Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Amos Diggory

"Three..." Mr. Weasley stared at his pocket watch and whispered, "Two...one..."

Soon after, Aaron felt as if there was a hook behind his belly button, and with an irresistible momentum, he suddenly hooked forward, and he lifted his feet off the ground and flew up.He could feel Harry and Cedric on either side of him, their shoulders bumping against his.They flew forward like a gust of wind, unable to see anything clearly.Aaron's index finger clung to the boot, which pulled him in as if it had a magnetic force.Then, his feet fell heavily to the ground, and Harry staggered into him. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Aaron looked up. Only Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory and Cedric were still standing, but their hair was disheveled and skewed by the wind. Everyone else fell to the ground.

"Five and seven, from Stoat Mountain." Only one voice was heard saying.

Aaron struggled to his feet.They seemed to have arrived at a large, desolate, misty swamp.Before them stood two tired, sullen wizards, one of whom held a large gold watch, the other a thick roll of parchment and a quill.Both of them tried hard to look like Muggles, but if they really appeared in the Muggle world, they would definitely be treated as aliens.The man holding the gold watch wore a tweed suit and a pair of thigh-high rubber galoshes.His colleague wore a pleated kilt and a South American cloak.

"Good morning, Basil," said Mr. Weasley.

He picked up the boot and handed it to the wizard in the pleated skirt.The man threw it into a large box next to him, which contained used door keys.Aaron could see an old newspaper, an empty can and a football riddled with holes.

"Hello, Arthur," Basil said tiredly, "Not on duty, huh? Some people are just lucky... We've been here all night... You'd better get out of the way, there's a big crowd at five-fifteen Coming from the Black Forest. Wait, let me find out where your camp is... Weasley... Weasley..." he searched on the parchment list, "walk about a quarter of a mile, That's the first camp ahead. The groundskeeper is Mr. Roberts. Diggory...you're in the second camp...looking for Mr. Payne."

"Thank you, Basil," Mr. Weasley said, beckoning everyone to follow him.

We walked through the deserted swamp and could hardly see anything in the thick fog.After walking for about 10 minutes, a small stone house appeared close to the gate.Aaron could just make out the hundreds of odd-shaped tents behind the stone huts, rising up the gentle slope of a large field that stretched into a dark forest on the horizon.They bade farewell to Diggory and his son, and walked towards the door of the stone house.

A man stood at the door, looking at the tents.As soon as the man heard their footsteps, he turned and looked at them.

"Good morning!" said Mr. Weasley cheerfully.

"Good morning!" said the man.

"Are you Mr. Roberts?"

"Ah, that's right," said Mr. Roberts. "Who are you?"

"Weasley. The two tents were reserved two days ago. Do you have them?"

"Yes." Mr. Roberts looked at the one-line watch posted on the door. "You have a place by the woods there. Will you stay only for one night?"

"Yes," said Mr. Weasley.

"Well, will you pay now?" Mr. Roberts said.

"Ah, okay, no problem," said Mr. Weasley.He took a few steps back and left the small stone hut, motioning for Harry to come to him.

"Help me, Harry." He whispered, pulling out a roll of pounds from his pocket and separating them one by one. "This one is...um...um...ten pounds? Ah, by the way, I saw the little number printed on it...so this one is five pounds?"

"It's twenty pounds," Harry corrected him in a low voice, uncomfortably aware that Mr. Roberts was struggling to catch every word they were saying.

"Ah, that's it...I don't know, these little pieces of paper..."

"Are you a foreigner?" Mr. Roberts asked as Mr. Weasley returned with the correct banknotes.

"Foreigner?" Mr. Weasley repeated in confusion.

"You're not the only one who can't figure out the money." Mr. Roberts looked at Mr. Weasley carefully. "Just ten minutes ago, two people wanted to pay me gold coins as big as beer bottle caps."

"Really?" said Mr. Weasley uneasily.

Mr. Roberts fumbled for change in a tin can.

