old man ntr’s profressions

Chapter 2: cattle farmer

Gen stared at the screen for a while looking it over. "What is this thing?" Gen asked himself. Then a pop up appeared on the screen with text [This is the Ntr system: job edition. You were giving this system after all of the cheating you helped so many women do. Your objective is to Ntr/cheat with as many wives of different jobs and professions as possible. "Well, I can get behind that." Gen said after reading the text. Then a voice spoke in his head. "Hello owner of the system this is the system. I am here to help with any questions you may have." A voice spoke to him in his mind. Well it answered my first questions on why is it here and why me. "So….system? All I got to do is fuck married women?" The system responded. "Yes, for each new profession wife you tame your level will increase." "What happens when my level increases?" I wonder what I'll will get? "Benefits and gifts will be told once you reach the appropriate level." Well that didn't answer my question. Oh well, I'm going to fucking hot women. I don't really need to care more than that. Oh right. "What happens if I can find a new profession's wife?" I wonder if there is going to be any penalties. I hope it's nothing painful or worse. "If the owner can't find a new wife in a certain time. The system will find a wife and cause events to lead her to cross your path." Oh no penalties. Thank the gods. "What's the certain time?" System pop up a new tab. "The next wife come you in the next 2 days. Note the higher your level the longer the owner of system will have to wait for next wife." Oh I'm already getting a new wife. Great, i guess I'll have fun with Aiko until the new wife gets here. Gen laid back down on his bed. I have more questions about this whole thing but it can wait for tomorrow. But something tells me I'm really going to enjoy my life from this point onward. Gen closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The next day takashi was working in his newly finished field. He was working hard to save food him, his wife, and Mr.gen. Takashi first thought of the man was disgust of his appearance. His very wrinkle skin, his lack of hair, and his yellowed teeth. He couldn't help but to want to look away. But takashi did feel bad when politely introduced himself. I need to help save up as much food for the old man as possible. This morning Mr. Gen came over to the house and sat us down and told me that Aiko came over to his house last night. I looked over to Aiko whose face was pale. But Mr Gen continue and told me she beg him to help us pay back my debt. I was embarrassed that my wife went to him to shamelessly ask for money but before I could apologize Mr Gen stop me. He said he was willing to give us half of the money now and half at the end of the month. I was shocked at his generosity but he told me in exchange for the money he wanted to have some of crops for his own food. I saw that Aiko let out a deep breath. I also was a bit relieved. I did catch him checking out Aiko when we were in the carriage but it seems he is a decent guy so I agreed. Takashi was joyous that he now had a way of paying back the gambling thugs. I need to work ten times harder so I can pay back Mr Gen.

