Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

A Momentous Day

They finally reached Drac’s cave, and everything was set—except for the star of the celebration. The moment they stepped inside, Nyx could smell all the delicious food that had been prepared. Her senses lit up as the sweet and savory aromas filled the air, and she couldn’t help but feel delighted.

She still didn’t know what all of this was for, though.

Drac approached her with a calm smile. “Why don’t you go and have a bath? Afterward, you can come eat, and you can tell me all about what you did today.”

Nyx, still clueless but eager, nodded. “Okay!” She was happy to do something for Drac, and the promise of food only made her more enthusiastic.

Suli came over to guide her. “I’ll help you get dressed once you’ve bathed,” she said gently. Nyx, with a sense of growing excitement, followed her.

As Nyx bathed, the warm water soothed her skin, and her mind wandered. What was this all about? she wondered. She was enjoying everything, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something special was happening, even though she didn’t know what.

When she finished, Nyx dried herself off quickly using her steam convergence skill. The water droplets evaporated into soft, misty air around her. It was something she had done countless times, but today it felt different—like the steam was part of something bigger.

Suli approached her with a wide smile. “There’s something new for you to wear.”

Nyx’s eyes lit up. “Really? I got new clothes?” She was genuinely excited. It wasn’t often she got to wear something new.

Suli chuckled. “Yes, and I think you’ll love it.”

With delicate care, Suli dressed Nyx in the twilight gown she had made. The fabric shimmered like the evening sky, with deep blues and purples that seemed to catch the light in a magical way. The gown hugged Nyx’s small frame perfectly. Suli then slipped the stalwart trail boots onto her tiny feet, which fit as if they were made just for her. Finally, she braided Nyx’s hair and placed the aurora jewel headdress on her head, the soft glow of the jewels casting a soft light over her silver hair.

Nyx felt beautiful, but she didn’t know what to say. She had never felt this way before. She stood still, unsure of what to do with all the attention and care being lavished on her.

Suli stepped back, admiring her work. “You look like an Aetherling princess,” she said, her voice filled with pride.

Nyx blushed, her heart swelling. She didn’t know why all this was happening, but she couldn’t deny how happy she felt. “Thank you, Suli,” she said, her voice quiet but filled with gratitude. She felt… important. Special.

When Nyx walked back out to where the others were waiting, Drac saw her first, and his eyes softened. She looked stunning, almost ethereal.

As she approached, Len, Ryu, Nabi, and Guerim all complimented her one by one, each giving her a big kiss on the cheek. She giggled at their antics, feeling a warmth that made her chest swell. She hadn’t expected any of this, but she liked it.

She spun around in front of Drac, showing off her new outfit. “What do you think?” she asked, a little shy but also eager for his approval.

Drac smiled. “You look so pretty, Nyx,” he complimented, his voice gentle.

Nyx blushed deeper, feeling her heart skip a beat. “Thank you, Drac.” But then she remembered her earlier mission, and her smile faltered. “I’m sorry I didn’t find any moon rocks for you.” She lowered her head, feeling a pang of guilt. Everyone had done so much for her, but she hadn’t been able to give Drac what he wanted.

Drac raised an eyebrow, confused, and turned to Ryu, silently asking what Nyx was talking about. Ryu flew up to Drac and, after a sheepish pause, explained how he’d made up the story about moon rocks to distract her. Drac nodded, understanding now.

He turned back to Nyx. “It’s okay. I don’t need them anymore,” he reassured her.

Nyx blinked, surprised but also relieved. “Okay…” she whispered softly.

Drac then cleared his throat, his usual confident demeanor seeming to falter just a little. “Nyx… do you know what today is?” His voice held an unusual nervousness.

Nyx shook her head. How could she know? No one had ever told her.

Drac smiled, and there was something warm in his eyes that Nyx hadn’t seen before. “Well, today is the day you came into the forest. The night of the Harvest Moon. You were given to me by the gods. So today marks the day of your birthday.”

Nyx froze. She blinked, her brain struggling to process what she had just heard. Birthday? Her birthday? She stared up at Drac, the weight of the moment pressing down, a strange mix of emotions stirring inside her.

