Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 163 Summer vacation begins

This was not the first time for Aaron to come to the Burrow. He had been here last summer, so he was no stranger to the place.Like last summer, he and Ron shared a room.

Within two days, Bill also returned home.He applied for an office job at Gringotts so that he could go home and work for Dumbledore.

Ever since You-Know-Who was resurrected, the Weasley family had all joined the fight against Voldemort.Charlie is also working for Dumbledore. He did not return to England like Bill because Dumbledore wanted to absorb as many wizards from abroad as possible, so Charlie still stayed in Romania. He had extensive contact with people when he was not at work. .Mr. Weasley also goes out early every day and doesn't come back until evening.

However, not everyone in the Weasley family is willing to work for Dumbledore, such as Percy.

One night about a week after staying at Aaron Weasley's house, Percy came home and excitedly told everyone that he had been promoted and that the Ministry had given him a position in the Minister's Office - Junior Assistant to the Minister.

Everyone was surprised because Percy was not very successful in his first job at the Ministry of Magic. He committed a serious oversight and did not discover that his boss was controlled by the Imperius Curse.Percy got into a lot of trouble with Crouch and was investigated and stuff.Logically speaking, it would be good if he was not punished. How could he be promoted?Everyone was puzzled by this.

However, Percy said that the Ministry of Magic believed that he should have been aware of Crouch's mental disorder and reported it to his superiors in time, so he was promoted.

Percy was happy when he talked about it, and he thought everyone would be happy for him too.

But the facts were somewhat different from what he thought. Mr. Weasley believed that Fudge placed Percy in his office in order to use him to spy on the Weasley family and Dumbledore.

Mr. Weasley had reason to think so.Ever since Dumbledore and Fudge had a falling out over Voldemort, Fudge had been furious in the Ministry and banned anyone from having any contact with Dumbledore.Fudge made it clear that anyone who had anything to do with Dumbledore could no longer stay in the Ministry.As we all know, Mr. Weasley has always had a good relationship with Dumbledore, so it is not surprising that Fudge would suspect him and want to spy on him.

However, when Mr. Weasley said this, Percy became angry.He said that ever since he joined the Ministry, he had been having to fight hard to get rid of Mr. Weasley's bad reputation; he also said that Mr. Weasley had no ambition at all, which made us live in poverty; he said that Mr. Weasley had no ambition at all. Mr. Dumbledore was really stupid to be with Dumbledore, and he said that Dumbledore was about to be in big trouble, and that Mr. Weasley would be in trouble with him. He also said that he knew whose allegiance he should serve, and he wanted to Loyal to the Ministry; he also said that if Mr. Weasley insisted on betraying the Ministry, he would let everyone know that he no longer belonged to this family.Then, that night he packed up and left the Burrow.

The next day, they received news that Percy had found a place to live in London.Mrs. Weasley rushed to London and wanted to talk to Percy, but Percy slammed the door in her face.Mrs. Weasley returned to the Burrow alone and crying.

From then on, whenever he heard Percy's name, Mr. Weasley would smash whatever he was holding and Mrs. Weasley would burst into tears.

Two days later, Mrs. Weasley suddenly called Aaron and the other children over and asked them to pack their luggage, saying that they were about to leave the Burrow and go to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters.

"Order of the Phoenix? What is that?" Aaron couldn't help but ask.

"Dumbledore organized an organization specifically to fight against Voldemort," Mrs. Weasley said. "After Voldemort lost power 13 years ago, the Order of the Phoenix was disbanded. Now, Dumbledore has reunited the members."

That night, Aaron carried the packed gifts and went to the courtyard of the Burrow with the Weasley family.They will take advantage of the darkness and ride on broomsticks to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters.

"Can't we use Floo powder to go?" Ron said reluctantly, holding his shoulders.

Although it is already summer, the nights are still a bit cold. Flying on a broom in the sky in this weather is by no means a comfortable experience.

