On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 140

Gan Lao also has a certain understanding of anti-ship missiles, so he recognized the Eagle Strike No. 1 on the table at a glance.

Back then, Gan Lao also solved the problem of aerodynamics of anti-ship missiles for Yingjiang.

In the late World War II, the Yingjiang Navy faced the threat of the”Kamikaze” suicide attack aircraft of the Foot Basin Chicken. At that time, the only air defense weapon of Yingjiang, the ship-borne”anti-aircraft gun”, was often powerless.

Because the range is too short, even if the target is hit, it cannot stop the opponent’s suicide attack. The Kamikaze aircraft will continue to rush towards the warship with bombs due to inertia.

In addition, early anti-ship missiles (such as the Nazi Hans Cat’s Hensche 1? Hs? 293 guided glide bomb) had already appeared at that time, and bombers carrying anti-ship missiles would probably never enter the combat range of ship-borne anti-aircraft guns.

In the current terminology of Yingjiang, it is”out-of-area attack weapons.”

Warships without the protection of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft are basically a one-sided massacre facing anti-ship missiles carried by bombers.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Navy urgently needs a long-range ship-borne air defense weapon. Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Naval Ordnance Bureau launched a series of research programs in order to obtain”advanced weapons” to counter such threats to protect Eagle Sauce ships.

The most important of these is a secret program called”Operation Hornet” conducted by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Institute.

And Qian Lao was fortunate to be involved in it.

At that time, the purpose of”Operation Hornet” was to develop a new weapon-a jet flying vehicle with a guidance system to provide an air defense protection network between the outer fighter air defense circle of the Eagle Sauce fleet and the anti-aircraft guns of the warships.

The Hornet program focused on the development of ramjet engines in the early days. In 1945, they built the first combustion test vehicle (BTV) and named it”Cobra”. After testing several different types of test aircraft.

In 1948, the 18-inch (45 cm) diameter ramjet engine test aircraft PTV-N-4 The test reached an altitude of 9,000 meters and a maximum speed of more than Mach 2.

This fully verified the feasibility of the ramjet engine.

The laboratory then built a larger RTV-N-6, and eventually developed into XSAM-N-6 missile.

This was the prototype of the later Talos missile.

In 1963, the U.S. Department of Defense changed the military numbering rules for missiles, SAM-N-6 was renamed RIM-8


The 8 missile system project began to be demonstrated in 1944, and the development phase was completed in 1954.

It was tested on land and on the ship at the White Sands Proving Grounds and the AVM-1 USS Norton Sound.

“RIM-8″ was installed on the cruiser”Galveston” in May 1958, and was completed in May 1958.

The first live-fire target test was carried out in the Atlantic Ocean in February 1959.

It was put into service in the same year.

The development time of the entire Talos system was as long as 16 years.

In other words, the Eagle Sauce was also studying anti-ship missiles at this time and was in the process of testing. Qian Lao had the honor to participate in some of the research before his house arrest. If he had not wanted to return to China, perhaps the Eagle Sauce’s RIM-8 would not have been developed until 1959.

Qian Lao:”What did you say? We have warships?”

Jiang Chen:”Yes, not long ago, the 20,000-ton Jiaolong was launched.……”


Qian Lao’s excited heart, accompanied by his hands trembling constantly:”We finally have a warship? ?”

That’s 20,000 tons!

According to the classification of the Eagle Sauce, this is already a medium-sized destroyer.

You know, the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier, some light aircraft carriers are only 25,000 tons.

The rabbit has built a warship with a displacement of 20,000 tons, which is enough to prove its shipbuilding technology. The warship design has ranked among the world’s shipbuilding ranks.

After hearing this, Qian Lao was both excited and relieved

“Jiang Chen, you are such a genius… You designed an anti-ship missile so quickly!'” Qian Lao admired him from the bottom of his heart.

You know, it took three years for Operation Hornet to successfully test the 18-inch (45 cm) ramjet engine test aircraft.

It can only be said that Jiang Chen’s design ability is amazing.

