Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 Back to School


As soon as Aaron, Colin and others entered the foyer, they heard a scream from the front.

Aaron looked up and saw that Peeves, who loved to play pranks, was floating about twenty feet above the students. He was holding several big red balloons filled with water and kept smashing them at the students below. come over.

Water balloons exploded over the heads and feet of the students one after another, and the cold water sprayed out, immediately drenching everyone around them.People were screaming and pushing each other, trying to leave this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible.

"Peeves!" An angry voice shouted at this time, "Peeves, get down here!"

But Professor McGonagall rushed out of the auditorium, trying to stop Peeves.But the ground was too wet. As soon as she came out of the auditorium, she slipped and almost fell.

"Peeves, get down now!" Professor McGonagall shouted.She adjusted the tall pointed hat on her head and stared up through her square-rimmed glasses.

"I didn't do anything!" Peeves chuckled and threw another water bomb at several fifth-grade girls.

The girls screamed in fear and rushed into the auditorium.

"They're already wet anyway, right? Hey, little kid! Give me a shot!" He picked up another water bomb and aimed it at a group of second-year students who had just come in.

"I'm going to call the Headmaster!" Professor McGonagall shouted. "I'm warning you, Peeves."

Peeves stuck out his tongue, made a face, and then threw the water bomb at the group of second-year students.

The group of sophomores were right next to Aaron. If the water bomb came over, Aaron would probably be affected.

Aaron didn't want to be doused in the rain again, so he took out his wand, pointed at Peeves and said, "Wadi Wasi!"

This is a little spell that Professor Lupine demonstrated to the students last year to deal with Peeves.

The water bomb suddenly turned around and shot towards Peeves, hitting him directly in the face and exploding.

Peeves immediately threw the last few water bombs into the air and scampered up the marble stairs, cursing all the way.

"Well done, Mr. Elf." Professor McGonagall smiled and nodded to Aaron.Then he said sternly to the soaked crowd: "Okay, let's go! Enter the auditorium, hurry up!"

Aaron and Colin followed the crowd as they glided down the hall and through the two double doors on the right.

The auditorium is still as magnificent and magnificent, and it has been specially decorated for the new semester banquet.Hundreds of candles floated above the table, making the gold saucers and goblets sparkle.The four long college tables were already filled with chattering students.There was a fifth table at the top of the auditorium, with staff sitting on one side facing their students.

It's much warmer here.Aaron and Colin walked past the students of Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, and then sat at the table at the end of the hall with other Gryffindor students.Next to them is the ghost of Gryffindor House - Nearly Headless Nick.

Nick is translucent and glows with pearly whites.Tonight he wore his usual doublet, but with an extra large ruff.He wore this ruff for a dual purpose, one was to look more festive, and the other was to ensure that his head would not shake too much on his half-cut neck.He smiled at them and said, "Good evening."

Here, Aaron met Harry, Hermione and the Weasley brothers again.Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting opposite Aaron and Colin.

"Hello, Harry!" Colin greeted Harry excitedly when he saw him.Since the first grade, Colin has been crazy about Harry. He has always regarded Harry as a heroic figure.

"Hello, Colin," Harry said carefully.

"Harry, guess what? Guess what, Harry? My brother is in school too! My brother's name is Dennis!"

"Oh, great!" said Harry.

"He's so excited!" Colin said, actually bouncing on his chair. "I really hope he is sorted into Gryffindor! Please pray for him, Harry, okay?"

"Oh... ok, no problem."

While Colin and Harry were talking, Aaron looked over at the staff table.They saw the short Professor Flitwick, who taught them Charms, sitting on a pile of soft cushions. Next to him was Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher. Her hat was tilted on her flowing gray hair.She was talking to Professor Sinistra from the astronomy department.On the other side of Professor Sinistra sat a wizard with a yellow face, a hooked nose, and greasy hair. He was Snape, the Potions Professor.The seat on the other side of Snape was empty, and Aaron guessed that it was Professor McGonagall's seat. Professor McGonagall was probably having the floor of the foyer dried.