"The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix are protected by the Fidelity Charm, and Floo fans cannot get there." Mr. Weasley said, "We can only go there on broomsticks. Now, I need to disguise you, children. To avoid flying later. be seen from time to time.”

"Oh, I can do it myself." Aaron said, taking out his wand and casting the Disillusionment Curse on himself.

George and Fred could also transform themselves, but Mr. Weasley ended up only casting the spell on Ron and Ginny.

After getting ready, everyone got on the broomstick.

"Okay, let's go."

Following Mr. Weasley's order, Aaron kicked off the ground hard.The cool breeze of the dark night ruffled his hair, and the Weasley garden shrank rapidly, looking like a model.

"Go left, go left, there's a Muggle looking up!" Mr. Weasley suddenly shouted behind Aaron.Bill, who was flying in front of Aaron, turned sharply, and Aaron followed closely, his box shaking violently under the broom.

"We need to fly a little higher, a quarter mile higher!"

Under Mr. Weasley's instructions, they rose suddenly, and Aaron's eyes were stung by the cold air, and tears welled up in his eyes.Nothing could be seen below, only pinprick-like bright spots of light from street lamps and car headlights.

"South!" shouted Mr. Weasley, "there's a town ahead!"

They turned to the right to avoid flying directly over the spiderweb of lights.

They changed their route from time to time according to Mr. Weasley's instructions.The biting cold wind blew in his face, and Aaron had to squint his eyes tightly, and his ears hurt from the cold.Aaron has lost track of time.He had no idea how long they had been flying, but it felt like at least an hour.

"Turn southwest!" shouted Mr. Weasley. "We're avoiding the motorway!"

Aaron was already feeling so cold that he longed for the comfort and dryness of the cars speeding down the road below, and he longed even more for traveling via Floo powder.It might not be comfortable to hang around in the fireplace, but at least it's warm inside.

"It's time to start landing!" Weasley's voice suddenly came over, "Everyone, please follow closely and don't fall behind!"

Aaron swooped down after Bill.They flew towards a large area of ​​light. Aaron had never seen so many lights gathered together, criss-crossing, dotted, extending in all directions, dotted with dark black squares.They flew lower and lower, and Aaron could even see the car lights and street lights, the chimneys and the TV antennas clearly.

"We're here!" Bill yelled.After a few seconds, he landed on the ground.

Aaron landed right behind him and stepped off his broom on a piece of messy and barren grass in the center of a small square.The Weasley family also landed one after another at this time, Aaron was shaking all over and looking around.The surrounding houses have gloomy fronts, looking like they are far away from you.Some houses had broken windows that gleamed dimly in the streetlights, paint was peeling off many doors, and a few had trash piled outside their front steps.

"What is this place?" Aaron asked.

"Wait a minute," Mr. Weasley said, rummaging in his cloak.

"Found it." He muttered, held up something that looked like a silver lighter, and clicked it.

The nearest streetlight went out with a pop.He clicked the deluminator again, and the second light also went out.He kept clicking, and finally all the street lights in the square went out, leaving only the bright light coming from the windows with curtains drawn, and the clear light cast by the curved moon in the night sky.

"Borrowed it from Dumbledore," Mr. Weasley said, pocketing the deluminator. "To prevent Muggles from looking out of the window, understand? Now go, hurry up."

They walked out of the meadow, crossed the road, and came out onto the sidewalk.There was the faint rumble of a stereo from the upstairs window of the nearest house, and the acrid stench of rotting garbage emanated from the bulging garbage bags in the dilapidated door.

"Here it is." Mr. Weasley took out a piece of parchment and handed it to everyone. "Look at the words on it and remember it firmly."

The parchment was passed to everyone in turn, and soon it was in Aaron's hand.Aaron looked down at the piece of paper. The long and thin handwriting on it seemed to have been seen somewhere before, and it read:

The Order of the Phoenix headquarters is located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

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