Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 90

"This man doesn't seem to have a clear mind." Fudge stared at Snape as he left. "Dumbledore, if I were you, I would pay attention to him."

"Oh, he's not out of his mind." Dumbledore said calmly, "He's just extremely disappointed."

"He's not the only one disappointed!" Fudge sighed. "The Daily Prophet has a chance to laugh at you! We pushed Black into a corner, and he slipped through our fingers again! Now that picture All the newspapers need is to reveal the fact that the hippogriff escaped, and I will become a laughing stock! Well, I'd better get out of here and inform the ministry."

"Where are the dementors?" Dumbledore asked. "I suppose they can be removed from the school?"

"Oh, yes, they have to go." Fudge combed his hair with his fingers absently, "I never thought they would kiss an innocent boy... They are completely out of control... I will ask them to take care of everything tonight. Go to Zikaban. Maybe we should consider having dragons guard the entrance to the school."

"Hagrid will be pleased." Dumbledore gave Aaron, Harry and Hermione a quick smile.

When Dumbledore and Fudge left the ward, Madam Pomfrey hurried to the door and locked it again.She muttered something angrily and went back to her office.

A low groan came from the other end of the ward, and Ron woke up.They saw him sitting up, rubbing his head and looking around.

"What...happened?" he groaned, "Harry? Why are we here? Where is Sirius? Where's Lupin? How's it going?"

Aaron, Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

"Explain it," Harry said, eating more chocolate.

When Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione left the ward at noon the next day, they found that the castle was almost empty.Semester exams are over, which means everyone has plenty of time to visit Hogsmeade.

Neither Ron nor Hermione wanted to go, however, so they wandered the grounds with Aaron and Harry, still talking about the extraordinary events of the night before and wondering where Sirius and Buckbeak might be now.They sat by the lake and watched the giant squid lazily waving its tentacles on the surface.

At this moment, a shadow fell on them. They looked up and saw Hagrid with blurred eyes.He wiped his sweaty face with a handkerchief as big as a tablecloth and looked at them with a smile on his face.

"I know I shouldn't be happy after what happened last night," he said. "I mean, Blake got away again. There's so many other things... but guess what?"

"What?" they pretended to be curious.

"Bic! It's escaped! It's free! I've been celebrating all night!"

"That's great!" said Hermione, giving Ron an accusing look as he looked about to burst into laughter.

"Yes, it must not be tied up properly." Hagrid looked towards the field happily. "I was very worried this morning, fearing that it might meet Professor Lupin on the field, but Lupine said he couldn't do anything last night. did not eat."

"What?" Harry asked quickly.

"Oh, don't you know?" Hagrid's smile faded a little.He lowered his voice and continued, "Oh, Snape told all the students in Slytherin this morning...I thought everyone knew by now...Professor Lupine is a werewolf, understand? And he was on the field last night Moved around. Naturally, now he's packing."

"Is he packing?" Harry asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Get out of here, aren't you?" Hagrid was surprised that Harry asked this. "The first thing he did when he got up this morning was to resign. Said that he could no longer take the risk for fear that something like this would happen again."

Harry quickly stood up and said, "I'm going to see him."

"Maybe I should say goodbye to him." Aaron said thoughtfully.

"No, I wish he could stay," said Harry.

"What? You know this is impossible." Aaron said, "After Lupin's identity as a werewolf is exposed, it will be impossible for him to stay in the school and teach. Students will no longer be willing to take his class, and parents will no longer be willing to take his classes. Would like a werewolf to teach their children, even the Ministry of Magic..."

"I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll come back to you later." With that, Harry ran towards the castle.

Aaron, Ron and Hermione looked at each other, but no one followed.They all knew that with the werewolf identity revealed, it was impossible for Lupine to stay in school.At this time, it might be better to let Harry and Lupine talk alone.

Professor Lupine finally left.Most students take this for granted, but some students regret his resignation.

Aaron heard Seamus Finnigan say gloomily: "I wonder who they will arrange to teach next semester?"

Dean Thomas on the side said hopefully: "Maybe there will be a vampire."

At the same time, the news of Sirius's escape again spread with the report of the Daily Prophet.Along with it spread the story of Buckbeak's escape.These two incidents brought great disgrace to the Ministry of Magic.

Except for Aaron, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Professor Dumbledore, no one at Hogwarts knew what happened that night, or how Sirius and Buckbeak escaped. of.

