On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 144

The commander-in-chief was very moved and relieved.

There is no such thing as a peaceful life, it’s just that someone is carrying the burden for you.

The reason why the country and the people can stand up straight is because there are people like Jiang Chen who silently contribute behind the scenes.

Only then did the proud Eagle Sauce gradually lower his head.

Jiang Chen is truly a peerless national talent!

This is the commander-in-chief’s highest praise for Jiang Chen.

The launching of a warship… This should be a national shock for the rabbits.

The commander-in-chief only knew it now:”Jiang Chen has done a good job of keeping it secret!”

Li Guoqiang:”Comrade Jiang Chen said that the main reason is that the anti-ship missiles and helicopters have not been installed yet, so the Jiaolong is not a complete Jiaolong yet.”

“This is Jiang Chen’s style of doing things… I feel like he is not making military products, but creating works of art, showing us his best side!”

“Yes……”Li Guoqiang:”We finally have our own warships. From now on, I dare to speak louder when facing Western powers!”

Frustrated and cowardly!

This was the diplomatic and international situation at that time.

Without strength, basically, one’s words are not taken seriously.

As the Eagle Sauce diplomat said:”Being behind does not necessarily mean being beaten. That’s because I don’t want to beat you today!”

At this moment, Li Guoqiang finally had the confidence to say”no” in diplomatic occasions.

Commander-in-chief:”Haha, look at your achievements… As our national defense construction becomes stronger and stronger, you will be more confident… By the way, you just said that the arms trade is 150 billion US dollars. What did the Middle East buy?”

“Dongfeng missile!”

“What?” The commander-in-chief’s heart dropped to the bottom:”It turns out that Jiang Chen has sold the national protection artifact!”

“How can this be possible!!”

Li Guoqiang brought out Jiang Chen’s words and simply repeated them.

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu were dumbfounded when they heard it.

“You mean, Jiang Chen wants to use Dongfeng missiles to defend the Middle East? ?”

Li Guoqiang:”Yes, according to Jiang Chen, this batch of Dongfeng missiles will be deployed in two years. During this period, we will build missile launch towers for them and produce fuel.……”

“Moreover, Jiang Chen said confidently: In two years, Dongfeng 1010 will be available, so naturally Dongfeng 1 will be looked down upon… In terms of safety, we have signed an agreement that as long as it is a Rabbit cargo ship, the Middle East must ensure safety.……”

Inadvertently, the three words”flower grower” became a”passport” to the Middle East, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean.

Commander-in-chief:”The Middle East is a powder keg… Until now, I still don’t understand what Jiang Chen’s purpose is in making this move.……”

At this time, the commander-in-chief was completely focused on the country and the peninsula, so he naturally had no time to think about the Middle East.

Hu Gong:”Commander-in-chief, we should trust Jiang Chen’s vision. He will not let us down.……”

The commander-in-chief nodded:”Indeed, then I will wait and see. By the way, Mr. Hu, what happened to the peninsula?”

Mr. Hu:”The Eagle Sauce is clamoring for peace talks again.……”

“On September 29, the United Nations forces returned with a vengeance, using a strategy of attacking in stages and advancing gradually, launching a larger-scale autumn offensive on the eastern and western fronts.”

“Our army has just adjusted its battlefield deployment and arranged 6 armies to defend the front line. Artillery strength has also been strengthened.”

“The 47th and 64th Armies on the Western Front were attacked fiercely by the heavy artillery and tanks of the US and British armies.”

“A company of the 47th Army defending the Yeyue Mountain position was attacked from three sides and fought fiercely with the Eagle Sauce for several days. The position was bombarded with tens of thousands of rounds, and it was a scorched earth. All fortifications were destroyed. A platoon defending the main peak was killed. The whole company repelled the Eagle Sauce’s 14 charges.”

“The 418th Regiment of the 140th Division fought fiercely with the enemy for several days, creating a model battle example of positional warfare and completely annihilating two US military companies.”

“A company of the 571st Regiment of the 191st Division of the 64th Army defending Maliang Mountain, relying on tunnel fortifications, repelled 21 heavy attacks from two battalions of the British 29th Brigade, held the position for three days and nights, killed and wounded more than 700 enemies, and suffered only 26 casualties.”

“The 204th anti-tank brigade destroyed 18 Eagle sauce tanks and damaged 8 in three days.”