While takashi was in the fields Gen and Aiko were behind gen's house. "Will you hurry up already I don't takashi see us!" Aiko said in a hostile whisper. "Remember what I said last night if you want me to finish faster you need to let me do what I want. Aiko was bent against the wall with her dress pulled up to her stomach while Gen stared at her pussy. Gen Told her that for the whole month she wasn't allowed to wear panties. And Aiko of course wanted to object but she has to keep reminding herself about their deal. Gen then started to lick her pussy. A new shocking and somehow strangely pleasurable sensation shot through her body. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from moaning. She thought she would be disgusted to have this ugly old man licking her vagina, but the new pleasure she is feeling is making her thoughts complicated. Gen licking slow than fast changing the speed at random times. He then spread her folds and stuck his tongue as deep as it could go. This lead to a massive orgasm for Aiko,making her cover her mouth with her hand. Gen let pussy juice squirt into his mouth. He then swallowed it. "Gods even your pussy juice is good." Aiko was repulsed by him drink her juices but she was still exhausted from the orgasm to scold him. "Alright now for the real fun." Gen said as he pulled down his pants. His monstrous cock popped out hitting Aiko on the leg. Gen pulled over the box he brought outside for is and step on it. He lined is huge tip to the folds of pussy and rammed his cock balls deep. Aiko bite down on her finger to still keep from yelling the gigantic cock was destroying her insides with thrust. After a few thrust Gen pulled out to the tip and rammed it balls deep again. With this thrust Aiko had a massive orgasm. She squirted more than before. "Oh yeah you slut you already orgasmed twice and we just started. You better get ready." Gen said being cocky. Gen moved his hips like beast. Ramming his cock in over and over and with every fourth to fifth thrust Aiko orgasmed. Aiko was barely conscious. All of the orgasms she had has dull her mind. Now could only think of the cock ramming her. Gen got more and more rough but as he did the pleasure Aiko was feeling grew. "How can an old man fuck this rough?" Aiko thought "it's not just his intensity. His stamina is endless. I don't know where he gets it?" Gen hips slam into Aiko's slim cute ass cause *slap* *slap* *slap* sound every time they connect. Suddenly Aiko could feel his veins on humongous cock in her pussy throbbing. "No is he going to….?" But before she could ask. "I'm fucking cumming!" Gen said has he flood her pussy with cum. His dick throbbed violently as he injected her pussy with a gallon of cum. Gen slid his cock out of her hole still pouring cum. Cum was coming out of pussy. "Damn that pussy is still tight as hell. And I was really trying to destroy it." Gen said smugly. Aiko slid down the wall her legs could hold her up any longer. It was taking all of her strength just to stay conscious. "You don't have to come tonight. I'll come get you when I want some." I want to some up as much as my cum as possible for the new wife coming tomorrow. Gods I can't wait. Gen step off the box and pulled his pants back up. Aiko got up using the wall as support. Aiko pushed her dress down and walked to her home. As Aiko was walking home she started to think to herself. Why did I agree to that disgusting old man's deal? I know we needed to money but could not have found another way? Aiko thought but no ideas came to mind, but while she was thinking of ways to pay back to debt. Her mind started to wonder off. Gods I never so much pleasure before. I didn't think sex could give me such ecstasy. The only other person I've been with is takashi and….. Aiko was about to start comparing Gen with takashi again. In terms of looks and character takashi outshines Gen. but the roles are reversed when it's dick size and sexual prowess. I wouldn't say he just outshines him, Gen eclipses takashi in size and prowess. Aiko realized what she was thinking and stopped herself. Why do I keep comparing them. I need to control myself. Well he said he won't have me tomorrow so at least I don't have to worry about tomorrow. Aiko then got home.

The next day Gen was just sitting need front of his house. When he wasn't fucking married women he enjoyed being the old man that he was and just watch what was happening in the world. Though the only thing to watch was takashi and Aiko talking at their house. Takashi had he's back to Gen while Aiko was facing his direction. She would periodically glance at him. Gen smirked at that. Guess I'm still on her mind. I wonder when this new wife is suppose to come. The system it was today but it didn't specify the exact time. Gen wondered if the system was lying then he saw something coming from the distance. He looked closer to see what it was. It was a carriage like the one he came in. And it appears to be dragging animals along with it. "This must be it!" Gen thought excitedly. He got up from his chair and started walking toward it. Takashi and Aiko look over and began doing the same.

When the carriage stopped to people hopped off. First was a handsome man tall with black hair and blue eyes. Next was a beautiful woman an inch or two shorter than the man, with green hair and brown eyes. Gen walked over and was already examining the woman's body. "Oh a B cup." The first thing he thought of was her breast size. He looked down to see she had a nice curvy hips. "Hello I'm Gen, it is a pleasure to meet you." He said sticking out his hand. The man walked over and shook his hand. "Hello I'm yoshi and this is Emi. We heard the was new land so we decided to move." Gen let go of his hand and stick out for Emi. She shook his hand and he could feel the soft gentleness of her hands. Just as he was fantasizing about how they would feel around his cock takashi and Aiko walked over. "Hi I'm takashi and this is my wife Aiko." Takashi shook yoshi's hand as well. "It's a pleasure to have more people join us here instead of it being just the three of us." He said with an eager face. "We're glad to be here. Our family are family farmers. We raise animals for meat, eggs, milk, and everything else we'll be happy to share our goods with the rest of you." After he said that Gen and takashi and Aiko smile to hear it. "Well I welcome you two to the area." Gen said extended his hands to introduce them to the land.

The next day after the new couple slept in the carriage for the night. The husbands began working on building the house. Takashi agreed to help yoshi with it after he finish his daily work. While the men were working on the house Gen went over to check on the women. He looked through the window and saw the women chatting. Aiko and Emi were getting to know each other. Gen walked back to his house and sat back on the chair in front of his house. How am I going to get to fuck her? Gen pondered hard. I really don't that another coincidence is going to happen. Hmmmm I think I have an idea but it might not work. I'm going to need some alcohol. And lots of it.

