Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Doubt

After the afternoon class, Aaron came to the library and continued to look for information about the monster in the secret room.

Because he had already seen the true appearance of the monster in Riddle's memory, Aaron only needed to follow the picture this time and quickly confirmed the true identity of the monster.


Ministry of Magic classification: XXXXX (Note 1)

The Acromantula is a huge, ferocious spider.It has eight eyes and speaks human prophecies.Its characteristics are very obvious: its whole body is covered with thick black hair; its legs are stretched to both sides of the body; when it is emotional or angry, its pincers will make a clearly audible clicking sound; it can also secrete venom.Eight-eyed spiders are carnivores and prefer large prey.It weaves dome-shaped webs on the ground.Female spiders are larger than males and can lay up to a hundred eggs at a time.The eggs are white, soft, and about the size of a floating balloon.The incubation time of the eggs is six to eight weeks, and Acromantula eggs are clearly classified as Class A non-trade goods by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, which means that importing or selling Acromantula eggs will be severely punished.

Acromantulas are believed to have been bred by wizards, possibly to guard their homes or treasures.Other monsters are often created using magic for this purpose.Although the Acromantula has an intelligence close to that of a human, it cannot be domesticated and is therefore highly dangerous to wizards and Muggles alike.

There are rumors that an Acromantula base has been established in Scotland, but this has not been confirmed.

After reading the introduction about Acromantula, Aaron suddenly felt a little strange.Because according to the introduction in the book, the Acromantula does not have the ability to petrify, so what happened to Mrs. Norris, Colin, Justin, and the almost headless Nick?

[Unless it’s not the Acromantula that attacks them, but something else. 】

This idea suddenly appeared in Aaron's mind.

The monster in the secret room is the Acromantula, this is what Riddle told Aaron in his memory.But what if what Riddle said was wrong?

Perhaps there is a possibility that the Acromantula is not the monster in the secret room, but that Hagrid found it from somewhere else. When the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was first released 50 years ago, Rubeus Hagrid, who was still a student at Hogwarts, happened to get an Acromantula from somewhere else and adopted it in the castle. , and happened to be discovered by Tom Riddle.Riddle mistook the Acromantula for the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, and mistook Hagrid for the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets.After Hagrid was caught by Riddle, the man who actually opened the Chamber of Secrets did not take action again for unknown reasons and locked the monster back in the Chamber of Secrets.Because the attacks stopped after Hagrid was captured, everyone regarded Hagrid as the murderer.So Hagrid and the Acromantula were actually taking the blame for others, and the real murderer and monster were never found.

If this is the case, then all the inferences he made based on Riddle's memory are wrong.Dumbledore actually had nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets. He asked Hagrid to return to Hogwarts as a gamekeeper just because he confirmed that the attack had nothing to do with Hagrid.

However, it is also possible that the Acromantula actually has the ability to petrify, but it has not been discovered.

So which one is the truth?

Aaron thought carefully for a while and came up with an idea.

He returned to the dormitory, took out Riddle's diary, and wrote in it: "Is there any way you can know what other creatures are thinking?"

"What do you want to do?" The words immediately oozed from the diary.

Aaron didn't want to tell Riddle completely about his plans, but just wrote vaguely: "There are some things I want to know."

After a long time, no new writing appeared in the diary.

Just when Aaron thought Riddle would not answer him, a line of writing appeared on the page: "There is a magic spell that can achieve your purpose."

"What is it?" Aaron asked quickly.

"Legilimency Spell!"

"Legilimency spell." Aaron muttered in a low voice and wrote again on the paper: "Can you teach it to me?"

"Of course. The spell of the Legilimency Curse is 'Legilimency'. When using it, you only need to look directly at the person you want to cast the spell on and chant the spell, and you can read the other person's emotions and memories. When the target is not alert, Legilimency is easier when you are relaxed or vulnerable. Eye contact is often key to Legilimency..."

Then, Riddle told Aaron in detail about how to use the "Legilimency Spell" and various techniques. It was not until dinner time that Riddle's teaching ended.

Gryffindor Tower at night.

Aaron opened the door and returned to his dormitory.

At this time, it was just after eight o'clock, and other people in the dormitory were still in the common room.

After Aaron entered the house, he carefully closed the door, and then took out a glass bottle from his schoolbag.In the bottle, a spider is crawling around inside.Aaron just caught this from the castle.

