Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 159 Stubborn Fudge

After Aaron finished telling what happened tonight, Dumbledore looked at him and Harry and said: "I want to say it again, your performance tonight was very brave and far exceeded my expectations of you. What you have performed Their courage is comparable to those of the wizards who fought against Voldemort to the death during his heyday. Now, come with me to the hospital, take some sleeping potions, and have a good rest... Sirius, are you willing to accompany them? ?"

Sirius nodded and stood up.Transforming himself into a large black dog, he followed Aaron, Harry, and Dumbledore out of the office and walked with them down the stairs to the hospital.

When Dumbledore opened the door, Aaron saw Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Ron and Hermione all gathered around the distressed Madam Pomfrey.They seemed to be asking about the situation and whereabouts of Aaron and Harry.When Aaron, Harry, Dumbledore and the Black Dog entered, they all turned sharply and Mrs. Weasley let out a muffled exclamation.

"Oh, Harry! Oh, Aaron!"

She ran towards Aaron and Harry, but Dumbledore stepped forward and stood between them.

He raised a hand and said, "Molly, please listen to me first. Harry and Aaron went through something terrible tonight. They just told it to me again. What they need now is sleep." , quiet and peaceful. If they want you to accompany them, you can stay."

He looked around at Ron, Hermione and Bill and added: "But I don't want you to ask them any questions unless they are willing to answer them themselves. At least tonight."

Mrs. Weasley nodded.She looked very pale.She turned suddenly to Ron, Hermione and Bill, as if they were the ones making the noise.She lowered her voice and lectured: "Did you hear that? They need to be quiet!"

Madam Pomfrey stared at the black dog that Sirius had transformed into, and said, "Headmaster, may I ask, what is this?"

"The dog will stay with them for a while," Dumbledore said simply. "I assure you, it is very well trained. Harry, Aaron, I will wait until you are in bed before leaving. I went to see Fudge. After that, I will rush back to see you. I hope you will stay here tomorrow and wait until I finish speaking to all the teachers and students in the school." After that, he left.

Madam Pomfrey led Aaron and Harry to a nearby bed, and Aaron caught a glimpse of the real Moody lying motionless on a bed at the end of the room.He looked scrawny, with several locks of gray hair missing.His wooden prosthetic legs and enchanted eyes sit on the bedside table.

"Is he okay?" Aaron asked.

"He'll be fine," Madam Pomfrey said, giving Aaron and Harry a set of pajamas each and closing the curtains around them.Aaron took off his robe, put on his pajamas, and climbed into bed.

Madam Pomfrey hurried to her office and came back with two small bottles and two goblets. The bottles contained a purple potion.

"You need to drink it all," she said to Aaron and Harry. "This medicine will give you a dreamless sleep."

Aaron took the glass and took a few sips.He suddenly felt groggy.Everything around him became blurry, and he felt as if his body was sinking deeper and deeper into the warm feather mattress.Before he could finish drinking the medicine, he fell into a dreamless sleep.

Aaron was awakened from his sleep.He looked around and found that it was still dark, as if not too long had passed since he fell asleep.

At this time, he heard the voice of Minister of Magic Fudge in the corridor outside the ward: "It's a shame, but there is nothing we can do, Minerva."

Then, Professor McGonagall shouted: "You should never bring it into the castle! When Dumbledore knows..."

The door to the ward was suddenly knocked open.Aaron looked over and saw Fudge striding into the ward.Professor McGonagall and Snape followed closely behind.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge asked Mrs. Weasley, who was standing beside Harry's bed.

Mrs. Weasley said angrily: "He's not here. Minister, this is the ward, do you think it's best for you..."

At this moment, the door opened again, and Dumbledore walked into the ward quickly.

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked sternly, looking at Fudge and then at Professor McGonagall, "Why are you disturbing these people here? Minerva, you really surprised me. I asked you to guard the little boy." Barty Crouch’s.”

"There is no need to guard him any longer, Dumbledore!" Professor McGonagall shrieked. "The Minister made sure of that!"

Aaron had never seen Professor McGonagall so impulsive.An angry blush appeared on her cheeks, her hands clenched into fists, and her whole body was shaking with rage.

