Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 146 Prophecy

The second event is over. The four warriors' points are Aaron's 89 points, Harry's 86 points, Krum's 80 points, and Fleur's 63 points.

The youngest contestant was temporarily ranked first, which was something no one expected before the competition.When the four warriors were first selected, people thought that Krum or Harry would win the final victory. However, after the two rounds of competition, most people had to admit that Aaron was the winner. The one closest to the Triwizard Cup now.This has greatly increased Aaron's popularity in the school. Now there is no one in Hogwarts who doesn't know Aaron, and almost all students can call him by name as soon as they meet.Of course, the other three Warriors are treated in the same way, but Aaron is receiving more attention now.

In addition to the Warriors, there are three other people at the school who have been the center of attention recently.That's Colin, Ron and Hermione.Everyone was eager to know what happened under the lake, and they were pestered to tell the story to everyone over and over again.

At the beginning, all three of them had similar stories: In Professor McGonagall's office, Dumbledore used magic to hypnotize the hostages, and first assured them that they were absolutely not in danger and would wake up as soon as they came out of the water. Come.

But a week later, Ron told a thrilling kidnapping story, describing how he fought fifty armed mermaids with his bare hands to force him to submit before tying him up.Until one time, he promised Padma Patil: "It doesn't matter, I hide my wand in my sleeve. As long as I want, I can subdue those mermaid fools." However, Hermione asked sharply: "What do you want to do? Snoring at them?" His story returned to the magically hypnotized version.

But Hermione also has her own problems. Everyone is making fun of her all day long about the fact that she has become Viktor Krum's most beloved baby, so she is now very grumpy.But that wasn't the most serious problem she encountered. The teasing pales in comparison to the problems she encountered later.

One morning in March, while everyone was having breakfast, a large group of owls suddenly flew into the Great Hall and dropped a large pile of letters in front of Hermione.Two more were howler letters:

"You're a bad girl. Harry Potter deserves someone better. Go back to your Muggle roots."

"I read in Wizarding Weekly that you were playing with Harry Potter's feelings. That boy has suffered so much. Just wait. I'll just find a big envelope and I'll send you a spell next time. go."

It all started because of an article in Wizards Weekly.The title of the article is "Harry Potter's Secret Heartbreak."The content of the entire article is as follows:

He may be a different boy - but he also suffers from the pain of youth.Rita Skeeter reports.After losing his parents, 14-year-old Harry Potter thought he had finally found emotional comfort in Hogwarts, in his girlfriend, Muggle-born Hermione Granger, who was always with him, but he didn't expect that in his life, which had already experienced many traumas, he would soon suffer another emotional trauma.

Miss Granger is an ordinary-looking but ambitious girl who seems to have a soft spot for famous wizards, and Harry alone can't satisfy her appetite.Miss Granger had been toying with the two boys ever since Viktor Krum, Seeker for the Bulgarian team and hero of the last World Cup, had arrived at Hogwarts.Klum has clearly been so smitten with the wily Miss Granger that he has invited her to Bulgaria for the summer and insists he has "never felt that way about any other girl".

But it was probably not Miss Granger's natural beauty that so obsessed these unfortunate boys.

"She's really ugly," said Pansy Parkinson, a pretty, lively fourth-grade girl. "She probably made a love potion, and she's pretty smart. Yeah, I think that's what she is. made."

Love potions are naturally banned at Hogwarts, and Albus Dumbledore will undoubtedly need to investigate the matter carefully.Meanwhile, people with good intentions for Harry Potter hope that the next time he offers his true love, he will pick a more worthy candidate.

Over the next week, Hermione continued to receive malicious letters, some of which exploded across the Gryffindor table, insults screamed for the entire Hall to hear.Now everyone in the school knows about the so-called love triangle between Harry, Krum, and Hermione.

Because the content of the third project will not be known until May 5, Aaron does not need to think about the competition at all now.Therefore, he mainly focused on his homework during this time.Although as a warrior he does not need to take the final exam this year, Aaron does not study for the exam.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick began teaching them the Happy Charm.This mantra can keep people happy and have a great sense of contentment.

In the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid has finished teaching about unicorns, and he has brought a brand new animal to everyone - the Niffler.It was a small, fluffy black animal with a long nose and flat front paws, like a shovel, which was very strange.

