Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 132 Magic Wand Detection

Aaron stood up, passed Fleur, walked towards Mr. Ollivander, and handed over his wand.

"Ah, yes, I remember it very clearly." Ollivander's voice was much more excited than before, "This is the wand made by my grandfather... fifteen inches... made of elder wood... with a phoenix inside. Feathers, the most powerful and picky combination... In the more than a century since it was made, no wizard has been able to meet its requirements. I originally thought it would never find its owner... Good elasticity. Excellent condition…”

Mr. Ollivander caused a stream of silvery white smoke rings to erupt from the tip of Aaron's wand.

Smoke rings floated from one end of the room to the other. He expressed satisfaction and said, "And the last one...Mr. Potter."

Aaron returned to his seat with brisk steps, and when he passed by Harry, he gave him an encouraging smile.

"Ah, yes." When Harry handed over the wand, Mr. Ollivander's light-colored eyes suddenly flashed with excitement, "Yes, yes, yes. I remember it clearly."

Mr. Ollivander spent much longer examining Harry's wand than the others.Finally, he caused a stream of wine to squirt from the wand, then handed the wand back to Harry, declaring it to be in excellent condition.

"Thank you everyone." Dumbledore stood up at the referee's table and said, "Now you can go back to class. Maybe it is more convenient to go directly to eat. Anyway, they will end get out of class soon."

Aaron stood up and was about to leave, but the man with the black camera jumped up and cleared his throat.

"Take a photo, Dumbledore, take a photo!" Bagman shouted excitedly. "The referee and the warrior took a photo. What do you think, Rita?"

"Um - okay, let's take a group photo first." Rita Skeeter said, her eyes falling on Harry, "Maybe we can take some single photos later."

Taking pictures took a long time.No matter where she stood, Madame Maxime blocked others, and the room was too small for the photographer to stand far enough away to include her in the shot.Finally she sat down and the others stood around her.Karkaroff kept twirling his fingers around his goatee, trying to curl it.Krum, however, was hiding behind everyone.The photographer seemed particularly eager to get Fleur to the front, but Rita Skeeter always caught up and pulled Harry into a more prominent position.Then, she insisted on taking individual photos of the warriors one by one.It took a long time before they finally got out.

A few days later, an article about the Triwizard Tournament was finally published in the Daily Prophet.The author of the article is none other than Rita Skeeter.

This article is not so much a report on the tournament as it is a description of Harry's personal life.A large portion of the first page of the newspaper was taken up by a picture of Harry, and the entire article (continued on pages two, six and seven) was about Harry.Only the last few paragraphs of the article introduce Aaron.The names of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang warriors were simply squeezed into the last line of the article and were misspelled.

In this article, Aaron is described as a money worshiper.

"Yes, the prize of one thousand galleons is the main reason why I signed up for the competition."

This kind of exaggerated description made Aaron very angry.However, when this description is placed next to Harry's introduction, it is nothing.

"When our conversation turned to his parents, whom he barely remembered, those stunningly green eyes filled with tears... 'I think it was my parents who gave me strength. I know that if they could see me now , will definitely be very proud of me. ...Yes, sometimes at night, I still cry for them, and I feel no shame in admitting it. ...I know nothing in the game can hurt me because of them Protect me in the dark...'"

If the above paragraph is just embarrassing, then the following paragraph is even more embarrassing.

"Harry finally found his first love at Hogwarts. His close friend Colin Creevey said that Harry was inseparable from a girl named Hermione Granger. Miss Granger was stunningly beautiful. , was born in a Muggle family, and like Harry, she is also one of the top students in the school."

"I never knew you had this kind of relationship." Aaron held the newspaper and pointed at the paragraph above and said to Harry and Hermione.

"She made that up," Harry said. "I never said those words."

"I don't think anyone with the ability to make independent judgment would believe those words." Hermione said while looking at a notebook.The note contains the list of SPEW members.

"I didn't believe it at first," Aaron said, "but lately I've seen you two always together, excluding Ron, and I'm a little suspicious."

"We didn't exclude Ron." Harry said suddenly excitedly, "It's his problem. It's that he doesn't want to talk to me."

Aaron was startled by Harry's reaction and quickly comforted him and said, "Okay, don't get excited. Don't get excited, okay?"

"Uh... I'm sorry," Harry muttered.

