Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Conflict

While Harry, Hermione, and Ron were discussing with each other, Aaron was watching them from the side, or to be precise, looking at Harry.Aaron had originally determined that Harry was the heir of Slytherin, but today Aaron learned some of Harry's behaviors, and he really didn't look like someone who wanted to "purify" the school, so Aaron wanted to use close-range Observe to confirm what kind of conspiracy Harry has and what role he plays in the whole incident.But Harry's performance was impeccable. He looked as if he had learned for the first time that there was a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

[Is it true that Harry is not the heir of Slytherin? 】

Aaron decided to test it again.So he said to Harry, Ron, and Hermione: "I don't know if you know one thing. Only Parseltongue can control the basilisk."

Harry immediately said excitedly: "This means that I am not the only one in this school who knows Parseltongue. The heirs of Slytherin also know it. That's why they can always control the Basilisk."

Aaron carefully observed the expression on Harry's face and saw that his face was full of sincerity.It can be seen that Harry did not say this just to deceive everyone, but he really thought so.At this time, although Aaron had not completely given up his doubts about Harry, in his mind, the possibility of Harry being the heir of Slytherin had been greatly reduced.Although Aaron still feels that many things are too coincidental, there is also the possibility that these are just pure coincidences.

Throughout the afternoon, the students discussed the secret room and the basilisk.Almost all the basilisk-related books in the library have been borrowed.Professors, prefects, and ghosts patrolled the corridors in pairs, looking for anything out of the ordinary.No one dared to act alone. Most of the students stayed in the common room and walked together. Every time they passed the corner, the girls would take out a small mirror and look at the other side.Hermione's detection method has spread among the students. Although it cannot help them escape the attack of the basilisk, it can at least avoid death.

Early the next morning, Aaron came to the auditorium to have breakfast.Not long after I sat down, I heard two shocking news.

First, gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid was taken away by the Ministry of Magic for investigation on suspicion of planning a series of recent attacks in schools.

Second, the principal, Albus Dumbledore, was suspended by the school board because many students were attacked in the school.The position of principal is temporarily taken over by Vice Principal Minerva McGonagall.

With Dumbledore gone, fear spread like never before.Every face before Aaron's eyes looked apprehensive, and every laugh that rang out in the auditorium was harsh, weird, and quickly suppressed.

However, one person seemed to particularly enjoy this atmosphere of fear and fear.Draco Malfoy walked around the Great Hall with a certain air of grandeur, as if he had just been appointed the boys' representative.Aaron could hear him boasting triumphantly to Crabbe and Goyle: "I knew dad would get rid of Dumbledore. Let me tell you, he thought Dumbledore was the worst headmaster the school had ever had. . Now we will probably have a decent principal, someone who is unwilling to let the Chamber of Secrets close. McGonagall won’t stay long, she is just filling the vacancy temporarily..."

At this moment, Snape happened to be walking by.

"Sir," Malfoy said loudly, "Sir, why don't you apply for the position of Headmaster?"

"Oh, Malfoy." A faint smile appeared on Snape's lips, "Professor Dumbledore has only been temporarily suspended by the board of directors. I dare say he will be back among us soon."

"Yes, that's right." Malfoy said with a silly smile, "Sir, if you apply for this position, I guess father will vote for you. I will tell father that you are the best teacher here, sir..."

Snape strutted out of the Great Hall, a proud smile on his face.

Watching Malfoy and Snape's performance, Seamus Finnegan, sitting opposite Aaron, pretended to vomit.Harry, who was not far away, also said to the people around him: "I bet you that Snape will never be the principal. The principal of Hogwarts will only be Dumbledore."

Malfoy seemed to notice Seamus and Harry's behavior, deliberately walked past them, and said loudly: "I'm very surprised that the mudbloods haven't packed up their things and left. I bet you five galleons. The next one will definitely die. It's a shame that Granger escaped."

When Ron heard Malfoy's words, he jumped up from his stool, swung his fist and hit Malfoy in the face.Malfoy was immediately punched to the ground.Ron straddled Malfoy and struck him with both fists.

Seeing this, Crabbe and Goyle rushed over and pushed Ron off Malfoy's body, and then waved their fists at Ron with Malfoy who got up.