Towards the end of the semester, Aaron heard many theories about both events, but none of them came close to the truth.Malfoy was furious about Buckbeak.He was convinced that Hagrid had found some way to smuggle Buckbeak to a safe place.A gamekeeper actually outsmarted the two father and son.Malfoy was furious at this.

Meanwhile, Percy Weasley had a lot to say about Sirius' escape.

"If I could get into the Ministry of Magic, I would make a lot of suggestions on the enforcement of magical laws!" he told the only person willing to listen to him - his girlfriend Penelo.

Snape insisted that Harry, Aaron, and Hermione helped Black escape (although this was indeed the case), but he had no evidence and no one believed him.But this did not prevent his attitude towards the three people from becoming increasingly unfriendly.

During the last week, Snape's attitude towards Aaron was quite frightening.Every time he saw Aaron, the muscles around his thin lips twisted unpleasantly, and he kept bending his fingers, as if he wanted to grab Aaron's throat.Aaron also didn't expect that one day he would be treated like Harry by Snape. It seemed that Sirius's escape really made him extremely angry.Faced with this situation, Aaron could only try to avoid Snape.Fortunately, the final exams are over and school is no longer in session.As long as you pay attention in the corridors, it's not difficult to avoid Snape.

On the last day of the semester, the exam results were announced.Aaron received distinctions in every course.Harry, Ron and Hermione also passed all their exams.Percy passed the most advanced NEwTs, and Fred and George each scraped together a handful of 0.W.Ls.

Meanwhile, Gryffindor won the House Cup for three consecutive years, largely due to its outstanding performance in Quidditch.That means the end-of-term banquet is decorated in scarlet and gold, and it means the Gryffindor table is extra busy because everyone is celebrating.

The next day, the students left the school on the Hogwarts Express, with the exception of Aaron.Aaron plans to stay at school during the summer vacation just like last year.

After sending Harry, Hermione, Ron and others aboard the Hogwarts Express, Aaron returned to the castle alone.At this time, apart from Aaron, only Hagrid, Filch and a few professors were left in the castle.

Aaron returned to the empty common room and took out a book on transfiguration that he borrowed from the library and read it.After meeting Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, Aaron became very interested in Animagus.This kind of magic that can completely transform oneself into some kind of animal fascinates Aaron.So after Blake's matter was completely settled, he began to look up various information about Animagus.

After a week of reading, Aaron already has a general understanding of Animagus.The so-called Animagus refers to a person who can skillfully use the magic of Animagi.

Animagi is a magic that allows wizards to transform themselves into animals.Unlike ordinary transfiguration, Animagi allows the wizard to transform into an animal while retaining his own magical power.A skilled animagus can transform without a wand.However, Animagus cannot transform at will. Generally speaking, each person can only transform into one animal, usually limited to non-magical creatures.As for what kind of animal it will turn into, it is related to the wizard's personality and traits.

The training process of Animagi is very risky. If the transformation goes wrong, you may not be able to return to a normal human being.Moreover, Animagus is said to be able to retain its own magic power after transformation, but because most animals have no hands, they cannot hold a wand.Therefore, most Animagus can no longer use magic after transformation, and at best they are just ordinary animals with human intelligence.In this case, this kind of magic may be useful in some situations where lurking is needed, but it is of little use in most places.

The practice is difficult, risky, and has limited effects, so wizards who practice Animagi and succeed are quite rare.According to official records, there were only seven people in the British wizarding world who became Animagus throughout the 20th century.Of course, Aaron also knew that many wizards did not register after becoming animagi. The ones he knew about included James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. What he didn't know was that there were more. .But even counting the hidden illegal Animagus, Aaron estimates that there are no more than ten Animagus in British magic.

But even so, Aaron is still interested in becoming an Animagus.Aaron likes to explore new things and is interested in all kinds of mysterious knowledge.And the magical magic of Animagi is undoubtedly to his liking.

Although the training of Animagi is very difficult, since learning magic, Aaron has never encountered a spell that he couldn't learn.Even advanced magic such as the Eye Spell and the Patronus Charm, Aaron can quickly learn without any guidance.This made him couldn't help but guess that his magical talent... well... seemed... probably... very high.Therefore, he did not think that he would fail this time. Learning to become an Animagus was only viewed by him as an interesting challenge.

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