Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 39 The Duel

Aaron and Harry immediately understood what Riddle was doing. He was summoning the basilisk in Parseltongue.

They closed their eyes and stepped back quickly, hitting the dark wall of the secret room.A huge object suddenly fell to the stone ground, and Aaron felt the secret room shaking.He knew what was going on, he could feel the giant snake uncoiling its coiled body from Slytherin's mouth, and heard its heavy body slide slowly across the dusty ground towards him.

Aaron and Harry closed their eyes tightly and began to blindly flee to the side.They could hear the basilisk approaching.

Aaron clenched his wand, preparing to use the Eye Spell when the basilisk approached to create an opportunity to escape.

But at this moment, the Basilisk suddenly stopped in place and stopped moving forward.Just when Aaron was confused, there was a sudden explosion-like crack above his head, as if something had hit the supporting stone pillar.Then, he heard the basilisk hissing wildly.

Aaron couldn't help but open his eyes a thin crack, trying to see what was going on.

I saw the huge basilisk stretching its upper body high into the air, its big flat head circling randomly between the stone pillars, as if it was drunk, and the phoenix named Fox was circling it. His head was spinning.The basilisk angrily rushed towards the Phoenix, its mouth showing thin and long fangs like sabers.The phoenix swooped down, and its long golden beak pierced the basilisk's head. Suddenly, a stream of black blood splashed to the ground, like a shower.The basilisk's tail swung wildly and almost hit Aaron.

Before Aaron could close his eyes, the basilisk had already turned its head.Aaron saw its face and its eyes—the two huge yellow eyes like light bulbs, both of which were pecked blind by the phoenix.Black blood spurted to the ground, and the basilisk grunted in pain.

The basilisk's eyes have always been the biggest threat to Aaron and Harry.Staring directly into a basilisk's eyes will result in death, and even looking into a basilisk's eyes through a mirror or lens will turn it to stone.There is no magic spell that can deal with the basilisk's eyes. Even the most useful eye disease spell can only temporarily blind the basilisk.This makes Aaron and Harry have to close their eyes most of the time when fighting the basilisk.The main means for people to perceive external things is vision. How can we fight with our eyes closed?

Now that the basilisk's eyes were pecked out by the phoenix, Aaron instantly saw the hope of victory.

Aaron heard Riddle's angry scream: "Get off that bird! Get off that bird! The boy is behind you! You can smell him! Kill him!"

The blind basilisk turned around. It had lost its target and didn't know what to do, but it was still very dangerous.Fox flew around its head, singing strange songs in his mouth, and from time to time he aimed at the basilisk's scaly nose, pecking here and there, and black blood spurted from the basilisk's blinded eyes. And out.

Suddenly, the basilisk's tail swept towards Aaron and Harry.Aaron quickly pulled Harry to the ground, and something soft hit Harry on the face, but it was the basilisk that swept the Sorting Hat into Harry's arms.

Harry seemed to be frightened. He hugged the Sorting Hat and whispered in a low voice at a loss: "Help me, help me, please help me, no matter who it is!"

Aaron quickly pushed Harry and shouted: "Run away!"

Taking advantage of the gap when the basilisk's tail swept past, Aaron and Harry got up from the ground and ran along the wall in two directions.

Because the basilisk was attracted by the Phoenix, Aaron and Harry ran out of the basilisk's attack range very smoothly.

Riddle was furious to see Aaron and Harry escape.He kept talking to the basilisk, hissing, hissing, and seemed to be directing its actions.

With Riddle's command, the basilisk immediately ignored the Phoenix's harassment and turned to chase Harry.But Aaron seemed to be ignored.

Seeing the basilisk chasing Harry, Aaron did not go to help, but rushed towards Riddle.

Although the basilisk has been blinded by pecks, it is still not easy to deal with. Aaron's attempt to help Harry will not only have no effect, but will also fall into danger with him.And after losing his eyes, the Basilisk is no longer the key to the incident, now Riddle is the problem.The Basilisk relies entirely on Riddle's command to continue to pose a threat.As long as Riddle is killed, the threat of the basilisk can be eliminated immediately and victory can be achieved.

Aaron raised his wand and shouted; "Expelliarmus!"

Immediately, a red light shot out from Aaron's wand and flew towards Riddle.

"Armor protection!"

Riddle cast the Iron Armor Curse in time, blocking Aaron's disarming curse.

