Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Banquet

When the golden plates were scrubbed fresh, Dumbledore stood up again.A mood of excitement and nervousness seemed to pervade the auditorium.Aaron also felt excited and didn't know what the show was next.A few seats away from him, Fred and George leaned forward and stared at Dumbledore very intently.

"The moment has finally arrived, and the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I want to explain a few words before bringing the box in." Dumbledore smiled at the suppressed faces and said, "I want to explain our The program of activities during the academic year. But first, please allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still some people who don’t know them. This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic." - There was a faint voice in the auditorium. Falling applause - "This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

The applause for Bagman was much louder than for Mr. Crouch, perhaps because of his reputation as a batsman, or perhaps simply because he was much more approachable in appearance.He waved his hand cheerfully in thanks.When Barty Crouch's name was introduced just now, Crouch neither smiled nor waved.Aaron thought of how he looked in that spotless suit at the Quidditch World Cup, and suddenly felt that he looked a little weird in the wizard's robes at the moment.Compared with Dumbledore's long white hair and beard next to him, his short toothbrush-like mustache and neatly parted hair looked very awkward.

Dumbledore continued: "Over the past few months, Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly to arrange the Triwizard Tournament. They will join me, Professor Karkaroff and Maxim Together with my wife, we will form a panel of judges to judge the efforts of the warriors.”

Upon hearing the word "warrior," the students immediately became more attentive.Dumbledore seemed to notice their sudden silence. He smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Filch, please bring up the box."

Filch, who had been unnoticed, walked out of a corner of the auditorium.He walked towards Dumbledore holding a large wooden box studded with jewels.The students watched with fascination and discussed with interest.In order to see more clearly, Dennis Creevey simply stood on the chair, but he was too small. Even if he stood, his head would not be much higher than others.

Filch carefully placed the box on the table in front of Dumbledore. After Dumbledore thanked him, he continued: "Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman have carefully planned the specific events for the Warriors competition this year." It has been reviewed. They also made many necessary arrangements for each project. There are three projects in total, which are carried out at different times throughout the school year. They will test the warriors in many different aspects and test their talents in magic. Their courage and their ability to reason. And, of course, their ability to overcome danger."

Hearing the last sentence, the auditorium became silent, and everyone seemed to stop breathing.

"You already know that there will be three warriors, each representing a participating school to participate in the competition." Dumbledore said calmly, "We will rate them based on the quality of their completion of each competition event. After the three events are completed, the score The tallest champion will win the Triwizard Cup. The one responsible for choosing champions is a just selector, which is the Goblet of Fire."

Having said this, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped the lid of the box three times.The lid slowly creaked open.Dumbledore reached in and pulled out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet.The cup itself was unremarkable at all, but it was filled with dancing blue-white flames.Dumbledore closed the box and placed the cup on the lid so that everyone in the Great Hall could clearly see it.

Just listen to continue Dumbledore said: "Every student who wants to run for the Warriors must write his name and the name of the school on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet. Those who are aspiring to become a Warrior can do so at Sign up within 24 hours. Tomorrow night, Halloween night, the Goblet of Fire will select the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet of Fire will be placed in the foyer, and all students who are willing to participate in the election will In order to prevent students who are not old enough to withstand the temptation, after the Goblet of Fire is placed in the hall, I will draw an age line around it. No one under the age of seventeen can cross this line."

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election: this competition is not a child's play. Don't participate rashly. Once the warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must persevere in the competition to the end. Who will put himself By throwing your name into the cup, you have actually signed a sacred contract that must be abided by. Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind. Therefore, please think twice before making sure that you really want to participate in the game wholeheartedly. Names thrown into the cup. Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night to everyone."

Aaron got up from his seat and walked out of the auditorium, thinking about what Dumbledore had said before.

The champions of the competition will be selected by the Goblet of Fire. Anyone who wants to become a warrior needs to throw their name into the Goblet of Fire before tomorrow night.In order to prevent underage people from participating in the election, Dumbledore will draw an age line around the Goblet of Fire.This means that the Goblet of Fire itself does not have the function of identifying the age of the candidate.Otherwise, Dumbledore doesn't need to do anything extra at all.In other words, as long as you can throw your name into the Goblet of Fire, you may be selected as a warrior even if you are not old enough.

Thinking of this, Aaron's eyes suddenly lit up, and he made preparations immediately after returning to the dormitory.

To be honest, Aaron is very interested in this competition. The honor is second, and the key is the prize of one thousand galleons.Aaron is so poor that there is probably no one poorer than him in the entire Hogwarts.Although he receives a stipend from the school every year, he is still struggling.If he could get this thousand galleons bonus, then at least he wouldn't have to worry about funding until graduation.

At this time, Aaron had already walked to the Slytherin table, and saw Karkaroff hurriedly walked to his students and said: "Okay, let's go back to the ship. Viktor, how do you feel?" Are you full? Do you want me to send someone to bring some warm wine from the kitchen?"

Aaron saw Krum shake his head and put the fur cloak back on.

"Professor, I would like to drink some wine." Another boy from Durmstrang said with salivation.

"I didn't ask you, Polyarko," said Karkaroff sternly, his fatherly gentleness disappearing in an instant, "I noticed that you dripped food on the front of your robe again, You annoying boy."

Karkaroff turned around and led his students toward the door.But when they reached the door, Karkaroff suddenly stopped and turned his head sharply to look to the side.There, Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing at the door.

Durmstrang's students followed the principal and stopped.Karkaroff's eyes were slowly moving on Harry's face, and finally he was staring at the scar.The Durmstrang students also looked at Harry curiously. The boy with soup stains on his chest poked the girl next to him and pointed at Harry's forehead without concealment.

"Yes, that's Harry Potter." came an angry voice from behind them.

Karkaroff turned sharply.Mad-Eye Moody stood there, his heavy body leaning on his crutch, his magical eye staring unblinkingly at the headmaster of Durmstrang.

Aaron saw Karkaroff's face turn pale instantly, revealing a terrifying expression of anger and fear.

"It's you!" Karkaroff stared at Moody blankly, as if he wasn't sure he really saw him.

"It's me," Moody said grimly. "Unless you have something to say to Potter, Karkaroff, then move on. You've blocked the door."

Indeed, half the students in the auditorium were waiting behind them, scrambling to look over the shoulders of those in front of them to see what was causing the traffic jam.

Professor Karkaroff said nothing more. He waved his hand and walked away with his students.Moody stared at him until he was out of sight.His magical eye stared intently at Karkaroff's back, with an expression of extreme disgust on his mutilated face.

It seems that Moody and Karkaroff had some grudge before.However, this is none of Aaron's business.So, he just looked at it briefly and walked out of the auditorium.

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