Jiang Chen:”By the way, Qian Lao, didn’t you say there was a problem with the No. 2 missile? What happened?……”

Qian Lao:”I almost forgot the main thing. According to the design parameters, the launch weight of the No. 2 missile is 55 tons, the payload is 1,500 kilograms, the range is 3,000 kilometers, and it uses a first-stage liquid rocket engine. Its combat response time is 1 hour and 20 minutes, the error radius is 1,000 meters, and it can be equipped with a nuclear warhead.”

“The missile body is 21 meters long, which is longer than the original 17.7 meters to increase the propellant capacity. In order to reduce weight, the liquid oxygen tank is changed to a single-layer structure, and the tail section is changed from a large steel conical tail to a small aluminum alloy tail, which greatly improves the engine thrust.……”

“These are the basic parameters and some of the modifications I made. Jiang Chen, you are more experienced in this area, please help me check if this is feasible?

Jiang Chen took a look and quickly found the problem:”Since the missile is longer, we should consider the elasticity of the slender body during flight. If the elastic vibration of the body during flight is coupled with the missile attitude control system, this will cause the missile to become unstable during flight.”

“In addition, the structural strength of the missile body and the engine cannot be weakened due to weight reduction, which will cause damage to the missile body and the engine structure and cause fire.”

“Our power plant must be reliable, the control system must be stable, the missile body must be strong, and a safety self-destruct device must be added.……”

“So how should we change it?”

“For example, the instrument cabin was moved between the alcohol tank and the liquid oxygen tank… the liquid oxygen tank was replaced with a stronger material… the power unit was improved in strength and reliability… the engine thrust was set at 40.5 tons, and the range was tentatively set at 1,260 kilometers.”

A word from you is worth ten years of reading, and the exchange with Jiang Chen once again benefited him a lot.

“Okay, I’ll modify it right away… Let the No. 2 missile fly as soon as possible.”

Jiang Chen:”By the way, Mr. Qian, this is the blueprint of the anti-ship missile, you should arrange for the missile workshop to produce it as soon as possible… It is the umbrella of the warship.……”

“Don’t worry, I got it!”

Next, the missile production workshop will be very busy, producing the No. 2 missile and solving the anti-ship missile problem.

Boom boom boom…

The machine keeps turning.

After watching Qian Lao leave, Jiang Chen began to develop the Z-8.

The Z-8 helicopter is a single-rotor multi-purpose helicopter with a tail rotor. It has a large power reserve under standard conditions, good flight performance, long service life, safe flight, easy operation, convenient use and maintenance, and can take off and land on the water in an emergency.

Jiang Chen plans to use two turboshaft engines, 6 main rotor blades, a maximum take-off weight of 14.4, an effective commercial load of 3.5 tons, a maximum flight speed of 240 kilometers per hour, a range of 350 kilometers, and a practical ceiling of 6,000 meters.

In order to adapt to Jiaolong 1, it must also have foldable rotors, inclined beams, propeller hubs and tail drive shafts, hydraulic, electrical and other systems, such as designing high-pressure landing gear, adding communication and navigation equipment.

And carry out avionics integration Design, add combined navigation system, integrated display system, engine parameter display system, flight parameter recording system and so on.

For these, it is not difficult to build a Z-8 helicopter with lithography technology, CNC machine tools, and corresponding technical problems in exchange for system points.

Next, Jiang Chen stayed in the aircraft manufacturing factory and devoted all his efforts to producing the model Z-8.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Boom boom boom…

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) The machines in the factory are constantly running.

The turboshaft engine was handed over to Shen Changchun.

There were no technical problems.

There were production drawings, and the automobile factory itself had a set of technology for producing engines…

Like general aviation jet engines, turboshaft engines also have five major parts, including air intake, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust? Device.

Shen Changchun can solve all of these.

Next, the production of the main blades began.

Jiang Chen planned to use composite materials.

The blades are a slender and complex structure.


It needs to be composed of multiple components such as skin, beam, rib, trailing edge strip, counterweight and filler.

The main content of composite blade structure design is to select materials, design structural layout and configuration according to the overall design requirements and criteria of the blade under the blade shape conditions determined by the aerodynamic design, and determine the overall structural size parameters of the blade and the structural parameters of each component.