“The 67th Army defending the south of Jincheng blocked the crazy attacks of the 7th and 24th Divisions of the Eagle Sauce Army and the two divisions of the Nanchaoxian Army, killing and wounding more than 5,000 enemies on the first day.”

“The three companies of the 599th Regiment defending Lichuandong fought against one to three regiments of the Eagle Sauce in a row. With the support of tanks, aircraft and artillery, they launched a fierce attack and repelled 25 charges of the Eagle Sauce for three days and nights. Finally, they successfully broke through the encirclement, killing and wounding an astonishing 4,000 Eagle Sauces, which played an extremely important role in the entire eastern defense.”

“During the entire autumn offensive, our army killed and wounded more enemies with fewer casualties than in the five previous campaigns.”

“The UN forces only captured 467 square kilometers of land, with an average of more than 170 casualties per kilometer.”

“The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United Nations believed that the offensive was a strategic failure. With this tactic, it would take Ridgway at least 20 years to reach the Yalu River.”

“Now, what the Eagle Sauce didn’t get at the negotiation table, it also didn’t get on the battlefield.”

“Therefore, after paying a heavy price in casualties, the Eagle Sauce now has to return to the negotiating table.”

“On October 25, the armistice negotiations, which had been suspended for more than two months, resumed at Panmunjom. As the summer and autumn offensives were defeated one after another, the arrogance of the Eagle Sauce was restrained. It no longer flaunted its naval and air force advantages and gave up its absurd claim to retreat 20,000 square kilometers to North Korea.”

“However, in the new military demarcation line plan they proposed, they still unreasonably demanded that our army and the Nanchaoxian army retreat 1,500 square kilometers, while the Eagle Sauce advanced 600 square kilometers, in an attempt to seize Kaesong.”

“At present, this proposal has been refuted by us, and our suggestion of a ceasefire and slight adjustments has also been rejected by the Eagle Sauce… The negotiations have once again reached a deadlock.”

After listening to the report, the commander-in-chief thought for a while:”Since the Eagle Sauce is still not honest, then well… Let’s beat him until he is honest… Haven’t we produced a batch of new fighter jets?”

“Let’s drive around the peninsula for a few laps to show the Eagle Sauce our strength and give us more confidence at the negotiation table.……”

“OK, I’ll arrange it.……”

In order to cooperate with the negotiations and completely crush the Eagle Sauce attempt, the Rabbits formed the largest bombing since entering the peninsula.

It consisted of 60 J-6″Farmer” fighters and 24″Six Lords” bombers.

At the same time, there were 45 MiG-15 fighters of the Bear followed closely (although they were spectators, the momentum was not less)!

This time, the J-6″Farmer” fighters also ushered in their first battle on the peninsula, equipped with the PL-1 infrared-guided short-range air-to-ground missile, and the”Six Lords” carried the newly developed graphite bombs, as well as white phosphorus aerial bombs, fuel-air bombs and other comprehensive bombs.

Among them, compared with missiles launched from the ground, the PL-1 infrared-guided air-to-ground missile has the characteristics of good maneuverability, small size, easy to carry and use, and fast response, and its range, accuracy, power and other aspects are better than aviation machine guns.

Shenyang Airport.

Dozens of planes took off from the ground one after another!


The J-6″Farmer” fighter took off from the ground!

“The”Sixth Master” bomber followed closely behind… and finally the Russian MiG-15 fighter.

Hundreds of fighter planes flew in the sky…

Commander Liu looked at the scene in front of him with a proud smile on his face:”Haha, I didn’t expect that the Peninsula Campaign allowed our army to create unprecedented glory in the history of the Air Force!”……”

If there had been no Korean War, the construction of the Air Force would have remained at the stage of capturing a few American fighter planes from the Kuomintang.……”The words of the commander are still vivid in my mind.

At that time, Commander Liu was dismayed. He was really a”lone commander”!

Now it is different. The Rabbit Air Force plays a decisive role on the battlefield.

As a commander, Commander Liu is very proud and a sense of accomplishment surges in his heart.

“Jiang Chen, you are the founder of the Air Force……”


Bear Pilot

“The Rabbit Air Force developed too fast. Unexpectedly, in two years, it developed nearly 100 fighter jets.……”

Watching the Rabbit Air Force becoming stronger step by step, the bear pilots felt very uncomfortable

“Ulla… Rabbit’s new fighter can actually fly so fast? ?”