"These are Nifflers," Hagrid introduced to the students. "You can usually see them in mines. They like shiny things. Today we can have fun with them. Do you see that there?" He pointed. Looking at the newly opened land, "I buried some gold coins. Whoever picks out the most gold coins, Sniff, I will give a prize to him. You take off all the valuable things on your body, and then choose a Sniff. , get ready and let them go.”

It was the most fun Care of Magical Creatures lesson they had ever had.Xiu Xiu burrowed in and out of the field, just like in water. Each one hurried to the classmate who let them go and spat the gold coins into their hands.Aaron's harvest was particularly large, and his lap was soon filled with gold coins.

Sadly, however, these were Leprechaun's gold coins, which disappeared within a few hours, just like the gold coins Aaron had picked up at the World Cup.Yes, those gold coins that Aaron picked up at the World Cup disappeared that night.At first, Aaron thought someone had stolen them. Later, after school started, he read a book about leprechauns and realized that those gold coins would have disappeared.Aaron was frustrated by this for a long time.

In a divination class before Easter, Professor Trelawney decided to teach them a crystal ball lesson in advance.

"I have decided to take the crystal ball class a little earlier than originally planned. Fate has informed me that your exam in June will be related to the sphere, so I am eager to give you enough practice." Professor Trelawney said.

"Well, it looks like the final exam in Divination class will be a crystal ball test." Aaron thought to himself.

The reason why Aaron made this judgment was not because of some "notice of fate", but because the final exam of the Divination class was originally set by Professor Trelawney, and she had the final say on everything that was tested.If she didn't want her "prophecy" to fail, she would definitely have to look at the crystal ball in the final exam.

"Looking into a crystal ball is a very delicate art." Professor Trelawney said as if in a dream. "This is your first time peering into this unfathomable sphere. I don't expect any of you to see anything." . We should start by practicing relaxing the subjective mind and the external eye. This will clarify the third eye and the superconscious mind. If we are lucky, some of you may be able to see something before the class is over."

So they began to stare at the glowing crystal balls placed on the small tables in the dimly lit and depressing tower classroom. Each crystal ball was filled with pearly white mist.

Aaron stared at the crystal ball quietly for a quarter of an hour. Suddenly he saw something seemed to be in the rotating white mist.So, he looked into the crystal ball more intently.

At this time, Professor Trelawney walked around the middle of the table and said, "Would anyone like me to help explain the shadowy things that appear in their crystal balls?"

"Did you see anything?" Colin asked Aaron quietly.

But Aaron couldn't care less about answering Colin now. He was concentrating on trying to see clearly what was in the crystal ball.The white mist in the crystal ball seemed to suddenly have a magical power, trying to suck his spirit into it.

Professor Trelawney was passing by Aaron and Colin's table. She seemed to hear Colin's words and said, "Let me help you take a look."

She put her face close to the crystal ball, so her big glasses reflected two crystal balls.

"There is something here!" whispered Professor Trelawney. "Something is moving...but what is it?"

At the same time, Aaron's spirit became more and more trance-like, and the sounds from the outside world became farther and farther away from him. Some images seemed to appear in the chaotic white mist, attracting all his attention.

Professor Trelawney didn't notice anything unusual about Aaron and was still "interpreting" the crystal ball.

"From here you can see... clearer than ever... my dear, striding towards you, getting closer and closer... that ominous..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted Professor Trelawney:

"The father's bones were inadvertently donated to regenerate his son."

It's Aaron.He looked a little strange now, sitting stiffly in his chair, his eyes unfocused and his chin drooping.

"Are you...are you okay, Aaron? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Colin finally saw something was wrong with Aaron and asked uneasily.

But Aaron ignored him completely and continued:

“The flesh of a servant, a voluntary offering, that his master may be reborn.”

“The blood of his enemies, compelled to give, that his enemies may be raised to life.”

"The One whose name cannot be told will return to the world of magic, and the fears of the past will come again."

After finishing speaking, Aaron's head dropped to his chest.Then, he snorted and raised his head, his eyes full of confusion.

Seeing everyone around him looking at him in horror, Aaron asked with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

"You...you just made a prophecy!" Colin swallowed his saliva and said.

"I made a prophecy? What did I prophesy?" Aaron seemed to have no idea what he had just done.

"You predicted that the mysterious man would return to the magical world."

"I predicted that the mysterious man would return?" Aaron thought Colin was joking.

"Okay!" Professor Trelawney suddenly screamed and interrupted the conversation between Aaron and Colin. She seemed to be frightened, "Okay, that's it for today's class."

After saying that, she ran out of the classroom in a panic.

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