Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 135 Item 1

Fleur put a trembling hand into the bag and pulled out a small, lifelike model of a dragon.It's a Welsh green dragon, with a number tied around its neck: number two.Aaron saw that Fleur did not show the slightest surprise, but looked resigned. He knew that what Harry had told him before was true. Madame Maxime also saw the dragon and told Fleur about the challenge she was about to face. What.

Klum confirmed the same.He took out a bright red Chinese fireball and tied the number three around his neck.Without blinking, he sat down and stared at the ground.

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus with the number [-] tied around its neck.

Aaron knew what was left for him. He put his hand into his silk pocket and took out the Hungarian tree peak, which was No. [-].When he looked down, the little dragon spread its wings and exposed its small fangs.

"Okay, you all got it!" Bagman said, "You all drew the dragon you are going to face. The number on its neck is the order in which you go to deal with the dragon. Do you understand? Okay, now I I'm going to leave you for a moment, because I have to give commentary to the audience. Harry, you're the first one, come outside with me."

"Um...ok." Harry said blankly.

He stood up and went outside the tent with Bagman.

After Harry left with Bagman, Aaron, Fleur and Krum sat down together in the tent.No one of them spoke, they all waited silently.

Not long after, they heard a whistle outside.A few seconds later, they heard a commotion from the crowd, which meant that Harry had entered the venue and was facing a living creature exactly like his model.

Aaron sat there and listened, only to hear Bagman's loud voice constantly coming from outside.

"Oh my god, he can fly!"... "Oh, it's so dangerous, so dangerous."... "His move is really dangerous!"...

As Bagman explained, Aaron could hear the crowd outside marveling, screaming, shouting, and gasping.

Krum was still staring at the ground.Fleur stood up and paced around the tent.

About 5 minutes later, Aaron heard a deafening cheer, which could only mean one thing: Harry finally passed his dragon and caught the golden egg.

"Look!" Bagman shouted loudly, "Look! Mr. Potter successfully got the golden egg! Now let the referee give the score!"

However, he did not announce the score loudly. Aaron guessed that the referee might have raised the score for the audience to see.

"One down, there are three more!" Bagman shouted when the whistle sounded again, "Miss Delacour, please come on stage!"

Fleur was shaking from head to toe.She left the tent with her head held high and her wand clutched tightly in her hand.Now only Aaron and Krum were left sitting face to face on opposite sides of the tent, avoiding each other's eyes.

The same process begins again...

"Oh, I'm not sure it's wise!" they heard Bagman shout cheerfully, "Oh... just a little bit! Careful... Oh my God, I thought she had it!"

Ten minutes later, Aaron heard the audience burst into cheers again.Fleur must have succeeded too.Then there was a moment of silence, waiting for the referee to give Furong a score, and then another round of applause.Then the whistle blew a third time.

"Now comes Mr. Krum!" Bagman shouted.

Krum walked out with slumped shoulders, leaving Aaron alone in the tent.

"Very bold!" Bagman shouted.

Aaron heard the Chinese dragon let out a terrifying, earth-shattering scream, and the audience gasped in unison.

"He showed extraordinary courage...ah...yes, he got the golden egg!"

The overwhelming applause shattered the winter air like breaking glass.Krum has done his job and it will be Aaron's turn any day now.

He stood up and felt his heart pounding.Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Aaron still couldn't help but feel a little nervous when things came to a close.Then Aaron heard a whistle coming from outside.He walked through the entrance of the tent and walked outside. The tension inside him increased little by little, reaching an extremely high level.Now he was walking past the trees and through a gap in the fence of the field.In the stands, hundreds of faces looked at him from above.At the other end of the field, the Hungarian tree peaks towered impressively.It crouched low, its wings folded halfway, guarding a nest of eggs, and stared at Aaron with a pair of vicious yellow eyes.

This is an extremely large, lizard-like reptile covered in scales.It twisted its spiked tail violently, leaving pits several meters long on the hard ground.

There was a roaring sound in the auditorium, and Aaron filtered out all these sounds.He completely eliminated distracting thoughts and concentrated on the dragon.

The challenge is to get the golden egg.Aaron did not see the golden egg, but he knew that the golden egg must be beside the dragon.The most suspicious place is the nest of eggs that the dragon is guarding now.However, judging from the look of the dragon, it was obvious that Aaron would not let Aaron take anything away from the nest of eggs.Therefore, Aaron needs to take the golden egg without attracting the attention of the dragon.

Thinking of this, Aaron took out his wand and chanted the Disappearance Charm to himself.His figure disappeared from the field instantly.There was a burst of exclamation in the audience.

