Chapter 2178: Moon Chasing Lotus Festival II
"I always heard that we came from the moon, but I never really thought that we actually did. I thought that it was just some stories that old people say." Peridot stated but Nu Wa looked at her sharply when she heard the word old.
"You mean those grannies we talked to when we were in an inn here in the eastern continent, right?" Levin Cloud suddenly interjected as he felt the cry for help that Peridot signaled with her awkward smile.
"Yes! Those grannies were such sweethearts. They even told us about other stories in the eastern continent." Peridot stated.
"Is that so? I guess the elderly here in the eastern continent are fond of cute little children." Nu Wa stated as she took a sip of her tea.
"This is good tea. Can you give me the tea leaves or the seeds for the trees here? We can plant it in my territory so that the other elders could enjoy them. Most of them are tea enthusiasts that would go crazy for them." Adrian stated as he really did enjoy the tea since he is already in his third cup.
"The sweets are also very good! All of them have delicate flavors that goes perfectly well with the tea." Frey stated as well since both her and Adrian were enjoying the tea and not listening to Peridot and Levin Cloud's reactions.
"I am glad that you two enjoy them. Most of the people in the eastern continent have forgotten the allure of refined tea. The young ones like the drink they call boba now, but it is just a cold version of tea sweetened to the point that you could get sickness from it." Nu Wa stated as it was actually a player that introduced it to the eastern continent.
"I already tasted it, and it is very good. It seems that they use some rare ingredients farmed in a sea dungeon to make the pearls. Very innovative if you ask me." Peridot stated as she had free reign in the eastern continent back when the Ryujin were still active.
"If that is the origin of the Moon Chasing Lotus Festival, then how did it get its name now when it should have been called the First Emergence?" Adrian asked as he at least now know the origin of how it started.
"It was called the Moon Chasing Lotus Festival after a couple of centuries. The immortals that witnessed that event finally burned their lifespan, but they all viewed our emergence as beautiful. When the 'moon' hatched, the people that saw that event described the destruction of the 'moon' with shape of a lotus. Stories of the event have been passed down from generation to generationbut they always described it as a lotus.
Since a 'moon' exploded back then, the people always held festivals to ward off evil or calamity so that another moon would not explode. This became tradition to the people, and we always saw their smiles and enjoyment when they gathered. We could not take away their happiness which is why we reinforced that story.
A festival to gather in merry and ward off evil so that another moon explosion will not occur. We, Ryujin, do not just protect the ordinary people of the eastern continent physically but also mentally and spiritually. As long as the Ryujin know where we come from then that should be enough." Nu Wa stated as she smiled beautifully like a loving mother.
"That is so beautiful." Frey and Peridot stated simultaneously as they were touched.
"Anyways, are the four of you not going to prepare for the night stalls down the mountain? The people of the villages and towns prepared with all their might. All of you should go down and enjoy yourselves while we prepare everything for your stay here." Nu Wa stated.
"Could we even blend in? He has horns and I look nothing like any being here. We might even look like foreigners because of what we are wearing." Levin Cloud stated as he and the others do not have appropriate clothing.
"I already called for the people going to dress you. The teatime is merely for giving them enough time to get ready." Nu Wa stated as she clapped her hands.
As soon as Nu Wa finished clapping her hands, twenty attendants suddenly surrounded all of them. The attendants giggled as if they were suddenly excited about something. Without even the strength to refuse, each of them was dragged by five attendants towards their dressing rooms. They did not resist or rather they could not because Nu Wa herself made them powerless.
It took about two hours for all of them to get ready as the attendants made sure that they were proper. Each of them was almost bathe by the attendants but Adrian and Levin Cloud refused with all their might which is why they took a bath by themselves. Peridot and Frey are different though as they were extremely pampered by the attendants.
"I feel like we are in a spa. I suddenly feel bad for them doing everything for us." Frey stated.
"This is always what they do when I come home. I just got used to it after the third time. Also, they find enjoyment and satisfaction with helping us, so it is all good. Just be sure to thank them later." Peridot stated.
"Okay! What do you think is happening to the boys?" Frey asked.
"They are probably screaming for their lives while they get scrubbed down or massaged." Peridot stated.
"Ugh!" Levin Cloud stated.
"I think they cracked my spine." Adrian commented as both of them share a room and looked extremely fatigued.
"I never knew that there were different types of massages. I should not have told them to do everything on me. My body suddenly feels like it is made of jelly, and this is basically just an avatar made of wood." Levin Cloud stated.
"I think their massages reached my spirit." Adrian added.