Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 Black Diary

"I have a message to deliver to Harry Potter personally." The dwarf plucked the harp in an aggressive manner.

At this moment, Harry and the dwarf were two feet in front of Aaron.

Aaron heard Harry lower his voice and say, "Not here." After saying that, he wanted to run away again.

But the dwarf grabbed Harry's schoolbag, pulled him back and said, "Stop and don't move."

"Let me go!" Harry shouted, tugging at his bag.


With a loud tearing sound, Harry's schoolbag was torn in half.His books, wand, quill, and parchment clattered to the floor.Harry himself also used too much force and couldn't hold back his strength for a moment, staggering forward and falling.It was the eve of class, and the corridors were crowded with students going to class.When Harry fell, he inevitably bumped into someone else.The person in the direction where Harry fell happened to be Aaron.

Seeing Harry falling towards him, Aaron wanted to dodge, but was blocked by the crowd of people around him, unable to dodge. He was hit by Harry and fell to the ground immediately after him.All the books, paper and pens in the schoolbag also fell out.

Aaron quickly got up from the ground and put the fallen books back into his bag.Harry also lay on the ground gathering his things.

Aaron and Harry lay on the ground picking up things, immediately causing the already crowded traffic to become even more blocked.

"What's going on?" Draco Malfoy's drawling voice came from down the corridor.

"Why is it so messy?" Percy Weasley's voice came from the other end of the corridor.

At this time, Aaron and Harry had picked up everything they had dropped on the ground and were about to resume traffic.The dwarf suddenly hugged Harry's knees and threw him to the ground again.

The dwarf sat down on Harry's lap, played the harp and said: "Okay, this is your Valentine's Day card: his eyes are as green as freshly pickled toads, and his hair is as black and chic as a blackboard, I hope he is mine, he is really handsome and a warrior who conquers the Dark Lord."

As soon as the singing ended, everyone around burst into laughter.

The dwarf jumped off Harry's lap and pushed his way through the crowd and ran away.Harry stood up and laughed with everyone with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Come on, come on. The bell rang five minutes ago. Go to class." Percy Weasley tried his best to disperse the crowd, "And you, Malfoy."

Of all the people, Draco Malfoy laughed the loudest just now.

Malfoy glanced sideways at Percy and walked slowly towards the classroom.As he walked past Ginny, he yelled at her spitefully, "I don't think Potter liked your Valentine's Day card very much."

Ginny covered her face with her hands and ran into the classroom.Ron yelled and pulled out his wand, but Harry pulled him away.

In Professor Lockhart's class, Aaron sat at the back of the classroom as usual and took out his book to read.

It was only then that he discovered that the books in his schoolbag had red ink marks on them.But when the things fell just now, Harry's ink bottle broke and stained the books on the ground red.

Aaron quickly took out all the books in his schoolbag and examined them carefully, only to find that there was a black diary in his schoolbag that he had never seen before.

It was a small, thin book with a tattered black cover.The date on the cover shows that this is a diary from 50 years ago.The bottom of the back cover bears the name of a newsagent from Vauxhall Road, London.

[Strange, where did this come from? 】

Aaron was sure that he had never had such a diary, but now it appeared in his schoolbag.Suddenly, Aaron thought of a possibility: Could this be Harry Potter's diary?

Aaron thought about how he and Harry had fallen together in the corridor before, and the contents of their schoolbags fell and mixed together on the floor. He was also in a hurry to pack things afterward.He must have put Harry Potter's diary in his bag by mistake.

[But why does Harry use a 50-year-old diary? 】

Aaron was puzzled.What's even more strange is that Aaron's other books are stained with red ink, but this black diary is clean and spotless.

Aaron had no intention of exploring other people's privacy, so he didn't plan to open the diary and read it. Instead, he put it in his schoolbag and put it away, looking for an opportunity to return it to Harry.But when he was halfway through it, he suddenly remembered the rumors about Harry being the heir of Slytherin.Although Aaron himself judged that it was unlikely that Harry was the heir, and the attack had not happened again for a long time.But Harry's suspicion has not been cleared after all, and the murderer who opened the secret room has not been caught. There is no telling when a new attack will occur.It's far from time to relax.

[If it was really the Chamber of Secrets that Harry opened, maybe he would write the relevant things in his diary. 】

With the idea of ​​​​finding the truth, Aaron took out the diary again, put it on the table and opened it.On the title page, there is a name written in ink that has been blurred: Tom Riddle.

[Tom Riddle?Isn't this Harry Potter's diary? 】

Aaron suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to turn back, only to see that the next page was blank, without a word.Moreover, all subsequent pages are blank.There is not a single word in the entire diary except for the name on the title page.

