Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 The Secret of the Golden Egg

"I really hope she can stay, this female teacher!" a Gryffindor girl said after class, when everyone was returning to the castle, "This is the Care of Magical Creatures class in my mind... like a lonely girl A decent animal like a horned beast, not a monster..."

Although he felt a little sorry for Hagrid, Aaron had to admit that Professor Graplan was indeed a better teacher than Hagrid.Aaron didn't know half of the things she taught him about unicorns.And unicorns are much more interesting than squids.

Aaron originally thought that Professor Grapplan would continue to teach until the end of the semester, but Hagrid came back during the Care of Magical Creatures class two weeks later.

Harry wondered if Hagrid was trying to prove that he could do what Professor Grubbly-Plank could do.Anyway, after Hagrid came back to class, he continued Professor Graplan's lesson on unicorns.As it turns out, Hagrid knows just as much about unicorns as he does about trolls.However, he apparently finds it disappointing that unicorns don't have fangs.

That day, he actually caught two unicorn cubs.Cubs are different from adult unicorns in that they are solid gold.Ginny went crazy with joy when she saw them, and even the Slytherin girls had to hide themselves from revealing how much they liked them.

"Kids are easier to spot than adults," Hagrid told the class. "They turn silver when they are about two years old, and develop horns when they are about four years old. They do not turn pure white until they reach adulthood, which is about seven years old. Around [-] years old. They were more gullible when they were young...not very disgusted with boys...Come here, come closer, if you like, you can pat them...give them a few pieces of these sugar cubes..."

Aaron was very interested in the little unicorns. He stepped forward and petted the two cubs with his classmates.

After class, the students all said that if Hagrid could continue to be like today instead of bringing some weird creatures to class, then it would be good to have him as a professor.However, from what Aaron knew about Hagrid, he had always had a soft spot for him.

One night near the end of the month, Aaron put a single mandrake leaf that had been in his mouth for a month into a small crystal bottle filled with saliva, and then added a stick under the moonlight. One's own hair, a silver teaspoon of dew and the pupa of a grimacing hawkmoth.Finally, he corked the vial and hid it in the Room of Requirement.

Now he just needs to point his wand at his heart and recite the spell every day, and then wait for a thunderstorm day.

February has arrived in a blink of an eye, and there are only three weeks left before the start of the second project.Aaron has not yet cracked the secret of the golden egg, which makes him a little frustrated.He couldn't help but wonder if the other warriors had already solved the secret of the golden egg, but he couldn't ask them because according to the regulations, he had to solve the puzzle alone.

However, things are like this sometimes. Aaron clearly had no intention of asking anyone else for help, but he unexpectedly got clues from other warriors.One day when he was searching for information in the library, he met Harry by chance.The two simply said hello and did not talk about the second project or the golden egg, but Aaron keenly noticed that Harry was holding a book about mermaids and underwater monsters.

Aaron knew that Harry, unlike Hermione, had a great thirst for knowledge.Harry usually wouldn't come to the library unless necessary.If he comes to the library to read to complete his homework, he must have encountered an unsolvable problem.As a warrior, Harry's biggest problem now is undoubtedly the second event of the competition.So will the second project be related to mermaids?

Thinking of this, Aaron immediately began to look up books related to mermaids.Finally, he found the following record in a book:

The language of mermaids is suitable for use underwater.This language is very strange. If it is on land, this language sounds sharp and harsh, but when it is underwater, it is no longer harsh.

【This is it. 】

When he saw the above words, Aaron couldn't help shouting excitedly in his heart.

[The sound in the golden egg is the language of the mermaid.It needs to be in the water to be truly understood. 】

Having solved the mystery of the golden egg, Aaron immediately takes action.He returned to his dormitory and took out his golden egg.He walked out of the castle, went to the lake, put the golden egg under the water, and opened it.

This time it didn't scream.A gurgling song came from the golden egg. The song came from under the water, but he couldn't hear what it was singing.He needed to get his head under the water.

Aaron took a deep breath and put his head under the water.There was a chorus of strange voices inside the golden egg:

Seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing on the ground.

As you search, think carefully about:

We stole your most beloved baby.

You only have an hour,

To find and recapture what we took,

After an hour there is no hope,

It is completely gone, never to appear.

The song of the golden egg was sung underwater three times, and Aaron kept it in mind before he took his head out of the water.

He shook his head, brushing his hair away from his eyes, and began to think about the content of the song.

The lyrics are very straightforward, and it sounds like the second project requires Aaron to find the people singing and then take back the items they took from them.However, there are several questions here. First, who are "they", secondly, where to find "them", and finally, what are the items that need to be recovered?

The lyrics mention, "We can't sing on the ground." Considering that the songs are sung in the language of mermaids, it is obvious that "they" refer to mermaids.The first line of the lyrics also mentions looking for “them” where “their” voices sound. Mermaids are magical creatures that live in the water, and their language can only be understood in the water, so Aaron needs to find them in the water.When it comes to water, the place with the most water around Hogwarts is undoubtedly the large lake in front of the castle.Apart from that lake, Aaron couldn't think of anywhere else with enough water for mermaids to survive, which meant Aaron needed to go to the lake to find mermaids.It's unclear what items need to be recovered.Although the lyrics mentioned that it would be Aaron's beloved baby, Aaron himself didn't know what his beloved baby was.

To put it simply, the second project is that Aaron needs to go to the lake to find mermaids within an hour, and then take back his beloved baby from them.

After understanding the information about the second project, Aaron immediately understood the difficulty of the second project, which was how to go deep into the lake bottom to find the mermaid.Although Aaron is not a landlubber, he is not a good swimmer either, and even a real good swimmer cannot dive to the bottom of the lake without the help of any tools.The mermaids must live in the deepest part of the lake.How was he supposed to breathe in the lake?

Aaron returned to the castle with the golden egg. After placing the golden egg back in his dormitory, he came to the library again and began to search for the spells and methods of breathing underwater.

In a magic book that introduces spells, Aaron found a spell that allows people to breathe underwater-the Head Soaking Charm.

According to the description in the book, the head bubble spell will create a large bubble around the caster's head, making it look like a goldfish bowl is upside down on the head.This spell can be used to breathe underwater, or to block the foul air around you.

In another book about herbal medicine, Aaron found another method that allows people to breathe underwater - gill grass.This herb allows a person to grow gills, allowing them to breathe underwater like a fish.

Bubble charm and gillweed, both of which allow people to breathe underwater.But after comparison, Aaron felt that using gillgrass was a better method.Because the gillgrass not only allows people to breathe underwater, it can also turn the user's hands and feet into webbed shapes, which is more convenient for underwater activities, while the Bubble Head Curse only allows people to breathe underwater.However, although gillweed is more suitable for use underwater, Aaron does not currently have access to this herb.Although Aaron felt that Professor Sprout and Professor Snape should have gillweed in their hands, according to regulations, warriors cannot seek help from others.Therefore, there is only one way in front of Aaron, and that is to use the Bubble Curse.

The Bubble Charm is a spell that only sixth graders can learn, and Aaron doesn't know it yet.But fortunately, there are still three weeks until February 2th, which is enough for Aaron to learn this curse.

Aaron found the spell for the Bubble Charm in "Standard Spells" by Miranda Gorshak.It only took less than three days for Aaron to master this magic spell skillfully.Now, he just has to wait for the game to begin.

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