Nyx didn’t really know what a birthday was. It sounded important—something special—but it was just another thing she hadn’t been taught, another mystery in her life. Her fingers played with the soft fabric of her new gown, tracing the patterns without thinking. A birthday...she repeated the word in her head, trying to grasp its meaning. It was something people seemed to celebrate, but she had no memory or knowledge of it. For her, it had always been just another day. Until now.

But this…she glanced at Drac, then to the others. Len’s smile was warm, Ryu's excitement uncontainable, and Suli stood off to the side, her eyes glistening with pride. Guerim and Nabi hovered nearby, looking as eager as she’d ever seen them.

It hit her all at once—this was for her. They had planned this. They cared enough to make this day, one she didn’t even know she had, special. Her throat tightened, a lump forming there. For a moment, she wasn’t sure if she would cry or laugh.

“I have a birthday?” Her voice was small, almost a whisper, as if she was afraid it wasn’t real.

Drac nodded, his red eyes watching her closely, and Nyx could feel the sincerity in his gaze. He had remembered. He had known. And despite his usually gruff, imposing nature, he had organized this whole celebration—just for her.

A warmth spread through her chest, slow and steady, filling the space that once felt empty. She wasn’t used to this, wasn’t used to feeling so… seen. Like she mattered. She glanced down at her tiny feet, now snug in the sturdy but elegant stalwart trail boots, then back up at Drac.

Her lips trembled, but she managed to form a smile, blinking away the moisture in her eyes before it fell. She didn’t want to seem ungrateful.

“Thank you, Drac,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with meaning. “Thank you… all of you.”

Drac tilted his head slightly, his expression softening. “You don’t have to thank us, Nyx. This is your day. You deserve this.”

His words hung in the air, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Nyx didn’t feel like an outsider, like the odd one out. Instead, she felt like she belonged—here, with them.

She nodded, swallowing the surge of emotions she couldn’t quite name. She wasn’t just Nyx, the gatherer, the half-elf girl who didn’t quite fit anywhere. Today, she was something more. And for the first time, she let herself believe she deserved it.

Drac’s voice brought her back to the present. “We made something special for you to try tonight.”

Nyx’s curiosity peaked. “What is it?”

“Well… the thing is,” Drac said slowly, “you’ve never eaten meat before. I wanted you to try it, and you can decide for yourself if you like it or not.”

Nyx’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I can’t wait to try it!” she said earnestly. She turned to the others and gave them a bright smile. “Thank you, everyone, for today. It means so much.”

Before Drac could continue, someone interrupted them, pulling their attention away.

“Are you guys forgetting about me?” The voice, rich with authority, cut through the air. All eyes turned to the newcomer. It was the Tiger of Envy, his voice rich with a blend of amusement and authority.

All eyes turned toward him as he made his entrance, a striking figure with an air of enigmatic elegance. His sleek fur shimmered under the cave’s soft lighting. The Tiger had arrived just in time for the celebration to start.

“No, you’re just in time,” Len responded with a smile, stepping forward to greet him. The Tiger nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting to Nyx.

“This is for the birthday girl,” he said, presenting Nyx with a small, intricately crafted bag. The bag was gray and white, with a delicate strap that fit perfectly over her small shoulder. It was a magic bag with spatial magic, its primary charm being its unlimited space.

Nyx’s eyes widened with awe as the Tiger continued, “This is a special gift. It’s not just any magic bag, it’s a dimensional bag that can hold an unlimited amount of objects regardless of the size.”

“Wow, that’s amazing!” Nyx said, her excitement bubbling over. She hugged the Tiger’s leg, her face lighting up. “Thank you so much!”

The Tiger smiled at her joy. “Wait, there’s more,” he said, his tone playful.

“This day can’t possibly get any better,” she thought to herself, her heart swelling with happiness.

Before he could say more, a message popped up in Nyx’s system:

Spirit imprint detected

Unique Skill: Anumist

Level: S

The magic bag is looking for a new owner. Give it a name and become its new owner.


Nyx blinked at the message, puzzled. She turned to the others. “I’m seeing something about naming the bag. The message says it’s looking for a new owner.”

The Tiger nodded understandingly. “The magic bag is indeed a spirit. It needs to have a name to bond with its owner. It’s a part of becoming its master.”

