Chapter 2208: Berserk State: Elemental Cataclysm
Peridot's entire body shifted to a half dragon and half humanoid hybrid. Her dragon horns are visible on top of her head while her tail also came out from her dress. Her draconic eyes became more pronounced and sharp observation would make others see that parts of her humanoid body are covered in dragon scales that shines in the moonlight.
[You have entered the Berserk State: Elemental Cataclysm.]
[All elemental spells released in this state will have a chain reaction depending on what sequence they are cast.]
[Fire Elemental Spell, Flaming Inferno, has been registered as the sole fire elemental spell.]
[Water Elemental Spell, Hydro Crusher, has been registered as the sole water elemental spell.]
[Wind Elemental Spell, Storm Blast, has been registered as the sole wind elemental spell.]
[Earth Elemental Spell, Geo Geyser, has been registered as the sole earth elemental spell.]
[Dark Elemental Spell, Grim Demise, has been registered as the sole darkness elemental spell.]
[Light Elemental Spell, Gleaming Shower, has been registered as the sole light elemental spell.]
[You can only cast the elemental spells that you have registered.]
[Successive cast of spells will decrease your health by a small percentage.]
[Mana cannot be restored while in this state as you are in a Mana Berserk state. Mana cannot be stolen from you as well.]
"Let us see how you deal with me!" Peridot stated as the gems around her that is her weapon took on a new form as if to respond to their master's emotions.
Peridot's weapon each became imbued with the element that they represent and no longer just stones. Each of them looked like elemental orbs that are made distinctly of their element, but the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi did not looks scared. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi knew that Peridot is not like the Goddess Nuwa and this berserk state is just her pitiful attempt of trying to get revenge for the one he just killed.
"Pathetic child of that snake goddess! I guess I should peel you first to set an example to your mother!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated as he created ten large chaotic dark hands from the domain that he has applied.
"Underestimating me will be your downfall." Peridot stated with eyes filled with rage as she waved her hand to activate the Gleaming Shower mythical tier spell.
The elemental orb that was around her suddenly exploded into a powerful light that created small stars that scattered in the area. The description of small stars did not befit it because each of them were a meter in diameter. One hit from these small stars will make anyone get massively hurt or die if they are weak.
The chaotic dark claws that came out of the domain were all destroyed in the process as the fierce light of the mythical tier spell was able to contend with the power of a god. Peridot then waved her other hand to activate the mythical tier spell of Grim Demise. A large dark energy suddenly gathered near the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi and exploded instantly. Some of the darkness even attached itself to the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi and reduced his resistances.
"I am from the Chaotic Darkness! You cannot harm me with a darkness so pitiful!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated as he laughed but Peridot did not think it was futile but merely the start of her combo.
A few seconds after the Grim Demise spell activated, the chain reaction of light and darkness started to happen. The small stars that crashed to the ground from the Gleaming Shower spell broke into small particles of light and shot towards the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi. To make it more precise, the small particles of light were attracted to the darkness that attached itself to the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi due to Grim Demise.
"Agh! You little!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi shouted as he did not expect that two mythical tier spells will react to one another.
Just as the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi is about to use a counterattack, Peridot already activated another spell which is Flaming Inferno. A powerful explosion of flame hit the body of the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi and actually left him with burns. Some of the flames could still be seen on his body as it snaked around.
The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi only felt some pain as his resistance to elemental spells were still high which meant that he still underestimated Peridot. She then activated the follow up spell which was Storm Blast. A powerful curtain of wind fell down on the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi and pinned him to the ground. Some of the winds still lingered on his body as created small cuts that did not do much damage to him.
As soon as the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi was pinned down to the ground, Peridot activated the next one which was Geo Geyser. The power of the earth exploded directly on the true body of the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi. The damage is not large as he merely brushed it off but the humiliation of getting pinned down by a lower being did not sit well with the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi.
Just as he is about to use his domain once more, two powerful tsunamis suddenly hit him from both sides. This was the mythical spell, Hydro Crusher, which created two powerful surge of water columns that slam against each other. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi is suddenly wet due to this, but he was still fine overall and just angry due to the sensation of getting carried way by elements that cannot kill him.
"Just like I have said earlier, you may be able to hit me, but you cannot kill me with your elements. You are even dying from using those spells." The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated as Peridot did not look great at all. She also used health as a payment for using powerful spells.
"I never said anything about killing you with my elemental spells. You have been touched by all the elements which has satisfied the condition. If you had a brain that functioned, then you would have avoided even one of them, but you clearly do not have one. The preparation is complete for the ultimate spell." Peridot stated as she smiled
The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi did not know what Peridot was talking about and just sent numerous chaotic dark tendrils to kill her off. Peridot did not even dodge nor create barriers around her and let the spikes pierce her body. She spat out blood, but she did not despair but had this smile on her face. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi released more chaotic dark spikes to kill her off, but her health was fixed at unity.
"Why are you not getting killed!?" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi shouted as he used more and more spikes, but nothing killed Peridot.
"A dragon is invulnerable as long as their determination is intact." Peridot stated as she made some hand seals.
"Lies! Dragons die like any other race!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi shouted as he suddenly felt a chill on his body, and this is not due to the roots still absorbing his health.
"I have grafted my determination on your body when you let all those elements hit. Do you not still see the magic circles etched into your own body. I guess it is not noticeable because you often disregarded the elements when you fight against enemies like me that control them." Peridot stated as the magic circles that the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi ignored finally came to light.
The magic circles were faint, but they were indeed there. The first one was the darkness that attached itself to his body when Grim Demise hit. The second was the small particles of light that were attracted by the darkness that was attached. The third was the crawling flames on his body with the small breezes that came from Storm Blast as the fourth.
The fifth was the small rocks that attached to his body when Geo Geyser hit him perfectly. The last is his still wet body when slammed by two tsunamis. All spells etched a small magic circle on his body which he did not detect. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi would have detected all of it if he was cautious of elemental spells, but he firmly believed that his high resistances would save him.
"The final aspect has been realized when the target notices all the magic circles. I was lying when I told you that I did not die because of determination. I did not die because of a life saving skill that I have. This would be my last present for you! Elemental Cataclysm!" Peridot shouted as she activated all magic circles etched on the body of the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi.
All of the magic circles suddenly spun around and glowed in a powerful light which actually put fear on the heart of the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi. As if thinking that killing Peridot would stop it, the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi tore her to shreds which made her turn into particles of light, but it did not. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi tried to take off the parts of his body that had the magic circle etched onto, but it did not stop.
[All of the elemental resistances of the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi have been reduced by 50% temporarily.]
Adrian and Frey read the notification and saw a sight that made them gulp. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi panicked as all magic circles finally exploded. The look of a god in fear as he was swallowed by unknown masses of magical energy that is in pure chaos and his screams echoed in the area.