At the end of that week Gen got a ton of alcohol from the closest town. He then invited Emi and yoshi to his home for some dinner. When takashi asked if they could join Gen declined by saying he didn't have enough food and this was their welcome dinner to the new area. When the couple arrived gen started working on dinner. "Hey, I bought some alcohol for the occasion why don't you have some?" Yoshi and Emi smiled and gladly accepted. They poured themselves some.

After dinner gen cleaned up while the couple continued drinking. Throughout the dinner yoshi was drinking more and more to where it caught gen off guard. I thought I was going to need to edge him on, but I guess not. Yoshi went a whole bottle by himself. He was already a step away from passing out. Emi on the other hand only had one cup and she still wasn't done. "Sorry about my husband. He really enjoys his alcohol." Emi said as she was taking his drink from him. "It's fine I got the alcohol for you two to have a good time. There's no need to apologize." Just then Yoshi laid his head on the table and fall asleep. "Oh boy Yoshi." Emi got up and went to her husband. She tried to shake him wake but it didn't work. While she was shaking Yoshi gen was looking down her low cut top to see her slight cleavage. Gen began getting hard. He could feel his cock pressing up against his pants trying to break free. I guess it's time to make my move. "I'll clean up the rest of this." Gen said as he got up. "Thank yo…." Emi was going to say thanks until she glanced down and got the shock of her life when the old man got up. There was a mountain of a bulge in the old man's pants. Emi was shocked speechless. "Oh my gods is that his…? It looks like his pants are going to burst any moment." Gen cleaned up everything while Emi sat next to her husband unable to do anything due to shock. Gen noticed and walk over to her. "Oh Emi is there something wrong?" Gen asked. He stood next to her while she sat down lining up his pants to her face. Emi was too embarrassed to bring it up. Her face got hotter and redder by the second. "Huhhhh it's nothing." She turned her head away. Just when she was about to get up to take her husband home the a shock greater than the one before appeared. Gen had dropped his pants and let his gigantic cock fall out. Hitting Emi on her face. Emi was caught so off guard that she didn't dodge it in time and it landed on her face. She took in its 12 inch length, its thickness the size of a man's wrist, and the throbbing veins pulsing on her face. She looked and saw the balls were massive as big as if not bigger than apples. "What do you think I saw you checking out my bulge earlier so I thought I give you a closer look. The heat coming off it made Emi start get wetter. "Mr Gen what are you doing! Put your penis away!" Emi found her voice and told the old man to dress himself. "Oh come on just be honest you want to know what a cock like this would be like." She wanted to refute him but a part really did. The logic and the desire parts of her brain were doing battle. As she sat there as the battle raged on. Gen took her hand and place it on his dick. "How about this just stroke my cock until I cum and after that if you still want me to put my pants back on. Seems fair?" The moment her hand touches the veiny cock her desires won the battle. Without saying a word Emi just began to slowly stroke his cock. "I'm…just doing this to get you to put your pants back on." Even though she said that neither of them believed it. I can't believe what I'm doing. I'm really stroking this old man's cock. Not to mention this old man is beyond ugly. Gen yellowed teeth appeared when he smile at her words. Emi stroked up and down her pussy get wetter and wetter the second feeling the thickness with the pulsing veins with each stroke.

Emi has been stroking Gen cock for close to ten minutes and he still hasn't cum. "What's taking so long?" Emi said with slight annoyance. "Sorry Emi, but if just plan on stroking my cock it could be hours." Emi was a bit surprised by his words. Her husband would have cum twice by now. "So what do you need to finish already?" Scared to ask the question. "If you use those lips of yours I could finish much sooner." Gen said with his devilish smile. She knew the old man was up to something. I'm already stroking this old man should I really go any further? Emi look at her passed out husband for the first time since this started feeling guilty but if he woke up right now it would be disastrous. I need to finish this as soon as possible. So with some reluctance she slowly opened her mouth and placed her lips on the tip of his cock. It caught her by surprise that she just barely gets the head down her throat. Emi moved her as much as she could. But the most she was able to get was the head. Gen called out in pleasure. "Oh yeah that feels incredible." Emi started moving her head on the tip. Gen watched in amusement. I really thought I would have to put in more work it just took a glance at my dick and she folded so quick. After a couple of minutes Gen thought he should up the difficulty. Gen put his hands on the back of her head and without worrying slammed his cock further into her mouth. Emi was in shock by the sudden roughness and in the next second she had huge orgasm. With that thrust she got another 2 to 3 inches. "Sorry Emi but if you want to finish this quickly from now on I'm taking the lead. Then he began thrusting. Gen was thrusting so hard and with her recent orgasm all she could do was let him use her mouth as a hole.