Nyx’s eyes widened with awe as the Tiger continued, “This gift is special. It’s not just any magic bag; it’s an Animus.”

Nyx looked at the bag with wonder. “What’s an Animus?” she asked.

The Tiger explained, “An Animus is a spirit that resides within the bag.”

Intrigued, Nyx pondered for a moment. “What should I name it?” she wondered aloud. After a few moments of thought, inspiration struck. “Your name is Airy!” she declared excitedly.

As soon as Nyx named the bag, it glowed softly. Another message appeared:

New skill obtained

Level: S

Unique skill: Anumancer

First Animus 1/7

Airy - magic bag

Level - F

Can level up - Yes

Materials needed to level up

Sword - 0/1

Shield - 0/1

Magic stones - 0/100

Healing potions - 0/100

Nyx’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Wow, it says I can level up Airy!” she said in awe. “I can’t wait to see what else it can do!”

Everyone congratulated her warmly, their smiles reflecting their happiness at her joy.

“Alright, you can start eating now,” Drac said, his voice filled with pride. He gestured to the feast laid out before her.

Len pushed a plate piled high with tender meats and fresh vegetables toward Nyx. The other guests watched with anticipation as Nyx hesitantly took a piece of meat and sampled it.

Her eyes lit up, and she hummed in delight as the flavors burst in her mouth. “It’s so good!” she declared, savoring every bite.

The others cheered at her enthusiastic reaction. “I’m glad you like it!” Ryu said, grinning.

Drac and the Tiger observed the scene from one side, their expressions reflecting satisfaction and pride in the joy they had orchestrated.

Just as Nyx was about to enjoy another bite, a familiar voice interrupted the celebration. “Am I too late for the party?”

All heads turned toward the new arrival, the atmosphere shifting with curiosity and excitement.

The next guest to arrive was Griffin, God of Sloth, who had managed to drag himself away from a few naps to attend the celebration. Moving with a languid grace, he approached Nyx and handed her a small white, elegant drawstring coin pouch.

“Hey there, birthday girl,” Griff said, offering her the gift.

Nyx looked at the pouch, intrigued. “What’s this?”

“It’s a magic coin pouch,” Griff explained. “It’s meant for holding an unlimited amount of money, it has dimensional magic as well and it comes with a unique security system. If you give it a name it will bind itself to you…..”

As Griff spoke, a message appeared in Nyx’s system:

New spirit imprint detected

Magic coin pouch

It’s looking for an owner. Name it so it can bind to you.


“Oh, it’s just like Airy!” Nyx said, her eyes lighting up.

Griff raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Airy?”

“The magic bag the Tiger gave me!”

Nyx chuckled and held up the magic bag for Griff to see. “It’s the name I gave to the magic bag the Tiger gave me.”

Griff glanced at the Tiger, who just shrugged and smirked. Turning back to Nyx, Griff asked, “What are you going to name this one?”

Nyx examined the coin pouch, admiring its soft white fabric. After a moment of thought, she smiled and said, “I’ll name it Ori.”

As she spoke, the pouch began to glow softly.

New Animus obtained

Ori - Magic coin pouch

Level: F

Can level up - Yes

Materials needed

10 - Copper coins

20 - Silver coins

10 - Gold coins

“It can level up just like Airy!” Nyx said, her excitement evident. She gave Griff a big hug.

“Thank you so much!”

Griff grinned and ruffled her hair. “You’re welcome.”

Len, Suli, Ryu, Nabi, and Guerim gathered around Nyx, their faces bright with joy. “These are such amazing gifts,” Suli said, her eyes shining. “You’re one lucky girl!”

“Yeah, we’re all so happy for you,” Ryu added, giving her a friendly nudge.

Griff then moved over to where Drac and the Tiger were lounging. He flopped down beside them, joining their quiet conversation.

“Huh, it’s been ages since the three of us were together without trying to outdo each other,” the Tiger remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

The others nodded, their expressions softening. They began reminiscing about their days in Asnexis Nèons, recalling the camaraderie and mischief they shared. Despite their current roles and differences, there was a warmth in their voices for those old times.

Just as they were getting into their memories, a new voice interrupted the moment.

“Awe, you guys have already started without me.”

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