In addition to Professor McGonagall's seat, there were two empty seats at the staff table.Aaron guessed that one of them should belong to Hagrid. He should be taking the first-year students across the lake now.But there was another seat, and Aaron couldn't figure out whose it belonged to.He glanced back and forth across the staff table, not noticing anyone was missing.But when he noticed that not a single face at the staff table was new, he knew whose seat belonged to him.That should be their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's seat.Their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last year, Professor Lupine, has resigned.Aaron had heard before that the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts was cursed, and no one could stay in this position for more than three terms.

In the middle of the staff table sat the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.His flowing silver-white hair and beard shone in the candlelight, and his luxurious dark green robe was embroidered with many stars and moons.Dumbledore's two slender fingertips touched together, his chin rested on the fingertips, and his eyes looked at the ceiling above through the half-moon lenses, as if he was lost in thought.

Aaron also cast his gaze to the ceiling.The ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky outside, and Aaron had never seen it look so stormy.Black and purple clouds rolled above, and as another burst of thunder sounded outside, a forked bolt of lightning streaked across the ceiling.

Just then, Aaron heard Ron across the table sigh and say, "Oh, come on. I feel like I could eat a hippogriff now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the auditorium opened and everyone immediately fell silent.

Professor McGonagall led a long row of first-year students to the top of the auditorium.Although most of the people in the auditorium were soaked to the skin, it was nothing compared to these first-year students.They looked as if they had swum from the lake instead of taking a ferry.They stood in a row along the staff table, stopped, and faced the entire school.They were all shivering because they were cold and nervous...except for one boy, Colin's younger brother Dennis.

Dennis was wrapped in something that Aaron immediately recognized as Hagrid's moleskin coat.The coat was too big for him, and he looked as if he were beneath a black fur circus tent.This made him stand out in the crowd.His little face stuck out from his collar, and his expression was extremely excited, which was in sharp contrast to his frightened companions.When his eyes met Colin Creevey, he raised his two thumbs and said something to Colin silently.Aaron looked at the way he was mouthing and it sounded like he was saying "I fell into the lake!"

It looked like Dennis had fallen from the boat into the lake when he was crossing the lake. No wonder he was wrapped in Hagrid's coat.He didn't seem to be scared about falling into the water, but instead he was happy as hell.

At this time, Professor McGonagall placed a three-legged stool on the ground in front of the new students, and placed a tattered, dirty, and patched wizard's hat on the stool.The first-year students stared at it blankly.Others looked at it too.For a moment, there was silence in the auditorium.Then a crack near the brim opened like a mouth, and the hat suddenly sang:

That was more than 1000 years ago,

I have just been woven into shape,

There were four famous wizards,

Their names survive to this day:

Brave Gryffindor, from the barren swamp;

Beautiful Ravenclaw, from the peaceful riverside;

Benevolent Hufflepuff, from the open valley;

The shrewd Slytherin came from that quagmire.

They share a dream, a wish,

At the same time with a bold plan,

To bring up young wizards,

That's how Hogwarts was founded.

The four great wizards

Each builds his own academy,

in the students they teach

Valuable talents vary.

According to Gryffindor, the bravest

deserve the highest reward;

According to Ravenclaw, the most intelligent

always the most promising;

Hufflepuff felt that the hardest working

are most eligible for admission to the Academy;

And the power-hungry Slytherin

I like those ambitious teenagers the most.

The living years of the Four Wizards

Pick out the best students by yourself,

But when they sleep in Jiuquan,

How to pick out the talents among the students?

It was Gryffindor who figured it out,

He took me off his head,

The Big Four have injected me with ideas,

From now on, I will choose and evaluate!

Well, hold me well on the head,

I never looked away,

I want to see your mind,

Find out which academy you belong to!

After the Sorting Hat finished singing, there was warm applause in the auditorium.

At this time, Professor McGonagall unfolded a large roll of parchment and said to the first-year freshmen: "Whenever I call someone's name, they put their hats on their heads and sit on the stool. When the hat announces the house, Just go and sit down at the corresponding table.”

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