Therefore, this is a test for Jiang Chen.

Soon, Jiang Chen designed the blade structure just to meet the requirements of stiffness, strength, dynamics and fatigue life through the structural characteristics analysis, dynamic characteristics and other disciplines of the blade. After solving the main blade, the next step is to produce the fuselage.

It is used to support and fix the helicopter components and systems, connect them into a whole, and use them to load personnel, materials and equipment, so that the helicopter meets the established technical requirements.

In addition, the alternating loads transmitted to the fuselage by the rotor and tail rotor cause the vibration of the fuselage structure, affecting the comfort of the occupants and the fatigue life of the structure.

Therefore, when designing the fuselage structure, Jiang Chen must take measures to reduce the vibration level of the helicopter body.

In addition, the fuselage structure of military helicopters must be able to withstand bullet damage and crashes.

Therefore, Jiang Chen uses composite materials to produce fuselage structures. Compared with aluminum alloys, it has high specific strength and specific stiffness, which can greatly reduce the weight of the structure, and has good damage safety performance and simple molding process.

Next is the reducer.

Jiang Chen uses a gear-driven main reducer, which has an engine power input end and a power output end connected to the rotor and tail rotor accessory drive shaft. It is one of the main moving parts on the helicopter and is also the most complex, largest and heaviest part of the transmission device.

It is installed in the reducer compartment on the upper part of the fuselage and supported on the fuselage load-bearing structure by a bracket.

The main reducer consists of a casing, a reduction gear, a shaft system and a lubrication system.

Finally, there is the tail rotor, which is used to balance the anti-torque and control the heading of the helicopter. The rotating tail rotor is equivalent to a vertical stabilizer, which can stabilize the heading of the helicopter.

Landing gear… fuel system… wheel axle… and control system.

Finally, on this day…

101 Arsenal produced the first Z-8 helicopter.

Overall parameters: maximum take-off weight is 13,000 kg, effective load is 3,000 kg, maximum lifting weight is 5,000 kg, maximum speed is 273 kilometers per hour, maximum range is 800 kilometers, endurance time is 4 hours and 06 minutes, passenger capacity is about 27 to 39 people, climb rate is 6.6 meters per second, maximum ceiling is 3,050 meters, hovering height is 1,900 meters.

Zhao Tianming looked at the helicopter in front of him in surprise and asked in shock:”. Director, this thing is placed on a warship? What kind of combat effectiveness does it have?”

“The helicopter can carry out tasks such as troop mobility within the airborne combat area, the collection and delivery of weapons, equipment, ammunition and (money) supplies, battlefield rescue and evacuation of the wounded and sick, and can also carry out tasks under complex climatic conditions day and night. Each flight can carry 27 to 39 armed paratroopers in the passenger and cargo compartment.……”

“At the beginning of the Peninsula Campaign, the Eagle Sauce relied on this thing to disrupt the North Tide’s layout… and provided an indispensable contribution to the overall battle situation.”

In short, with the Z-8, it will provide more help for future battlefields and allow commanders to have more tactical changes.

Especially at this stage, the situation on the Peninsula has entered a stalemate, and helicopters can do too much.

The advantages of the Z-8 helicopter are its large size, long range, large space, and strong transportation capacity.

On warships, it will greatly enhance the long-range delivery capability of our navy, and can carry heavy weapons quickly across the strait, which is of great significance for island landing operations.

At the same time, the powerful delivery capability coupled with warships can achieve global delivery and strike capabilities.

After the prototype is completed, the next step is to conduct testing.

“Zhao Tianming, the next step is up to you. Start the test as soon as possible.”

To ensure safety, the Z-8 will undergo a series of reliability tests, such as wind tunnel tests, fatigue tests, full-machine static tests, full-machine yaw and maximum positive overload flight conditions tests, 50-hour ground tests before the first flight, etc.

However, while the Z-8 was being tested, the No. 2 missile also entered the assembly stage.

Soon, the No. 2 missile will be tested.

On this day, Baba Yang brought a group of local tyrants to the door, and they all had their eyes on the Dongfeng 1 missile.

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