Harry, Seamus, Neville and others not far away naturally wouldn't watch their friends suffer, so they immediately rushed over to help.

Slytherin House and Gryffindor House have been feuding for a long time. When they see students from their own house fighting with students from the other house, most people go to help without thinking.More and more people from both houses were involved, and the situation soon turned into a scuffle between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Aaron was reluctant to get involved in this pointless melee, but when a Slytherin student lunged at him, he had no choice but to grab the milk jug on the dining table and smash it on On the opponent's head.


With a loud shout, Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared in the auditorium, stopping the chaos in front of them.

Professor McGonagall is the most dignified of all professors, and most students are afraid of her.Seeing her coming, the students stopped fighting and separated from each other.

When Harry and Dean pulled Ron away, he angrily said, "Let me beat him!"

"A fight in the Great Hall, I've never seen anything like it." Professor McGonagall said, "Fifty points. Fifty points each from Gryffindor and Slytherin."

Hearing that points were about to be deducted, Malfoy quickly shouted: "Professor, Weasley did it first."

"That's because Malfoy cursed first." Ron quickly retorted.

"No matter what the reason is, it is not the reason for you to fight." Professor McGonagall said, "Now, if you have finished your breakfast, go back to your respective common rooms."

"I think these troublemakers should be given more severe punishments." At this time, the administrator Filch appeared out of nowhere, "Maybe you can consider giving them solitary confinement, Professor."

"No." Professor McGonagall objected. "At this time, it is too dangerous for students to go out at night. They should stay in the dormitory."

On Monday morning, after breakfast, all students lined up in two rows according to grade college and were escorted by professors to the classroom.The vast majority of students are happy to have a teacher escort them to class, but a few don't feel so comfortable.Aaron noticed that Harry seemed very irritable. He was always whispering when Hermione and Ron were gathered together, and he looked left and right from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

Although after the conversation the day before yesterday, Harry's possibility of being the heir of Slytherin in Aaron's mind has been greatly reduced, he has not been completely cleared of suspicion after all.So after careful consideration, Aaron decided to observe it carefully before drawing a conclusion.Harry's irritable behavior at this time undoubtedly added a lot of suspicion to him.He looked as if he was troubled because he couldn't find a chance to release the basilisk.Of course, it is possible that he is worried about other things, but in any case, Harry must be related to what happened in the castle this year.But Aaron secretly observed Harry for two days, but there was no result.Although Harry was still very irritable, he didn't show any other special behavior.

In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class this week, everyone just sat down in their seats when they saw Lockhart jumping into the classroom.The classmates stared at him in surprise. Every other teacher in the school looked more serious than usual, but Lockhart looked relaxed and cheerful.

"Okay, okay." He looked around happily and said, "Why are you all so long-faced?"

Exasperated glances were exchanged, but no one answered.

"Didn't you notice?" Lockhart said, speaking slowly, as if they were all a little slow, "The danger has passed! The criminal has been taken away."

"Who said that?" a first-year Gryffindor named Locke Child asked loudly.

"My dear young man, if the Minister of Magic was not [-]% sure that Hagrid was guilty, he would not have been taken away." Lockhart said, as if someone was explaining that one plus one equals two. That way.

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case," Green said, his voice louder than Locke's.

"I am confident that I know a little more than you do about the truth behind Hagrid's arrest, Mr. Abbott," Lockhart said in a smug tone.

Over the next two weeks, Lockhart took pains to instill in the students his confession that he had long thought Hagrid was not a good person, and his belief that the whole matter was over.He firmly believed that there was no need to escort his classmates safely through the corridor.

As he escorted students through the corridors, he always said to them: "Mark my words, the first words those poor petrified souls will say when they wake up will be: 'Hagrid is the murderer.' Frankly I'm really surprised that Professor McGonagall thought it was necessary to take so many safety measures..."

The vast majority of students disagreed with Lockhart's statement.Lockhart had assured them many times in the past that the danger was over, but he was quickly proven wrong.Therefore, not many people in the school still believe his words, and the vast majority of students have deep doubts about his ability.

During these two weeks, Aaron had not relaxed his surveillance of Harry.Whenever possible, he would make sure Harry was within his sights.Such close surveillance finally allowed Aaron to discover some clues.

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