within 10 nautical miles, destroyers within 3 nautical miles, fighters within 30 nautical miles, and bombers within 25 nautical miles.

These two radars are the most advanced radar facilities of the Eagle Sauce.

At this time, at the military port, the head of the base, Mike Jason, had already brought the guards of the base troops to put the entire port under martial law.

No one was allowed to approach.

It looked like they were welcoming something.

“General, are there any secret weapons being shipped from the mainland?”

Mike Jason rolled his eyes and said,”My job is to protect the things on the ship. You should know what to ask and what not to ask… You’d better shut up… At the same time, tell everyone to shut up.”

As a top student at West Point Military Academy, President Truman’s most loyal subordinate and confidant, and Truman’s cousin, he is decisive and efficient in his work, and is deeply loved by members of Congress.

Mike Jason:”Order the guards to protect the things for me, and don’t let any news leak out.”

“Yes, General!”

Soon, the USS Hornet docked and the guards quickly boarded the aircraft carrier to be on alert.

The captain walked up to Mike Jason and said,”Thank you for your hard work. The stuff is very important and it is related to the war situation on the peninsula. Please be sure to keep it well!”

“Please rest assured, General, leave the things to me… just rest assured!” Mike Jason:”Is it a little boy?”[]

“No, its code name is: Rabbit Killer, and it is much more powerful than the little boy.……”The captain said:”This is just the first one, there will be more……”


The meaning is clear. This thing is used to kill rabbits. Is the Rabbit-killing bomb more powerful than Little Boy?

The power of the Little Boy atomic bomb is equivalent to 18,000 tons of TNT. It exploded at an altitude of about 580 meters above Hiroshima. The explosion site is located northwest of the center of Hiroshima.

The power of this explosion is extremely huge, equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of 18,000 tons of TNT.

The explosion instantly generated a temperature of 300,000 degrees. The surgical hospital at the center of the explosion and all its personnel and facilities were instantly reduced to ashes.

The shock wave of the explosion has a wide range. The granite within a radius of one thousand meters from the center of the explosion melted. The strong shock wave with a speed of up to 50 to 60 kilometers per hour almost destroyed all buildings within a radius of three thousand meters from the center of the explosion.

Even at a distance of seven kilometers from the center of the explosion, the scorching heat of the air could be felt. The atmosphere above Hiroshima was churning for fifteen minutes due to the nuclear explosion. The explosion caused huge casualties. About 14 people died in the explosion, including those who died on the spot and those who died of their injuries in the following 2.2 months.

The explosion caused a devastating blow to the citizens and the city of Hiroshima, becoming one of the most destructive events in human war history.

Mike Jason couldn’t help but take a breath when he heard this, and then his eyes were full of expectation.

“I don’t know. I wonder what it would feel like if this thing fell into the rabbit’s native land?”

“I am also looking forward to it……”The captain warned again:”Remember, keep it secret and don’t let the Allies know!”

Soon, an object shaped like a large barrel was slowly carried down from the aircraft carrier under the cover of green canvas.

“Be careful, this is chemical.……”

The transport soldiers were fully armed, wearing masks and protective clothing, and they looked very careful.

Suddenly, the FD fire control radar and SC shipborne radar on the Hornet sounded an alarm.

Beep beep…

The red lights on the aircraft carrier kept flashing.

Mike Jason was confused:”What’s going on??”

“Fuck… Radar alarm, it should be an enemy attack……��The captain ran to the command room.

However, the next second, the No. 2 Dongfeng missile fell from the sky… and landed in the center of Kadena Base!


With a loud bang, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.……

…… ps: Everyone, do you still have monthly tickets? 4 monthly tickets plus one update! 3000 flowers plus one update, 100 evaluation tickets plus one update, one reward plus 2 updates, 10 automatic subscriptions plus one update! (accumulative……)


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