After a couple of minutes Gen said those long awaited words. "Oh Emi take my load!" And the next second a large shot of cum poured down her throat. It was so much that she thought she would choke to death on it. It poured and poured filling her stomach with each pulse. She came tasting all that cum. Once he was done Gen pulled his cock out dripping some cum onto the floor. "Wow that was great. Well a deals a deal. Unless you want to continue." While he asked that he saw her playing with herself through her dress. "I take that as a yes. Strip all your clothes and get on the bed." Gen order her if no ounce of worry that she would disobey. And just like he suspected she obeyed. Emi got to her feet wobbly and stripped. When she was completely nude Gen licked his lips in excitement. Her b cup breast were perky and hips were slightly wider than aiko. Her pussy was leaking juices all down her legs. I thought I would need to eat her out but that pussy looks lubed up enough. He smiled creepily. Emi then sat on the bed as she was told. Gen went over and got on the bed with her. She laid back on her back and spread her legs. He got in between her legs and lined the head of his cock to her folds. "Once I stick it in you ain't ever going to be satisfied with your husband." Before Emi could come to her husband's defense Gen slammed his cock in one deep thrust. Emi felt more pain than she did in her entire life. it took all of her remaining willpower not to scream. Gen started thrust his hips from tip to balls. Emi could feel her organs shifting with each thrust. But slowly pleasure started replacing the pain and she began to moan. "Oh yeah you slut you're loving it now don't you?" Emi focused on keeping quiet to stop her moans and to not give the ugly old man the satisfaction. "Oh no you don't." Gen thrusted even harder than before to break her. At this point the pain was gone completely only immense pleasure was here now. "Do you love it you slut or not! I won't take it easy until you answer." Gen was ruthless with his hips. Finally with Emi could take it anymore. "Yes by the gods! I love it!" She screamed out. Gen simply smirked. "That what I thought." Gen pulled out to where just his tip was in then with all his force he jammed his monstrous cock back in. "By the gods!" Emi called out as she then had a massive orgasm. She squirted all over Gen. Emi laid there defeated and exhausted. But Gen wasn't finished. He turned her around to her stomach and picked her up from behind and got off the bed and walked over to her husband. "What are you doing?" Gen held her in front of her husband. "I'm just showing your husband wait a little slut you are." Before Emi could respond Gen jammed his cock back into her pussy. She had another orgasm while squirting on her husband. "Yoshi I'm so sorry." Gen moved his hips over and over. With each orgasm that came Emi's mind fell further and further to pleasure.

After twenty minutes of that position Gen put her down on the table. "Now for the main event." Gen bent her over on the table and line up his cock. The next moment Emi pussy was filled and her organs shifted. "Don't worry Emi. I can fuck in this position for hours." Emi was truly scared. And like he said fucked her in that position for hours. Thrusting his hips into her plump ass watching the giggle with those thrusts. "Tell me Emi who better me or your husband?" Gen asked hitting it from behind like a beast. "Please do make me answer." She pleaded because she already knew the answer. "Slut if want this cock you're going to answer." Gen slapped her ass while continuing to thrust. She had an immediate orgasm from the slap but didn't answer. "Alright I think I'm done." Gen began to pull out his cock. But right before he could full take it out. "You. You are. My husband is pathetic compared to you!" She finally confessed. "That's what I like to hear." And he rammed it back in causing another orgasm. This went on for three more hours.

The next morning Yoshi woke up in his and Emi carriage. "I thought we were drinking with Mr Gen?" He rubbed his head in confusion. Then Emi rolled over and told him. "Honey you drank too much and passed out. So Mr Gen helped me take you to the carriage." Confusion lifted from his face. "Oh I really need to cut back on the drinks." He simply kissed Emi and laid back down.

Gen was lying in his bed and staring at the screen. Congratulations level up! Cattle farmer wife acquired!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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