Suddenly, the MiG-15 felt behind.

Although the J-6 is not a second-generation aircraft, it can almost break through the sonic boom…

This is a brand new experience for pilots such as Lu Fei.

Of course, this is also the limit of the operation of the J-6″Farmer” fighter.


37th Line! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dozens of J6″Farmer” fighters suddenly appeared in the Eagle Sauce occupied area.

According to the coordinates provided in advance by the U2 reconnaissance plane,

60 J6″Farmer” fighters rushed to different targets, airports, roads, and anti-aircraft firepower points.

Their goal was clear, to���The”Six Lords” bomber clears obstacles and provides a safe bombing environment


Eagle sauce Huangshan Airport.

There are more than 20 Eagle sauce F series fighters parked here.

Beep beep…

When the J-6″Farmer” fighter entered the area, the radar sounded an alarm. However

, the J-6″Farmer” fighter crossed the enemy radar area at a speed of 1,490 kilometers per hour, which is 4.

1 kilometers per second.

It reached the airspace above the airport in just a few minutes.

The speed was so fast that the Eagle sauce pilots did not have time to react.

Most pilots had just started the plane and had no time to take off.

Dozens of PL-1 missiles flew towards them!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Boom boom…

Buzz buzz buzz…

After the J-6″Farmer” fighter jet fired the 4 PL-1 missiles it was carrying, it quickly flew away, leaving behind only the confused Eagle pilot.

“Damn, this damn rabbit…it’s so hateful!”

“Quick, save the plane and repair the runway……”

At this time, the signal tower of the airport was bombed, and the signals of aircraft communication and contact with the outside world were interrupted.

The airport manager could only communicate through the radio.

The whole airport was in chaos.

The same scene happened at other airports on the peninsula, all of which suffered attacks and bombings to varying degrees.

The air force of the Eagle Sauce was almost attacked.


Main road in Seoul.

This is the main line connecting 323 major roads, and is responsible for most of the transportation of materials for the Eagle Sauce and the movement of mechanized troops.

On just an ordinary day, 30 J6″Farmer” fighters carried out precise bombing on the main roads, branch roads, important bridges and forks on the ground.

Chirp… Boom…

A bomb every three steps, a bridge every five steps!

In just a few minutes, the originally good roads have all become bumpy.

Trucks and tanks are basically unable to pass.

This large-scale bombing of the highway was simply unexpected for the Eagle Sauce.

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce basically had no defenses on the highway, only radar surveillance, which was basically not enough in front of the J6″Farmer” fighter.

Therefore, this bombing was very smooth.

The J6″Farmer” fighter quickly completed the mission and returned quickly.

There is no way, if the J6″Farmer” fighter has enough suspended missiles and bombs, it can be fully competent for all bombing missions.

There is no need for the”Sixth Master” bomber to be dispatched.


The remaining dozens of J6″Farmer” fighters flew towards the Eagle Sauce’s air defense radar and anti-aircraft artillery positions.




When the J6″Farmer” fighters approached the radar base station, the M19 two-door self-propelled rocket launcher quickly counterattacked.

Da da da…

The pilot grasped the control and approached with flexible maneuverability, and then pressed the launch button.

Chirp… Boom…

The air defense radar and anti-aircraft artillery positions were destroyed by the sparrow-like attack of the J6″Farmer” fighters.

Boom… Boom…

In just half an hour, the Eagle Sauce’s air defense system on the peninsula was completely destroyed.

At this time.

The United Nations Command.

The confidential room was busy, and letters of intelligence reports from various places on the peninsula were sent to the headquarters.

“Huangshan Airport was attacked……”

“Report: Seoul highways were bombed, all major arterial roads were destroyed……”

“Report: Our communication system has been bombed to varying degrees and is currently being repaired.……”

“According to reports, our radar base stations were hit by pile-pulling bombings, and the air defense system was paralyzed.……”

“Fuck… who did this?”

“Report, it’s a rabbit……”

“not good……”Ridgway seemed to have thought of something, his face changed drastically:”The rabbit is going to carry out a blanket bombing of the peninsula.……”

At this time, the”Sixth Master” bomber quietly appeared in the sky above the Eagle Sauce occupied area…

One after another, graphite bombs fell from the sky.……


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