Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Banban’s “Death”

"Can we sit down?" Aaron asked Hermione.

"Of course," Hermione said, removing a large piece of parchment from the chair next to her.

Aaron and Harry sat down at the table and looked at the cluttered table. On it lay a long, still wet paper on Arithmancy, a longer paper on Muggle Studies, and The magic text translation that Hermione is debating.

"How can you deal with so many things?" Harry asked her.

"Oh, well - you know - just work hard." Hermione picked up a book and looked for her magic dictionary.

"You look like you need a rest." Aaron said, looking at the tiredness on Hermione's face. "Why don't you take two subjects at least?" Aaron picked up the Muggle Studies paper ("Explain why Muggles need electricity". "), "I think classes like Muggle Studies are pointless."

"I can't do it!" Hermione looked surprised.

"Arithmetic looks terrible," Harry said, picking up a complicated-looking table of numbers.

"Oh, no. Arithmancy is amazing!" Hermione said sincerely. "Arithmetic is one of my favorite subjects! It's..."

At this moment, a muffled shout came from the stairs of the boys' dormitory.No one spoke in the common room, and everyone stared at the door with fear.The sound of hurried footsteps came from the stairs, getting louder and louder - and then Ron jumped into everyone's sight, holding a sheet in his hand.

"Look!" he roared, striding over to Hermione's desk and shaking the sheet in front of her. "Look!"

"Ron, what-?"

"Banban! Look! Banban!"

Hermione ducked away from Ron, completely bewildered.Aaron looked towards the sheet Ron was holding.There's something red on it.It looks scary, like--

"Blood!" Ron shouted in the panicked silence. "It's dead! Do you know what else is on the floor?"

"No, I don't know," Hermione said, her voice trembling.

Ron dropped something on top of Hermione's translation.Aaron, Hermione and Harry leaned forward.Scattered on the strange, long and pointed writing are a few long ginger cat hairs.

It looked like Ron and Hermione's friendship was over.Both were furious, and Aaron and Harry didn't know how their relationship could be repaired.

Ron was angry because Hermione never took Crookshanks' intention to eat Scabbers seriously, never bothered to observe Crookshanks carefully, and was still pretending to think Crookshanks was innocent. Suggest Ron go find Scabbers under all the boys' beds.

Hermione said that Ron had no evidence that Crookshanks ate Scabbers, and that those yellow furs might have been there since Christmas, and since the day Crookshanks jumped on Ron's head in that magical zoo. Since then, Ron has been prejudiced against her cats.

Aaron and Harry both believed that Crookshanks had indeed eaten Scabbers, and tried to point out to Hermione that all the evidence pointed to this.

At this point, she lost her temper with them.

"Well, side with Ron!" she said tartly, "First Firebolt, now Scabbers. It's all my fault, isn't it! Leave me alone, I have a lot to do! "

Ron was devastated when he lost the mouse.

"Okay, Ron. You've been saying how annoying Scabbers is," Fred said brightly. "And he's been out of his mind for a long time. He's dying of old age. He's probably going to die soon." It's better - it probably doesn't even feel it."

"Fred!" Ginny said indignantly.

"Scabbers just eats and sleeps all day long. Ron, this is what you said yourself." George said.

"It bit Goyle for us one time!" Ron said miserably. "Remember, Harry?"

"Yes, it does happen," Harry said.

"That was its most glorious moment." Fred couldn't help but smile on his face, "Let the scar on Goyle's finger be a permanent memorial to it. Oh, okay, Ron, and Hermione Reconciliation, just buy another mouse. What's the use of lamenting here?"

In order to make Ron happy again, Harry invited him to the field with him to participate in the Gryffindor team's last training before the game, and promised Ron that he could let him ride the Firebolt after training.As expected, this made Ron temporarily forget about Scabbers. Just when Ron agreed to Harry's invitation, Aaron offered to visit the team's training, and Harry agreed.Then they went to the Quidditch pitch together.

In response to Black's threat, Professor McGonagall asked Mrs. Hooch to supervise the Gryffindor team's exercises in order to keep an eye on Harry.Madam Hooch, like everyone else, was full of praise for the Firebolt.