Bagman shouted: "Very clever! That's a great idea!"

Aaron remained invisible and approached the dragon carefully, and soon came to a place only 50 feet away from the dragon.Here, Aaron could already see a glimmer of golden light in the nest of dragon eggs.However, he stopped at this moment.

Although Aaron was now invisible, the Hungarian tree peak could not see him.However, if he ran under the fire dragon's body to find the golden egg, he would definitely be discovered by the dragon.So Aaron now needs to lure the dragon away from the nest of eggs.

So, he raised his wand, pointed at a rock on the ground and recited the transformation spell.After a while, the rock turned into a goat.

Aaron then used the Imperius Curse to control the goat, causing it to run thirty feet past the Hungarian treetop.Hopefully it will attract the dragon's attention and make the dragon chase it.

Yes, Aaron can use the Imperius Curse.Thanks to Professor Moody.Previously, Professor Moody introduced the Unforgivable Curses to students, including Aaron, in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class and trained them to resist these spells.Since both the Cruciatus Curse and Avada's Kedavra Curse may cause irreversible damage to people, training was mainly focused on resisting the Soul-Imperius Curse.After watching Moody cast spells many times and experiencing the effects of the spell himself, Aaron found that he learned the spell naturally.

Seeing Aaron use the Imperius Curse, the noise from the stands became louder, and Bagman was also shouting something.But Aaron's full attention was now on the dragon and the goat.Therefore, I couldn't hear what they were shouting at all.

The Hungarian tree peak did attract the goat's attention, but it didn't seem to want to get too far away from its eggs, even though it kept coiling and twisting, spreading and closing its wings, closing and spreading, and those scary yellow eyes were dead He stared at the goat but never chased it.

Aaron could only let the goat keep running around the dragon, teasing the Hungarian tree peaks.He knew that he needed some patience now and must not be impatient.

Hungarian Tree Peak is not a good-tempered fire dragon, or in other words, no fire dragon has a good temper.The Hungarian tree peak is the most aggressive species even among fire dragons.I didn’t chase the goat before, just to protect its eggs.Now being constantly provoked by a goat, its anger finally overcame its rationality.I saw it standing up, spreading its wings, and dived towards the goat.

Aaron quickly controlled the goat to swing left and right and flew forward, avoiding the swipes of the dragon's tail and the flames it spewed, and seduced the Hungarian tree peak in the opposite direction to him, away from the nest of eggs.

After the Hungarian tree peak was about forty feet away from its eggs, Aaron immediately rushed decisively towards the nest of eggs.

Because Aaron ran so fast, even the Disillusionment Curse could not completely hide his figure.People in the audience can see a transparent shadow flying across the field.Suddenly, all the audience started shouting and screaming.

By this time, the Hungarian tree peak had captured the goat.I saw it whipping the goat with its tail, and the sword-like spikes on its tail penetrated deeply into the goat's body.Everyone who saw this scene knew that the goat was dead.

After killing the "fly" that provoked it, the Hungarian tree peak wanted to return to its nest and continue to guard its eggs.As soon as it turned around, it spotted Aaron's figure. It roared and was about to swoop towards him.

Aaron has been paying attention to the dragon's movements, and of course he also saw the dragon's actions.But he didn't panic because it was all within the scope of his plan.He raised his wand again and recited the eye disease spell he had prepared for a long time.

I saw a white light emitting from the end of Aaron's wand, accurately hitting Hungarian Tree Peak's eyes.The Hungarian treetop suddenly howled in pain, waving its tail randomly and spitting flames everywhere.And because the time limit has expired, the phantom spell on Aaron was also canceled at this time.Aaron's figure clearly appeared on the field again.

However, Aaron no longer needs to be invisible at this time.He ran forward quickly and soon came to the nest of eggs.He looked down at the nest of eggs and recognized the golden egg at a glance, shining brightly among its lime-gray companions.

Aaron reached out to grab the golden egg, but at this moment, a fierce flame burst out from the side.But it was the Hungarian tree peak that kept spraying flames everywhere because it was hit by an eye disease curse, and this time it happened to spray flames at Aaron.

Seeing that Aaron was about to be swallowed up by the flames, screams immediately came from the stands.

But Aaron was prepared for this.I saw him pointing his wand at the flying flames and shouting: "Knox!"

The flame disappeared immediately.

Then, Aaron picked up the golden egg, tucked it under his arm, and retreated away from the flames.

"Beautiful extinguishing spell!" Bagman shouted loudly, "Look! Our youngest warrior, he got the golden egg unscathed!"

Fierce applause and cheers immediately erupted from the stands, and the sound was deafening.

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