"When we told Mr. Fudge that we caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's incident, he seemed to feel that his personal safety was also in question." Snape said in a low voice, "He must summon a cameraman." The Dementors accompanied him into the school. He brought the Dementors into Barty Crouch Jr.…"

"I told him you wouldn't agree, Dumbledore!" Professor McGonagall said angrily, "I told him you wouldn't allow Dementors to set foot in the school again, but..."

"My dear lady!" Fudge shouted loudly, "As the Minister of Magic, I have the right to decide whether I am willing to bring bodyguards, because I want to meet someone who may be very dangerous..."

But Professor McGonagall's voice drowned out Fudge's words.She pointed at Fudge, trembling all over, and screamed: "That guy... As soon as that guy saw Crouch, he jumped at him, just... just..."

Professor McGonagall was desperately searching for words to describe what had just happened, but there was no need to hear her out.Aaron also knew what the dementors had done.The dementors must have given Barty Crouch Jr. that fateful kiss.It sucked the soul out of little Crouch's mouth.Crouch Jr. is now worse off than dead.

"In every sense of the word, he deserves it!" Fudge said angrily, "He seems to have caused the death of several people!"

"But he can't come forward to testify now, Cornelius." Dumbledore stared at Fudge sharply, seeming to see him clearly for the first time, "He can't provide evidence to explain why he killed those people. .”

"Why did he kill them? Hey, isn't it obvious!" Fudge said angrily, "He is a wandering lunatic! From what Minerva and Severus told me, he seems to think that what he did Everything is in compliance with the mysterious man’s will!”

"Voldemort did give him orders, Cornelius," Dumbledore said. "The deaths of those people were just an incidental result of the implementation of Voldemort's plan for a comeback. The plan succeeded. Voldemort recovered his physical body."

Fudge was shocked, as if someone had struck him head-on.He blinked dazedly and stared at Dumbledore, as if he couldn't completely believe what he just heard.Still staring at Dumbledore, he stammered: "You-Know-Who...is back? That's nonsense. Stop joking, Dumbledore."

"Minerva and Severus have no doubt told you that we heard a confession from Barty Crouch Jr.," said Dumbledore. "Under the influence of Veritaserum, he told us how he was Sneaked out of Azkaban, how about Voldemort, learned from Bertha Jorkins that he was still alive, freed him from his father, and used him to capture Harry. Tell you what, the plan It worked. Crouch Jr. has helped Voldemort come back."

"Listen to me, Dumbledore." Fudge actually had a smile on his face, "You...you really believe all this. The mysterious man is back? Stop joking, stop joking...Needless to say, Crouch Jr. may have thought that he was following the instructions of the mysterious man, but how could he take the words of such a madman seriously, Dumbledore."

"Tonight, when Aaron and Harry touched the Triwizard Cup, they were transported directly to Voldemort. They witnessed Voldemort rise from the dead. You might as well come to my office and I will explain everything to you. Listen," Dumbledore said firmly.

Fudge still had that weird smile on his face and said, "You... um... you're going to take everything Harry and his friends say, aren't you, Dumbledore?"

"Of course I believe them." At this time, Dumbledore's eyes were shining brightly. "I listened to Crouch Jr.'s confession, and also listened to Harry and Aaron's account of what happened after he touched the Triwizard Cup. The three of them It makes perfect sense and explains everything that has happened since the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins last summer."

Fudge still had that weird smile on his face, and he said: "You are ready to believe that Voldemort has returned, to listen to the words of a mentally disturbed murderer and two children, and these two children... they..."

"You must be reading Rita Skeeter's article, Mr. Fudge." At this moment, Harry's voice suddenly came from the side.

Harry had also woken up.

Fudge blushed slightly, but then a look of defiance and stubbornness appeared on his face.He looked at Dumbledore and said: "In addition, I found that you have been hiding certain things about this child and not reporting it? He is a parselmouth, right? His behavior is weird everywhere."

"I think you are probably referring to the fact that Harry has been feeling pain in the scar, right?" Dumbledore said coldly.

"So, you admit that he has been feeling these pains?" Fudge said quickly. "Headache? Nightmares? Maybe hallucinations?"

"Listen to me, Cornelius." Dumbledore took a step towards Fudge. "Harry is as sane and rational as you and me. The scar on his forehead did not confuse his brain. I believe that only when Voldemort Harry's scar only hurts when he's lurking nearby or especially trying to kill someone."

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