Aaron placed the glass bottle on the bedside table, took out his wand, pointed at the spider in the bottle, and prepared to cast the Legilimency spell he had just learned from Riddle not long ago.

Using a Legilimency spell on the spiders in the castle is how Aaron gets to the bottom of things.

Since the attack, the spiders in the castle have been acting strangely.This is why Aaron initially focused his investigation on spiders.Only later did he adjust the direction of his investigation when he got other clues.But the actions of the spiders in the castle must be closely related to the monsters in the secret room, which is something Aaron confirmed.

[As long as you understand the reasons for the strange behavior of the spiders in the castle during this period, you will definitely be able to help you find the truth about the secret room. 】

While Aaron was thinking this, he stared at the spider in the bottle and said: "Legilimency!"

Suddenly, a burst of panic, fear and the desire to escape entered Aaron's heart.That’s the emotion of the spider in the bottle.

The Legilimency spell allows the user to read other people's thoughts and memories.Because the object of Aaron's spell is a spider and does not have complex thoughts, he can only get some simple emotions.

But even simple emotions taught Aaron a lot.

"Panic and flight?"

Aaron recalled the emotions he felt just now, and finally determined that the Acromantula was not the monster in the secret room.If the Acromantula were the monster in the secret room, the spider in the bottle would not panic and want to escape from the castle, as if facing a natural enemy.

Since the Acromantula is not the monster in the chamber of secrets, it means that Hagrid was not the real culprit of what happened 50 years ago. He is innocent. Riddle arrested the wrong person, and the real murderer was not caught.

Aaron took out Riddle's notes and wanted to tell him that he had arrested the wrong person.But just when he was about to write, something suddenly moved in his heart.

[Since Hagrid was wrongly accused, who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago?And why did the attacks stop after Hagrid was captured? 】

Aaron thought for a moment and came up with an answer.

[The person who actually opened the secret room must have been prepared, waiting for Hagrid to be caught, and used him as a scapegoat to escape.Even Hagrid was captured because of his design.So who is that person? 】

A new question was born in Aaron's mind.

Aaron recalled the various clues he had heard so far, and suddenly a name emerged in his mind - Tom Riddle!

[Hagrid was caught by Riddle. If Hagrid was really designed to be a scapegoat, then the person with the greatest suspicion is Tom Riddle.And Riddle is a student of Slytherin House (when Aaron went to the prize room to look for Riddle's medal, he saw on an old list that Riddle once served as a prefect of Slytherin House), It doesn't seem impossible to say that he is the heir of Slytherin.The only thing I'm not sure about is whether Riddle is a Parseltongue.If he is a Parseltongue, then it is basically certain that he is the heir of Slytherin. 】

[It is very possible that Riddle, who was studying at Hogwarts, somehow discovered the secret of the Chamber of Secrets and became the heir of Slytherin.So he followed Slytherin's last wish and began to purify the school.Instructing the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets to attack those he deemed unworthy of learning magic, resulting in the death of one student.But to Riddle's surprise, his actions caused Hogwarts to be in danger of closing.Riddle obviously didn't want Hogwarts to be closed. It happened that he accidentally discovered Hagrid's secret, so he locked the monster back in the secret room, and blamed Hagrid for what he had done, and let the matter end. Finished. 】

Aaron made new inferences based on the known clues, but he also had a new question, that is, who opened the secret room again?

The secret room 50 years ago was opened by Tom Riddle, but Riddle is not in school now, so who was responsible for the recent attacks?

Another name emerged in Aaron's mind - Harry Potter!

[If Tom Riddle is really the heir of Slytherin, then the opening of the Chamber of Secrets must have something to do with him.Now the only thing in the school that can be related to Riddle is the diary in his hand.Before this diary fell into his hands, it was in the hands of Harry Potter.It is very likely that he obtained information about the secret room through this diary, and then opened the secret room and caused those attacks. 】


Note 1: The Ministry of Magic classification level is a guide for the classification of all known animals, people or ghosts by the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures according to their danger.The purpose is to allow people to clearly understand the dangers of some animals.There are five levels of classification:


Creatures known to have killed wizards cannot be tamed or tamed


Danger requires wizards who are proficient in relevant professional knowledge to deal with it.


Mature wizards can handle it


Harmless and can be tamed



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