Before the training began, she held the Firebolt in her hand and began to provide professional advice to everyone: "Look at its balance! If there is a shortcoming in the Nimbus series, it is that the tail tip is slightly tilted - —After using it for a few years, you will often find that this tilt will develop into a hindrance. They have also improved the handle, it is slightly thinner than the Sweep series, which reminds me of the old Silver Arrow-too bad they no longer The Silver Arrow was made. I learned to fly on the Silver Arrow. It was a very delicate old broom..."

Mrs. Hooch kept talking until Wood said: "Uh-Mrs. Hooch, can Harry get his Firebolt back? Nothing else, we just have to train..."

"Oh...right...then, here you go, Potter." Mrs. Hooch said, "I'm sitting here with Weasley and Elf..."

She, Aaron and Ron left the field and sat in the surrounding stands as the Gryffindor team officially began training.Riding on the Firebolt, Harry flew as fast as lightning, and the Bludger couldn't catch up with him.When the Snitch appeared, Harry had it in his hand within ten seconds.The training was a great success and everyone felt that they were sure to win tomorrow's game.

After training, the rest of the team returned to the locker room first, and Harry strode towards Aaron and Ron with a Firebolt.Both Aaron and Ron understood that Harry wanted to fulfill his promise to let Ron ride the Firebolt.

At this time, Mrs. Huo Qi fell asleep in her seat at some point.Aaron and Ron ignored her and climbed over the railing together to meet Harry.

"Come on," Harry said, handing the Firebolt to Ron.

With a look of ecstasy on his face, Ron mounted his broom and ascended steeply into the growing dusk, while Aaron and Harry walked along the edge of the pitch, watching him.

After a while, Ron came down from the sky.

"Do you want to fly too?" Harry asked Aaron.

Although Aaron wasn't very interested in flying, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to fly the newest broomstick.

Aaron stepped onto the Firebolt and took off from the ground.He didn't fly very fast at first, his toes brushing the blades of grass on the court.Then he began to speed up and gain altitude.

Aaron had only ever ridden a broomstick before in flying lessons.To be honest, the old-fashioned brooms used in flying lessons are not easy to use. Not only do they have various minor problems, but they are also not very obedient. You need to work hard to hold the broom handle to make it fly as you want.But the Firebolt is different. It is very sensitive. With a slight touch, it will turn, as if it obeys your thoughts rather than its handle, which brings an excellent flying experience.Aaron kept circling the field, flying faster and faster, until his eyes turned the stands into blurry squares of green and gray.

Well, Aaron admits he’s a little in love with flying.

After flying for a while, Aaron landed on the ground and handed the broom back to Ron.

In this way, Aaron and Ron took turns flying on the Firebolt until Mrs. Hooch woke up.

Night had fallen by this time, and Mrs. Hooch blamed Aaron, Harry, and Ron for not waking her up, and insisted that they return to the castle.

Harry carried the Firebolt and walked out of the twilight stands with Aaron and Ron, discussing the Firebolt's extremely smooth movements, outstanding acceleration and accuracy when turning.They were halfway toward the castle when Harry suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked.

Harry pointed to the left.There, there is a pair of eyes, glowing in the darkness.

Aaron took out his wand and whispered: "Lumos flash!"

A ray of light fell onto the grass and onto a tree, illuminating its branches.Crookshanks was crouched among the leaves that were about to sprout.

"Get away!" shouted Ron, bending down to grab a stone on the grass.But before he could do anything, Crookshanks' long ginger tail disappeared in a flash.

"See?" Ron said angrily, putting the stone down again, "She's still letting it wander around - now it's probably going to eat two more birds to help Scabbers swallow it down..."

Aaron and Harry said nothing.They knew Ron was angry right now, and it was a waste of time to tell him not to be angry with Hermione, but they didn't want to pander to Ron either.Although there is a high probability that Scabbers will be eaten by Crookshanks, it is not Hermione's fault, and she certainly does not want this to happen.Although Ron blamed Hermione for not taking good care of her cat, Hermione was already too busy with her classes, so how could she still have the energy to take care of her cat?

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