"There have never been so many people." Mr. Roberts looked at the foggy camp. "Hundreds of people have reserved tents. People keep coming..."

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Weasley reached for the change, but Mr. Roberts didn't give it to him.

Mr. Roberts said thoughtfully: "There are people from everywhere. Countless foreigners. Not just foreigners, but a lot of weirdos, you know? There was a guy wearing a pleated skirt and Walking around in a South American cape.”

"Can't you?" Mr. Weasley asked eagerly.

"It was like... I don't know... it was like some kind of trick," Mr. Roberts said. "They seemed to know each other. It was like a big party."

At this moment, a wizard wearing bloomers suddenly fell from the sky and landed at the door of Mr. Roberts' stone house.

"Forget it!" he snapped, pointing his wand at Mr. Roberts.

Immediately, Mr. Roberts' eyes became distracted, his brows relaxed, and his face showed a dazed and indifferent expression.

"I'll give you a plan of the camp," Mr. Roberts said calmly to Mr. Weasley, "and some change for you."

"Thank you very much," said Mr. Weasley.

The wizard in bloomers accompanied them towards the gate of the camp.He looked very tired, his chin was unshaven and livid, and there were purple shadows under his eyes.

When Mr. Roberts couldn't hear them, the wizard muttered to Mr. Weasley: "He's given me a lot of trouble. To keep him in a good mood, I have to recite the Oblivion Charm a dozen times a day. Ludo Bar Gorman is only doing a disservice. Walking around talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his lungs, with no regard for Muggles and staying safe. God, I just wish this was over. See you later, Arthur." He said and disappeared.

"I think Mr. Bagman is the Director of the Department of Magical Sports. He should know not to talk about Bludgers around Muggles, right?" Ginny said with some surprise.

"Yes." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, leading them through the gate and into the camp. "Ludo has always been... well... a little careless about safety. But, you can't find anyone more careless than him. Someone with passion has come to lead the sports department. You know, he used to play Quidditch for England. He was the best batsman the Wimborne Hornets ever had."

They trudged through the misty camp, passing between two long rows of tents.Most of the tents looked almost unremarkable, and their owners had evidently gone to great lengths to make them as similar as possible to Muggle tents, with only minor nods such as chimneys, bell ropes, or Weather vane or something.However, occasionally there are a few tents that are enchanted at a glance.In the center of the camp, there is a tent that stands out.It uses a lot of striped silk very lavishly, almost like a small palace, and there are several live peacocks tied at the entrance.A little further ahead, they saw another tent set up in the shape of a four-story building with several turrets next to it.Further ahead, there is a garden in front of a tent with a bird bath, sundial, fountain, etc.

"It's always like this," Mr. Weasley said with a smile. "When everyone gets together, they just want to show off. Ah, here we are. Look, this is ours."

They came to the edge of the woods at the end of the camp, where there was a clearing with a small sign on the ground that read: Weasley.

"This place couldn't be better!" Mr. Weasley said happily. "The venue is on the other side of the forest, couldn't be closer."

He slipped the backpack off his shoulders.

"Okay." Mr. Weasley said excitedly, "Strictly speaking, since so many of us have come to Muggle territory, we are not allowed to use magic. We have to put up the tent with our own hands! Probably not It's so hard... Muggles are like this... By the way, Harry, where do you think we should start?"

Although Mr. Weasley asked Harry for advice, it was clear that Harry had never pitched a tent before.It took them a long time to figure out basically where the struts and screws should be, and Mr. Weasley was always there to help because he got so excited whenever the sledgehammer was used. .Finally, they finally set up two crooked two-person tents.

They stood back and admired the fruits of their own labor.Although it wasn't very well put together, it was finally put together, and at least Aaron thought it wouldn't be a big problem just to sleep in it for one night.However, Aaron discovered an issue that could not be ignored at this time, that is, these were two two-person tents, and once Bill, Charlie and Percy arrived, there would be eleven people in total.Harry and Hermione seemed to have noticed this problem, and their eyes were full of doubts.

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