"I originally wanted to kill Harry and then deal with you. But since you are eager to find death, then go die first." After saying that, Riddle pointed Harry's wand at Aaron and shouted: "Avatar Claim your life!"

A dazzling green light caught Aaron's eyes, that was the light of death.

"Avada Kedavra" is the only instant death spell in the world and cannot be resisted or broken by any other spell.No matter who he is, once he is cursed, he will die immediately.Therefore, this became one of Voldemort's favorite spells.

After learning that Riddle was Voldemort, Aaron had been wary of this.As soon as Riddle started chanting the curse, Aaron threw himself at a stone pillar next to him.The green light containing death rubbed the corner of his clothes and hit the wall next to him.

Aaron hid behind the stone pillar, his heart pounding.He was almost killed by Riddle's magic.

He held the wand in his hand tightly, calmed down a little, then jumped up from behind the stone pillar, and read loudly again: "The flames are blazing!"

Although he almost died, Aaron was not intimidated and still tried hard to fight Riddle.Because he knew that if he wanted to survive, he had to defeat Riddle.Hiding may be safe for the time being, but in the end you will just sit there and wait for death.

A ball of magical flames instantly burned in front of Aaron, following the instructions of Aaron's wand, and flew towards Riddle.

"This magic is of no use to me."

Riddle said, casting the Iron Armor Curse again.An invisible shield blocked the raging fire.

After a while, the flames subsided, and Riddle's armor spell also exhausted its power due to the continuous resistance to the flames.Suddenly, a red light passed through the flames and flew towards Riddle.

Riddle's sight, which was previously blocked by the flames, was too late to react when he saw the red light coming, and was instantly hit by the red light.

It turned out that Aaron had released the fire spell just to block Riddle's sight, and the real attack was the stun spell behind it.

The red light penetrated Riddle's body in an instant, but he was not knocked down.

"You just know how to be clever." Riddle shouted with a ferocious face, "Avada Kedavra!"

He cast the Avada Kedavra again.

Aaron hurriedly retreated behind the stone pillar.Fortunately, although Avada's Kedavra cannot be blocked by other spells, it cannot penetrate entities.As long as Aaron hides behind the stone pillar, he can avoid death.

[Why is the coma spell ineffective? 】

Aaron huddled behind the stone pillar, puzzled by the previous situation.His magic had clearly hit Riddle, but he was unscathed.

Aaron carefully recalled the previous situation: his magic hit Riddle and then penetrated him.

【penetrate! ? 】

Aaron found the problem instantly.

Logically speaking, the coma spell is also a spell that cannot penetrate entities.Even if it doesn't work on Riddle, it shouldn't penetrate through him.Unless he is not an entity at all.

【Not an entity!That's right, Riddle is just a memory. He is not an entity at all, so his magic is ineffective against him. 】

Although he understood the crux of the problem, Aaron became even more depressed.Because if Riddle is not an entity at all, then no matter how Aaron casts spells on him, he cannot harm him, so how can he defeat him?

【That diary! 】

Suddenly an idea flashed in Aaron's mind.

Riddle's memory has been using diaries as a carrier. Does this mean that he must have some kind of attachment to survive?So can we defeat him as long as we destroy the diary?

Although Aaron is not sure whether this is the case, he can give it a try.

Aaron immediately carefully poked his head out and started looking for Riddle's diary.Because Riddle had pointed out the location of the diary before, Aaron found the diary quickly.However, Riddle, who was supposed to be standing in the center of the room, disappeared.

[Where did Riddle go? 】

As soon as this question arose in Aaron's mind, Riddle's voice came from behind him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Aaron quickly turned around, and the green light containing death came into his eyes again.

At some point, Riddle came up behind Aaron, and while he wasn't paying attention, he once again cast the Avada Kedavra.

The incident happened suddenly, and by the time Aaron reacted, it was already too late to dodge.Seeing that Aaron was about to die under Riddle's magic, a white light suddenly rose over him, and then his figure disappeared into the white light.

When Aaron came to his senses, he found that he was at the other end of the room.

"What is that?" Riddle looked at Aaron who suddenly changed his position in surprise, "Apparition? No. What magic did you use?"

Aaron was also extremely surprised by what happened before.When facing Riddle's magic before, his mind went blank, and he just wanted to escape quickly. Then he felt a force emerging from his body, and then he found himself teleporting here from the other end of the room. .

Although Aaron was extremely curious about the power that suddenly emerged from his body, now was obviously not the time to explore this.The top priority is to defeat Riddle.

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