"Well... are you and Ron having a conflict?" Aaron said thoughtfully.

"Yes," said Harry, "Ron thought I threw my name into the Goblet of Fire myself."

"So, he thinks you concealed this matter from him." Aaron said clearly. "He thinks that based on the relationship between the two of you, you should drag him along when you go to submit your names, or share the method with him. .”

"Yes," Harry said. "He seems to think I'm someone who likes to be in the public eye and show off."

"Well... you should have a talk with him." Aaron suggested.

But Harry said stubbornly: "I will not talk to Ron until he admits that I did not throw my name into the Goblet of Fire and apologizes for accusing me of lying. This is not my fault, it is his problem."

"But you miss him very much!" Hermione on the side also persuaded, "I know he also misses you..."

"Miss him?" Harry said, "I don't miss him..."

Regardless of whether Harry really didn't care about Ron or was duplicitous, he couldn't care less about his conflict with Ron.Because in less than two weeks, the first challenge is about to begin.As the only person who accidentally became a warrior, Harry was undoubtedly the least mentally prepared.Meanwhile, Harry's life inside the castle has become even worse because of Rita Skeeter's article about the Triwizard Tournament.

Aaron saw Slytherin students laughing at Harry in the corridors several times:

"Would you like a handkerchief, Potter, to save you from crying in Transfiguration?"

"When did you become the top student in the school, Potter? Maybe you and Longbottom started this school together, right?"

At this time, Aaron was very happy that the focus of the article was not on himself.Otherwise, Harry's treatment would probably be his own now.

On the Saturday before the first project, the school approved students from third grade and above to visit Hogsmeade.

Aaron had been to Hogsmeade last year, but this was his first time coming here openly.However, it was not a pleasant outing.Because no matter where he goes, there are people pointing fingers at him.Although the students in the school have become accustomed to Aaron's identity as a warrior, to outsiders, including the villagers of Hogsmeade, Aaron is still a curious character.

This was certainly not a fun experience, so Aaron just walked around the village briefly before returning to school.

On Sunday morning, after Aaron finished breakfast and just left the auditorium, he heard Harry calling him from behind and said: "Aaron, do you have time? I have something to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?" Aaron turned around and said.

Harry looked around and saw classmates coming and going everywhere, so he shook his head and said, "Let's go outside and talk."

When Aaron saw this scene, he immediately knew that what Harry was about to say was not suitable for others to hear, so he silently followed him towards the door.

Aaron and Harry came to the grounds outside the castle.

Harry looked around again to make sure there was no one around, and then whispered to Aaron: "Aaron, the first project is the dragon."

"What?" Aaron raised his head and said.

"It's dragons," Harry said quickly. "There are four of them, one for each of us. We must pass by them."

Aaron didn't expect that what Harry was going to say was this kind of thing, and when he heard the news, he was a little shocked.After a long time, he lowered his voice and said, "How did you know? According to regulations, we are not supposed to know the content of the project in advance."

"I saw it with my own eyes," said Harry.

"Did you see it?" Aaron asked in surprise.

"Yes." Harry said, "Hagrid secretly took me to see it last night. Those dragons are now imprisoned in the Forbidden Forest, and Ron's brother Charlie and some dragon tamers are taking care of them. The four dragons are Common Welsh Green Dragon, Swedish Brachynosaurus, Chinese Fireball and Hungarian Horntail. And I'm not the only one who saw them, Madame Maxime and Karkaroff both saw dragons, so Fleur and Krum should be too now We all know it.”

Aaron digested the information provided by Harry, and after a while he said: "This information is very useful to me. Thank you, Harry. Then I will repay you. The most effective way to deal with the fire dragon is the eye disease spell. .”

"Eye curse?"

"Yes. Dragons have very powerful magic, and ordinary spells have no effect on them. But their eyes are very fragile, and the eye disease spell can temporarily blind the dragon. If we only need to pass by the dragon, then this should be enough. That's enough. But, I don't know if you can master this spell before the first project starts." Aaron said with a look of embarrassment, "After all, the first project will be carried out next Tuesday, the day after tomorrow. "

"I don't know if this will work for me," Harry said, "but... thank you anyway."

"Okay." Aaron said, "Then, I just wish you good luck."

"Good luck to you too," Harry said.

Afterwards, Aaron and Harry said goodbye to each other.

When Aaron returned to the castle, he saw Hermione coming...

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