Aaron was confused and didn't understand why Harry put an old notebook written by someone else in his schoolbag, and there was nothing written in the notebook.

At this moment, Aaron suddenly felt that someone was watching him.He looked up and saw Ginny, who was sitting diagonally across from him, looking back and forth between himself and the notes on the table in horror.After seeing himself looking at her, he quickly turned back.

Aaron was very surprised by Ginny's behavior and wanted to ask her what happened after class.But after class, before Aaron could say anything, she rushed out of the classroom and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Clean up!"

In the evening, Aaron returned to his dormitory and began to use the descaling spell to remove ink traces from the books.

After removing the ink marks from all the books, he took out the blank black diary and looked through it.

During dinner, Aaron had the opportunity to return the diary to Harry.But Ginny's behavior during class in the afternoon made him wonder if there might be any secrets hidden in the diary.So after much thought, he kept the diary, intending to find out the secrets in it first and then deal with it.

In fact, the easiest way to find out the secret of this diary is to ask Ginny. She should know something about this diary.But looking at Ginny's appearance, Aaron didn't think she would tell him the relevant matters.So he finally decided to think about it on his own first, and if it didn't work, he would think of other ways.

If a blank diary can hold any secrets, the most likely secret is that the diary is not actually blank. There is text inside, but the text inside is written with invisible ink, or has been cast with a concealment spell. , before becoming invisible.

There are two ways to make text hidden by invisible ink or invisibility spells reappear.One method is to wipe with a manifesting eraser, and the other is to use a manifesting spell.

The visible eraser is a magic item sold in the stationery shop in Diagon Alley.But Aaron didn't have any on hand, and he didn't have the money to buy it.But he had seen the Appearance Curse before in the library.

So, he took out his wand, tapped the diary three times, and said, "Reveal yourself urgently!"

However, there was no response from the diary, and the originally blank pages remained blank.

[Isn’t it invisible ink or a concealment spell? 】

Aaron considered other possibilities.

He thought about everything about this diary, took out a bottle of ink from the bedside table, inserted the quill into it and dipped it, letting a drop of ink fall on the blank page.The ink shined brightly on the paper for a second, and then disappeared without a trace, as if it had been sucked into the paper.

Aaron immediately became excited. He filled his quill with ink and wrote in his diary: "Hello."

This line of text flashed on the diary and was sucked in, leaving no trace at all.Then, a miracle happened.Words that Aaron had never written suddenly oozed out from the paper, using his ink.

"Hello, I'm Tom Riddle, who are you?"

Aaron became even more excited and hurriedly wrote under this line: "My name is Aaron."

As soon as Aaron finished writing, the two lines of text disappeared together.Then, another line of new text seeped out.

"Hello, Aaron. How did you find my diary?"

Aaron thought for a while and wrote below: "I picked it up on the floor in the hallway."

What Aaron said was not a lie, but he was just concealing some facts.Before knowing how Tom Riddle's notes got into Harry Potter's hands, Aaron thought it would be better to have some reservations.

"On the floor in the corridor? It seems that someone deliberately left it there, hoping that more people could read the concealed past events I recorded."

"Past events? What past events?" Aaron wrote curiously on the paper.

"Some past events that happened at Hogworth School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. About the legendary Chamber of Secrets."

"I'm here now." Aaron wrote quickly, "Do you know about the secret room? Can you tell me?"

Riddle answered quickly, his handwriting becoming messy and sloppy, as if he couldn't wait to tell everything he knew.

"Of course I knew about the Chamber of Secrets. When I was in school, they told me it was a legend, something that didn't exist. But that was a lie. When I was in fifth grade, the Chamber of Secrets was opened and monsters attacked several people. students, and eventually killed one. I caught the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets, and he was expelled. But the principal, Professor Dippet, was ashamed of what happened at Hogwarts and refused to allow me to tell the truth. .They announced to the outside world that the girl had died in a freak accident. They gave me a beautiful shiny gold medal with my name on it for my hard work and warned me not to talk nonsense. But I knew this kind of thing It still happens. The monster is alive and the man with the power to free it is not locked up."

Aaron was so busy writing his answer that he almost knocked over the ink bottle.

"Now there's another attack. Two students, a cat and a ghost were attacked. No one knows who did it. Who opened the secret room last time?"

"If you are willing, I can take you to see it. You don't need to read the words I wrote, I can take you into my memory, into the night I caught him." Riddle replied.

Aaron hesitated, quill hovering above the diary.

[What does Riddle mean?How could he bring someone into his memory? 】

Aaron glanced nervously towards the door of the dormitory, where it was getting dark.When his eyes returned to the diary, he found another line of words popping up.

"I'll show you."

Aaron just paused and immediately wrote two words: "Okay."

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