Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 Order of the Phoenix

Sirius panted slightly, pushed away his long black hair that was blocking his eyes, and said with a face: "It seems that you have already met my mother. We have been trying to get her down, but she seems to be reading behind the canvas. cast a permanent sticking spell. Let's go downstairs, hurry up, before they wake up again."

Aaron and others followed Sirius to the bottom of the stairs, passed through a door, and entered the basement kitchen.

It was almost as dark here as in the hall above, a cavernous room surrounded by rough stone walls.Most of the light comes from a large fireplace across the room.The smoke coming out of the pipe filled the air, like gunpowder smoke on a battlefield. The heavy iron pots and basins hanging from the dark ceiling looked hideous and eerie in the smoke.Because of the meeting, the room was filled with many chairs, and in the middle was a long wooden table. On the table were scattered parchment rolls, goblets, empty wine bottles, and a pile of what looked like rags.

A short, fat wizard with long, messy ginger hair and an unshaven beard was huddled on a chair and snoring.

"This is Mundungus." Sirius introduced, pointing to the wizard.

"Who's saying my name?" Mundungus muttered drowsily, "I agree with Sirius..."

He raised a grubby hand as if to cast a vote, and his droopy, bloodshot eyes stared blankly.

Ginny giggled.

"The meeting is over, Dungey," Sirius said as they all sat down around Mundungus at the table.

Mundungus rummaged in his pockets for a moment, and finally pulled out a black, grimy pipe.He put the pipe into his mouth, lit it with his wand, and took a deep drag.Within seconds, large plumes of green smoke surrounded him.

"Mungdungs!" shouted Mrs. Weasley, "please, can you stop smoking that thing in the kitchen, we're about to eat!"

"Ah..." Mundungus said, "Okay. I'm sorry, Molly."

Mundungus stuffed the pipe back into his pocket and the smoke dissipated, but the acrid smell of burnt socks lingered.

"I need someone to help me. I can't cook for so many people by myself." Mrs. Weasley said to everyone in the room.

"I'm here to help," Tonks said, running over to help.

Soon, a set of heavy knives began to automatically cut meat and vegetables under the supervision of Tonks. Mrs. Weasley stirred a large pot hanging on the fire, and others took out plates and dishes from the pantry. Goblets and food.

Just as Mrs. Weasley was preparing dinner, George and Fred suddenly appeared in the kitchen with two ear-piercing bangs.

"Fred! George! I told you not to apparate around the room!" screamed Mrs. Weasley.

"We're just trying to save a little time, Mom," Fred said.

"That's right." George nodded in agreement.

Just last semester, the 17-year-old twin brothers successfully passed the Apparition exam.They had barely walked properly since returning home for the summer, and even to go to the next room, they had to apparate to move.Mrs. Weasley had told them many times about this, but to no avail.

"Where have you been before?" Aaron asked the twins.

George glanced at Mrs. Weasley, lowered his voice and said, "I didn't go anywhere, I just walked around the house."

"Then what did you find?" Aaron asked again.

"It's not much fun," said Fred. "It's full of all kinds of weird rags and kittens."

Just then, several more people walked into the kitchen, all of them members of the Order of the Phoenix.But Aaron knew two of them - Mad-Eye Moody and Remus Lupin.In addition to the two of them, there is also a dark-skinned, bald-headed wizard with a gold ring on one ear; a silver-haired wizard who speaks in a whistling voice; and a wizard with a high purple top. A wizard in a top hat; a dignified and elegant witch wearing a dark green shawl; a square-jawed wizard with thick straw-colored hair; and a witch with black hair and pink cheeks.

Sirius introduced them in turn.

"This is Kingsley Shacklebolt," he said, referring to the tall, dark wizard who bowed.

"Ephia Dogo." The wizard who spoke loudly nodded.

"Dedalo De Gee."

"Hello," Di Ge said excitedly, his purple top hat falling off.

"Emmeline Vance." The dignified and elegant witch wearing a dark green shawl nodded slightly.

"Storgy Podmore." The square-jawed wizard with thick, straw-colored hair blinked.

"And Hestia Jones." The dark-haired, pink-cheeked witch waved to them from the toaster.

At this time, Mrs. Weasley also prepared dinner, and everyone began to sit down to eat.

At the dinner table, Tonks had her nose deformed while eating.Every time she closed her eyes tightly, showing a pained expression, her nose would swell up like a bird's beak, looking like Snape's nose, and then shrink back and turn into a round mushroom. size, and then a mass of nose hair sprouted from each nostril.

Ginny looked very happy and immediately asked Tonks to change her nose into the shapes of various animals.Tonks did as he was told.

"How did you do that?" Aaron was shocked by Tonks' ability to transform her nose at will, because Tonks did not use a wand when transforming.As we all know, the only known transformation technique that does not require a wand is the Animagus, but the Animagus can only transform into specific animals, and cannot partially transform.What Tonks is doing now undoubtedly breaks the traditional understanding of the wizarding world.

"Tonks is a Metamorphmagus." Lupine explained at the side.

"What is that?" Aaron asked.

"Disguise Magus refers to a type of people who are born with the ability to change and can change their appearance at will." Lu Ping explained, "It is different from Animagus who are trained later. This ability is innate. .Disguisemagus can change his appearance, hair color and other physical characteristics at will, and is very good at hiding and camouflage."

The dinner was very sumptuous. When the food on the table was cleared, Aaron's stomach was already a little bloated.

Mrs. Weasley yawned and said, "I think it's almost time to go to bed."

After a busy night, everyone was a little tired, and they all agreed with Mrs. Weasley's proposal.

After everyone said goodnight, Aaron walked up the stairs to his and Ron's bedroom.The bedroom looked, if anything, darker and more eerie than when I first saw it.The blank oil painting on the wall was breathing slowly, up and down, as if the invisible person living inside had fallen asleep.Aaron put on his pajamas, climbed into the cold bed, and slowly fell asleep.

In this way, Aaron settled at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

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